What Causes Capsular Contracture?

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There’s no arguing that breast augmentation surgery is one of the most popular and effective procedures in the United States.

For women who have undergone a mastectomy, or those who simply want to restore a more youthful appearance to their breasts, the procedure is a godsend.

What’s more, with the many advances in medical and surgical technology, complications from breast augmentation surgery are rare.

Even so, they do occur. And the most common complication is that of capsular contracture.

What Is Capsular Contracture?

Any time the body is subject to the insertion of a foreign body, it naturally forms a capsule of scar tissue around the implanted object. This is a normal part of the healing process. Whenever the body doesn’t immediately recognize an object, it forms a barrier to isolate the object and protect itself.

In the case of breast implants, fibrous scar tissue forms around the implant. This may sound problematic, but it’s actually a positive thing. The capsule assists in keeping the implant in place so as to avoid any slippage.

For a small handful of patients though, it CAN become problematic. If the body goes into overdrive in its protective measures, the scar tissue may tighten around the implant and then squeeze it. This is known as capsular contracture and it can not only distort the shape of the breast, but it can cause it to rise higher on the chest and even create chronic pain.

Why Does It Happen?

Generally speaking, the reasons that these few patients develop capsular contracture while others do not are not well known. One factor is the way an individual body responds to “invasion.”

Since each body is different and the composition of connective tissue varies from patient to patient, there is no universal response. This is the same reason that one person might develop thick scar tissue after sustaining a deep cut, while another may only experience subtle scarring that eventually fades.

In other words, each person has a unique healing process. Some immune systems respond more poorly to foreign objects than others. Furthermore, if a patient’s immune system is already compromised – such as it might be after receiving radiation therapy – he or she is more likely to experience capsular contracture.

Additional factors such as a ruptured implant, a hematoma, bacteria, or a genetic predisposition for scarring can also increase one’s risk.

What Are the Signs?

If one or both breasts look or feel different after surgery, it could be capsular contracture. Although it’s possible there will be no symptoms at all. At first, at least. This is known as a Grade 1 capsular contracture.

At the Grade 2 level, the breasts have either minor or no noticeable change in shape, but may feel somewhat firm to the touch.  At this point, breast massage can alleviate and begin to reverse any further progress.

If the breasts are firm to the touch and appear overly round or have misshapen nipples, this is a Grade 3 contracture. The breasts also tend to look hard – although the patient may experience little to no pain. A surgeon may recommend ultrasound therapy with targeted massage to help break up the excess scar tissue and release the capsule.

With a Grade 4 capsular contracture, the breasts are hard and very obviously misshapen. Patients experience tenderness, soreness, and pain when their breasts are touched. This highest level of capsular contracture typically requires breast implant revision surgery.

But once again, capsular contracture at any level is not a common occurrence. And a Grade 4 is even more unusual.

Is Breast Augmentation Right for You?

Of course, complications during plastic surgery are now very rare, both because of advances in surgical techniques and stringent sanitizing. In addition, plastic surgeons can more easily predict which patients are likely to experience capsular contracture and recommend alternatives.

So if you’re considering breast augmentation, contact us today for a free consultation. We’ll take every single factor into consideration before advising this surgery.

That way, you can assure the best possible results.



Correcting Inverted Nipples

Do you wish your breasts were larger, smaller, perkier, or just plain different? Most women who seek breast augmentation or reduction are looking for these kinds of results. 

But for women with inverted nipples, the situation is different. They may be happy with the size and shape of their breasts, but are embarrassed by the appearance of their nipples. Especially in intimate settings. 

They may also be concerned about their ability to breastfeed should they wish to have children. So they frequently inquire of plastic surgeons if there are ways of correcting inverted nipples.

Fortunately, the answer is yes. 


What Causes Inverted Nipples?

An inverted nipple is an irregularity where the nipple doesn’t point in an outward direction. It’s typically not a medical concern. Even so, this condition can cause women distress and pull down their self-confidence a notch or two. 

In some women (and even a very few men) inverted nipples are noticeable from childhood. In others, they may develop over time when milk ducts become shortened or breast tissue is reduced after pregnancy . 

Whatever the case, it’s the result of the breast tissue pinching the base of the nipple – thereby limiting movement and stretch. 

Some people experience inversion all the time, while others only notice it some of the time. There are even occasions where nipples that were once constantly inverted now fluctuate between being inverted and erect.

When patients desire breast revision surgery for inverted nipples, the surgeons must determine the level of inversion first.


Grades of Nipple Inversion

Inverted nipples are placed into one of three grades. The factors that determine the grade into which they’re placed are the degree of inversion, the effect on breastfeeding, and the best solution should breast revision surgery be desired. 

