Is It Possible to Avoid Capsular Contracture?

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You may not think about it this way, but the body is an amazingly efficient machine. Every system works together to keep it running optimally.

So when a foreign body (such as a breast implant) is introduced into the “machine,” the body’s systems jump into action to create a capsule of scar tissue around it to keep the body protected. Unfortunately, that capsule can tighten over time and create a painful condition known as capsular contracture.

If you’re prepping for breast implant surgery, you may be wondering if there are ways to avoid capsular contracture.

Work ONLY With a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

There are preoperative requirements such as avoiding drugs, foods, and supplements that thin the blood for two weeks before the surgery.

But the foundation of avoiding capsular contracture starts with all of the details that go into how the procedure is performed. So it’s important you insist on a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in breast implantation.

First, a qualified surgeon may choose to place the implant under the chest muscle (a procedure known as sub muscular implant placement) if that’s an option. He or she will also be cautious to minimally handle the implant before implementation to reduce risk of bacterial contamination.

Additionally, an experienced surgeon will guide you to the proper size of implant that will suit you best. For example, if you have naturally smaller breasts and are looking to increase the size, your doctor will need to determine the size that your breast tissue can adequately cover. In other words, too large an implant can lead to capsular contracture.

Finally, the type of implant is also an important consideration. Textured surface gel implants appear to reduce the risk of capsular contracture. As opposed to smooth implants, the body has a harder time forming thick scar tissue around it. Even so, textured implants aren’t ideal for everyone.

How Can YOU Prevent Capsular Contracture?

One of the very best things you can do to prevent capsular contracture after surgery is to perform a daily breast massage. Your board-certified plastic surgeon will likely recommend this and can verbally explain how to massage the region safely and/or provide instructional materials.

It’s important to understand that massage can help prevent the capsule from tightening, but there’s no guarantee that it will stop the process.

There are further actions you can take (or not take, as the case may be):

  1. Avoid Heavy Lifting or Repetitive Arm Motion

It takes around six weeks for the body to form the capsule after breast implant surgery. So it’s crucial during that time that the tissues of the pectoralis muscle are protected from repetitive or intense motion. That means you’re off the hook for any heavy lifting (over 20 pounds) or activities such as vacuuming or raking.

  1. Steer Clear of High Impact Activities

You may be happy to get out of housework or yard work for six weeks. But if you’re a fitness enthusiast, you may not feel so excited. Especially if you love playing tennis or golf, running, or doing any other exercise that requires jumping or swinging of the arms. You’ll need to find something lower key during that time.

  1. Request An Antibiotic Prophylaxis During Dental Visits

This may sound odd, but when you get your teeth cleaned, the scraping can potentially force bacteria into the tiny blood vessels of the gums and then into the blood stream. Presence of bacteria in the blood stream can cause the body to go into defense mode similar to that from after your surgery and lead to capsular contracture. So let your dentist know that you’ve had implant surgery.

Ultimately, if you can work it out as such, it’s much better to schedule all of your dental work (including cavities, root canals, implants, etc.) prior to augmentation surgery.

Set Up Your Free Consultation

Are you considering breast implant surgery? Contact us today to set up a free consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons.

Entrusting your breast implant surgery to a highly skilled plastic surgeon is your first best move to avoid capsular contracture and get the results you desire.

What Causes Capsular Contracture?

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There’s no arguing that breast augmentation surgery is one of the most popular and effective procedures in the United States.

For women who have undergone a mastectomy, or those who simply want to restore a more youthful appearance to their breasts, the procedure is a godsend.

What’s more, with the many advances in medical and surgical technology, complications from breast augmentation surgery are rare.

Even so, they do occur. And the most common complication is that of capsular contracture.

What Is Capsular Contracture?

Any time the body is subject to the insertion of a foreign body, it naturally forms a capsule of scar tissue around the implanted object. This is a normal part of the healing process. Whenever the body doesn’t immediately recognize an object, it forms a barrier to isolate the object and protect itself.

