What Are the Weirdest Cosmetic Surgery Procedures?


If you know anything about cosmetic surgery, you’re probably familiar with the more common procedures such as breast augmentation, tummy tuck, facelift, and liposuction.

All of these surgeries help patients feel better about their appearance and more confident in their bodies. In turn, they experience improved mental health.

That said, you may not have heard of some of the weirdest cosmetic surgery procedures that are much more on the fringe of what’s considered normal or even healthy.

The Weirdest Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

Most (if not all) of the lesser-known plastic surgery procedures below aren’t on the menu at reputable medical centers. Not just because they are more than highly elective. Many of them are downright… strange.

And some are even considered unethical by many standards. We’ll explore six procedures that potentially fall under that umbrella and what they promise.

  1. Go From An Outie to An Innie

Each of us has a belly button. In same cases, there is protruding skin that makes one an outie. While there is nothing unhealthy about this, fashion represents men and women with innies. As such, there are patients who are willing to undergo an umbilicoplasty and the subsequent healing time in order to remove that skin.

  1. Change Your Fate

Have you ever had your palm read and weren’t happy with the results? For folks who believe that the lines of the palm have some bearing on how much fortune, fame, success, or happiness they will experience in life, there is now palm line surgery.

Using an electric scalpel, the surgeon creates artificial palm lines that would make a palm reader gush and wax poetic about one’s future. Even if it’s completely fabricated.

  1. Cushion Those High Heels

Anyone who spends time in high heels (and it’s not just women anymore) knows they do a wicked job on the feet and body. So rather than swap out those heels for more sensible shoes, fashion slaves can now opt for dermal filler injected into the balls of their feet to provide cushioning.

  1. Get Your Own Indentations

For patients who’ve always envied those with dimples and felt their lives were somehow emptier because they didn’t have them, there are some surgeons who will perform a dimpleplasty. This procedure involves making a small incision on the inside of the mouth and placing a suture between the skin and muscle of the cheek.

  1. Want to Look Like An Elf? Or a Snake?

For folks who are really serious about cosplay, they may be able to find a plastic surgeon who will perform procedures like ear cropping or tongue bifurcation. The first works by removing tissue from the top of the ear to give one the appearance of an elf. The second involves splitting the tongue down the middle so it looks like a snake’s.

It should be noted that tongue-splitting is particularly risky.

  1. Get Rid of Your “Tell”

While Botox is a fairly common procedure, there’s a new subcategory known as Pokertox. This is when gamblers use a combo of Botox and facial filler injections to alter their facial appearance. It gives them the ultimate poker face and eliminates those telling expressions of what they’re holding in their hand.

It’s Time to Feel Good About Yourself

Unlike more traditional surgeries that can help boost your emotional wellness, many of the weirdest cosmetic surgery procedures above are more superfluous in nature.

If you’re interested instead in a well-established procedure with board certified surgeons, contact us today for a free consultation. You’ll be amazed at the boost in confidence and self-esteem you experience.

What Are The Most Popular Places For Fat Transfer?

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If you consider ‘fat’ the worst of the F words, you may want to reconsider. More and more plastic surgery patients are discovering the wonders of fat transfer.

With fat transfer, also known as fat grafting, liposuction is performed on a body part where there may be excess fat. Viable cells from that fat are then harvested and reinjected into various parts of the body where the patient is seeking more volume.

As surgeons continue to advance this procedure, the number of popular places for fat transfer on the body are increasing.

Popular Places For Fat Transfer

It seems a growing number of patients are embracing this new age of reusing and recycling. So it makes sense they’d see the logic in recycling their own tissues to reshape their bodies.

So where on the body are these procedures most common?

  1. Face

There’s no denying that fillers can do a fantastic job in smoothing out lines and rejuvenating the skin on the fat and there’s admittedly no surgery involved.

The main issue though is that fillers generally only last six to twelve months before they have to be restored. Fat transfer, however, allows patients to enhance the jawline and cheekbone while delivering results that can last several years.

  1. Hands

Who in the world would want to plump up their hands, you might wonder.

Then again, if you’ve ever glanced at your hands and wondered when they started looking like those of your parents (or grandparents!), then fat transfer to the hands isn’t such a mystery.

