How to Stay Out of the Danger Zone

Patients are the most important part of any medical practice. How their experience goes is very important to the reputation of the practice. One issue that often angers patients are the post-surgery cost. Depending what procedure is done, the post-surgery cost can vary and may even include physical therapy, specific diets, hospital beds, heating pads,


Experts Are Finding New Ways to Fight Bacteria

Doctors have been fighting bacteria with antibiotics for years and for the most part they have had great success. In recent years though, these diseases have been growing resistant to traditional medicine. In the 1940’s, Western doctors stopped using phage because of the advent of antibiotics. Experts have turned to phages once again instead of


People in Their 20’s Having Plastic Surgery

When people think of plastic surgery, they don’t normally think young, healthy people. Often, plastic surgery is associated with people in their 50s and 60s who want to look younger. Now a day’s however, doctors are starting to see a growing number of people in their 20’s are getting plastic surgery. The millennials are paying


Plastic Surgery Isn’t Just for Women

The desire to look your best is not reserved for women only. Men of all ages, occupations, and lifestyles choose plastic surgery to help them meet their goals. Whether you are concerned about looking younger, looking better in your clothing, or feeling more self-confident, Star Plastic Surgery will consult with you to determine what procedures