How Do I Sleep After a Brazilian Butt Lift?

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Has your butt deflated while you carry extra weight on other areas of your body? You’re certainly not alone.

A procedure like a Brazilian Butt Lift can address this issue perfectly. It is a surgery though. And that means there’s a chance you’ll experience some discomfort when attempting to sleep after a Brazilian Butt Lift.

We have some simple ways around this to make the discomfort far less. But first we’ll take a look at what this surgery entails.

The Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure

In a strange turn of events, this procedure actually has no direct connection with Brazil. Furthermore, it’s not a lift in the traditional sense of the word. It doesn’t actually address loose skin on the buttocks.

A Brazilian butt lift improves the shape and size of the buttocks in situations where there is not excess skin. Patients who want this procedure prefer fat transfer over implants and need to have adequate fat stores in other areas of the body.

So what goes into a Brazilian butt lift?

First, excess fat is removed with liposuction from areas such as the thighs, abdomen, the area above the buttocks, and the lower back. This fat is then processed and prepared for transfer. From there, the plastic surgeon injects that fat into targeted areas of the buttocks where more volume or fuller shape is desired. This is typically an outpatient procedure that uses general anesthesia or intravenous sedation and local anesthesia.

Best Ways to Sleep After a Brazilian Butt Lift 

It’s crucial that you avoid sitting directly upright for four weeks after surgery. Any decrease of circulation to the buttocks could result in the destruction of the newly transferred fat cells. (Yes, you’re allowed to sit down to use the toilet, but that’s it.)

So that means you’re going to be in a reclined position for awhile. And this is good, as rest is essential for healing after surgery. So what are the best tips for getting better rest and sleep after a Brazilian Butt Lift?

  1. Use Pillows Liberally

Supporting your body is a top priority after this surgery. It’s important to take pressure off your back and buttocks so that you’ll be comfortable. Be sure to have pillows at hand to support any and all areas that require support.

  1. Lie Flat Only on a Mattress

Whether sleeping or just resting and watching TV or reading, you don’t want to lie flat on your back for too long. And you definitely want to be on a supported mattress when you do. While it may not feel painful while you’re resting, it has the potential to put too much pressure on the back and the buttocks over the long haul.

  1. Try Side Sleeping

Ultimately, sleeping on your side is the best position when healing from this procedure. If you’re already a side sleeper, this won’t be a big order. You may want to use pillows to prop up one leg so that it’s not resting flat on the bed. Or put a pillow under each knee so there is no added weight on your lower back or buttocks.

On the other hand, if side sleeping is not your natural position, this can take some adjustment. If need be, you could take sleeping aids to help ease you into this unfamiliar territory.

Still Worried You Won’t Be Able to Sleep?

Don’t let concerns about losing sleep after a Brazilian Butt Lift deter you from getting this effective surgery.

Contact us today to get all the details on what to expect from this surgery. And should you opt for this procedure, just know that you won’t be left hanging if you have any issues getting sleep after it.

We’re always happy to provide more recommendations to ensure your healing.

The Not-So-Exotic Brazilian Butt Lift


When you hear the term Brazilian butt lift, you might believe that this cosmetic procedure hails from the far reaches of South America. In reality, it was not created in Brazil.

In 1996, an American doctor was performing a televised fat transfer surgery on a Brazilian patient. They entitled the show, “Building the Brazilian Butt,” and the name stuck.

Today, the Brazilian butt lift Is regularly performed to provide patients with a fuller buttock contour while simultaneously removing fat from problem areas. So it’s the ultimate two-fer.

The Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure

What goes into a Brazilian butt lift? It’s fairly straightforward.

First, excess fat is removed with liposuction from areas such as the thighs, abdomen, the area above your buttock, and your lower back. This fat is then processed and prepared for transfer. From there, the plastic surgeon injects that fat into targeted areas of the buttocks where you desire more volume or fuller shape.

This is typically an outpatient procedure that uses general anesthesia or intravenous sedation and local anesthesia.


Who Can Benefit from a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Along with the procedure having no direct connection with Brazil, it’s also not a lift in the traditional sense of the word. It doesn’t actually address loose skin on the buttocks. For those with sagging skin, plastic surgeons would likely recommend thigh and buttock lift surgery instead.

Meanwhile, a Brazilian butt lift goes the distance in improving the shape and size of the buttocks in situations where there is not excess skin. Patients who want this procedure prefer fat transfer over implants and need to have adequate fat stores in other areas of the body.

Why Choose Fat Transfer Over Implants?

For patients who are very lean, there may not be enough fat in other parts of the body to harvest. For them, implants are a viable solution. There are added risks with implants though that include capsular contracture and increased risk of infection. Implants also look and feel less natural when compared to the results of a Brazilian butt lift.