In the Grade 1 category, the nipple will protrude with gentle squeezing and pushing on the areola. This can happen intentionally or through stimulation or breastfeeding. The nipple will often stay erect for some period of time after this.

For a Grade 2 inverted nipple, it’s more difficult to get the nipple to protrude and when it’s released, it retracts back inward. 

Women with Grade 3 inverted nipples find it extremely difficult or even impossible to pull the nipple out from its inverted position. 

Any grade of inversion can be addressed with nipple correction surgery – although women with grade 1 and 2 inversions will often try non-surgical methods first, such as nipple piercing or suction.


Nipple Piercing or Suction?

Yep, that’s right. Some women opt for nipple piercing to draw out inverted nipples. It seems that putting a piece of metal through your nipple will keep it in an erect position. 

Of course, this option is far from ideal for most women. And it requires a tattoo artist who is very familiar with working with inverted nipples. 

Meanwhile, there are suction methods that draw out the nipple. Although some of them promise this is a viable fix, the only truly permanent solution is surgery.


Correcting Inverted Nipples with Surgery

Once upon a time, correcting inverted nipples meant severing the milk ducts that pulled on them. Obviously, this eliminated the option of breastfeeding. As such, this method is rarely used any longer.

Instead, there is a newer technique that focuses on releasing surrounding fibers rather than severing the milk ducts. This way, the milk ducts are kept completely intact, while the fibers around them are stretched and spread.  

A small incision is made at the base of the nipple, while the nipple is held in the out position. Then several lines of dissolving sutures are inserted under the skin to hold the nipple in that position. 

After the procedure, protective devices are placed over the nipples for a couple of days. This ensures the nipples stay in position and don’t retract again during healing. These devices can be removed after a few days and the sutures dissolve within weeks.

But the results of the surgery are immediately noticeable. And because the procedure addresses the underlying issue of tissue abnormalities, the  results are very likely to be permanent with minimal scarring that will blend right into the bumps and color of the areola. 


You Don’t Need to Live with Inverted Nipples

When it comes to correcting inverted nipples, you have options! 

So if you’re troubled by this condition, then contact us today for a free consultation. 

You could be one simple procedure away from FINALLY feeling really good about the appearance of your breasts! 

Fall in Love with the Fall Specials at Star Plastic Surgery

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After a less-than-normal summer, it’s hard to believe that our less-than-normal fall has arrived.

But even though the world continues to be in a strange space, we’re keeping some continuity by offering our seasonal specials.

So right now is your opportunity to take advantage of the fall specials at Star Plastic Surgery. Here’s what we’re offering this year:

Surgical Procedures

For those of you who are able (or required) to keep working virtually, this is the ideal time to schedule that surgical procedure you’ve been putting off. And just imagine how great you’ll look and feel by the time the holiday party rolls around – even if it IS on Zoom.

  1. Mommy Makeover

While there’s nothing quite so rewarding as having a child, childbirth can take a serious toll on your body. So if you’re remembering those pre-child days when you had a sexy figure, why not get it back? Right now, a Mommy Makeover is $1500 off. Or, if you prefer, you can opt for free implants instead.

  1. Abdominoplasty

If you’re feeling less than confident about how your belly looks these days, we’ve got good news. During our fall specials, your abdominoplasty procedure includes two areas of free liposuction. That’s a $2500 value. So remove that excess fat and skin and tighten weakened and separated muscles to get a slimmer, tighter stomach.

  1. Breast Augmentation

Do you feel that your breasts aren’t the size or shape that fits your frame? Or is one larger than the other? Now is the time to change that! Breast augmentation will help to restore your confidence by providing a natural look that complements your body’s silhouette. And if you decide to have breast augmentation surgery with a breast lift, the procedure is $1250 off during our fall specials.

  1. Post-Bariatric Skin Removal

Did you recently lose a lot of weight? Whether from surgery or just a major lifestyle change, it’s quite an accomplishment. Yet, the result can leave excess sagging skin where there was formally fat. That’s why right now we’re offering $1500 off an Arm Lift, Body Lift, or Thigh Lift. You went to all of that effort, now take it to completion.

Nonsurgical Procedures

Though procedures of the nonsurgical variety certainly take less time and require a shorter recovery, they’re no less impactful! So consider one of the following procedures as you head into the cooler autumn months.

  1. EMsculpt

For many of us, it’s difficult to keep the abs toned and firmed – no matter how many sit-ups we attempt. But what if you could do 20,000 sit-ups in just 30 minutes? That’s precisely what EMsculpt can do for you. And all you have to do is simply lay back and relax. It’s that easy. Try it! Buy two treatments and get two free. That’s a savings of $1500.