Just like every other part of the body, the hands lose volume over the years as the skin becomes thinner and wrinkled. Fat transfer brings back some of that volume to provide a plumper contour. Furthermore, it can decrease the appearance of protruding veins and improve veiny skin.

  1. Breasts

For patients who are not entirely comfortable with placing a foreign body (implant) into their chests, fat transfer to the breast could be an attractive option. Plus, they may have the added benefit of losing fat in an area where they don’t want it.

Fat transfer isn’t going to work for all breast augmentation though. It only works in specific cases. And even at that, it’s generally not going to increase breast size by much with just one injection. Repeated injections are required.

Where fat transfer to the breasts has the most successful applications is in patients who have smaller breasts, but who have lost cleavage definition due to decreasing volume at the top of the breast. They simply want a boost.

  1. Buttocks

Many of us struggle with the appearance of our butts. You may feel that yours is too big, too small, too misshapen, too flat, you name it. Most patients are seeking rounder, chiseled, and more defined glutes. Given this general dissatisfaction, the buttocks is probably the most popular place for a fat transfer.

Interestingly, it’s also one of the most complicated areas. It may seem like there are just two domes of fatty tissue back there, but the buttocks are loaded with blood vessels. So it’s crucial that patients enlist only plastic surgeons certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery with fat transfer experience.

  1. Arms and Abs

Fat transfer to the arms and abs is increasingly requested by men. They’re seeking to bulk and shape these areas to get a more muscular appearance.

In the case of the abs, this is known as abdominal etching. Fat is liposuctioned from the abdomen so as to highlight and define those “six-pack” muscle. It’s then reinjected to further accentuate those lines and plump the edges.

The results of ab etching often don’t last very long though. As such, many plastic surgeons don’t currently perform this procedure.

Want to Find out More About Fat Transfer?

If any of the above places for fat transfer are problem areas for you, contact us today.

During your free consultation, we’ll explore whether a fat transfer could be the perfect solution for you.

Are There Required Pre-Surgical Tests Before Plastic Surgery?

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If you’re getting ready for a surgical procedure and your surgeon hasn’t ordered any pre-surgical tests, that’s a huge red flag. Like “run away screaming” huge.

Any surgical procedure should be preceded by at least a few tests. This includes plastic surgery procedures. These tests help find potential problems that could complicate surgery if not mitigated early.

The required pre-surgical tests before plastic surgery vary from person to person and depend on a number of factors.

Possible Pre-Surgical Tests Before Plastic Surgery

Pre-operative testing typically occurs a couple of weeks before your scheduled procedure so you’ll want to plan accordingly. Depending on your specific situation, the following tests might be required before your surgical procedure:

  1. Complete Blood Count (CBC) With Differential

A CBC is a requirement for everyone. This test measures various aspects of your blood and reveals a lot about what’s going on in your body. Knowing the quality and amount of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets is crucial to the surgeon.

In addition, a CBC with differential will determine your levels of hemoglobin and hematocrit in your red blood cells to identify what risks you may have for anemia and infection.

  1. Urinalysis

The pre-operative urinalysis is a basic diagnostic test that’s routinely performed to suss out certain conditions and ensure that there are no infections present. If the urinalysis shows a urinary tract infection (UTI), the surgery will need to be postponed until the infection is fully treated. Given that UTIs are more common in women, a urinalysis is more often ordered for women.

  1. Complete Physical

For younger patients in good health, a complete physical may not be necessary. Older patients and/or those with pre-existing medical conditions, however, will need to undergo a physical in order to get medical clearance for the procedure.

  1. Electrocardiogram (EKG/ECG)

An EKG or ECG test measures and records the electrical signals in the heart. This test is used primarily to identify any problems with the arteries and to rule out coronary issues before surgery. Primarily those with heart conditions will need to undergo an EKG/ECG.

  1. Chest X-Ray

For patients with heart and/or lung conditions, a board-certified plastic surgeon may also order a chest x-ray. It’s crucial that these organs are healthy enough to withstand the trauma and manage the taxing properties of the healing process.