By contrast, the injectable fat used in a Brazilian butt lift is harvested from the patient’s body so it’s more readily accepted into the body. Plus, using the patient’s own fat allows the surgeon to provide a smoother and more uniform appearance to the backside.

Another perk of the Brazilian butt lift is that there’s the dual benefit of eliminating unwanted fat from problem areas of the body. So while the buttocks becomes curvier and more rounded, other areas of the body are flattened and contoured. It’s a win-win.

Have Your Buttocks Deflated?

If so, it may be deflating your confidence in your appearance as well. No need for that!

Contact us today to set up a free consultation to discuss the option of a Brazilian butt lift. This proven method of augmentation will help to accentuate your buttocks while providing contour to your lower body as well.


Brazilian Butt Lift

Brazilian Butt Lift

A flat, uneven backside can limit your clothing options and leave you feeling less voluptuous and womanly. Alone, a shapely, symmetrical and rounded buttock can be achieved through a buttock lift. Combined with other body contouring procedures, a butt lift can provide you with a firmer, more youthful looking lower body.

At Star Plastic Surgery, our Metro Detroit area plastic surgeons know how important it is to feel comfortable in your skin. We offer proven methods such as the Brazilian butt lift to produce a contoured, full buttock that can expand your clothing options and restore symmetry to your backside.

Surgical Candidates


Brazilian Butt Lift FAQs

What to Expect – Recovering From an Arm Lift

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Do you remember the days when you felt comfortable showing off your arms? But now there’s sagging skin on your upper arms you keep under cover.

Or maybe you lost a lot of weight and were looking forward to finally showing off your arms. Yet, now there’s excess skin hanging there.

You DO have options with a brachioplasty, or arm lift surgery. And the good news is, recovering from an arm lift is fairly straightforward.

Recovering From an Arm Lift

The brachioplasty procedure typically lasts around two to three hours and is performed under general anesthesia. And the smoother contours of your upper arm will be apparent almost immediately.

As time progresses, results will eventually be somewhat obscured by swelling and bruising. And there will be some scarring.

Recovery from brachioplasty is one of the procedures with a shorter recovery time. Yet, it’s always going to be different from person to person. But here’s what you can generally expect:

Immediately After Brachioplasty Procedure

As with any surgery, experiencing discomfort after brachioplasty is common. Any swelling and redness may be addressed with oral pain medications.

In addition, you can expect to wear a compression garment to help circulation and minimize your discomfort.

First Week

It’s during the first few days when you’ll likely experience moderate pain. Your arms will be bandaged which will limit your range of motion. This is intentional, as you don’t want to make any major movements with the arms during this time. Your muscles may also feel sore and you’ll see bruising and swelling. Increased pain and pressure near the incision site are normal – especially when your arms are in motion.

You’ll want to have someone stay with you overnight the first night and enlist a little extra help with everyday activities in the days that follow. It is crucial in the first week that you don’t lift anything over five pounds. And since you need to avoid reaching over your head, be sure you have comfortable, loose button-up shirts on hand.

Pain, swelling, and bruising will subside by the end of the week. Expect them to persist to some degree for the first month, however. You may be able to transition to OTC pain management at this point – if you need any at all.

Two to Three Weeks

Bandages and any stitches are removed one to two weeks post-surgery. You’ll have an improved range of motion and arm mobility, but you’ll have weight restrictions of 10 pounds in the second week and 15 pounds in the third. Stretching the arms is still not recommended.

Most patients return to work at this point and can perform normal activities around the house. You’ll probably have to continue wearing your compression garment though and your doctor may recommend beginning a scar therapy treatment plan.

One to Two Months

At the four- to six-week point, you can expect any swelling or bruising to resolve. You may also be cleared to remove your compression garment and routine to your regular exercise routine. Treatment for scarring will continue throughout this time.

Acquire a More Contoured Look for Your Upper Arms

You don’t need to accept sagging upper arms as one of the inevitable results of aging or weight loss.

Brachioplasty is a great option. And as stated above, recovering from an art lift is not an arduous process.

So contact us today to set up a free consultation with our board-certified surgeons. And get started on your journey to slimmer and move lovely arms.

Four Wonderful Benefits of Body Lift Surgery

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If you’ve finally lost that excess fat that’s been troubling you for awhile, you may be troubled by a new problem – excess skin.

In many cases, skin and tissue fail to contract after weight loss. And that means you’re stuck with loose and hanging skin that no dieting or amount of exercise will remove.

