What’s the Story About CBG for Sleep?

What’s the Story About CBG for Sleep?

The hemp plant has more than one hundred naturally occurring cannabinoids. Cannabigerol, or CBG, is one of them.

While there isn’t a wealth of studies on CBG for sleep, preliminary research suggests that CBG has the potential to help with inflammation, anxiety, and neurodegenerative disorders.

But now, some researchers are shifting their focus to using CBG for sleep.

Research About CBG for Sleep

As mentioned above, there is limited research that shows how CBG can have anti-anxiety effects. But a 2003 research review, did find a solid correlation between anxiety disorders and trouble with sleeping. Thus, if CBD can help with anxiety, then by extension, it could aid in better sleep.

Survey Shows Power of CBG

Even if there isn’t much scientific evidence, there is strong anecdotal evidence for CBG’s impact on sleep.

A survey of conducted in late 2022 looked at 127 people who had used CBG in the previous six months. 30% of them were using it for sleep. Of that group, 73% said that CBG-dominant products were more effective than conventional medication for sleeplessness.

Given this information, it certainly seems that CBG has the potential to help with sleep.

How the Body Interacts with CBG

Like all other cannabinoids, CBG works by interacting with your endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS serves as a transmitter system to help your memory, learning, emotional processing, and sleep – among other functions.

The ECS has two main receptor types – CB1 and CB2. CBG appears to interact with both of these. Scientific evidence shows at this point that CBG has anti-inflammatory properties. And CB2 receptors are therapeutic targets for anxiety and depression.

Again, the scientific information is still lacking. But as cannabis becomes more accepted, there will be more research.

What About CBD for Sleep?

As far as the science says, CBD is still considered the sleep cannabinoid. Research shows it helps with insomnia and sleep disorders. Meanwhile, CBG it touted for its anti-inflammatory.

CBG is still considered a body-focused cannabinoid while CBD is known for rendering stronger mental relaxation effects. Unlike THC, it won’t get you high. Plus, THC can elevate anxiety so it’s probably best to avoid if your sleep problems are related to anxiety.

Bringing CBD and CBG Together

CBD and CBG each have their benefits. It seems that combining the two delivers a nice entourage effect. CBD delivers mind-focused benefits while CBG has full-body effects.

So if you’re having difficulty finding slumber, you may want to experiment with taking CBD and CBG together. It may take some experimenting in terms of dosage and ratio of CBD to CBG. But once you land on the perfect combination, it could be just the game changer you’ve been seeking.

Trouble Sleeping?

If slumber is a challenge for you, you may benefit from CBG for sleep. Especially if you fold in some CBD too.

Meanwhile, if you’re having trouble sleeping because you’re worrying about your cannabis business, contact us today.

As cannabis marketing experts, we specialize in ensuring your business takes the spotlight.