  1. Botox

Is your skin prematurely aging? Would you like to restore a more youthful sheen? (The answer is yes.) Botox does just that. The better you feel about how you look, the more confident you’ll feel. That’s a recipe for success. And at just $10 per unit during our fall specials, you can afford a lot of confidence!

  1. Halo and BBL Combo

Regular everyday living can be tough on the skin. The sun, environmental factors, acne, and aging can take their toll on your skin. Fortunately, laser resurfacing can bring new fullness and glow to your skin. And Halo Laser Treatment is second-to-none. Right now, if you opt for Halo, you’ll receive a free BBL Forever Young treatment at the same time as your HALO procedure. That’s a savings of $500.

  1. VI Peel

Are you tired of your skin looking old and damaged, and longing for a more youthful and appealing appearance? A chemical skin peel could be just what you need. And with the revolutionary VI Peel, chemical peels are just as effective on dark skin as they have been on lighter skin. Plus, with $50 off any VI Peel during our fall specials, why pass it up?

Don’t Miss the Fall Specials at Star Plastic Surgery

The fall specials at Star Plastic Surgery only run through Halloween (10/31/20) so don’t hesitate!

Contact us today for a free consultation with one of our board-certified surgeons. They will help you determine which procedure(s) will best fit your needs so you can move confidently into the fall.

Make a Major Change with Lipo 360 During Our Summer Specials

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Time is running out to take advantage of the amazing Summer specials at Star Plastic Surgery.

So if you’re looking to make a dramatic change to your body, now is the time. In fact, you’ve only got until August 31st to have three areas treated with Lipo 360 for just $5500. That’s a savings of $2000!

The obvious question now, of course, is this:

What is Liposuction 360?

Liposuction 360, known more simply as Lipo 360, is a surgical procedure that’s conducted 360 degrees around the body in order to sculpt a new waistline or contour particular body areas.

Lipo 360 uses ultrasonic, laser, or power-assisted technology to selectively dislodge body fat so that it’s easier to remove. By dislodging the fat, surgeons can remove it more consistently – minimizing trauma and force.

Most commonly, Lipo 360 refers to decreasing the waistline in a 360-degree fashion and the procedure is performed in two stages around the body.

Beginning with the back, the surgeon removes excess fat in upper back rolls and the lower waist, as well as bra fat and lower back fat.

In the second stage, the patient is turned over for the abdomen and flank liposuction. Depending on the situation and the amount of loose skin remaining, the patient may require a tummy tuck as well.

Arms, as well as inner and outer thighs, may be contoured as well.

It should be added that 360 Lipo can be performed in conjunction with breast augmentation, breast lift, and Brazilian Butt Lift procedures as well.

The Lipo 360 Procedure

Wondering what to expect?

The first step is to meet with a surgeon who will sit down with you and listen to your specific wants and needs. Based on those, he or she will make specific recommendations as to the best ways to shape and define your body.

Lipo 360 requires general anesthesia and at Star Plastic Surgery, we used only board-certified anesthesiologists.

Each board-certified surgeon is highly trained in using special techniques to accentuate your curves resulting in dramatic new contours that look completely natural.

The Recovery

You can more than likely expect to return to normal activities within just a few days after a Lipo 360 treatment – particularly if you follow post-op instructions provided by the surgeon.

These specific recommendations are given by your surgeon to ensure quicker healing and optimal results, so you should plan to avoid very strenuous activities or exercises following the procedure. This will encourage healing.

Are You a Good Candidate for Lipo 360?

If you are within your ideal body weight and want to remove fat from troublesome areas that haven’t been affected by exercise, Lipo 360 is a great solution.

It targets both small and large areas of the body to give you the shape and curves you’ve always wanted. So don’t let our Summer specials pass you by.

Contact us today to set up your free consultation and to save $2000!

Dr. Elan Reisin is the Face of Plastic Surgery

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Each year in August, Detroit HOUR runs a special section entitled the Faces of Detroit.

It’s a great way to get familiar with some of the folks in Detroit who stand out from the crowd for their stellar services and commitment to their work.

Next month, Dr. Elan Reisin of Star Plastic Surgery will proudly be the Face of Plastic Surgery for Detroit.


What Makes Dr. Reisin Unique?

 If it’s highly experienced doctors you’re looking for, then Dr. Elan Reisin, M.D., F.A.C.S., and his team of surgeons are exactly what you’re seeking.

Not only has Dr. Reisin completed more than 15,000 cosmetic surgeries with his team, but he’s also a published medical authority on breast surgery. Surgery of the Breast, by Dr. Reisin’s mentor, Scott L. Spear, M.D., includes Dr. Reisin’s co-authored chapter on breast augmentation.