In the case of breast implants, fibrous scar tissue forms around the implant. This may sound problematic, but it’s actually a positive thing. The capsule assists in keeping the implant in place so as to avoid any slippage.

For a small handful of patients though, it CAN become problematic. If the body goes into overdrive in its protective measures, the scar tissue may tighten around the implant and then squeeze it. This is known as capsular contracture and it can not only distort the shape of the breast, but it can cause it to rise higher on the chest and even create chronic pain.

Why Does It Happen?

Generally speaking, the reasons that these few patients develop capsular contracture while others do not are not well known. One factor is the way an individual body responds to “invasion.”

Since each body is different and the composition of connective tissue varies from patient to patient, there is no universal response. This is the same reason that one person might develop thick scar tissue after sustaining a deep cut, while another may only experience subtle scarring that eventually fades.

In other words, each person has a unique healing process. Some immune systems respond more poorly to foreign objects than others. Furthermore, if a patient’s immune system is already compromised – such as it might be after receiving radiation therapy – he or she is more likely to experience capsular contracture.

Additional factors such as a ruptured implant, a hematoma, bacteria, or a genetic predisposition for scarring can also increase one’s risk.

What Are the Signs?

If one or both breasts look or feel different after surgery, it could be capsular contracture. Although it’s possible there will be no symptoms at all. At first, at least. This is known as a Grade 1 capsular contracture.

At the Grade 2 level, the breasts have either minor or no noticeable change in shape, but may feel somewhat firm to the touch.  At this point, breast massage can alleviate and begin to reverse any further progress.

If the breasts are firm to the touch and appear overly round or have misshapen nipples, this is a Grade 3 contracture. The breasts also tend to look hard – although the patient may experience little to no pain. A surgeon may recommend ultrasound therapy with targeted massage to help break up the excess scar tissue and release the capsule.

With a Grade 4 capsular contracture, the breasts are hard and very obviously misshapen. Patients experience tenderness, soreness, and pain when their breasts are touched. This highest level of capsular contracture typically requires breast implant revision surgery.

But once again, capsular contracture at any level is not a common occurrence. And a Grade 4 is even more unusual.

Is Breast Augmentation Right for You?

Of course, complications during plastic surgery are now very rare, both because of advances in surgical techniques and stringent sanitizing. In addition, plastic surgeons can more easily predict which patients are likely to experience capsular contracture and recommend alternatives.

So if you’re considering breast augmentation, contact us today for a free consultation. We’ll take every single factor into consideration before advising this surgery.

That way, you can assure the best possible results.



Breast Augmentation Terminology Part 2 (L-Z)


Are you considering breast augmentation and want to do all your research first? If so, you may have read our first post on breast augmentation terminology.

So as not to overwhelm our readers, we only addressed the first half of the alphabet.

We’ll finish the job here with the second half of the alphabet so that you don’t need to scour the internet to find them.

Breast Augmentation Terminology (L-Z)

Just as we did in our first post, we won’t do a serious deep dive into the terminology. And just as some of the words in the first list didn’t apply to you, the same will apply here. But you can never have too much knowledge, right? So let’s take a look.

Mammary Hypoplasia

If one or both of your breasts are pointed, square, or oval in shape, your doctor may have diagnosed you with mammary hypoplasia. It’s a condition caused by breast malformation and typically occurs because the breast didn’t fully form during puberty. The areolar area may be constricted or collapsed, there may be a high breast fold, and/or the breast tissue tilts downward. Augmentation can repair this, but the constricted tissue will first need to be released.

Periareolar Incision

The area on the breast that includes the nipple and the surrounding pigmented skin is known as the nipple-areolar complex. A periareolar incision is one that’s made on the outside edge of this area. If you’re looking at a breast lift, the surgeon may use this to remove excess skin – though there are other applications.


