Maintaining Healthy Skin During Winter

Ah, winter. It’s a wonderful time to get cozy, bundle up, snuggle into the blankets, and sip a warm beverage. But the cold and dry air is not so wonderful for your skin. Especially if you have dry skin.

And since much of your body is undercover in the colder months, it’s easy to forget about maintaining healthy skin during winter. But not doing so can result in some uncomfortable and even unsightly repercussions.

So what sorts of changes should you make?

How to Keep Healthy Skin During Winter

You don’t want to wait until your skin starts itching, chapping, or getting blotchy before you take care of it this season. So if you want to keep your skin supple and healthy during these sometimes brutal months, pay attention to the following eight tips:

  1. Cleanse and Exfoliate

Whatever you were using to clean your skin over the summer could have been very drying. Especially if it contains Alpha or Beta Hydroxy Acids. Now that winter is here, it’s time to swap out those cleansers with high quality hydrating cleansers that have moisturizing ingredients. Cream-based cleansers are usually your best bet.

Also, scale down your use of toners and astringents since they contain alcohol and can zap moisture from your skin.

Finally, don’t forget gentle exfoliating this time of year. This is a surefire way to assist with cellular turnover and slough off dead winter skin without drying it out. Plus, exfoliated skin will better absorb moisturizers. Speaking of which…

  1. Moisturize

The above mentioned high quality cleansers will be more effective if paired with top-of-the-line serums and moisturizers. Serums with vitamin C and resveratrol help to brighten skin that’s grown dull during winter. And adding hyaluronic acid (HA) to your moisturizer will give a serious boost in hydration. HA is able to grab moisture and hold onto it so the skin can absorb it.

Finally, don’t forget that moisturizing is also an inside job. Be sure you’re drinking plenty of water throughout the winter to help hydrate your skin.

  1. Then Moisturize Some More…

It’s also helpful to add moisture to your home environment. If you don’t have one already, invest in a humidifier. Some integrate right into your existing heat system, but you can also purchase portable and even table top models. The skin absorbs moisture that’s pumped into the air.

Additionally, to maintain moisture in the air, keep your thermostat between 68°F and 72°F. Any higher than that and the heat counteracts the moisture and has a drying effect.

  1. Ditch Long, Hot Showers and Baths

There may be close to nothing that sounds so luxurious and satisfying as a long hot bath or shower when the snow is flying sideways outside the window. Unfortunately, there’s almost nothing that will dry your skin faster than these.

Hot water sucks moisture from your skin. So stick with a five or ten minute lukewarm shower to keep your skin healthy during winter. Then dry yourself quickly, moisturize, and find a cozy blanket to warm yourself.

  1. Use Oils Sparingly

Just as a hot shower might sound perfect, it may seem logical to slather your dry skin with oil. But some dermatologists feel that using oils on your skin everyday can damage your lipid barrier and exacerbate certain skin conditions.

This isn’t to say that you should never use oil. Instead, on those days when you’re feeling especially dry, incorporate a little jojoba or avocado oil into your regular moisturizer or night cream.

  1. Add Omegas to Your Diet

When making that extra effort to drink more water, consider swallowing down a supplement with omega 3, 6, and 9 once per day. Omegas go a long way toward maintaining healthy cell membranes. This, in turn, enables cells to hold water and support more supple and radiant skin.

  1. Stay Active

It’s so tempting to go into hibernation mode during the winter. Who wants to go out in the cold when a warm blanket awaits? Still, an important part of maintaining healthy skin is boosting circulation. And if you’re spending copious amounts of time on the couch binge-watching your favorite series, your skin (among other body parts) is going to pay.

You don’t need to sign up for a winter sports league or anything. Even just a 30-minute walk three times per week can do wonders for the skin. And it might give you a new appreciation for winter.

  1. Keep Using SPF

If you recently pushed your SPF lotion to the back of the cupboard or cabinet, you’ll need to put it back front and center. Remember that oftentimes your face, neck, and hands are still exposed to the sun. And during the winter months when the sun reflects off snow, it can be especially damaging to the skin.

So slap on the sunscreen all winter. And retain more of that youthful glow.

Life Is Tough on the Skin

Focusing on keeping healthy skin during winter is an effective way to slow down premature aging. So commit to using high-quality skincare products all year long.

And if time has already taken a toll on your skin, don’t hesitate to contact us about the options available to you. There are so many and we’d love to discuss them with your during your free consultation.

In the meantime, stay warm!