  1. Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP)

Because a CMP examines the fluid balance in the patient’s body, it’s typically only ordered for patients who have metabolic issues (or have had them in the past.) It’s important that glucose, electrolyte, creatine, protein, and blood area nitrogen levels are balanced in order to perform surgery. If they’re not, they’ll need to be treated first.

  1. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)

Many women know all about the HCG test. The other name for it is pregnancy test. HCG is the hormone that shows up in urine when a woman is pregnant. So if there’s any chance that a woman might be pregnant, she’ll need to be tested for HCG.

  1. Mammogram

Women who’ve elected to have breast augmentation surgery will need to get a mammogram (known less lovingly as the boob crusher) to ensure there are no abnormalities or cancer.

  1. HIV

There are extra precautions plastic surgeons need to take in treating patients who are HIV positive. Because of this, an HIV test may be ordered to ensure safety for both the surgeon and the patient.

  1. Nicotine

There’s nothing like nicotine in the body to increase scarring and slow wound healing. This is one of the big reasons that surgeons require you to quit smoking at least four weeks before surgery. Thus, the surgeon may order a test for nicotine to ensure that his or her work has the optimal outcome.

Pre-Surgery Testing Is Completely Individualized

Just as each patient is different, so too is every surgery. Pre-surgical tests before plastic surgery for your procedure may differ from those of others you know who’ve had procedures. Even if it’s the same procedure.

That’s why it’s important to choose surgeons who will take the time and do the footwork to be sure you have the best and SAFEST experience possible.

We’ve got you covered. Contact us today to set up your free and comprehensive consultation so you can begin your journey.


Are There Different Kinds of Anesthesia Used in Plastic Surgery?

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When you’re considering a plastic surgery procedure, it’s helpful to know what sort of anesthesia the doctor will administer so you can plan accordingly.

Then again, maybe you aren’t even aware that there are different kinds of anesthesia. Don’t worry! That’s not all that unusual.

So just in case you’re in the unknowing camp, we’ll educate you here.

Different Kinds of Anesthesia Used in Plastic Surgery

The type of anesthesia used for your procedure will depend on a number of factors. One is the length of the surgery. Another is the complexity of it. Your overall health is also a deciding factor.

In general, the plastic surgeon will make this decision. However, you may be asked for your input on preferences as well. Whatever the case, here’s a rundown of what you can possibly expect.

  1. General

General anesthesia is only used for major surgeries like breast augmentation or a tummy tuck where you would need to be completely unconscious and unable to experience pain. With general anesthesia, your brain doesn’t respond to pain signals or to reflexes so that you stay still during the surgery. General anesthesia has the greatest degree of risk – though it’s still minimal.

Within the category of general anesthesia there are two subcategories: intravenous and inhalation anesthetics.


Intravenous general anesthesia involves injection directly into your blood stream to depress the central nervous system. Your vital signs, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation are monitored very carefully throughout the procedure. Your level of consciousness is also watched to ensure you don’t begin to awaken during the procedure.


With inhalation general anesthesia, the anesthetizing compounds are carried to the blood and tissues through the lungs rather than via an injection. It should be noted that inhalation anesthetics are typically not used alone but rather in tandem with intravenous anesthetics – the combination of which is referred to as balanced anesthesia.

  1. Twilight

Twilight anesthesia comes with even fewer risks than general anesthesia. Also known as intravenous or conscious sedation, this form of moderate anesthesia is coupled with sedation to keep you calm and without pain during surgery.

But it also enables you to be slightly responsive during surgery so if the surgeon has questions, you’re able to answer them. And you won’t recall the procedure when it’s completed.

  1. Regional

Regional anesthesia is administered with an injection around a major nerve near the surgical site. It doesn’t cause any loss of consciousness, but it does block pain throughout the surgery and often during the initial part of recovery. Regional anesthesia is most often used for procedures on very sensitive parts of the body such as the hands.

  1. Local

Finally, if you’re having a minor procedure that doesn’t require extensive incisions, a local anesthetic is usually the first choice. Local anesthesia differs from regional in that it’s a much less complex injection that merely numbs the area with an agent such as lidocaine. In some cases, your board-certified surgeon may also recommend an oral sedative to keep you calm and relaxed during the procedure.

