Breast Augmentation Terminology Part 2 (L-Z)
Are you considering breast augmentation and want to do all your research first? If so, you may have read our first post on breast augmentation terminology.
So as not to overwhelm our readers, we only addressed the first half of the alphabet.
We’ll finish the job here with the second half of the alphabet so that you don’t need to scour the internet to find them.
Breast Augmentation Terminology (L-Z)
Just as we did in our first post, we won’t do a serious deep dive into the terminology. And just as some of the words in the first list didn’t apply to you, the same will apply here. But you can never have too much knowledge, right? So let’s take a look.
Mammary Hypoplasia
If one or both of your breasts are pointed, square, or oval in shape, your doctor may have diagnosed you with mammary hypoplasia. It’s a condition caused by breast malformation and typically occurs because the breast didn’t fully form during puberty. The areolar area may be constricted or collapsed, there may be a high breast fold, and/or the breast tissue tilts downward. Augmentation can repair this, but the constricted tissue will first need to be released.
Periareolar Incision
The area on the breast that includes the nipple and the surrounding pigmented skin is known as the nipple-areolar complex. A periareolar incision is one that’s made on the outside edge of this area. If you’re looking at a breast lift, the surgeon may use this to remove excess skin – though there are other applications.
One of the reasons people may hesitate to have breast augmentation is the possibility of a breast implant rupture. This is a rare occurrence, however. It can happen at any point after the procedure and is often the result of surgical instruments, trauma, under- or overfilling breast implants, capsular contracture, or excessive compression. While there will always be a risk with any surgery, it’s very important to vet your surgeon and ensure that he or she is board-certified and highly qualified.
Subglandular or Subpectoral Implant Placement
Subglandular implant placement is known as over-the-muscle placement, while subpectoral implant placement is under-the-muscle placement. Subglandular has a shorter recovery time but may not look as natural on certain body types. Subpectoral has a slightly longer recovery time but offers improved support and a more natural look.
On extremely rare occasions, the breast implants may settle too close together after the augmentation procedure and there is little to no room between the breasts. This is known as symmastia and is usually the result of over-dissection of the pocket.
Textured Breast Implants
Textured breast implants are subjected to a texturizing process that creates a grained surface on the outer shell of the implant to help reduce the risk of malposition or flipping of the implant. Many surgeons no longer promote this since it appears to correlate with the development of Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL).
Transaxillary Incision
A transaxillary incision is made in the armpit and the implant is placed using an endoscopic surgical camera. It reduces the appearance of scarring. It is not among the more common techniques and requires specific skill and experience.
Upper Pole Fullness
If you’re looking for breast augmentation because your breasts have somewhat fallen flat, then you’re looking for what’s called upper pole fullness. This term refers to the breast area’s shape, contour, and volume above the nipple. (Below the nipple is known as the lower pole.) Increasing upper pole fullness makes cleavage more prominent and gives the breast a rounder appearance. The size and profile of your chosen breast implant will determine how much upper pole fullness you’ll achieve.
Are You Considering Breast Augmentation Surgery?
Between this post and last week’s post, you now have more familiarity with breast augmentation terminology.
So if you’re thinking about getting breast augmentation, contact us today.
During your free consultation, you can ask the surgeon any further questions you have about the terminology as well as discuss the intricacies of the procedure. Then you can get that breast augmentation with confidence.