How Fat Removal Helps with Diabetes

Are you considering liposuction to remove stubborn fat that won’t go away with diet and exercise? If so, it’s entirely possible that you could experience another benefit beyond looking and feeling better about yourself. You may be able to reduce the risk of diabetes with liposuction. And if you’re already diabetic, fat removal helps with


Can You Have Plastic Surgery to Reduce Back Pain?

The short answer is yes. In our last post, we discussed how a tummy tuck procedure can help correct poor posture and ease back pain by strengthening and supporting the spine. But an abdominoplasty isn’t the only plastic surgery to reduce back pain. In fact, one of the most obvious ways to decrease pain in


The Health Benefits of a Tummy Tuck

The Health Benefits of a Tummy Tuck Do you struggle with back pain that comes from poor posture? As much as you might try to sit or stand up tall and straight, it doesn’t seem to help. Before you opt for back surgery though, you may want to consider a tummy tuck. It may sound


Boosting Self Esteem with Plastic Surgery

Do you have an area of your body that you wish looked different? Are you tired of people telling you to just embrace it when its sheer presence is enough to ruin your day? If you’re feeling that upset about it, then chances are it’s impacting your self-esteem. You don’t need to let low self-esteem


Breast Reduction Is Not Just for Women

Despite the jokes about large breasts in our culture, having large breasts can be both cumbersome and painful. Large breasts can be the source of chronic back, neck, and shoulder strain. And women who have to wear extra supportive bras often suffer from cuts and abrasions on their shoulders from the straps. On top of


The Details on Removing and Replacing Breast Implants

The majority of women who opt for breast augmentation are pleased with the changes they experience. They feel good about themselves, their clothes fit better, and they have increased confidence. Even so, there are times when removing and replacing breast implants may be recommended or even needed. We’ll take a look at the reasons for