Fortunately, there is a way to get rid of that embarrassing skin on the abdomen, arms, buttocks, breasts, and thighs with body lift surgery.

The Many Benefits of Body Lift Surgery

While weight loss is a reason to celebrate, there can be unexpected functional and psychological issues that comes with the remaining excess skin. When you opt for body lift surgery, you’ll be able to achieve the following:

1. Finally Reach Your Weight Loss Goals

In addition to the unsightliness of that excess skin, the extra weight of it is keeping the numbers up on your scale. So if you’ve been unable to hit that target number even though you’ve trimmed off the fat, it’s because that skin is weighing you down.

Plus, excess skin causes irritation from friction and it makes exercising more difficult and less effective because it causes interference with tissue circulation. With a body lift surgery, that extra skin will be removed and you’ll finally see the numbers you’ve been aiming for on your scale.

2. Show Off Your True Contours

You’ve been diligent about your diet and exercise to achieve that weight loss. So now it’s time to show off your work.

Removing excess skin will reveal the toned muscles and contours of your new body. Of course, you’ll need to maintain the effective eating and exercising habits you’ve established up to this point. But once you see the proof of your efforts, you’ll have the motivation to do so.

3. Boost Your Confidence

Dealing with hanging skin after weight loss is more than just frustrating. The discouragement you feel long-term can take a serious hit on your confidence. And you may not even realize it.

There’s a lot to be said for finally fitting into that dress or those jeans you’ve been longing to wear. And with summer coming, think about the exhilaration you’ll feel walking down the beach and showing off your beach body.

4. Get the Exact Procedure You Need

Obviously, body lift surgery isn’t one size fits all. You’ll consult with your board-certified plastic surgeon to create a customized treatment plan that will fit your specific needs. He or she may also recommend liposuction to remove localized body fat.

So whether you’re dissatisfied with your chest, waist, arms, back, thighs, abdomen, or some combination of them, you’ll be able to achieve your aesthetic goals.

Curious About How Body Lift Surgery Could Help You?

You’re proud of the work you’ve done to lose weight. But if you’re struggling with the unsightly skin that remains, why not consider body lift surgery?

Contact us today to set up your free consultation. And get ready to streamline your body contours and finally show off the true progress of your weight loss.

Body Lift

Body Lift

Significant weight can leave patients with stubborn fat deposits and sagging, unattractive skin. This may be the result of a serious diet and exercise routine or procedures such as bariatric surgery. The end result is an unappealing, misshapen appearance that leave you feeling awkward and uncomfortable. When that happens a body lift may be the answer.

At Star Plastic Surgery, we strongly believe you deserve to feel confident and secure in your appearance. With body lift surgery, our Novi, Michigan plastic surgeons can contour and firm your body to provide you with the look you need to feel your best.

Surgical Options

Our board-certified plastic surgeons offer our patients three options for body lifts:

  • A lower body lift removes fat and skin from your thighs, hips, buttocks, and waist.
  • Mid-body lifts adds a tummy tuck to a lower body lift, removing excess skin from the abdominal area.
  • A full body lift adds body contouring procedures to your entire body, including lower body, mid-body, and arm lifts and a breast lift that dramatically changes the appearance of  the entire body.

Viewing each patient as an individual with unique needs, our experienced plastic surgeons will work closely with you to target problem areas on your body. Combining only those procedures necessary to give you the look you desire, we can customize a body lift option for you that will produce an appealing, toned physique for years to come.

The Star Plastic Surgery Advantage for Body Lifts

All patients receive the Star Cosmetic Surgery Advantage. Our surgeons are board-certified and utilize only proven, safe techniques with a focus on patient safety and comfort. Body lifts are performed in accredited hospitals or within our state of the art surgical center.

Star Plastic Surgery physicians are committed to personalized care. From the moment you walk into our office, we will work to ensure your comfort and satisfaction through your full recovery from your procedure.

If you are interested in learning if a body lift is right for you, contact us to schedule a free consultation today.

Body Contouring & Lifts

Body Contouring & Lifts

Feeling comfortable in your body is essential for self-confidence. Many people struggle to lose excess weight. Diet and exercise are sometimes inadequate to produce a desired shape. It’s not an issue of how others view you, but instead an issue of how you view yourself. With body contouring lifts, a plastic surgeon can help you achieve the look you deserve.

Ideal Candidates for Body Contouring

The Star Advantage

How Plastic Surgery Improves Quality of Life


When patients consider plastic surgery, it can be for any number of reasons – from physical to mental and emotional. They often overlap.

After all, some patients who want to improve physical features that cause embarrassment find increased self-confidence and enhanced body image post-op. So yes, plastic surgery improves quality of life.

