The Not-So-Exotic Brazilian Butt Lift


When you hear the term Brazilian butt lift, you might believe that this cosmetic procedure hails from the far reaches of South America. In reality, it was not created in Brazil.

In 1996, an American doctor was performing a televised fat transfer surgery on a Brazilian patient. They entitled the show, “Building the Brazilian Butt,” and the name stuck.

Today, the Brazilian butt lift Is regularly performed to provide patients with a fuller buttock contour while simultaneously removing fat from problem areas. So it’s the ultimate two-fer.

The Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure

What goes into a Brazilian butt lift? It’s fairly straightforward.

First, excess fat is removed with liposuction from areas such as the thighs, abdomen, the area above your buttock, and your lower back. This fat is then processed and prepared for transfer. From there, the plastic surgeon injects that fat into targeted areas of the buttocks where you desire more volume or fuller shape.

This is typically an outpatient procedure that uses general anesthesia or intravenous sedation and local anesthesia.


Who Can Benefit from a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Along with the procedure having no direct connection with Brazil, it’s also not a lift in the traditional sense of the word. It doesn’t actually address loose skin on the buttocks. For those with sagging skin, plastic surgeons would likely recommend thigh and buttock lift surgery instead.

Meanwhile, a Brazilian butt lift goes the distance in improving the shape and size of the buttocks in situations where there is not excess skin. Patients who want this procedure prefer fat transfer over implants and need to have adequate fat stores in other areas of the body.

Why Choose Fat Transfer Over Implants?

For patients who are very lean, there may not be enough fat in other parts of the body to harvest. For them, implants are a viable solution. There are added risks with implants though that include capsular contracture and increased risk of infection. Implants also look and feel less natural when compared to the results of a Brazilian butt lift.

By contrast, the injectable fat used in a Brazilian butt lift is harvested from the patient’s body so it’s more readily accepted into the body. Plus, using the patient’s own fat allows the surgeon to provide a smoother and more uniform appearance to the backside.

Another perk of the Brazilian butt lift is that there’s the dual benefit of eliminating unwanted fat from problem areas of the body. So while the buttocks becomes curvier and more rounded, other areas of the body are flattened and contoured. It’s a win-win.

Have Your Buttocks Deflated?

If so, it may be deflating your confidence in your appearance as well. No need for that!

Contact us today to set up a free consultation to discuss the option of a Brazilian butt lift. This proven method of augmentation will help to accentuate your buttocks while providing contour to your lower body as well.