Are You Ready for Your Procedure?

Now that you’re aware of the different kinds of anesthesia used in plastic surgery, you have a better idea of what to expect.

So take the next step and contact us today to set up your free consultation.

Our board-certified surgeons will answer your questions, address any concerns, and make sure you’re fully informed so you can go into your procedure with complete peace of mind.


Is Getting Plastic Surgery Across the Border Wise?

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In early March of 2023, a North Carolina resident and three friends decided to make the long journey to Mexico to save money on a tummy tuck. She was just one of many Americans crossing the border to get cheaper medical procedures.

This phenomenon is known as medical tourism. And it might leave you wondering if getting plastic surgery across the border is a good idea.

Some sources say yes. But others speak to the contrary. And for a number of reasons.

Every Situation Is Unique

For the North Carolina woman who wanted a tummy tuck, the trip ended in tragedy. She and her friends were kidnapped. Two of her friends were murdered, while she and the other surviving friend were sent back to North Carolina to get medical care.

Of course, you’re likely to talk to many people who’ve received plastic surgery in Mexico and everything went alright. But as the numbers of Americans who travel to Mexico for procedures increases, the higher the risk they’ll run into volatile situations.

In addition, there are the real dangers to consider when it comes to the actual procedures. Since you’re entrusting your medical care to someone you’ve never met and in a place with which you’re not familiar, you could be taking some big chances.

Complications from Plastic Surgery

It’s vital that you ALWAYS choose a board-certified plastic surgeon. While there are board-certified surgeons in Mexico, it’s not always easy to verify whether the surgeon you’re considering has these credentials. Or you could be led by misinformation.

By contrast, when you choose a surgical center that’s a manageable distance from your home, you’re able visit the location and consult with your surgeon face-to-face to increase peace of mind.

It’s true that all surgery comes with complications – no matter where it’s performed. But if you believe you’re getting big savings by crossing the border into Mexico, you may want to pause to consider the actual cost that might come along with it.

Here are just some of the possible outcomes:

  1. Tummy Tuck

Though it sounds like a simple procedure, a tummy tuck involves removing fat and tissue from the abdomen area. If the procedure isn’t performed correctly, it can lead to bleeding or severe infection that would require  going back in, cleaning the wound, and then closing it again.

  1. Facelift

The facelift is in high demand in Mexico. But this is not a procedure to be taken lightly. If you’re not certain that you’re working with only a skilled and experienced surgeon, you could end up with infection, nerve damage, or even necrosis in your face.

  1. Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

BBL requires the removal of fat from one part of the body to be grafted to the buttocks. Again, there is a specific technique involved with the grafting and if it’s not performed correctly, it could result in thrombosis or even a stroke.

  1. Liposuction

As simple as liposuction may seem, the technique is also very specific to ensure that no fat globules travel through the bloodstream and into the lungs causing pulmonary thromboembolism. Even if that doesn’t happen, there’s still the risk of bruising and infections.

  1. Breast Reduction

While there currently are not many patients flocking to Mexico for a breast reduction, this is a procedure that should be done closer to home. The recovery process can result in keloids, or excessive scar tissue growth. Necrosis in the areola and nipple can also be a result. These would require corrective surgery.

Unexpected Outcomes

Then there are patient accounts that speak to the lack of experience an unsuspecting American may find in a Mexican operating or recovery room.

In one Tijuana clinic alone, three different women scheduled a tummy tuck with one doctor on a single day. The first woman knew something was askew when they didn’t hook her up to any machines or perform bloodwork. She was sent to a hotel to recover. But she was lucky.

The second woman, her friend, did not fare as well. And that’s putting it mildly. Without adequate oxygen and blood supply during the surgery, she died from secondary hypoxic encephalopathy.

The third woman was rushed across the border to an ER in California a few days after the procedure when her body went into septic shock.

In another case, two women found themselves at a facility in a strip mall that didn’t look at all like the images on the website. After their procedures, one was left with skin protruding from her breast augmentation incisions, while the other was left disfigured and was told by a doctor that the surgery had put her life in jeopardy.

