Is Combining Plastic Surgery Procedures Safe?

  Does the idea of combining plastic surgery procedures sound appealing to you? Well, you’re not alone. One of the great things about plastic surgery is that combining procedures is not unusual. And if a patient has no contraindications and is healthy enough to remain under prolonged anesthesia, it’s quite safe. This isn’t to say,


What Are The Most Popular Places For Fat Transfer?

  If you consider ‘fat’ the worst of the F words, you may want to reconsider. More and more plastic surgery patients are discovering the wonders of fat transfer. With fat transfer, also known as fat grafting, liposuction is performed on a body part where there may be excess fat. Viable cells from that fat


Is It Possible to Avoid Capsular Contracture?

  You may not think about it this way, but the body is an amazingly efficient machine. Every system works together to keep it running optimally. So when a foreign body (such as a breast implant) is introduced into the “machine,” the body’s systems jump into action to create a capsule of scar tissue around


Can You Remove Cellulite With Liposuction?

Can You Remove Cellulite With Liposuction? Did you know that cellulite affects between 80% and 90% of adult women? And it’s often not the result of overeating or a lack of exercise. Frequently referred to as ‘orange peel skin’ or ‘cottage cheese,’ cellulite does not discriminate. It can affect folks of all shapes and sizes.


Are There Required Pre-Surgical Tests Before Plastic Surgery?

  If you’re getting ready for a surgical procedure and your surgeon hasn’t ordered any pre-surgical tests, that’s a huge red flag. Like “run away screaming” huge. Any surgical procedure should be preceded by at least a few tests. This includes plastic surgery procedures. These tests help find potential problems that could complicate surgery if not


Are You a Poor Candidate for Liposuction?

  If you have diet- and exercise-resistant fat that just won’t go away, you may be considering liposuction. And why not? It’s a great solution. Then again, it’s not ideal for everyone. (But what is?) There are a handful of reasons that a board-certified plastic surgeon might recommend avoiding this procedure. If you’re now wondering