Furthermore, Dr. Reisin is board-certified in plastic and reconstructive surgery and has received numerous national awards including the 2014 Consultant to the National Institute of Medicine and the 2014 National Academy of Plastic Surgery Award of Honor/Lifetime Laureate.

Aside from his current status as the Face of Plastic Surgery in Detroit, Dr. Reisin is also a multiyear Detroit Hour Magazine Top Doc honoree. He was first voted the prestigious Top Doc in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in 2015, when he received the most votes in the category by a selection of his peers.

After that, he went on to receive Top Doc status in both 2017, 2018, and 2019. He will once again receive this honor in October of this year.


An Impressive Education

Dr. Reisin was fortunate to be raised under the tutelage of his world-renowned plastic surgeon father, Dr. Jorge Reisin. He spent his childhood summers in Argentina where he learned to speak fluent Spanish.

A serious and diligent student, Dr. Reisin was named the 1990 Top Hispanic High School Student in the United States for his academic achievements. He was also recognized as an accomplished athlete.

It wasn’t long before he was recruited by top universities and would eventually receive an academic scholarship to the University of Michigan. He was also the recipient of the Michigan Achievement Award.

After completing his residency, he joined his father at the Reisin Institute in Chevy Chase, Maryland, where he was recognized with the Patient’s Choice Award from 2008 – 2015. He also received the Compassionate Doctor Award from 2010 – 2014 and is recognized in the “Top Doctors” for the Washingtonian in Washington, D.C.


A Born Teacher

As a member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Dr. Reisin has traveled internationally to learn from top plastic surgeons. Inspired by these surgeons, he knew early on the importance of giving back.

Dr. Reisin enjoys teaching his colleagues. He is both an injector specialist and an adept physician trainer – serving often as a featured speaker in the art of achieving the maximum results for patients who have opted for temporary injectable treatment instead of facial plastic surgery.

He has also been honored for his service, dedication and mentorship to the residents of the Plastic Surgery Integrated Residency Training Program at Georgetown University Hospital. And he has given back through philanthropic trips to the Dominican Republic to treat children with congenital and traumatic deformities.

Finally, after five years of serving as an attending physician and teaching surgical residents at the prestigious Georgetown University Hospital Department of Plastic Surgery, Dr. Reisin decided it was time to realize his vision of a state-of-the-art AAAHC surgical center and medical spa.

From that vision, Star Plastic Surgery was born. And that is precisely where Dr. Reisin now spends his days as Medical Director – grateful for all of the opportunities and eager to help his patients find new confidence and comfort in their bodies.


Experience the Best

So if you’re looking the true face of plastic surgery in the Detroit area, look no further than Dr. Elan Reisin at Star Plastic Surgery in Novi, Michigan.

Contact Star Plastic Surgery today to discuss your options with a member of their team. And you’ll soon know what it means to be cared for by the best!






Summer Specials at Star Plastic Surgery Won’t Last Forever

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Just as quickly as summer comes and goes, so too will the summer specials at Star Plastic Surgery.

We’re talking August 31st – which is before Labor Day.

That means, essentially, that summer will actually outlast our specials. So there’s no time to waste!

What Are the Summer Specials at Star Plastic Surgery?

We’re glad you asked because you’re going to want to jump on these. Plus, any one of the following procedures would be a great way to treat yourself doing these trying times.

  1. Breast Augmentation

Move into the autumn season with the confidence that comes with fuller, more youthful appearing breasts.

Right now, breast augmentation with saline is only $4850. You can upgrade to silicone for an additional $1000. You’ll love the way you look and feel – even during that third Zoom meeting for the day.

  1. 360 Lipo

Feeling a little wary about your midsection? Have you been enjoying too many barbecues during distance visiting?

360 Lipo is an all-inclusive procedure that contours and shapes the midsection, 360 degrees around. (Hence the name.) Areas for treatment include the upper and lower abdominals, the flanks on both sides, and the lower and mid-back. During our summer specials, you can buy three areas for just $5500. That’s a savings of $2000!

  1. Augmentation with Breast Lift

Even though the weather is bound to get cooler, it’s still pretty tough to hide sagging breasts under big sweaters. Plus, wouldn’t it be nice to wear some more form-fitting clothing this winter? You can’t stay in your pajamas forever.

With that in mind, Star Plastic Surgery is offering augmentation with breast lift for $6950 through the end of August. And that includes free saline or silicone implants.

It’s time to ditch the gigantic one-size-fits-all T-shirt.