Finally (but certainly not the last on a lengthy list), a woman who travelled to Mexico from Washington state to get a mommy makeover was left with severe burns on her fingers after heated saline bags were placed there during surgery. Her hands will be scarred for life and she’ll likely need to have an amputation on her dominant thumb.

Still Wondering About Getting Plastic Surgery Across the Border?

Clearly, getting plastic surgery across the border in Mexico is risky business. Like the old adage says, you get what you pay for.

Plastic surgery is an investment that gives you great returns such as increased confidence, improved self-esteem, and a boost in your overall well-being. It’s hard to put a price on that.

So if you’re considering plastic surgery in your future and want the assurance that comes from working with only highly qualified board-certified plastic surgeons, contact us today. And invest in yourself.


Skin Sensation Loss After Plastic Surgery

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The age-defying and confidence-boosting results that come from plastic surgery can seem magical.

But plastic surgery isn’t a matter of “just add water and stir.” The procedures are exacting and involve the cutting and tightening of the skin. As such, the incisions can cause a temporary skin sensation loss after plastic surgery.

Don’t fret. As with any surgery, this is a normal outcome. And it’s not as scary as it may sound.

Why Is There Skin Sensation Loss After Plastic Surgery?

Think about the last time you had a wound. When you cut yourself, you may have felt pain. But if the cut was very deep, there’s a chance you didn’t notice any pain at first.

That’s because the wound broke deep enough into the skin to disturb the network of nerves that runs through your body. This network is responsible for communicating sensation from many parts of the body to your brain.

Much like that deep cut, a surgical incision also impacts that network and disrupts those communication pathways – cutting off sensation to the skin.

So What Does It Feel Like?

There’s no one-size-fits-all for how each patient experiences the loss of skin sensation. For some there may just be some numbness or dullness. Yet another person with the same surgery may experience a complete loss of feeling.

In terms of when the skin sensation returns, this also varies. For many patients, the sensation returns gradually. They might experience tingling or even zapping as the nerves heal. But then there are those who have an abrupt return of sensation.

How Long Does It Last?

The simple rule of thumb is that the more invasive the surgery, the higher your risk of losing skin sensation. Of course, there are always other factors. For example, smoking reduces oxygen in the blood and slows the healing process. So for smokers, it will take longer.

In general, however, you can expect the these outcomes from the following procedures:

  1. Facelift

Experiencing sensation changes after having a facelift is very common. Especially around the incision sites. While many patients start regaining sensation within three to six months, it’s possible that you may still have some lack of sensation for a year before feeling sensation again.

  1. Tummy Tuck

Similar to a facelift, much of the loss of skin sensation after a tummy tuck is around the incision line. The area between the incision line and the belly button may also experience loss of feeling. This typically clears up within two to six months.

  1. Breast Augmentation/Lift/Reduction

Breast skin usually regains feeling within two to three months after breast augmentation, lift, and/or reduction. In cases where incisions were made around the nipple, the skin sensation loss can be longer lasting than those where incisions were made under the breast or arm. Nipple sensitivity may also be impacted.

  1. Liposuction

Here’s the good news: loss of skin sensation is rare after liposuction when it’s done as a standalone procedure. Within a few weeks of surgery (at most) the majority of patients return to normal feeling.

Get All the Deets on Plastic Surgery

While the idea of skin sensation loss after plastic surgery can be daunting, it’s almost always temporary. And the payoff is well worth the short term inconvenience.

If you’re dubious and want reassurance from a highly qualified team of medical experts though, contact us today for your free consultation. We’ll answer all your questions to put your mind at ease.

You won’t be left in the dark for a moment about your procedure.


Ideal Body Areas for Liposuction

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Fat is fat, right? Well, no.

Whether you’re attempting to lose weight or in your desired weight range, there’s a good chance you struggle with areas where stubborn fat just won’t disappear. And it doesn’t matter how much you diet and exercise.

If this sounds familiar, then liposuction could be the solution you’ve been seeking. And with so many available body areas for liposuction, there’s a good chance you’ll find a procedure that responds well for your problematic flab.

The Best Body Areas for Liposuction

Liposuction could, in theory, be done almost anywhere on the body. But areas where the skin is firmer and more toned are going to deliver the best post-operative results.