One of the reasons people may hesitate to have breast augmentation is the possibility of a breast implant rupture. This is a rare occurrence, however. It can happen at any point after the procedure and is often the result of surgical instruments, trauma, under- or overfilling breast implants, capsular contracture, or excessive compression. While there will always be a risk with any surgery, it’s very important to vet your surgeon and ensure that he or she is board-certified and highly qualified.

Subglandular or Subpectoral Implant Placement

Subglandular implant placement is known as over-the-muscle placement, while subpectoral implant placement is under-the-muscle placement. Subglandular has a shorter recovery time but may not look as natural on certain body types. Subpectoral has a slightly longer recovery time but offers improved support and a more natural look.


On extremely rare occasions, the breast implants may settle too close together after the augmentation procedure and there is little to no room between the breasts. This is known as symmastia and is usually the result of over-dissection of the pocket.

Textured Breast Implants

Textured breast implants are subjected to a texturizing process that creates a grained surface on the outer shell of the implant to help reduce the risk of malposition or flipping of the implant. Many surgeons no longer promote this since it appears to correlate with the development of Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL).

Transaxillary Incision

A transaxillary incision is made in the armpit and the implant is placed using an endoscopic surgical camera. It reduces the appearance of scarring. It is not among the more common techniques and requires specific skill and experience.

Upper Pole Fullness

If you’re looking for breast augmentation because your breasts have somewhat fallen flat, then you’re looking for what’s called upper pole fullness. This term refers to the breast area’s shape, contour, and volume above the nipple. (Below the nipple is known as the lower pole.) Increasing upper pole fullness makes cleavage more prominent and gives the breast a rounder appearance. The size and profile of your chosen breast implant will determine how much upper pole fullness you’ll achieve.

Are You Considering Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Between this post and last week’s post, you now have more familiarity with breast augmentation terminology.

So if you’re thinking about getting breast augmentation, contact us today.

During your free consultation, you can ask the surgeon any further questions you have about the terminology as well as discuss the intricacies of the procedure. Then you can get that breast augmentation with confidence.

Are There Different Breast Implant Placement Options?

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If you’re considering breast augmentation, you’ve probably researched different types of implants, and started thinking about the size you want.

But did you know that there are different breast implant placement options too? (Great! Another thing to think about!)

This is a good thing, though. To get the most natural look for your breast implants, the last thing you want is a “one-size-fits-all” approach. Especially when it comes to the procedure.

What Are the Breast implant Placement Options?

You don’t need to stress too much. Fortunately, there are only two options. The breast implant is placed under your breast tissue and over your chest muscles, or under the breast tissue and partially under the pectoralis major.

Both provide great results and which one is right for you will come down to a number of factors that you’ll discuss thoroughly with your board-certified plastic surgeon. He or she will provide you with the choice that will deliver the best aesthetic results.

For the sake of understanding the difference between the two, here’s how they compare:

Over the Muscle

Also referred to as sub glandular placement, the over the muscle option involves placing the implants on top of the pectoralis major muscle but under the glandular breast tissue.

Because this option produces a lifted appearance, it’s often recommended to patients whose breasts tend to sag from having a larger amount of natural breast tissue. The tissue offers support and coverage for the implants. Without proper coverage, the implant can take on the appearance of being artificially inflated.

Another benefit of sub glandular placement is the ability of the implant to move with the breasts over the years as they go through changes. This gives them a more natural appearance for many years. In addition, over the muscle placement is a slightly easier procedure and requires a little less recovery time. Since the chest muscle isn’t altered, there’s no risk of the implants visibly distorting during exercise of daily movements.

That said, there IS a slightly increased possibility of visible folds or rippling with this sort of placement. Especially for patients with less natural breast tissue. In addition, subgladular implants tend to interfere more with mammogram readings and may result in the patient having to incorporate ultrasounds or other modalities.

Under the Muscle

Not to be confused with the term sub glandular, the sub muscular (under the muscle) procedure is a bit more involved. In this case, the implant is placed under the skin, fat, glands, AND the pectoralis major.

