What Makes Anesthesia Riskier?

  For some people, the idea of surgery is less daunting than the notion of being anesthetized. But the truth is, anesthesia is safer now than it’s ever been. The vast majority of people react very well to anesthesia. And for many procedures – plastic surgery included – you wouldn’t want to be without it.


What’s the Best Nutrition Before and After Plastic Surgery?

  Despite the relative ease with which so much plastic surgery is now performed, it’s important to remember that, yes, it IS still surgery. How you care for yourself pre- and post-op matters. That also means paying attention to nutrition before and after plastic surgery. So if you’re planning to have a procedure and are


Is It Time to Replace Your Breast Implants?

  If you had breast augmentation in the past ten years, you may be wondering if it’s time to replace your breast implants. The truth is, the vast majority of breast implants will never need replacing because of medical reasons. Especially after a decade. Today’s advanced techniques and improved manufacturing practices have allowed for this.


What Are the Weirdest Cosmetic Surgery Procedures?

  If you know anything about cosmetic surgery, you’re probably familiar with the more common procedures such as breast augmentation, tummy tuck, facelift, and liposuction. All of these surgeries help patients feel better about their appearance and more confident in their bodies. In turn, they experience improved mental health. That said, you may not have


How Long Does Breast Reduction Surgery Recovery Take?

  If you’re considering a breast reduction to remove extra fat, tissue, and skin from your breast, you may wonder about breast reduction surgery recovery time. Also known as mammoplasty, breast reduction surgery will not only decrease the size of your breasts, but it will lift and contour them too. Breast reduction surgery can be


Is Plastic Surgery Ethical?

  Given the surge of reality television that exaggerates the horrors of plastic surgery gone wrong, you may be wondering, is plastic surgery ethical? Obviously, nothing is perfect. There are always going to be crooked people who take advantage of vulnerable populations. But if you’re considering reconstructive or cosmetic surgery, take the time to research