These most commonly include the following:


If you have a “muffin top,” you may not find it very appetizing. Most people would prefer to bid theirs farewell. It’s for this reason that the lower region of the abdomen is such a popular place for liposuction.

But the upper region of the abdomen offers up challenges as well. It’s hard to achieve a sleek and slim profile when there’s a stubborn layer of fat between your ribs and belly button. Liposuction can put the kibosh on it.

Thighs and Lower Legs

Whether you’re carrying saddlebags on your outer thighs, troubled by a “banana roll” on your posterior thighs, or want a noticeable inner thigh gap, liposuction can do the trick.

Though less common, liposuction can also be performed on the lower leg to offer a more proportionate and sleeker profile to the entire leg.


If you’re close to having that hourglass figure but can’t quite shake the fatty filler that keeps it from happening, liposuction can help. Liposuction on the hips removes excess fat deposits to deliver that well-defined figure. And as an added bonus, it can also improve the appearance of the buttocks.

Waist, Flanks, and Buttocks

Most of us don’t feel much love for those love handles that show up on the waist and flank. Unfortunately, they’re all too common. And diet and exercise do nothing to eliminate them. Liposuction is a viable solution in this case.

Meanwhile, if you’re not comfortable with the amount of junk in your trunk, liposuction to the buttocks can give you a more proportionate appearance.

Upper Arms

Many women are embarrassed by jiggly upper arms as they get older. But this excess skin doesn’t just plague women.

Whatever the case, liposuction can tackle this issue by smoothing and tightening this problem area to define and rejuvenate the arms.

Chest and Back

More often than not, liposuction to the chest (independent of breast augmentation) is performed on men. Particularly those struggling with gynecomastia.

Liposuction to the back, however, is more common for women. So if you’re embarrassed by unsightly “bra rolls,” you can address them through liposuction for a more streamlined and firmer appearance.


Finally, excess neck fat doesn’t always render the cutest little baby face. If you’re longing for a more defined contour, then liposuction on the neck could be a great choice.

Interested in Liposuction?

With so many available body areas for liposuction, there’s bound to be a procedure to help you with stubborn excess fat.

So if you’re curious about how liposuction could help you, contact us today. You’ll be amazed at the vast number of possibilities.

What Makes Mommy Makeovers So Popular?

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Some time in the past few decades, the notion that the child always comes first took hold and left mothers feeling like they no longer deserved to care for themselves. And if they did, they experienced guilt.

But much like pulling down the oxygen for yourself first so that you can help others, mothers are now recognizing that ceasing to exercise, eat well, or practice self-care in the name of “love” hurts both them and their child.

This realization is part of what makes Mommy Makeovers so popular these days.

What Else Makes Mommy Makeovers So Popular?

Having children is a beautiful life-changing experience. But it’s also exhausting and even overwhelming. Especially at first.

And as women adjust to their new postpartum bodies, it’s all too easy for them to lose sight of their own healthy self-image. Dragging around exhausted and drained can zap morale and leave any mother feeling unmotivated. They start covering up their dissatisfaction with larger jeans and baggy shirts.

Over the past few years though, plastic surgeons are seeing a dramatic increase in the number of women seeking Mommy Makeovers. Media has been a big player in this. But so too has the increased acceptance of women having surgical procedures in order to look better so they can also FEEL better.

The Mommy Makeover procedure allows tired and discouraged moms to reclaim some of their pre-pregnancy body while celebrating motherhood.

What Does a Mommy Makeover Entail?

No two women have the same experience with pregnancy and childbirth. As such, Mommy Makeovers are customized to each individual. Each patient can choose from a wide variety of surgical options that will address issues related to pregnancy and childbirth, as well as pre-existing issues.

The whole process kicks off with a free consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon who creates an individualized plan to address each patient’s unique goals.

There are several procedures which the surgeon may recommend:


  1. Breast Lift/Augmentation

Breasts are prone to sagging after the demands placed upon the body during pregnancy and nursing. Surgery is performed to restore the breasts to their original and more youthful pre-pregnancy position.

Depending on your situation, the plastic surgeon might recommend a breast lift, breast augmentation, or breast lift with either silicone or saline implants.