Yet, it’s also placed on top of the inner pectoralis minor and serratus muscles. Doing it this way allows for the pectoralis major muscle to cover the top and side of the implant while the natural breast tissue covers the bottom and outer edge. This creates a smoother and more natural looking transition from the chest to the implant.

Sub muscular implants interfere less with mammogram readings and they have a lower incidence of capsular contracture.

Even so, the more complicated nature of the procedure means there is usually a slightly longer surgery time and recovery period. This is because the surgeon has to cut and detach the pectoralis major muscle. There’s also an increased chance of the implants becoming distorted when the chest contracts, and/or migrating upward toward the armpit. Patients usually experience diminished strength in the chest muscles after this surgery as well.

So your plastic surgeon will carefully consider whether this placement option is your best bet.

Are Breast Implants Right For You?

When it comes to choosing between the two breast implant placement options, you can take heart in knowing that you’ll never be alone in that decision.

Contact us today to set up your free consultation and get started.

After an examination, your surgeon will discuss your goals and expectations with you. From there, the two of you will decide which option is right for you.

Is It Time to Replace Your Breast Implants?


If you had breast augmentation in the past ten years, you may be wondering if it’s time to replace your breast implants.

The truth is, the vast majority of breast implants will never need replacing because of medical reasons. Especially after a decade. Today’s advanced techniques and improved manufacturing practices have allowed for this.

Even so, you may have other reasons for not wanting your breast implants any longer.

How Long Breast Implants Last

Breast implants come with no guarantees. But what in life does, really? Most of the current available implants are very safe and last a bare minimum of ten years – as long as there are no complications.

Of course, how much longer your implant will last after that initial ten years is based on a number of factors. These include your health, the size and shape of your chosen implant, and your surgeon’s expertise.

One of the biggest determining factors, though, is the type of implant you chose.


Of the two different types, silicone implants are the more resilient. They have only a .5% rupture rate per year so it’s not unusual for these to last for decades. In some cases, they may even last for a woman’s lifetime.

One of the major drawbacks of silicone, however, is that it’s more difficult to detect ruptures or other damage if they do occur. So while the implants can last a long time, patients need to stay up-to-date on checkups and stay in touch with their board-certified plastic surgeon.


By contrast, saline implants have a 1% rupture rate per year. Still quite minimal, but they are also more prone to shifting and rippling than silicone implants are. So while it’s possible for them to last for decades, it’s likely they will need some sort of maintenance every ten to fifteen years.

The benefit of a saline implant rupturing is that the body can absorb saline so the rupture is less serious.

So Is It Ever Really Time to Replace Your Breast Implants?

Outside of car accidents, trauma, or needle biopsies, it’s rare for a rupture to occur many years out from the initial surgery. So you likely won’t feel a medical need for replacing them. That said, there are still other reasons you may choose replacement surgery.

Perhaps you’re feeling like the size of the implant you chose is no longer a good fit. You may want to go bigger or smaller.

It’s also possible that as you’ve aged, your skin has become looser, your hormones have changed, and your body weight fluctuated. This can result in your breasts changing as well and the implants may no longer look natural.

Finally, tissue stretching and good ole’ gravity can cause breasts and implants to malposition in a variety of ways. They may be shifting sideways, bottoming out, or moving closer together.

All of these may warrant breast implant replacement surgery.


What Happens During Breast Implant Replacement Surgery?

Unless a longstanding rupture is involved, the replacement surgery is relatively simple and straightforward. And the recovery time will be minimal; usually only a couple of days.

A rupture that’s gone undetected, however, can result in capsular contracture.

Part of the healing process for the body is to form a capsule of fibrous scar tissue around any implanted device. The capsule not only creates a protective barrier, but it also assists in keeping the implant in place so as to avoid slippage.

But when the body goes into overdrive to protect itself from the “foreign” body – in this case, the ruptured implant – the scar tissue tightens around the implant and then constricts it. This is known as capsular contracture.

To treat the capsular contracture, the surgeon would need to perform a capsulectomy. And if there’s already too much inflammation to replace the implant, you may have to wait up to six months before you can get a new one. Recovery will also take longer.

