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Pioneers In Plastic Surgery – Johannes “Jan” Fredericus Samuel Esser

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If you’ve never heard of Johannes “Jan” Fredericus Samuel Esser, you’re not alone.

There’s the off-chance that you know him as the man who coined the term “stent” for the dental impression compound created by English dentist Charles Stent for facial reconstruction. It would later be used to expand constricted tubes of body tissue.

In the plastic surgery world though, he’s better known as a Dutch plastic surgeon who pioneered innovative methods of reconstructive surgery during World War I.

Early Life

Born in 1877 in Leiden, Netherlands, Esser suffered an attack of acute rheumatism in his youth. When he was thirteen, he lost his father and his grandfather followed shortly after. His mother, overcome with grief, became a recluse and couldn’t care for her children any longer. He and his siblings were placed with foster families.

Even at his young age, Esser was able to successfully sell the family home and buy new property. With such business acumen, it seemed for a while that Esser was heading into the business world. He was also a distinguished chess player and quickly defeated all the best players in Leiden.

Entry Into Medicine

Esser was such an excellent student that he gained entrance at Leiden – the oldest university in Holland – to study medicine. He demonstrated a profound interest in anatomy and assembled a collection of malformed skulls.

He continued to play in chess tournaments and wrote a column for the daily paper. His income from these ventures enabled him to finish his medical studies and graduate in 1903. He was also crowned Dutch National Chess Champion in the same year.

He practiced throughout the Netherlands and Europe. When the First World War struck, he became known for the treatment of frostbite, the improvement of various arterial lobes and pre-prosthetic–kineplastic amputation–stump formation, and cheek rotation flaps to address facial defects. He also performed breast reconstruction, facelifts, and hand and foot operations that included transplantation of toes.

Position of Prestige

His revolutionary work drew the attention of three university professors in Berlin who offered him a position in 1917 as head physician for plastic surgery. He eventually settled there.

A year later in 1918, he was awarded a medical license by the Ministry of Science, Art, and National Education. August Karl Gustav Bier, a famous general surgeon, emphatically recommended him.

In terms of his contribution to the proliferation and establishment of plastic surgery, his years in Berlin (1917-1925) were his most productive. He developed innovative surgical techniques, operated in 23 different hospitals, published groundbreaking articles, had connections with colleagues at specialist society meetings, and had a bevy of skilled assistants.

Esser would go on to operate on request as a consultant for Berlin’s most well-known surgeons. His main focus was plastic and reconstructive surgery of the face.

Johannes “Jan” Fredericus Samuel Esser Paved the Way

Without pioneers like Johannes “Jan” Fredericus Samuel Esser, plastic surgery as it exists today would never have come to fruition.

Fortunately, plastic surgery has come a long way since the early 20th century. So if you’re considering a procedure today, contact us.

You’ll have the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’ll be under the best and most advanced medical care today.


Are There Different Kinds of Anesthesia Used in Plastic Surgery?

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When you’re considering a plastic surgery procedure, it’s helpful to know what sort of anesthesia the doctor will administer so you can plan accordingly.

Then again, maybe you aren’t even aware that there are different kinds of anesthesia. Don’t worry! That’s not all that unusual.

So just in case you’re in the unknowing camp, we’ll educate you here.

Different Kinds of Anesthesia Used in Plastic Surgery

The type of anesthesia used for your procedure will depend on a number of factors. One is the length of the surgery. Another is the complexity of it. Your overall health is also a deciding factor.

In general, the plastic surgeon will make this decision. However, you may be asked for your input on preferences as well. Whatever the case, here’s a rundown of what you can possibly expect.

  1. General

General anesthesia is only used for major surgeries like breast augmentation or a tummy tuck where you would need to be completely unconscious and unable to experience pain. With general anesthesia, your brain doesn’t respond to pain signals or to reflexes so that you stay still during the surgery. General anesthesia has the greatest degree of risk – though it’s still minimal.

Within the category of general anesthesia there are two subcategories: intravenous and inhalation anesthetics.


Intravenous general anesthesia involves injection directly into your blood stream to depress the central nervous system. Your vital signs, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation are monitored very carefully throughout the procedure. Your level of consciousness is also watched to ensure you don’t begin to awaken during the procedure.