  1. Emsculpt

This revolutionary body sculpting procedure lifts and tones – without the use of surgery. In fact, this completely non-invasive procedure builds muscle and reduces fat at the same time. Intrigued? You should be. It’s the equivalent of doing 20,000 sit ups while you lie back and relax.

Right now, buy two treatments and get two treatments free. That’s a $1500 value. Plus, you’ll walk away with a noticeably more defined abdomen.

  1. Hydrafacial

Summer heat, sun, and sweat can do a job on your face. By the end of the season, your skin is ready for a deep cleaning. A Hydrafacial is the perfect solution. It’s an extremely effective way to clean and clear out your pores.

But here’s the kicker – it also hydrates the skin. The other kicker is that you can get six Hydrafacials for just $600 during our summer specials. So come on in and stock up. Your face needs love in the fall and winter too.

  1. Voluma Cheek Lift

You’ve probably heard of hyaluronic acid (HA) at this point. Just in cast you haven’t, HA is a sugar found naturally in the skin. It holds water and helps keep it hydrated and plump.

As we age, the body loses the ability to make HA. And this can lead to sunken cheeks (among other things). Fortunately, there’s the Voluma Cheek Lift. It’s the only HA filler that’s FDA-approved and the plumping effects can also last up to two years with optimal treatment- which is the only treatment we offer.

It’s quick, it’s convenient, and if you act now, you can save $500 and get 2 syringes for only $1100. That’s something to smile about.

Don’t Let These Specials Slip Away

Treat yourself to the summer specials at Star Plastic Surgery and make the most of the rest of your summer.

These offers are only good through August 31st, so contact us today to talk with one of our professionals about your options. And embrace a new you for the fall season.

The History of Plastic Surgery

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If you had to wager a guess as to when plastic surgery began, chances are you’d guess much later than reality.

In fact, the history of plastic surgery goes all the way back to 800 B.C. when physicians in ancient India were using skin grafts for reconstructive surgery.

It’s hard to imagine what that entailed exactly. It’s probably safe to say that the procedure would not have been considered hygienic by today’s standards.

Whatever the case, the practice of plastic surgery continued to grow from its roots in early Eastern medicine practices into what it is today.


The History of Plastic Surgery

The field hardly took off after those early days in India. Advances were admittedly slow in coming.

There were a number of Asian healers who used certain techniques that looked something like modern rhinoplasty to improve upon the shape of noses of royal family members. Over the next few centuries though, the techniques used in India and central Asia were introduced to European countries.


The Greco-Roman Period

The Greco-Roman Period was between 332BC -395 AD. It marked the end of Persian rule over Egypt. It also marked some of the biggest advancements in medicine.

Roman medical writer Aulus Cornelius Celsus wrote De Medicina which laid out surgical methods for reconstructing ears, lips, and noses. Another text entitled Synagogue Medicae, was a 70-volume work that contained numerous passages dedicated to reconstructive techniques to repair facial defects.


The Middle Ages

With the fall of the Roman Empire and the spread of Christianity throughout Europe during the Middle Ages (476– 1453AD), science gave way to mysticism and religion. At one point, Pope Innocent III declared that all surgery was expressly prohibited by Church law.

Later in the Middle Ages, plastic surgery fell further out of favor as it was considered the work of witchcraft.

Despite these limitations and the overall lack of standards for hygiene and cleanliness, minor advancements were still made during this time. A procedure to repair a cleft lip was, in fact, developed in the tenth century.


The Renaissance

The Renaissance occurred from 1300 – 1600AD and saw significant advances in science and technology. During this time, safer and more effective surgical techniques were developed.

An Islamic text from the 15th century, Imperial Surgery, included 191 procedures that included both maxillofacial and eyelid surgery. It also included a protocol for the treatment of gynecomastia and is thus believed to be the foundation for the modern method of surgical breast reduction.

During the 16th century, University of Bologna professor of surgery and anatomy Gaspare Tagliacozzi – whose often referred to as the “father of plastic surgery” – first started nose grafting using skin flaps from the upper arm. He used these techniques primarily to correct saddle nose deformity.

During the seventeenth century, plastic surgery would again decline. But by the late eighteenth and early 19th century, the pendulum would start to swing back in the other direction.


The 1800s

In 1818, German Doctor Karl Ferdinand von Gräefe published Rhinoplastik, being the first to coin the term “plastic” surgery. Originating from the the Greek word, plastikos, and the Latin word, plasticus, it meant “able to be molded.” Since these doctors molded body tissues during their procedures, it was called plastic surgery.

The first cleft palate operation was in 1827 in the United States. It was performed by Dr. John Peter Mettauer using surgical instruments of his own design.