The Choice Is Yours!

If you’ve had implants for more than a few years without complications, the chances are minuscule that you’ll need to replace them for medical reasons.

By the same token, if your current implants are no longer serving you or even making you feel self-conscious, then THAT’S the time to replace breast implants.

Contact us today to talk to our board-certified plastic surgeons. We’ll help you  We can answer any questions, address concerns, and put an action plan into place for you.

The Not-So-Exotic Brazilian Butt Lift


When you hear the term Brazilian butt lift, you might believe that this cosmetic procedure hails from the far reaches of South America. In reality, it was not created in Brazil.

In 1996, an American doctor was performing a televised fat transfer surgery on a Brazilian patient. They entitled the show, “Building the Brazilian Butt,” and the name stuck.

Today, the Brazilian butt lift Is regularly performed to provide patients with a fuller buttock contour while simultaneously removing fat from problem areas. So it’s the ultimate two-fer.

The Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure

What goes into a Brazilian butt lift? It’s fairly straightforward.

First, excess fat is removed with liposuction from areas such as the thighs, abdomen, the area above your buttock, and your lower back. This fat is then processed and prepared for transfer. From there, the plastic surgeon injects that fat into targeted areas of the buttocks where you desire more volume or fuller shape.

This is typically an outpatient procedure that uses general anesthesia or intravenous sedation and local anesthesia.


Who Can Benefit from a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Along with the procedure having no direct connection with Brazil, it’s also not a lift in the traditional sense of the word. It doesn’t actually address loose skin on the buttocks. For those with sagging skin, plastic surgeons would likely recommend thigh and buttock lift surgery instead.

Meanwhile, a Brazilian butt lift goes the distance in improving the shape and size of the buttocks in situations where there is not excess skin. Patients who want this procedure prefer fat transfer over implants and need to have adequate fat stores in other areas of the body.

Why Choose Fat Transfer Over Implants?

For patients who are very lean, there may not be enough fat in other parts of the body to harvest. For them, implants are a viable solution. There are added risks with implants though that include capsular contracture and increased risk of infection. Implants also look and feel less natural when compared to the results of a Brazilian butt lift.

By contrast, the injectable fat used in a Brazilian butt lift is harvested from the patient’s body so it’s more readily accepted into the body. Plus, using the patient’s own fat allows the surgeon to provide a smoother and more uniform appearance to the backside.

Another perk of the Brazilian butt lift is that there’s the dual benefit of eliminating unwanted fat from problem areas of the body. So while the buttocks becomes curvier and more rounded, other areas of the body are flattened and contoured. It’s a win-win.

Have Your Buttocks Deflated?

If so, it may be deflating your confidence in your appearance as well. No need for that!

Contact us today to set up a free consultation to discuss the option of a Brazilian butt lift. This proven method of augmentation will help to accentuate your buttocks while providing contour to your lower body as well.


How Long Breast Implants

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How Long Breast Implants Last

Are you considering breast implants? If so, you’ll be amazed at how much they can improve your self-image and leave you feeling more confident.

Breast implants are a fantastic investment. Even so, breast implants do have an expiration date.

As such, it’s important to have some idea of how long breast implants last, as well as reasons you might need them replaced before they expire. That way, you can plan appropriately.

How Long Breast Implants Last

While there’s no guaranteed amount of time you can be sure your implant will last, most of today’s implants last a minimum of ten years if there are no complications. Of course, how long yours lasts will depend on a number of factors.

One of the biggest factors is whether you choose silicone or saline implants.


Of the two different types, silicone implants are the more resilient. As such, it’s not at all unusual for these to last for decades. In some cases, they may even last for a woman’s lifetime. Again, this depends on several factors.

But one of the drawbacks of silicone is that it’s more difficult to detect ruptures or other damage if they do occur. So while the implants can last a long time, patients need to stay up-to-date on checkups and stay in touch with their board-certified plastic surgeon.