In some cases, the breasts may become too large after pregnancy and are no longer proportionate to the body. In this case, there would be a breast reduction.

  1. Tummy Tuck

One tell-tale sign that a woman has experienced pregnancy are stretch marks on the skin. Deeper below the skin though, the abdominal muscles have often separated – leaving the belly to hang down and sag.

Also known as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that reduces excessive fat and skin around the abdomen and reconstructs that abdominal wall musculature.

This helps to flatten the belly again and minimize the appearance of those stretch marks.


  1. Liposuction

For those troublesome post-pregnancy spots – typically the stomach, waist, hips, and thighs – where you just can’t seem to lose the fat, the surgeon may recommend liposuction.

With liposuction, small incisions are made in the treatment area and then a thin hollow tube, called a cannula, is inserted through the incisions to loosen excess fat cells. A surgical vacuum is then used to suction the fat out of those areas to create a slimmer body contour.

A Few Considerations…

If you’re considering getting a Mommy Makeover, it’s crucial that you consider all of your options to get the best results. It’s a big decision.

In addition, you’ll also need to plan for proper healing and recovery time. This means you’ll have to arrange to have someone around to “mother” you during the whole process. You won’t be able to do chores or pick up toddlers. Scheduling a spouse, partner, or family friend to be by your side during this time is essential.

Restore Your Confidence

While the physical benefits are part of what makes Mommy Makeovers so popular, these surgeries can go the distance in boosting a woman’s body image and self-esteem too.

So if you’re tired of feeling down about your post-pregnancy body, contact us today. A Mommy Makeover could be just what you need to more fully celebrate the joy of motherhood.

Mommy Makeover

What Are the Best Plastic Surgery Combinations?

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Plastic surgery combinations, i.e. getting two procedures done at once, might seem like a lot to take on. But actually, they’re more common than you may realize.

It’s not a matter of you picking and choosing procedures from a menu. The combination procedures are chosen carefully by your surgeon based on your objectives, goals, and health.

And there is a definite upside to having multiple surgeries performed simultaneously.

Benefits of Multiple Surgeries

Patients save time and money by only being put under anesthesia once. As with all surgery, there is some risk with anesthesia. By having two procedures accomplished during one round of anesthesia, patients reduce the number of times they have to be anesthetized. Furthermore, they save money.

In addition, the recovery times for each procedure are done under one umbrella. That means that patients only have to take off one period of time for work and activities rather than two.

Finally, in having two surgeries done at once, patients usually experience more dramatic results in a shorter amount of time.

The Best Plastic Surgery Combinations

There are occasions when procedures must be combined. One such occasion is when a patient opts for breast augmentation with fat transfer. In this case, the patient has to undergo liposuction in order to harvest the fat which will then be applied during the augmentation surgery.

For the most part though, combining plastic surgeries is more a matter of getting the best and most complete results with minimum invasiveness.


  1. The Mommy Makeover

The mommy makeover is the ultimate in combining plastic surgery procedures. There’s no one-size-fits-all though. Depending on what each patient wants or needs, there are many variations.

Generally speaking though, a mommy makeover typically includes breast augmentation for women who lost breast volume during childbirth, with a possible lift if they find their breasts sag a bit after breastfeeding. These multiple surgeries for the breast are also common among older women, regardless of their motherhood status.

In addition, if there is post-pregnancy abdominal flab that won’t go away with diet and exercise, the surgeon may also recommend a tummy tuck. On occasion, there may even be need for some vaginal rejuvenation work. Again, it depends on each individual.

  1. Surgeries for Contouring

In many cases, diet- and exercise-resistant fat forms in the body as we age. Especially in the abdomen. So in this case, a plastic surgeon will often combine a tummy tuck with liposuction.

The tummy tuck helps to give the waistline a sleeker and more contoured appearance, while the liposuction serves to vacuum out some of that resistant fat. When done in tandem, these two procedures deliver a smooth and attractive waistline.

  1. Firming up the Face

When patients are obsessed with an imperfection on the face, they typically have one specific procedure in mind. But facial surgery is complicated.