With inhalation general anesthesia, the anesthetizing compounds are carried to the blood and tissues through the lungs rather than via an injection. It should be noted that inhalation anesthetics are typically not used alone but rather in tandem with intravenous anesthetics – the combination of which is referred to as balanced anesthesia.

  1. Twilight

Twilight anesthesia comes with even fewer risks than general anesthesia. Also known as intravenous or conscious sedation, this form of moderate anesthesia is coupled with sedation to keep you calm and without pain during surgery.

But it also enables you to be slightly responsive during surgery so if the surgeon has questions, you’re able to answer them. And you won’t recall the procedure when it’s completed.

  1. Regional

Regional anesthesia is administered with an injection around a major nerve near the surgical site. It doesn’t cause any loss of consciousness, but it does block pain throughout the surgery and often during the initial part of recovery. Regional anesthesia is most often used for procedures on very sensitive parts of the body such as the hands.

  1. Local

Finally, if you’re having a minor procedure that doesn’t require extensive incisions, a local anesthetic is usually the first choice. Local anesthesia differs from regional in that it’s a much less complex injection that merely numbs the area with an agent such as lidocaine. In some cases, your board-certified surgeon may also recommend an oral sedative to keep you calm and relaxed during the procedure.

Are You Ready for Your Procedure?

Now that you’re aware of the different kinds of anesthesia used in plastic surgery, you have a better idea of what to expect.

So take the next step and contact us today to set up your free consultation.

Our board-certified surgeons will answer your questions, address any concerns, and make sure you’re fully informed so you can go into your procedure with complete peace of mind.


Facial Fillers Versus a Facelift

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There comes a time in every person’s life when, as much as you might still feel like you’re in your 20s, your face tells a different story.

While you may not achieve that youthful look of your 20s again, you needn’t be resigned to the visual ravages of aging. So if you’re considering taking action, you may be wondering what your options are.

It comes down to facial fillers versus a facelift. Each of these procedures has its benefits and which one you choose will depend on your specific situation.

Best Candidates for Dermal Fillers

In terms of facial rejuvenation, dermal fillers (or injectables) are becoming more and more popular. Especially because they don’t require going under the knife.

Even so, fillers have their limits. They are not effective for the finely etched-in lines that occur with more advanced age.

For younger patients who are in the early stages of wrinkles or collagen loss though, fillers are the less extreme option. They are minimally invasive and can effectively restore lost volume. Restoring volume can also help to eliminate wrinkles and drooping skin. Along with filling in newer wrinkles, fillers can also augment thin cheeks and fill hollow temples.

Another plus is that there is virtually no downtime – although they do require multiple visits for maintenance. But they’re a great way to refresh for a more youthful appearance.

Types of Dermal Injectables

Dermal injectables fall into two categories. The first are neurodilators such as Botox or other similar neurotoxins that work by “freezing” overactive muscles in the face to treat dynamic wrinkles. Then there are dermal fillers such as Teoxane and Juvederm products which are hyaluronic acid fillers that address static wrinkles such as nasolabial folds (i.e. laugh lines) and the marionette line folds that develop between the corners of the mouth and continue down to the jaw line.

Both types of injectables can help stave off the need for facial surgery in younger patients. For older patients, they can also enhance the results of a facelift.

Speaking of which…

Benefits of a Facelift

Though fillers do a terrific job of replacing fat in the lips or cheeks, only a facelift can actually remove excess skin around the jowls and then tighten the skin. This can render a remarkable difference in your appearance.

Facelifts are more effective than fillers in treating severe signs of aging. Through repositioning the facial fat pads, this procedure improves facial volume and contours. And when working with a skilled board-certified plastic surgeon, you can be sure that any incisions will be carefully hidden for a more natural-looking appearance.

Best Candidates for a Facelift

For patients with deep wrinkles, or excess or sagging skin, a facelift is a better option to address these problems for the long-term.

Unlike fillers though, a facelift is a surgical procedure. Therefore, it will require downtime for recovery. The best candidates for this procedure should also be in overall good health, still have some skin elasticity, not smoke, and (perhaps most importantly) have realistic expectations.