And with surgeons worldwide using the latest technology, many of these transformations can happen in a matter of hours.

Physical Improvements

It’s fair to say that the majority of people seeking plastic surgery are looking for physical improvements. Perhaps they want to emphasize a certain part of their body – as they may with a Brazilian butt lift. For others, they want to draw the focus away from a body part such as a large nose or drooping eyebrows.

Yet, there’s another group of patients that may be looking to address an acute or chronic medical condition. Rhinoplasty or fixing a deviated septum, for instance, can greatly improve breathing for many patients. And patients who have survived breast cancer and had to have a mastectomy can benefit from reconstructive surgery.

In addition, other procedures can even address alignment issues in the body. In the cases of a tummy tuck or breast reduction, for example, patients report decreased back pain as a result of the front of the body no longer being pulled forward or the core muscles being out of balance.

Emotional/Psychological Benefits

In the vast majority of the above “physical” cases, the natural by-product of looking or feeling better is going to be higher self-esteem and a general sense of well-being that may have been missing previously.

The emotional outcomes will certainly vary from person to person. And much of this is based on their expectations. So a handful of patients may come in to have scarring or blemishes they want addressed. These procedures are usually straightforward and patients report a high rate of satisfaction.

For more complicated procedures, however, it’s crucial that patients understand what they can realistically expect. This is why each patient must spend time consulting with his or her board-certified surgeon.

Communication Is Key

Obviously, patients are made aware of the potential risks of their procedure. But if a patient is banking on plastic surgery to completely change his or her life for the better, their end result may end up being one of frustration, embarrassment, shame, or even anger.

That’s why there must be clear and concise preoperative communication between the patient and surgeon so that realistic outcome goals are established.

Plastic Surgery Improves Quality of Life

It’s pretty clear that, if done correctly and working from realistic expectations, plastic surgery improves quality of life. It can allow patients to feel empowered and confident.

What’s more, it may even allow patients to reclaim their body that was taken from them due to injury, illness, or pregnancy.

So if you’re considering plastic surgery, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll take the necessary time to discuss your personal goals and expectations to ensure the best experience possible.

Which Plastic Surgery Procedures Require More PTO?

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Any time you have surgery, some (if not a lot) of your body’s tissue is manipulated. This means there is always going to be at least a small amount of time for your natural tissue vitality to be restored.

Patients considering a procedure who have a full-time job often inquire as to which plastic surgery procedures require more PTO.


It’s an important question because planning ahead is going to give you the best odds for faster healing. Especially for procedures that have a longer recovery time.

Some Plastic Surgery Procedures Require More PTO Than Others

In a previous post, we looked at procedures with the shortest average recovery times. We say ‘average’ because no two patients will ever have the same experience. Depending on a number of factors, some of the so-called ‘shorter’ recovery time procedures end up being longer than anticipated.

Nevertheless, we’ll look at some of the more complicated procedures here and what you can expect in terms of arranging for that paid time off.

  1. SMAS Facelift

A SMAS facelift is not to be confused with the simpler in-office or ‘lunchtime’ lift (also known as MACS). The SMAS facelift is considered by many surgeons to be the only true facelift, as it is more than just a skin-supported facelift.

With a SMAS facelift, muscle and connective tissue are manipulated. As such, the recovery time is much longer. Nurse care may even be required for the first night or two.

Generally speaking, it takes about two weeks before the bruising dissipates enough that makeup becomes effective. So if you’re choosing this procedure, start saving up those days now.

  1. Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

The tummy tuck is the next biggest contender for most PTO required after a procedure. Similar to the SMAS facelift, nurse care may be required for the first night or two.

Because of the complexity of this procedure, it is crucial to do sit-ups for at least six weeks. That doesn’t mean you’ll need to take six weeks off though! Most people do well by planning to take a week and a half to two weeks off.

You may find you’re ready to go back after five days or so. But whatever the case, you’ll still need to wear a compression garment and avoid heavy lifting for four to six weeks.

  1. Nose Job (Rhinoplasty)

The good news is, rhinoplasty doesn’t require aftercare nursing. And the pain will likely be mild for only a couple of days.

Unfortunately, the under-eye bruising is significant for a solid week – regardless of any efforts to conceal it. So if you’re in the public eye, the recommended time off for rhinoplasty is one week.

  1. Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

The general recommendation for time off after a BBL is three to seven days. It all depends on your ability to tolerate pain.

There is going to be swelling after a BBL procedure so you’ll be required to wear a compression garment for eight weeks. This also means that you shouldn’t sit or sleep directly on your buttocks for one to two weeks. You can sit on a donut cushion though and sleep on your side.