For example, someone who is troubled by a crooked nose may insist the only thing they need is rhinoplasty (i.e. nose job). But there are many occasions where once the shape of the nose changes, it brings the rest of the face out of harmony. So in these cases, the surgeon may need to add a chin augmentation or other procedure to keep the face in proportion.

This is just one example. In the realm of facial surgery, there are countless combinations such as facelift/eye lift, facelift/fat transfers, face lift/neck lift, brow lift/facelift, and eye lift with dermal fillers. It takes the work of a skilled surgeon to maintain proper facial proportion.

Curious About Combining Procedures?

When we refer to the best plastic surgery combinations, we’re really looking at the most common ones. In reality, the possibilities for combinations are nearly endless.

So if you’re curious about the benefits of multiple surgeries, contact us today. During your free consultation, your surgeon will determine whether you’re a good candidate and which procedures will serve you best.

Then get ready to put your best self forward.

Smoking and Plastic Surgery Don’t Mix

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If you’re a smoker and have had surgery in the past without complications, consider yourself lucky.

Tobacco smokers are at a much higher risk than non-smokers for complications that include impaired heart and lung functions, infections, and delayed wound healing.

And if you think that you don’t need to worry about that for plastic surgery, think again. Smoking and plastic surgery are a terrible pair.

How Smoking Impacts the Body

Cigarettes are chock full of chemicals. Over 4,000 of them. And these chemicals present a significantly higher risk for surgical complications in smokers.

The two biggest culprits are nicotine and carbon monoxide. Both of these decrease oxygen levels in the body and boost the risk of heart-related complications. In addition, the actual act of smoking damages the lungs and makes proper air flow through them difficult.

Furthermore, smoking negatively impacts the immune system. So when the body is attempting to heal from surgery, it’s going to take longer. This increases the risk of infection at the wound site.

And you don’t have to be a chain smoker for this to be the case. Smoking a single cigarette is enough to decrease the body’s ability to deliver nutrients for healing after any type of surgery.

Specific Complications for Smoking and Plastic Surgery

One of the worst effects of smoking is vasoconstriction. This is the narrowing of the blood vessels. When the vessels are narrowed, flow of blood and oxygen are compromised. This deters proper healing of the skin cells and increases the likelihood of skin cell death, or necrosis, on the wound.

But wait. There’s more.

When nicotine is present in the body, plastic surgery can result in loss of cheek skin, nipples, or belly skin after a facelift, breast lift, breast reduction, or tummy tuck surgery. It may also cause a loss of breast implants.

And because healing is delayed, scars are thicker and wider. Slower healing means more pain and also the possibility of infection or even blood clots – which can be fatal. Pair all of these with the other dangerous complications such as heart attack and stroke, and it’s clear that smoking and plastic surgery do not mix.

What About Marijuana or Other Alternatives?

When your doctor tells you not to smoke before surgery, this includes smoking tobacco in pipes, cigars, hookahs, as well as smoking marijuana. Carbon monoxide is created any time you smoke and this can lead to tissue death after surgery. Marijuana edibles or tinctures may be approved, however. You’ll need to discuss with your surgeon that option.

Meanwhile, vapes and e-cigs are not acceptable switch-outs for smoking either because even though there’s no carbon monoxide, they still contain nicotine. Even nicotine gums and patches should be avoided.

The general rule of thumb is that ANY type of smoking or nicotine use is going to be bad for your surgical outcome. Period.

Your Best Bet

If you are a smoker, evidence shows that quitting at least four weeks before surgery will not only lower your risk of complications, but you’ll notice better results six months after the plastic surgery procedure. You are also less likely to experience complications with anesthesia.

To heal properly, sustain results, and improve your overall health, ceasing the use of nicotine products altogether is really the only game in town. So if you’re considering a plastic surgery procedure and know you’ll need to quit for at least four weeks prior, now might be the time to consider quitting forever.

Change Your Appearance, Change Your Life

Are you a smoker who’s looking for a fresh new look with a facelift, tummy tuck, breast augmentation, or other plastic surgery procedure?

Contact us today.

Because now that you understand how smoking and plastic surgery don’t play well together, you may be inspired to quit for good. And your new look may just come with a new lease on life.