Facial Fillers Versus a Facelift – Which One is Right For You?

You don’t have to face the question of facial fillers versus a facelift on your own.

If you’re considering which is the better option for you, then contact us today for a free consultation. Our qualified and trained professionals will point you in the right direction.

And soon enough, looking in the mirror will bring a smile to your more youthful face.

Looking Younger Isn’t Just Vanity

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People get plastic surgery for many reasons. Of course, we’ve addressed important health reasons such as easing respiration, improving vision, and restoring balance.

As such, there are those that believe plastic surgery is “fine” for those reasons, but pass judgment on those who want to look younger.

The reality is, looking younger isn’t just vanity. In fact, there are multiple mental health benefits that come from having procedures with that goal in mind.

The Positive Psychological Benefits

Some folks believe firmly in the idea of aging gracefully. Until aging actually hits and the effects aren’t so graceful. And when someone is bothered by the appearance of being old, it can have a profound influence on how they live their lives and feel about themselves.

For example, while some women are fine with the aftereffects of pregnancy, others are disturbed by looking older after having their last child. Childbearing can take a serious toll on a woman’s body. For most, the full breasts and flatter stomach from their youth are distant memories.

Or perhaps one man is fine with thinning hair and eventually becoming bald. It may even lend to his appearance. But that’s not the case for everyone. So these men (and women) may seek out ways to fill their hairline with hair implants or other treatments.

In all of these scenarios, there is nobody in the wrong. Each of us has our own comfort level with aging. And if looking younger through a plastic surgery procedure leads to more self-confidence, then that’s a big plus.

And self-confidence isn’t the only improvement.

Positive Mental Health Outcomes

When we can acknowledge that we’re not comfortable with looking older and then take action toward self-improvement, it can be very empowering.

Research backs. A study published in Clinical Psychological Science looked at two groups of people. The first group decided to get a plastic surgery procedure to improve their appearance. The second group wanted a procedure, but did not have one.

Those who opted-in reported mental health improvements in a vast array of areas. They experienced less depression, anxiety and social phobia, while increased self-esteem, well-being, quality of life, and even attaining of goals.

So How Could That Be?

So it makes perfect sense that self-esteem and well-being would be improved upon looking younger. But what about attaining of goals?

Authors of the study can only surmise that those who look younger also feel younger and more self-assured so they are likely to take more risks to achieve their goals. It’s impossible to say for sure, but there is a wealth of anecdotal evidence that points to many uplifting mental benefits of looking younger.

Of course, there are no guarantees. And it’s important that each person approach plastic surgery with a realistic expectation rather than seeing it as a magical way to drink from the fountain of youth. (Those with body dysmorphic disorder, for instance, will never be satisfied.)

Going in with that understanding will make all the difference.

Looking Younger Isn’t Just Vanity

Given all the mental health benefits, it’s clear that looking younger isn’t just vanity. So if you’ve been feeling down about looking older and debating about whether to get a cosmetic procedure, contact us today.

During your free consultation, we’ll sit down with you and discuss what you can realistically expect from your procedure. Then you can make an informed decision from there.


Using Nicotine During Plastic Surgery Recovery

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If you’re a smoker, it’s likely you know the risks involved. And you may even feel some resistance to reading about yet another reason to quit using nicotine.

But if you’re planning to have plastic surgery it’s truly in your best interest to give up smoking and nicotine before the procedure so that your recovery will go smoothly.

Because the fact is, using nicotine during plastic surgery recovery can result in some very negative repercussions.

Plastic Surgery Is Unique

Of course, smoking and using nicotine during any surgical procedure recovery is going to slow healing and require the body to work harder. But what makes it even riskier during recovery from plastic surgery is the intricate involvement of the blood vessels.

A board-certified plastic surgeon is required to work in layers of skin, fascia, fat, and muscle. Within each of these layers there is lifting, pulling, stretching, and repositioning that severs blood vessels. As these vessels heal, it’s the job of the remaining blood vessels to pick up the slack so that the tissues can stay oxygenated and receive the nutrients needed for healing.