Many women during this time used corsets and brassieres to enhance the look of their breasts. Cosmetic surgeons gradually learned new ways to augment the breast shape and size in women and in the 19th century, surgeons performed the first breast augmentation by using artificial implants made from rubber, paraffin, ivory, and glass.

Finally, the first reconstructive breast surgery was done by Vincenz Czerny in 1895. He performed a successful mammary reconstruction on an actress who had undergone a cancerous surgery and removal of a breast tumor.


The 1900s

At the beginning of the 1900s, the need for plastic surgery was becoming clearer. Its necessity would become ever more apparent with the arrival of World War I.

The casualties of war made reconstructive surgery a necessity for many soldiers. Military physicians were required to treat extensive facial and head injuries caused by modern weaponry – both in the United States and Europe.

Around this time, surgeons began to fully realize the potential influence that one’s personal appearance has on success in life. As such, aesthetic surgery became a more respected aspect of plastic surgery. In 1923, after WWI, the first modern rhinoplasty was performed in the United States.

This progress also brought with it advanced methods of anesthesia and infection prevention so that surgeons could perform increasingly complex procedures.

This fostered the establishment of medical boards and associations to provide continuity of care and research along with a network for medical providers working in the field of plastic and cosmetic surgery.

With board certification in place, plastic surgery became fully integrated into the medical establishment by 1950. And by 1969, plastic surgeons were moving to the forefront of the medical establishment, including Dr. Hal B. Jennings who was appointed Surgeon General that year.

In the 1980s, plastic surgeons and plastic surgery advocates pushed to expand public awareness and improve public perception and growth continued through the 1990s.

Growth continued through the 1990s, and today, plastic surgery is a popular option – whether for reconstructive purposes, health reasons, or to boost one’s appearance and confidence. With so many safe and proven options, it’s no big surprise.


Is Plastic Surgery Right for You?

The long history of plastic surgery demonstrates what a truly viable medical option it is.

So if you’re ready to address a body part that leaves you feeling less than attractive or even makes your life more difficult, contact us today to talk to one of our surgeons.

You’re fortunate to live in a time where you can make such choices.

Better Breathing through Plastic Surgery

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It’s hard to argue that the nose is the most prominent feature on the face. And let’s face it – not everyone is crazy about theirs.

Perhaps you’re not comfortable with the appearance of your nose. Maybe you feel it’s too prominent in that it’s very large or it has a strange shape. Whatever your reason for feeling dissatisfaction with its appearance, plastic surgery can remedy that.

But did you know that you can also achieve better breathing through plastic surgery?

Rhinoplasty in Novi, Michigan


The Dual Function of Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty, known as nose reshaping or, more colloquially, as a “nose job,” ranked among the leading cosmetic surgical procedures in the U.S. in 2018.

In fact, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, more than 213,000 people elected to have a rhinoplasty procedure – coming in third behind only breast augmentation and liposuction.

And it’s no wonder. Not only can rhinoplasty improve the appearance of the nose, but it can also improve its function thereby providing relief for those who suffer from breathing problems. And it’s an outpatient procedure that generally takes 1.5 to 3 hours to complete.

When rhinoplasties are performed for correcting documented breathing, this is known as functional rhinoplasty. Also, when performing a cosmetic rhinoplasty, function is still a priority to maintain or improve.


Functional Rhinoplasty

With functional rhinoplasty, the main intention of the procedure does not focus on changing the appearance of the nose but rather aims to improve breathing. Even so, the best plastic surgeons are aware that the form and function of the nose are intimately linked.

In other words, improved breathing doesn’t come at a cost of decreased appearance. So it’s important to carefully select a highly-trained and board-certified plastic surgeon to achieve the best results.

Some of the medical conditions that could potentially be corrected with rhinoplasty include the following:


  1. Swollen or Enlarged Turbinates 

You’ve probably never heard of turbinates. Made primarily of nasal mucosa, think of them as the humidifiers of the nose.

The turbinates periodically swell in response to the environment. For example, during allergy season or when you lie on one side of your body and it becomes difficult to breathe through the nostril closest to the pillow.

For some, however, chronic enlargement of the turbinates results in nasal obstruction that may require surgery.


  1. Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea may be the result of palate abnormalities, obesity, or nasal obstruction. Those with this condition are unable to get normal airflow and actually stop breathing for short periods of time.

Not only does this cause snoring, but the sufferer is subject to dangerous oxygen deprivation while they sleep. Functional rhinoplasty aims to remedy this situation by reshaping the external and internal valves to allow for normal airflow.


  1. Narrowing or Collapse of Middle Vault 

If you’re familiar with the Breathe Right nasal strip, then you know its purpose is to hold nasal passages open to allow for fuller breathing. It was developed because some people suffer from weakness of the middle vault or side walls of the nose. When they deeply inhale, the side walls “collapse” inward.

