Is Tingling After Liposuction Normal?


Liposuction is quickly gaining ground as one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures. In 2020 alone, there were over 210,000 liposuction procedures performed in the United States by plastic surgeons.

Patients feel a boost in their confidence and love the relative simplicity and ease of the liposuction procedure. Still, it’s important to take the time to know what to expect during recovery.

For patients who don’t take this step, they’re not usually too surprised when they encounter some swelling or pain. But it can be alarming to experience numbness or tingling after liposuction.

Is Tingling After Liposuction Normal?

The discomfort, bruising, and swelling that come with liposuction typically last about two weeks. If even that long. But any tingling or numbness experienced after liposuction can go on for longer.

Don’t worry though!

Numbness and tingling at the incision site after liposuction is completely normal. If fact, it’s not an uncommon outcome for all surgical procedures. Any time there is cutting through body tissues, it can impact the nerves that provide feeling in that area. It simply takes time for those nerves to heal.

This doesn’t mean that everyone will experience numbness or tingling. But if you do, there’s no need to worry. You’ll typically notice the tingling subsides with time and by properly following proper post-op protocol.

Speaking of which…

Make the Most of Your Recovery

Sure, it would be great if you could just bypass the whole recovery process altogether. Obviously, that isn’t going to happen. But you’ll also want to resist the urge to rush your recovery.

Be sure to get plenty of rest and sleep in the weeks following your surgery to help your body heal. This will expedite the process. In addition, follow these three important steps:

  1. Embrace Help

The truth is, you’re going to need help when it comes to errands, lifting things, taking care of the kids, cleaning the house, etc. after liposuction surgery.

So let go of your pride and reach out to a friend or family member who can help you with certain activities. This falls in line with resting and giving your body a break. Pushing yourself too hard is only going to slow your healing.

  1. Stay Hydrated and Eat Well

If there were ever a time to stress the importance of drinking fluids, it’s after surgery. Staying hydrated is essential to your recovery. So drink plenty of water, herbal tea, and broth and avoid sugary juices and sodas that can increase inflammation.

In addition to staying hydrated, you’ll need proper nutrition for healing. Fruits and veggies that are high in water content (such as watermelon and cucumbers) will boost your hydration efforts. You may want to prep healthy meals with lots of fruits, veggies, and lean protein ahead of your surgery. That way, you won’t need to cook. And just as important as eating healthy is eating regularly. Post-surgery is not the time to skip meals.

  1. Engage in Light Movement

Finally, you’ll need to avoid regular exercise for a while. But when your physician gives you the go-ahead, you can get out and start taking short walks. Light movement can help to also speed up your body’s recovery. Just be sure to take it easy. Save the speed walking for later.

Boost Your Self-Esteem with Liposuction

Now that you understand there will be some short-lived discomfort, swelling, and possibly tingling after liposuction, you may be ready to explore your options.

Contact us today for a free consultation with our plastic surgeons.

A sleek and more contoured appearance with be well worth your recovery efforts.