Meanwhile, saline implants are more prone to shifting and rippling than silicone implants are. So while it’s possible for them to last for decades, it’s likely they will need some sort of maintenance every ten to fifteen years.

They also have a somewhat higher risk of rupturing. But since saline can be absorbed by the body and silicone can’t, a rupture is less serious.

So clearly each type of implant has its pros and cons.

Reasons For Implant Replacement or Removal

These days, complications during plastic surgery are exceedingly rare. Advances in surgical techniques along with an increased understanding of how patients are likely to experience a procedure have contributed to this.

Still, along with the possibility of a rupture, an implant can get displaced, malfunction, or bottom out. Then there’s also the chance for capsular contracture. This is when the capsule of scar tissue that forms around the implant to protect the body becomes unusually hard and starts to contract around it. This is not common though.

Some patients may experience a change in personal taste or lifestyle over time that leaves them wanting to change the type and/or size of the implant.

Finally, on very rare occasions, a patient may experience breast implant-related illness that warrants a removal. Regardless of the situation that prompts breast implant replacement or removal, the plastic surgeon will always consider every factor at play to recommend the appropriate course of action.

Have Questions About Breast Implants?

At the end of the day, your lifestyle, unique body constitution, and the plastic surgeon you choose will determine how long breast implants last.

So if you’re still left with questions about breast implants, feel free to contact us for a free consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons. He or she will assess your situation and give you a more educated estimate as to how long your implants should last.

Do You Need Revision Surgery?

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Plastic surgery can be life-changing in so many positive ways. There are occasions though, rare as they may be, where the results of the surgery aren’t… ideal.

In the vast majority of plastic surgery procedures, when you do the research and choose a board-certified plastic surgeon to perform it, the results are exactly what you’d hoped for and anticipated.

But in unusual cases where the surgery results in unaddressed issues or more problems rather than fewer, you will need to look into revision surgery.

There Are Multiple Forms of Revision Surgery

Revision surgery is any procedure that is performed to correct negative issues that resulted from a previous surgery. And to be clear, it is not unique to plastic surgery. It’s performed across the spectrum of surgical specialities.

That’s why it’s essential to vet any surgeon that will be operating on you. Just because a plastic surgeon has a degree doesn’t mean he or she is uniquely qualified to perform the procedure you require. And if you end up with a botched up job, you could end up struggling with excessive scarring, aesthetic problems, or even functional issues.

While there are any number of revision surgeries, the following are among the most common in plastic surgery:

  1. Facial Procedures

Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, requires precision to deliver exact results. If the nostrils end up too narrow or wide or the tip of the nose is droopy after surgery, it’s impossible to hide. So this is among the most common revision procedures for plastic surgery.

In addition, rhinoplasty may be performed for functional issues such as improving breathing and reducing snoring. If the initial surgery fails to address these, a revision surgery would be a definite consideration.

It would also be suggested for patients who are dissatisfied with continued jowls or changes to appearance after a facelift; or for those who are uncomfortable with the look, feel, or size of facial implants.


  1. Breast Procedures

When patients come in for either a breast lift, breast augmentation, or breast reduction, they are seeking breasts that are symmetrical and have a natural look and feel. This is also true for patients who have undergone reconstructive surgery after a mastectomy. If a surgeon is unable to deliver these results, a revision surgery is needed.

In addition, revision surgery is required if there is capsular contracture, or the breast implant has deflated, eroded, or is simply malpositioned.

  1. Tummy Tuck

Surgical revision after a tummy tuck, a.k.a. abdominoplasty, is not as common. And in many cases, it’s not technically revision surgery if the patient’s dissatisfaction is the result of gaining or losing weight or getting pregnant after the surgery.

There are rare incidents though where a raised scar, abnormal belly button, or continued excess skin are cause for revision surgery.

No matter what the cause for potential revision surgery, it is not a decision to be made without weighing all your options.