Nicotine constricts blood vessels – resulting in inadequate oxygen supply to these layers. And without proper oxygen, healing is not only compromised, but you run the risk of destroying tissues.

According to statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), nicotine users are 27% more likely to experience necrosis (tissue death) after an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck). And they are 12.5 times more likely to have tissue necrosis after a facelift procedure.

And among smokers, there’s a 33% incidence of implant loss who require immediate breast reconstruction surgery with implants after a mastectomy.

And It Isn’t Just Smoking…

In case you didn’t notice, we aren’t discussing smoking as the only culprit here. The problem is nicotine. And nicotine delivery can come in many forms including gum, e-cigarettes, patches, cigars, chewing tobacco, etc.

So when your plastic surgeon says you need to stop smoking within four weeks before your procedure, he or she isn’t just talking about just giving cigarettes the ax. He or she means all forms of nicotine.

And the reason you are asked to quit at least a month before the procedure is that regular nicotine use keeps the blood vessels in a constricted state. Thus, quitting four weeks out of the surgery allows the vessels to open up and prepares them to supply the blood needed for proper healing.

Other Risks of Using Nicotine During Plastic Surgery Recovery

The above mentioned necrosis is terrifying. But perhaps the numbers weren’t enough to convince you of the problems with using nicotine when having a plastic surgery procedure.

Even if you don’t experience tissue death, you can bet you’ll be facing a heightened risk of infection during recovery. Plus, if fat cells are not able to heal, you could be burdened with hardened lumps in the targeted area. Scarring will likely be thicker and more pigmented. And you’ll experience more post-operative pain and discomfort.

In addition, you could experience permanent damage to small blood vessels, as well as an increased risk of heart attack and stroke during and after surgery, and a heightened risk of pneumonia after surgery.

Quitting Is Tough, But Worth It

Getting a confidence-boosting and life-improving plastic surgery procedure can be great motivation for finally kicking the nicotine habit. Plus, you’ll be giving your health a boost.

There’s no easy way to quit. But avoiding triggers like stress and alcohol, spending time with non-smoking friends, keeping yourself busy, and downloading apps that deliver positive reinforcement can be good places to begin.

You may even want to put an “after” picture of how you want to look after your procedure on your bathroom mirror and phone’s wallpaper for additional inspiration.

We Want to Help You Look and FEEL Better

You want to reap the benefits of your life-changing surgery. But using nicotine during plastic surgery recovery can easily put the kibosh on that.

And abstaining from nicotine use before your procedure will set the stage for a healthier you long after the surgery. So if you’re ready to say goodbye to nicotine for good, contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

We’ll be happy to discuss with you any concerns you might have about quitting nicotine so you can have the best experience possible.


Increase Muscle Mass With Emsculpt

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Are you a fitness buff but are finding that your workouts aren’t exactly working out? That no matter how many grimacing crunches or grunting dead lifts you perform, it doesn’t seem to make a difference?

You’ve hit the dreaded workout plateau.

It’s that unpleasant space of existence where your workouts seem for naught because NOTHING is changing. Fortunately, you can lose fat and increase muscle mass with Emsculpt.

And here’s the kicker – you need only lie back and relax.

Build Muscle Mass With No Effort?

At this point, you may be shaking your head and getting ready to occupy your mind with something else. And our asking you to suspend your disbelief for a moment may come across as downright audacious.

We get it.

But Emsculpt is the real deal. It’s not a magical cream or elixir. Rather, it’s technology that uses non-invasive, high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy to implode fat cells while simultaneously building muscle.

Furthermore, it’s cleared by the FDA for the purpose of improving tone and strengthening muscles. It’s a completely non-invasive procedure that triggers 20,000 supramaximal muscle contractions in the course of 30 minutes.

What this essentially means is that it’s able to affect the muscles in a way that would be impossible for you to do voluntarily. For example, it’s as if you could do 20,000 sit-ups in the course of 30 minutes.

Emsculpt Is Not Just for the Abs Though

Many who seek out Emsculpt procedures focus on improving their abs. And it’s extremely effective for this area. Plus, toning the abdominal muscles with have the natural outcome of increasing core strength and stability. This, in turn, can relieve back pain.