Functional rhinoplasty repairs the internal nasal valves to prevent the nasal side walls from collapsing upon inhalation.


  1. Deviated Septum

The bone and cartilage that divide the space between your nostrils is known as the septum. A “deviation” is a bend of the septum.

To be honest, the septum is rarely perfectly straight for anyone. But when it bends significantly to one side or the other, it can block the air passage on one or both sides, making it difficult to breathe. This condition can also increase the risk for sinus infections due to poor drainage. Deviated septum also contributes to an asymmetric or crooked nose.

In the case of a deviated septum, a rhinoplasty along with a septoplasty is typically performed to straighten that bone and cartilage. The septum is repositioned to the middle of the nose. Portions of the septum may be used to augment the nose or narrow the tip.

To do this, the surgeon may need to cut and remove parts of the nasal septum before reinserting them in the proper position. But once a septoplasty is healed, the patient usually finds that it’s easier to breathe.


  1. Birth Defects

Some people are born with congenital malformations of the nose. These can include nasal masses, bony obstructions, tumors or cysts. Functional rhinoplasty can correct these conditions. In severe cases, such as when babies are born without a nasal septum, septoplasty is incorporated as well.


Overall Health Benefits of Better Breathing

Aside from the peaceful feeling that comes from taking deep breaths, the ability to fully respirate has many health benefits you may not have considered.

For example, not struggling to breathe results in lower blood pressure. It also improves exercise tolerance.

And, of course, better breathing leads to improved sleep. With improved sleep comes a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, less lethargy, and more energy. Poor sleep also activates the fight response which decreases metabolism.

So it turns out that improving one’s sleep through clearer breathing can even help to reduce the production of stress hormones and help with weight loss and lowering blood pressure!


Could You Achieve Better Breathing through Plastic Surgery?

If the source of your breathing issues is a malformation of or obstruction in your nose, you could just achieve better breathing through plastic surgery.

Functional rhinoplasty and/or septoplasty can open those airways while also providing any desired aesthetic change to the shape of your nose. It really is a win-win.

So contact us today for a free consultation with one of our highly skilled plastic surgeons. You’ll breathe easy knowing you’re getting the best possible care.

Can You Have Plastic Surgery to Reduce Back Pain?

The short answer is yes.

In our last post, we discussed how a tummy tuck procedure can help correct poor posture and ease back pain by strengthening and supporting the spine.

But an abdominoplasty isn’t the only plastic surgery to reduce back pain.

In fact, one of the most obvious ways to decrease pain in the back is by reducing the load on the front. Hence, the breast reduction.


The Drawbacks of Large Breasts


Preference in breast size is very personal. Some women are quite comfortable with an A-cup, while others feel more at home with something larger. That’s part of the reason breast augmentation exists.

But when breasts that are too ample wreak havoc on a woman’s quality of life, she may seek out a plastic surgeon to find relief for her chronic back pain and other large-breast-related health issues.

In some cases, patients are young women who developed large breasts during puberty. This is not an ideal time for this to occur because not only are the bones in the spine and neck not yet developed enough to support that kind of weight – but neither are the muscles in the shoulders and the back.

Other times, patients are older women whose breasts didn’t return to their original size after having children. Instead, they may be heavy and pendulous, causing discomfort.

Whatever the case, women with large breasts often have to deal with many negative repercussions. They have difficulty buying clothes that fit well and may even avoid certain social situations. They also avoid exercising because larger breasts can impede what others regard as regular movements in an exercise regimen.

In addition, they’re subject to uncomfortable rashes between and under their breasts.

Furthermore, the weight of their breasts pulling on bra straps can cause the skin to breakdown in their shoulders and create scabs, scars, and ridges there. But it’s usually back, neck, and shoulder pain that brings them to the plastic surgeon’s office.


How Is Back Pain Experienced?

The type of back pain and degree to which women experience it can vary. For some, the pain is dull, achy, and chronic, and remains mostly in the lower back.

For others, it’s more of a stinging or burning pain that moves from the low back to the backs of the thighs. From there it may travel to the lower legs or feet. The pain is often increased after prolonged sitting or standing.

In some cases, there may be muscle spasms or tightness in the back, pelvis, and hips. And some women report tingling or numbness in the hands or along the sciatic nerve.

The pain can start suddenly, or slowly develop over time. Sometimes it will come and go, but seems to get worse over time. But at the end of the day, women who seek plastic surgery for back pain have reached a point where they can no longer enjoy certain things because of it.

Breast reduction surgery is the ideal option for them.


