Having Plastic Surgery Is YOUR Decision
The decision to have plastic surgery can be polarizing. And it’s not unusual for family and friends to want to weigh in on your decision.
Plastic surgeons frequently encounter scenarios where patients bemoan the misgivings of family and friends who, for various reasons, are against the patient having surgery.
It’s important to understand that in most cases, having plastic surgery is your decision. There is one big question you need to honestly answer first though.
Can You Afford to Have Plastic Surgery?
The financial aspect is a legitimate concern. And if your partner, spouse, or other family members with whom you share finances are against it based purely on money issues, then you need to approach this as you would any other big-budget decision.
After all, you wouldn’t remodel your kitchen or bring home a brand-new car without consulting with them first. While most plastic surgery procedures won’t cost as much as a new car or a kitchen remodel, they can be expensive. So if your choice will affect their finances, then you’ll want to be sure you’re all in agreement before taking this step.
If, on the other hand, you’re single and are solely responsible for your finances, then what others think doesn’t really matter. This includes your parents, children, and friends. So in these cases, how do you ensure them that you’ve made the right decision?
It comes down to educating them. Let them know the two following things:
- Plastic Surgery Is Safe
It’s normal for loved ones to worry about your health and safety. So when you decide to have elective surgery, some of them may struggle with this choice.
Let them know that you’ve been cleared as a medically solid candidate for the surgery based on input from your board-certified plastic surgeon. You could also consult with your primary care physician if you want another voice of reason to speak with friends and family.
Many plastic surgeons encounter the children of patients who are concerned that their ‘older’ parent isn’t in good enough shape for surgery. But if the surgeon and family practice doctor believe they are medically healthy enough to do it and their desired results are realistic, then the concerned children have no choice but to find some solace and peace in the opinion of these experts.
Hopefully, your friends and family can too.
- Though Elective, It Is Necessary… for Me
You may also be running up against family and friends telling you that you don’t really need your chosen surgery. It’s not surprising they’d take this view. They see you in a different light than you see yourself.
Saying you don’t need surgery is a value judgment though. And while it may not be medically necessary, if there’s something on your body bothering you enough that you want to modify it, then that’s up to you. At the end of the day, if it’s going to make you feel better about yourself and increase your self-worth, then you DO need it.
Of course, there are always going to be cases where patients with body dysmorphic disorder seek out surgery to correct imperfections that don’t exist. And they’re never happy with the results. Plastic surgeons are familiar with this condition and are educated on how to handle patients who struggle with it.
But if your case is simply a matter of wanting a visible improvement that will make you happier and more comfortable in your skin, and your surgeon has recommended surgery, then you can share this with your loved ones. They may or may not agree, but it doesn’t matter. At this point, it’s purely up to you. And as long as the financial aspect has been cleared, it’s nobody’s decision but yours.
Having Plastic Surgery Is YOUR Decision. Are You Ready?
If you’re responsible for your own finances, then having plastic surgery is YOUR decision and yours alone.
So if you’re interested in how plastic surgery can improve your overall well-being, contact us today. Once our board-certified plastic surgeon has determined you are medically healthy and your desired results are realistic, the next step is yours.
Sure, you can listen to and entertain the opinions of friends and family. But just remember that at the end of the day, it’s your happiness on the table.