In addition, studies show a 10% narrowing of the gap of diastasis recti – the partial or complete separation of the rectus abdominis that creates a protruding belly pooch and is common following pregnancy.

Yet Emsculpt is also commonly used for the buttocks. There are even smaller paddles utilized to target the biceps, triceps, thighs, and calves.  For instance, golfers and tennis players use Emsculpt to improve the strength of their swings and explosive maneuvers.

And all with no needles, no incisions, and no anesthesia.

What to Expect From Emsculpt

Think of Emsculpt as an intense workout, except all the work is done for you with no sweating and no downtime. There is also no pre/post treatment preparation; although coming in hydrated is always beneficial for any body sculpting procedure.

Emsculpt treatments run 30 minutes per treatment and there will be a minimum of 4 sessions scheduled 2-3 days apart.

So here’s how it works:

You relax back onto a table while a small device is strapped over the area you’re targeting. Facilitators give you tips on ways to breathe and relax through the session.

Power from the device slowly increases and your muscles begin to contract, creating a very intense vibration that may feel strange at first. After a few contractions, the machine switches to a tapping action in order to break down the lactic acid your muscles produce during the contractions.

At the end of 30 minutes, you’re done. You’ll likely feel some muscle soreness the next day – just as you would after an intense workout. Visible improvements appear two to six weeks after the last session and continue to improve for several weeks following the sessions.

It’s important to note that this treatment is most optimal for patients who are in overall good health, physically active, have a BMI of 30 or under, and want to enhance where their regular exercise program has plateaued.

In other words, it’s not meant to replace regular exercise and good eating habits.

Ready to Lose Fat and Increase Muscle Mass with Emsculpt?

Hitting a workout plateau is discouraging.

So why not lose that problematic fat and increase muscle mass with Emsculpt? It will help you reach your next fitness level while feeling great and looking amazing!

Contact us today for a free consultation. We’ll put together a treatment plan tailored to your specific goals.

What Causes Capsular Contracture?

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There’s no arguing that breast augmentation surgery is one of the most popular and effective procedures in the United States.

For women who have undergone a mastectomy, or those who simply want to restore a more youthful appearance to their breasts, the procedure is a godsend.

What’s more, with the many advances in medical and surgical technology, complications from breast augmentation surgery are rare.

Even so, they do occur. And the most common complication is that of capsular contracture.

What Is Capsular Contracture?

Any time the body is subject to the insertion of a foreign body, it naturally forms a capsule of scar tissue around the implanted object. This is a normal part of the healing process. Whenever the body doesn’t immediately recognize an object, it forms a barrier to isolate the object and protect itself.

In the case of breast implants, fibrous scar tissue forms around the implant. This may sound problematic, but it’s actually a positive thing. The capsule assists in keeping the implant in place so as to avoid any slippage.

For a small handful of patients though, it CAN become problematic. If the body goes into overdrive in its protective measures, the scar tissue may tighten around the implant and then squeeze it. This is known as capsular contracture and it can not only distort the shape of the breast, but it can cause it to rise higher on the chest and even create chronic pain.

Why Does It Happen?

Generally speaking, the reasons that these few patients develop capsular contracture while others do not are not well known. One factor is the way an individual body responds to “invasion.”

Since each body is different and the composition of connective tissue varies from patient to patient, there is no universal response. This is the same reason that one person might develop thick scar tissue after sustaining a deep cut, while another may only experience subtle scarring that eventually fades.

In other words, each person has a unique healing process. Some immune systems respond more poorly to foreign objects than others. Furthermore, if a patient’s immune system is already compromised – such as it might be after receiving radiation therapy – he or she is more likely to experience capsular contracture.

Additional factors such as a ruptured implant, a hematoma, bacteria, or a genetic predisposition for scarring can also increase one’s risk.

What Are the Signs?

If one or both breasts look or feel different after surgery, it could be capsular contracture. Although it’s possible there will be no symptoms at all. At first, at least. This is known as a Grade 1 capsular contracture.

At the Grade 2 level, the breasts have either minor or no noticeable change in shape, but may feel somewhat firm to the touch.  At this point, breast massage can alleviate and begin to reverse any further progress.