What to Expect from Breast Reduction Surgery

When you make the decision to get a breast reduction, you’ll consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who will ensure that you fully understand the surgery, follow-up care, and the expected outcome. This will garner the most positive experience.

During the procedure, the surgeon will remove extra skin and excess breast tissue to make the breast more proportionately sized. He or she will then reposition the breast and the nipple and perform a breast lift to give your breast a fuller and more contoured appearance.

In addition, a long-acting pain medication is inserted between the pectoral muscles in the chest to ease you into recovery.


The procedure is outpatient, so you go home the same day. You’ll be prescribed a combination of pain relievers, anti-inflammatories, and muscle relaxers which will help shorten the recovery time.

For the first six weeks, you’ll need to wear a support bra both day and night. But you’ll be able to return to work and your regular activities in two to three weeks. And in just three months, you’ll be able to shop for your favorite bra in your new cup size!


Is Plastic Surgery to Reduce Back Pain an Option for You?

If you find that excess fatty tissue around the abdomen or in your breasts is putting too much strain on your back, then plastic surgery to reduce back pain might be right for you.

Contact us today to talk with one of our highly skilled plastic surgeons. We’ll discuss your options so that you can find relief and get back to your life with new confidence and vigor.

Demystifying Liposuction and Liposuction 360

You may have a concept of what liposuction is. But do you really know what liposuction is?

Despite it having been around for a long time now, a lot of people are still unclear on just exactly what liposuction is or how it works.

And as the field of plastic surgery has evolved and expanded, so too have liposuction procedures. For instance, Liposuction 360 brings a whole new dimension to the procedure.

In other words, today’s liposuction is not your grandma’s liposuction.

So let’s dive in and see what’s happening in the wild world of liposuction these days…


What Is Liposuction?

When you struggle with large deposits of fat in the thighs, abdomen, chest, arms, buttocks or neck that are unresponsive to diet and exercise, it can be incredibly discouraging.

This is particularly the case if you’re continually engaged in strenuous exercise and simply seeing no results. Plus, the extra weight makes your workouts even more challenging.

Removing that fat via liposuction can help. And the procedure is fairly straightforward.

Small incisions are made in the treatment area. Then a board-certified plastic surgeon inserts a cannula, or thin hollow tube, through the incisions to expand the space where fat is deposited. The fluid infiltrated also has anesthetic properties and helps constrict blood vessels making the procedure more comfortable, while decreasing postoperative bruising and intraoperative blood loss.

From there, a surgical vacuum is used to loosen and suction that problematic fat out of the body. Reducing that excess fat results in a slimmer body contour and restored confidence.

As an additional bonus, the fat cells or adipose tissue removed during liposuction can be repurposed if needed. For example, the fat can be transferred and injected into areas of the breast to improve shape and contour.

This provides patients a natural alternative to breast augmentation. Rather than using implants, they are able to enhance breast tissue using their own tissue.

The phenomenal success rate of liposuction procedures has made it one of the most popular forms of plastic surgery.


Are You a Good Fit for Liposuction?

The most effective way to determine if you’re a candidate is through a one-on-one consultation with a plastic surgeon.

Generally speaking though, the best candidates are those with localized accumulations of fat in specific areas.

But what about if the fat you want to remove isn’t quite so localized and affects multiple areas of the body?

That’s where Liposuction 360 comes in.


What is Liposuction 360?

Liposuction 360, known more simply as Lipo 360, is a surgical procedure that’s conducted 360 degrees around the body.

Lipo 360 uses ultrasonic, laser or power-assisted technology to selectively dislodge body fat so that it’s easier to remove. By dislodging the fat, surgeons can remove it more consistently – minimizing trauma and force.

Most commonly, Lipo 360 refers to decreasing the waistline in a 360-degree fashion.

The procedure is performed in two stages around the body.

Beginning with the back, the surgeon removes excess fat in upper back rolls and the lower waist, as well as bra fat and lower back fat. Arm liposuction may also be performed.

In the second stage, the patient is turned over for the abdomen and flank liposuction. Depending on the situation and the amount of loose skin remaining, the patient may require a tummy tuck as well.

Inner and outer thighs may be contoured as well.

Those with excess fat deposits in these areas can benefit from this procedure – though the ideal candidate is in overall good health, has healthy skin with good elasticity, and is of average to moderate weight.


Enhance Your Natural Contours with Liposuction and Lipo 360

So there you have it.

Whether you’re looking to remove excess fat from one “problem” area, or think you could benefit from a more comprehensive Lipo 360 procedure – with or without additional procedures – we’re here to help.

Contact us today to consult with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons. They will advise you on the best procedure(s) that will result in the best you.

Then prepare to celebrate your body this summer!