Revision Surgery Is Not a Quick Go-To

Keep in mind that recovery from any surgery takes time. You don’t want to be too quick to assume that something terrible is happening during the healing process. You’ll need to be patient. Swelling subsides, scars fade, and the body eventually adjusts to its new situation. Depending on a wide array of factors, could take up to a year.

In addition, you’ll be faced with the additional cost of the surgery, as well as the recovery time required after the procedure. In other words, it’s not a quick solution. So unless you’re deeply dissatisfied or the surgeon has made an egregious error, it should only be considered after a great deal of thought.

Are You Dissatisfied With a Plastic Surgical Procedure?

If you’re not happy with the outcome of a plastic surgery procedure and would like to explore the option of revision surgery, contact us today for a free consultation.

You’ll be able to sit down with our doctors and discuss all of your options.

Then it’s determined that revision is right for you, you can rest easy in knowing that our board-certified plastic surgeons skilled in the revision process will give you the results you desired – and deserved – the first time around.

Maintaining Plastic Surgery Post-Op Results

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Plastic surgery is just like any other surgery.

So just as you wouldn’t (we hope!) do nothing but sit on your couch and eat salty potato chips after heart surgery, there are effective ways of maintaining plastic surgery post-op results too.

Although some of them may require a small amount of medical intervention, but most of them are pretty straightforward lifestyle choices.

Healthy Lifestyle Choices Make a Big Difference

To maintain plastic surgery results more effectively, you’ll need to take a look at the choices you make from day to day. Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Are You Eating a Healthy Diet?

Large shifts in weight gain and loss can ruin the elastin and collagen of the skin, so it’s important you’re eating well.

Avoid foods that are high in sugar, dairy, and refined grains – especially right after your surgery. They can increase inflammation, swelling, and pain.

Then once you’ve recovered from your surgery, you’ll want to continue focusing on healthy eating. This is especially key after any body shaping procedure. For example, maintaining low visceral fat after a tummy tuck is crucial.

Whatever the case, stick with lean protein. Healing incisions and all postoperative wounds require 1gm of protein per kilogram of bodyweight. After the healing process, 1/2gm per kilogram bodyweight is appropriate to maintain healthy muscle mass and a strong immune system.

Also, eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to keep that post-surgical shape. A nutritionist may be worth the money to protect your plastic surgery investment.

  1. How Often Do You Exercise?

Obviously you don’t want to crank out an hour on the elliptical immediately following surgery. But once you get the okay from your surgeon, you’ll want to either return to or start a regular exercise regimen three to four times per week.

You may want to work with a personal trainer who is familiar with your situation and is aware of the most effective exercises. For instance, someone who understands what would be the best core exercise after abdominoplasty to help keep the abdomen flat after diastasis repair.

He or she can also help you to find the perfect balance between cardio and strength training to keep you feeling more energized rather than burnt out.

  1. What Do You Do to Protect Your Skin?

No matter your procedure, it’s important to take care of your skin. So keep your exposure to the sun at a minimum by using sunblock (an SPF of at least 50 – even in the winter) and wearing the appropriate clothing to protect against harmful UV rays.

In addition, use moisturizers containing hyaluronic acid moisturizers after any face procedures. ALLASTIN Trihex Technology is a solid recommendation.

  1. Do You Smoke?

No matter how much you may love smoking tobacco, the negative effects on the body and skin can’t be denied. It can actually slow your body’s healing process as well.

So whatever plastic surgery procedure you’ve chosen, be sure to avoid tobacco while you recover in order to heal properly. Then after that, make the effort to quit altogether. Not smoking will ensure your plastic surgery results will last even longer.

  1. How Much Water Do You Drink?

Post-plastic surgery care includes adequate hydration. As water is essential to replenish fluids lost during surgery, you’ll want to drink plenty of it. And then make it a regular part of your life to keep your body operating at its optimal capacity.

  1. Do You Get Enough Sleep? 

Yeah, we know. Getting enough sleep is a tough one. But given its tremendous healing powers, it’s crucial you’re making the effort to get the right amount each night.

