Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Plastic Surgery

Nearly every plastic surgeon has been posed with the question, “Can plastic surgery help with body dysmorphic disorder?” There is no simple answer. The relationship between body dysmorphic disorder and plastic surgery is complicated. This is due to the complex nature of this condition. So much of it depends on the severity of the disorder.


How Plastic Surgery Affects Self-Esteem

There are multiple reasons people seek out plastic surgery procedures. As such, there are myriad different procedures available from butt lifts to rhinoplasty to breast augmentation. While there are those who think plastic surgery is something only the most vain among us engage in, there is something to be said for how plastic surgery affects


How Often Should I Get a Facial?

Once you get your first facial, you’ll be amazed by the results. While there are at-home treatments that can help to maintain your skin in between facials, nothing can take the place of a regular professional facial. Yet even though a facial can leave your skin feeling refreshed and renewed, it’s not something you should


How Plastic Surgery Extends Life Expectancy

You’d be hard pressed to find anyone that doesn’t know that the benefits of plastic surgery include increased confidence and a more youthful appearance. But it turns out that in some cases, plastic surgery extends life expectancy too. Because there are many occasions when plastic surgery also leads to to a healthier body and lifestyle.


What to Look for in a Plastic Surgeon

Are you ready to take the next step on your journey to increasing confidence and looking younger? If so, you may be wondering what to look for in a plastic surgeon. Making the decision to have a surgical procedure is a big deal and not one to take lightly. So just as you probably took


What Is the Permanence of Plastic Surgery?

If you’re pondering getting some “work” done, you may be wondering… what is the permanence of plastic surgery? We could go all philosophical and tell you that nothing is permanent. Just as you may get work done on your house – such as a new roof – you know that over time, you will need