The Details on High Volume and Debulking Liposuction

If you’re a naturally large person, you may find it far too easy to put on weight and far too difficult to take it off. You may have even considered getting liposuction, but feel that it may not make much of a difference for you. Fortunately, there is now high volume and debulking liposuction that


Maintaining Plastic Surgery Post-Op Results

Plastic surgery is just like any other surgery. So just as you wouldn’t (we hope!) do nothing but sit on your couch and eat salty potato chips after heart surgery, there are effective ways of maintaining plastic surgery post-op results too. Although some of them may require a small amount of medical intervention, but most


What to Expect From a Lower Eye Lift

When you glance in the mirror, are you bothered by sagging, wrinkles, or bags in the under-eye area? If so, you can smooth out and tighten that area with a lower lid blepharoplasty – also known as a lower eye lift. The lower eye lift is not a one-size-fits-all procedure though. So knowing what to


What Is an Upper Body Lift?

Losing a lot of weight is something to celebrate. Yet, after massive weight loss, there are often multiple skin folds of the lateral chest and back. In addition, there may be loose skin on the arms and sagging in the breasts. And no amount of diet and exercise alleviates the condition – zapping some of


What Are the Different Types of Breast Lifts?

Do you fondly remember a time when your breasts were firmer, rounder or perkier? Or perhaps they’ve never had the fullness you desire. If so, now is the time to consider mastopexy – a.k.a. a breast lift. In this procedure, a plastic surgeon can raise and reshape your breasts to give them the look you


Improving Loose Skin After Massive Weight Loss

  There are so many benefits to losing a lot of weight. Along with feeling more confident about your appearance, it can help with conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. Massive weight loss has also shown to improve cholesterol, blood glucose, and insulin levels, as well as relieve back pain. The only real