If the breasts are firm to the touch and appear overly round or have misshapen nipples, this is a Grade 3 contracture. The breasts also tend to look hard – although the patient may experience little to no pain. A surgeon may recommend ultrasound therapy with targeted massage to help break up the excess scar tissue and release the capsule.

With a Grade 4 capsular contracture, the breasts are hard and very obviously misshapen. Patients experience tenderness, soreness, and pain when their breasts are touched. This highest level of capsular contracture typically requires breast implant revision surgery.

But once again, capsular contracture at any level is not a common occurrence. And a Grade 4 is even more unusual.

Is Breast Augmentation Right for You?

Of course, complications during plastic surgery are now very rare, both because of advances in surgical techniques and stringent sanitizing. In addition, plastic surgeons can more easily predict which patients are likely to experience capsular contracture and recommend alternatives.

So if you’re considering breast augmentation, contact us today for a free consultation. We’ll take every single factor into consideration before advising this surgery.

That way, you can assure the best possible results.



What Is the Use for BOTOX® in Plastic Surgery?

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Unless you’re living in a bunker where you’ve been locked away since the late 1970s, you’re probably familiar with BOTOX®.

And you probably know that it’s used for wrinkles. But did you know that there are other applications for BOTOX® in plastic surgery?

Some of them might surprise you.

BOTOX® in Plastic Surgery to Treat Wrinkles

In a nutshell, BOTOX® is a toxin that blocks specific chemical signals from nerves. In cases of treating wrinkles, they are the signals that cause muscles to contract.

This makes sense because if you look in the mirror and contract the muscles of your face, you’ll see that’s where those wrinkles and crevices have formed.

When getting BOTOX® treatment for wrinkles, a tiny amount of BOTOX® is injected in the skin via a thin needle. This relaxes the facial muscles – keeping them from tensing up and accentuating the formerly visible lines.

The number of injections required varies from person to person and depends on a number of factors. But it is safe for long term use and should you decide to stop using it, there will be no negative impact on the treated areas.

Interestingly, as people started getting BOTOX® treatments for wrinkles over the years, those with migraines noticed their headaches weren’t as bad. Doctors began to study it as a potential treatment for the condition.

In the meantime, plastic surgeons started discovering other applications for botox in plastic surgery.


Hyperhidrosis is an uncomfortable and embarrassing condition. More commonly known as excessive sweating, it can be limited to one area of the body or more generalized over large areas of the body. Whatever the case, it can have a hugely negative impact on one’s life.

In cases where it affects specific areas of the body it’s known as focal hyperhidrosis. And BOTOX® is proving to be a particularly effective treatment for it.

Just as it blocks the nerve signals responsible for muscle contraction in treating wrinkles, BOTOX® does the same for signals that cue sweating. This, in turn, stops the sweat glands from going into overdrive. It seems to be particularly effective for the underarms, though the hands, feet, scalp, groin, and other localized areas can all be treated.

The nerves regenerate in four to six months and treatment is required again. But over time, patients will be able to go longer between treatments.

Masseter Muscle Hypertrophy

Although it sounds scary, masseter muscle hypertrophy is merely the soft enlargement of the jaw muscles near the angle of the lower jaw. The enlargement is most commonly caused by clenching of the jaws, excessive chewing, age, or genetics.

Masseter muscle hypertrophy is rarely a health problem. It can be a visual problem though, as it causes the jaw line to become more square in shape. If the enlargement is too big, it can even cause facial disfigurement.

BOTOX® is used to run interference on masseter muscle hypertrophy. Injections are administered directly into the masseter muscle where the BOTOX® interferes with the neurotransmitter mechanism. This produces selective loss of muscle function and an eventual decrease in the muscle’s mass.

The procedure only takes a few minutes, but will require three to seven days before the patient experiences its full effects.

Facial Asymmetry

You’ve become accustomed to looking in the mirror and seeing your reflection. But when your reflection is flipped around, you may start to notice the asymmetries of your face. Everyone has them, to some degree.

