Do CBD and Plastic Surgery Mix?


In previous posts, we’ve gone into some detail about the risks associated with smoking and/or drinking alcohol before surgery.

But given the increasing popularity and availability of cannabis products, you might be wondering – what about CBD and plastic surgery? What’s the recommendation for that?

Could this seemingly harmless and often helpful substance be a hindrance to surgery? We’ll take a look.

What Is CBD?

Cannabis plants are loaded with cannabinoids which can have varying effects on the human endocannabinoid system. The most well-known of these is tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. Of all the cannabinoids, THC is the only one that is psychoactive – meaning that it causes a high.

The second most well-known and abundant cannabinoid is cannabidiol or CBD. While CBD does not have a psychoactive effect, it is used for therapeutic purposes including epilepsy, insomnia, and anxiety. So those who take CBD regularly for any of these conditions may be reticent about stopping its usage. That’s understandable.

But is a patient required to stop taking CBD before plastic surgery?

Research on CBD and Plastic Surgery Is Still Minimal

While CBD is not in the same camp as alcohol and tobacco/nicotine in terms of riskiness, it’s still generally advised that patients stop taking products with CBD before surgery.

Because marijuana continues to be prohibited on the federal level, very little research has been funded over the years concerning the risks and benefits of its many cannabinoids. And this makes medical professionals hesitant to say that CBD is completely safe when combined with surgery.

At the time of this publication, there is research pointing to CBD as potentially having an anticoagulant effect. Anticoagulants prevent blood from clotting and because proper blood clotting is required to prevent excessive bleeding during surgery, they are discouraged.

As research continues around CBD, however, doctors and surgeons will likely alter their recommendations on CBD for their patients. So each patient must ensure that their physician is aware of any CBD usage.

Is CBD Okay After Surgery?

As stated above, the research is not abundant on CBD and plastic surgery. There is some evidence that CBD is effective in managing symptoms after orthopedic surgeries. At this time, however, there is hardly a wide body of research to back this.

In addition, there can be quality control issues with CBD supplements.  This is especially the case in states that have yet to legalize marijuana and don’t have strict testing protocols. As such, taking post-surgical CBD products could result in unpredictable effects.

Most surgeons, at this point, encourage patients to stick with the tried and true take-home prescription for the first few days and then return to regularly taking CBD products sometime after that regimen is over.

What About THC for Pain Relief?

The jury is no longer out on whether THC is good for managing pain. There’s enough research and anecdotal evidence to say that it is. It’s particularly beneficial for those struggling with chronic pain as a result of damage to nerve endings.

That being said, there’s still not much research on how helpful THC is in treating surgical pain – which is not the same as nerve pain. What’s more, it would be difficult to recommend a dosage.

So even if you live in a place where THC is legal, your doctor/surgeon is likely to recommend staying on the course of prescription painkillers and then OTC medications since these are tested and approved by the FDA.

Research on CBD in the Medical World Continues to Evolve

As marijuana legalization expands, so too does the research that’s funded for it. So even if the idea of combining CBD and plastic surgery seems risky now, that could change considerably in even just a year.

If you’re a regular CBD user who’s considering plastic surgery, talk to a qualified and board-certified plastic surgeon who’s up on the latest research and protocols.

Contact us today to set up a free consultation. Things may have already changed!