Is a Chemical Skin Peel Right for You?

The term chemical skin peel might sound intimidating. But don’t be fooled.

A chemical peel is one of the most popular non-invasive procedures for rejuvenating the appearance of your skin. And it’s incredibly effective.

So if you’re tired of your skin looking old and tired, and you’re longing for a more youthful and appealing appearance, a skin peel could be just what you need.

How Does Skin Get Damaged?

Your skin is composed of two layers – the epidermis and the dermis.

The epidermis is the outer layer of the skin that falls victim to all the wear and tear of life. Over the years, sun damage, poor diet, repetitive motion, and hereditary factors take their toll on the epidermis – resulting in wrinkles, scars, uneven skin pigmentation, and even pre-cancerous lesions.

Meanwhile, the dermis is protected by the epidermis. It’s composed of connective tissue made primarily of collagen and elastin fibers. These fibers form a network that provide support and elasticity.

However, just like the epidermis, the dermis is negatively impacted by sun damage and aging that break down this support network. Collagen production is reduced and this contributes to wrinkle formation.

How Do Chemical Peels Work?

Chemical peels significantly reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth and under the eyes. They’re also effective in removing spotting and uneven pigmentation caused by genetics, sun damage, and aging.

They’re even useful in treating certain types of acne.

When you opt for a chemical peel, a skin professional will thoroughly clean your skin. Then he or she will apply one or more chemical solutions (such as glycolic acid, trichloroacetic acid, salicylic acid, lactic acid, or carbolic acid) to localized areas of your skin.

This creates a tingling sensation that lasts 5 – 10 minutes. Cool compresses are then applied. The application of these acids creates a controlled wound that will eventually peel away.

It might sound alarming to lose a layer of skin, but this action actually cues your body to generate more collagen. The result?

Once you recover, you’ll have a new layer of skin that is rejuvenated, healthier and blemish free.

How Long Does Recovery Take?

Because chemical peels are non-surgical, recovery time is relatively short. The amount of time will depend on how deep of a peel you need. For light peels, most patients can return to their everyday activities right away.

Deeper peels may require a little longer, as well as protective ointment and dressings.

It’s also important to note that patients with ALL skin colors will see the results from chemical peels, as VI skin peels are formulated for darker skin.

Don’t Fear the Chemical Skin Peel!

If you’d like to bring a more youthful glow to your face, neck, or hands, you’ll be hard pressed to find a simpler procedure than a chemical skin peel.

Contact us today for your facial rejuvenation consultation.

One of our board-certified doctors will carefully assess your skin to help you determine what process if best suited to meet your needs.