Some cases are more noticeable than others though. In situations where the asymmetry is not major, plastic surgeons will often inject BOTOX® in the chin, cheeks, jawline, and/or lips to restore facial contours and bring balance to your face.

It’s a simple and entirely customizable process that requires almost no downtime.

Interested in What BOTOX® Can Do for You?

As time goes on, there’s a good chance that plastic surgeons will find even more ways to utilize BOTOX® in plastic surgery.

But for now, if you think you could benefit from any of the current applications, then contact us today.

The better you feel about how you look, the more confident you’ll be. And during our fall specials, BOTOX® is just $10 per unit.

At that price, you can afford a lot of confidence!

When Are Steroids Used in Plastic Surgery?

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When you think of plastic surgery, the first thing that pops to mind is probably not steroids.

But the steroids used in plastic surgery aren’t meant to make you buff or accentuate your newly revitalized appearance.

They are used as part of the healing process. And they aren’t used in every procedure.

When Are Steroids Used in Plastic Surgery?

Steroids have multiple applications in the expansive field of plastic surgery. We’ll take a look at four of the biggest areas.

  1. Post Op Swelling

Every type of plastic surgery procedure is going to require some amount of downtime. In some cases it might be days. In others, it could be more like months once all is said and done.

For those who undergo plastic surgery, returning to work and activities of daily living as soon as possible is key. Steroids can reduce swelling and even improve bruising following surgeries. This is especially important for facial surgeries.

Studies have shown that a single dose early steroid administration right after rhinoplasty surgery does reduce bruising and swelling around the nose and eyes. However, this is not a long term fix. Three days post surgery, they don’t seem to have much benefit.

Therefore, a short course of steroids around the time of surgery is considered most beneficial in improving healing.

  1. Healing Scars/Keloids

If you have a noticeable, poorly healed scar in a highly visible place such as on your face or hands, it can negatively impact how you feel about your appearance. A non-invasive procedure involving steroids can help.

That’s because steroids break the bonds between collagen fibers, thereby reducing the amount of scar tissue beneath the skin.

What’s more, steroids can also prevent a surgical wound from becoming a hypertrophic scar or keloid. So if you’re thinking about having plastic surgery, but have a history of hypertrophic scars or keloids, your plastic surgeon may inject steroids into the area before surgery begins.

These injections can either prevent a scar or keloid from forming, or reduce the scar’s size. Surgeons may also administer an additional steroid injection during surgery.

In the event that a scar or keloid develops post surgery, steroid injections every four to six weeks – for a total of five injections – are recommended.

  1. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

Patients with CTS have compression of the median nerve in the wrist. This can create numbness, pain, and even disability. Before succumbing to surgery, doctors recommend a steroid injection of the wrist.

In fact, according to a study published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the official medical journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, about one-third of patients treated with steroid injections for carpal tunnel syndrome didn’t need any further treatment over the course of several years follow up.

This seems to indicate that corticosteroid injections in the treatment of CTS are therapeutic. Further studies are needed, however, to determine which groups of patients are more likely to gain lasting benefit from steroid injections.

  1. Topical Treatment of Postinflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH)

Although new technology is making strides in treating skin conditions for dark-skinned individuals, postinflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) has been the most common adverse effect of laser treatment in this population.

Therefore, a recent study set out to investigate the effect of short-term application of topical corticosteroids on the incidence of PIH. After ablative fractional resurfacing surgery, a topical corticosteroid cream was applied to one side of the face for the first 2 days, followed by an application of petrolatum jelly for the rest of the week. The other side was treated with petrolatum alone.

The side of the face treated with petrolatum alone had a higher incidence of PIH (75%) than the side of the face treated with the topical corticosteroids and petrolatum (40%). Plus, the PIH occurring on the petrolatum-treated sides was significantly higher in intensity and covered a larger area when compared with the corticosteroid- and petrolatum-treated sides.

The Healing Power of Steroids

It’s clear that the steroids used in plastic surgery are not long term. Yet in the short term, they can have some pretty powerful healing effects.

So if you’re considering a plastic surgery procedure and have further questions about how steroids may be a part of your healing, contact us today for a free consultation.

A board-certified surgeon will be happy to go into full detail about their use to put your mind at ease.