3D Cosmetic Surgery Procedure Video Library
In an effort to educate our patients at Star Plastic Surgery and to surpass the competition, we are excited to announce that we have integrated a 3D Plastic Surgery Library directly into our website. Viewable on both desktops, notebook computers and tablets, you’ll now be able to watch a fully animated 3D video of each procedure offered at Star Plastic Surgery by our team of board certified plastic surgeons.
Each 3D medical animation is in a separate category for that part of the body: body, breast, face or skin treatment. We will be continuously updating these animation videos as well. Why have we invested in this state-of-the-art video library? For patient education. We want our patients to be as well informed as possible before selecting the right cosmetic surgery procedure.
Our new Plastic Surgery Animation Library is endorsed by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. and has been medical board reviewed meaning that all animations are reviewed by a medical board of plastic surgeons for accuracy and authenticity. Additionally, our own Dr. Reisin has reviewed each video to ensure that it accurately represents our procedures and processes.
We hope you will appreciate Star Plastic Surgery’s new 3D Animation Library of Cosmetic Surgery Procedures and share the link with your friends as well. View the full library here.