Maintaining Plastic Surgery Post-Op Results Medically

While diet, exercise, and healthy lifestyle choices are key in maintaining your post surgical results, it’s impossible to stop the aging process or to rewire your genetics. So you may want to consider nonsurgical touch-up procedures to help enhance and extend your results.

For example, touch up liposuction after a tummy tuck can further improve the thick abdominal flap. Fillers, laser, PRP, and fat can be used to support the 3D improvement after a face lift. Your surgeon may even recommend botox to weaken forehead muscles after a brow lift.

Another factor to consider post surgery is capsular contracture. So in the case of breast augmentation, you’ll want to use prophylactic antibiotics with all dental cleanings and procedures and remain hyper vigilant of all possible infections that may also instigate a capsular contracture.

Your board-certified plastic surgeon will supply you with a comprehensive packet of post-operative instructions. Following these will ensure the healthiest recovery. And don’t hesitate to ask him or her specific questions about your recovery process.

Are You Considering Plastic Surgery?

Plastic surgery is sound investment. Especially when you go the distance in maintaining plastic surgery post-op results.

So if you’re considering improving your life with a plastic surgery procedure, then contact us today. We’ll be happy to sit down with you to discuss all of your many options.

When to Replace Breast Implants

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Okay. We’ll admit it. We drew you in with the title. In reality, there is almost no need to replace breast implants.

With advanced techniques and improved manufacturing practices, the vast majority of today’s implants stand up to the test of time.

That said, with a rupture rate of .5% per year for silicone and 1% for silicone, there are rare occasions when a breast implant may need replacement.

Why Would a Breast Implant Rupture?

Implant rupture can happen for any number of reasons including trauma from an accident, needle insertion during a biopsy, or even just the normal aging of the implant – although this last reason is far more common in implants sold before 2006.

There are distinct differences between a saline and a silicone rupture though.


When a saline implant ruptures or its valve fails, the saline typically leaks out over the course of a few days. As the body absorbs the saline, the breast looks increasingly deflated.

As such, it’s fairly simple to detect a saline rupture during a physical exam.

With silicone, things get a little more complicated.


Because silicone is thicker than saline, when there’s a rupture, it happens more slowly. Furthermore, silicone gel is not absorbed by the body.

As we mentioned above, improved manufacturing practices have decreased the possibility of rupture. Modern silicone implants have thicker shells and more cohesive gel fillers than their predecessors. In the rare event that one ruptures, it often gets a tear in the shell which can compromise the appearance and shape of the implant and the breast. The patient may also experience pain, firmness, and swelling.

Other patients with a rupture, however, have no noticeable symptoms. This is known as a “silent rupture” and is not detectable through a simple physical examination. So the best way to ensure there is no silicone implant rupture is through an MRI, ultrasound, or, in some cases, a mammogram.

Then There’s Capsular Contracture

Another big reason for replacing breast implants is capsular contracture which may or may not be the result of a rupture.

It’s a normal and natural part of the healing process for the body to form a capsule of fibrous scar tissue around any implanted device. The capsule not only creates a protective barrier, but it also assists in keeping the implant in place so as to avoid slippage.

But when the body goes into overdrive to protect itself from the “foreign” body – in this case, the breast implant – the scar tissue tightens around the implant and then constricts it. This is known as capsular contracture. It can cause a misshapen breast and become painful.

The reasons that a tiny percentage of patients develop this condition is not entirely clear.

There are different grades of capsular contracture and the lower grades are often treated with breast massage and ultrasound therapy. Breast implant replacement or revision is only required for the most severe cases. And these are very rare.

Are You Concerned About Your Breast Implants?

Because the need to replace breast implants is so minimal, it’s likely that you don’t need replacements.

However, if you’re experiencing any change in size, shape, or cohesiveness with your breasts after receiving implants, it’s important you acknowledge these.

Don’t hesitate to contact us. We can answer any questions, address concerns, and put an action plan into place if need be.