  1. Breast Reduction/Lift/Implants

Much like the BBL, the recommendation for time off after a breast reduction/lift/implant is in the three to seven-day range.

A breast reduction removes excess tissue and fat and raises the breasts without manipulation of the pectoralis major muscle. This fact means there will only be some discomfort – though you can expect swelling and bruising.

Additionally, in the case of a breast lift that does NOT require manipulating the pectoralis major muscle, the discomfort may also not last too long. The bruising and swelling could stick around for seven to ten days though.

Meanwhile, in an augmentation procedure where the implant is placed under the pectoralis major, there is going to be more discomfort for an average of four to seven days.

At the end of the day, the amount of time you opt to take off for any of these breast procedures will depend largely on your ability to deal with pain.

Be Realistic When Considering the Time Off You’ll Need

While the above plastic surgery procedures require more PTO than many others, it’s important to remain realistic about what you need during recovery.

There will be times post-op when you feel more discomfort than other times. You’ll want to prepare for those.

So if you’re considering a procedure, be sure to contact us to get the low-down on what you might expect from your own recovery based on how you specifically heal. Then you can more comfortably go from there.

Is Combining Plastic Surgery Procedures Safe?

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Does the idea of combining plastic surgery procedures sound appealing to you? Well, you’re not alone.

One of the great things about plastic surgery is that combining procedures is not unusual. And if a patient has no contraindications and is healthy enough to remain under prolonged anesthesia, it’s quite safe.

This isn’t to say, however, that just any combination of procedures should be performed. And you want to ensure that you have a highly-skilled surgeon with experience in multiple surgeries.

Popular Plastic Surgery Combos

If you’re thinking you’d like to get a couple (or even three) areas taken care of at once, your plastic surgeon will offer recommendations and counsel you on the best next steps.

There are numerous pairings that can be performed. We’ll take a look at a few of the more popular ones.

  1. Mommy Makeover

The Mommy Makeover is the quintessential example of a combination of procedures. And it’s also one of the most popular choices among patients.

Pregnancy takes a toll on a woman’s body. Multiple pregnancies even more so. That’s why plastic surgeons developed this smorgasbord of procedures. There are several components and the combination depends on the patient’s unique goals.

For example, most women want to rid themselves of the abdominal flab that comes post pregnancy. In this case, they would choose a tummy tuck. Add to that, women who have lost breast volume may also opt for an augmentation and/or breast lift. In some cases, there may even be requests for vaginal rejuvenation.

Whatever the combination, women come out feeling more confident and better about their post-pregnancy bodies.

  1. Facelift with Blepharoplasty or Fat Transfer

The facelift procedure is also very popular. In the simplest terms, it’s a surgical reconstruction of the face to render a younger appearance. In cases where excess skin has developed around the eyelids, the facelift may be combined with a blepharoplasty, or eyelid lift. In this procedure, excess skin, fat, and muscles are removed to rejuvenate the appearance of the eyes.

In cases where a patient wants more volume in his or her face, there may also be a fat transfer surgery performed during the facelift procedure. This means that fat is harvested from areas of the body where there is excess fat and it is moved to the face.

(As an aside, fat transfer may also be performed during breast and butt lift procedures.)

  1. Tummy Tuck with Liposuction or Breast Enlargement

The tummy tuck is a popular procedure that’s often paired with other procedures. When patients are struggling with diet- and exercise-resistant fat, surgeons may recommend both a tummy tuck and liposuction. The tummy tuck creates a smooth contour while the liposuction vacuums out extra fat cells that could potentially become problematic.

Meanwhile, for patients who desire both a flatter belly and more voluminous breasts, a tummy tuck can be combined with breast enlargement. It’s the perfect combination.

Are There Particular Benefits to Combining Plastic Surgery Procedures?

If you stop to think about it, there are many logistics involved in a surgery. These include surgeon and anesthesiologist fees, operating room costs, and other expenses. Combining procedures saves you money.

Plus, going under anesthesia once is always preferred to multiple times as it reduces the risk of anesthesia-related complications. And your recovery period will be markedly shorter too because you’ll be healing from multiple procedures at once. So that means less down time.

Finally, there’s a lot to be said for achieving multiple goals at once. When you come out of the operating room having had multiple procedures, you’re going to notice much more dramatic (and ultimately satisfying) results. And it’s impossible to put a price on that.

Curious About Multiple Procedures?

Combining plastic surgery procedures is safe and highly effective when performed by a skilled and board-certified surgeon.

So if you have a certain combination in mind, contact us today to find out if it’s going to make sense for you.

Even though all procedures can’t be paired with others, you may be pleasantly surprised to find out yours can!