Factors That Speed Up Aging

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Aging is tough.

On the one hand, you have a sense of gratitude for getting as far as you have. But at the end of the day, gratitude doesn’t smooth out the wrinkles or make you look any younger.

Still, it seems that some move into aging more gracefully than others. And there are definitely factors that speed up aging.

So while there’s no way to escape the ravages of aging completely, there are ways to steer around some of those factors.

What Are Factors That Speed Up Aging?

One of the best ways to slow the aging process and maybe ward off some of the severity of it is by living a healthy lifestyle. In doing so, you’ll be able to lessen the following three different “invisible” factors that could be contributing to your aging faster.

  1. Free Radicals from Oxidation

What are free radicals?

Here’s the breakdown. Every atom is surrounded by electrons that circle it in layers known as shells. Each one of those shells must be filled by a set number of electrons. Once a shell reaches capacity, electrons begin to fill the next shell.

When an atom has an outer shell that is not filled all the way, it may bond with another atom and use its electrons to fill it. The atoms that do this are known as free radicals.

Because they lack the stability that comes with a full outer shell, free radicals are unstable. In their attempt to compensate for the number of electrons in their outer shell, they tend to react quickly with other substances.

In the case of oxygen molecules, when they split into single atoms with unpaired electrons, they turn into unstable free radicals desperately seeking other atoms or molecules. The continuation of this process is known as oxidative stress.

Free radicals produced from oxidative stress can overwhelm the repair processes of the body and cause wrinkles and grey hair. As the repair processes are further compromised, it can result in arthritis, poor eyesight, and even cancer.

One of the best ways to reduce oxidative stress is to avoid exposure to things such as sugar, toxins, and pesticides that promote it. So stick with whole and organic foods whenever possible and choose a diet rich in anti-oxidants to counteract those free radicals.

Reducing overall stress also helps – which brings us to our next point.

  1. Psychological Stress

As we age, our connective tissues break down. This is just a fact.

The connective tissues of the skin are collagen and elastin. And when they begin to break down, wrinkles form. But what makes one 50-year-old person appear closer to 40, while another looks more like 60?

Obviously, smoking, sunlight exposure, and good old genetics are at play. But psychological stress can also harm the proteins in skin tissue and cause wrinkles.

When you’re in the throes of chronic stress, the body produces high amounts of the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol is a key player in the breakdown of skin’s collagen and elastin. Furthermore, stress causes inflammation which impairs the body’s ability to repair itself.

Thus, finding ways to alleviate stress is essential. You might engage in mindfulness practices like yoga and meditation. And try carving out time each day to do something you enjoy.

  1. Inflammation

When you experience acute inflammation in your body, it can be painful and unpleasant. What you may not consider though is that inflammation is actually a defense mechanism. It’s the body’s natural way of protecting itself against infection and injury. It comes on quickly and typically lasts a few days before the body normalizes.

Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, does not subside and is on a continuous loop. In this case, whatever stimulated the inflammation lingers and sets off a continuous loop of inflammation that can go largely undetected.

Unhealthy lifestyle choices as well as environmental stressors such as pollution, chemicals, artificial fragrances, and even weather changes are largely responsible for chronic inflammation.

Along with all of the other organs in the body, the skin takes a beating from chronic stress. When it’s stuck in an endless state of even low-grade inflammation, it damages the cells that allow for recovery.

The best way to combat inflammation is by eating a diet rich in healthy fats and organic produce, staying hydrated, and using skin care products that help to cleanse and purify.

Take Care of the Whole You

Unfortunately, none of us can turn back time. But by having awareness of the factors that speed up aging and caring for yourself, you can slow the process to some degree.

And in the meantime, turn to us to smooth out some of those wrinkles or address other aging issues that have already occurred. Contact us today for a free consultation.

After all, looking younger is one of the best paths towards feeling younger.


Maintaining Plastic Surgery Post-Op Results

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Plastic surgery is just like any other surgery.

So just as you wouldn’t (we hope!) do nothing but sit on your couch and eat salty potato chips after heart surgery, there are effective ways of maintaining plastic surgery post-op results too.

Although some of them may require a small amount of medical intervention, but most of them are pretty straightforward lifestyle choices.

Healthy Lifestyle Choices Make a Big Difference

To maintain plastic surgery results more effectively, you’ll need to take a look at the choices you make from day to day. Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Are You Eating a Healthy Diet?

Large shifts in weight gain and loss can ruin the elastin and collagen of the skin, so it’s important you’re eating well.

Avoid foods that are high in sugar, dairy, and refined grains – especially right after your surgery. They can increase inflammation, swelling, and pain.

Then once you’ve recovered from your surgery, you’ll want to continue focusing on healthy eating. This is especially key after any body shaping procedure. For example, maintaining low visceral fat after a tummy tuck is crucial.

Whatever the case, stick with lean protein. Healing incisions and all postoperative wounds require 1gm of protein per kilogram of bodyweight. After the healing process, 1/2gm per kilogram bodyweight is appropriate to maintain healthy muscle mass and a strong immune system.

Also, eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to keep that post-surgical shape. A nutritionist may be worth the money to protect your plastic surgery investment.

  1. How Often Do You Exercise?

Obviously you don’t want to crank out an hour on the elliptical immediately following surgery. But once you get the okay from your surgeon, you’ll want to either return to or start a regular exercise regimen three to four times per week.

You may want to work with a personal trainer who is familiar with your situation and is aware of the most effective exercises. For instance, someone who understands what would be the best core exercise after abdominoplasty to help keep the abdomen flat after diastasis repair.

He or she can also help you to find the perfect balance between cardio and strength training to keep you feeling more energized rather than burnt out.

  1. What Do You Do to Protect Your Skin?

No matter your procedure, it’s important to take care of your skin. So keep your exposure to the sun at a minimum by using sunblock (an SPF of at least 50 – even in the winter) and wearing the appropriate clothing to protect against harmful UV rays.

In addition, use moisturizers containing hyaluronic acid moisturizers after any face procedures. ALLASTIN Trihex Technology is a solid recommendation.

  1. Do You Smoke?

No matter how much you may love smoking tobacco, the negative effects on the body and skin can’t be denied. It can actually slow your body’s healing process as well.

So whatever plastic surgery procedure you’ve chosen, be sure to avoid tobacco while you recover in order to heal properly. Then after that, make the effort to quit altogether. Not smoking will ensure your plastic surgery results will last even longer.

  1. How Much Water Do You Drink?

Post-plastic surgery care includes adequate hydration. As water is essential to replenish fluids lost during surgery, you’ll want to drink plenty of it. And then make it a regular part of your life to keep your body operating at its optimal capacity.

  1. Do You Get Enough Sleep? 

Yeah, we know. Getting enough sleep is a tough one. But given its tremendous healing powers, it’s crucial you’re making the effort to get the right amount each night.

Maintaining Plastic Surgery Post-Op Results Medically

While diet, exercise, and healthy lifestyle choices are key in maintaining your post surgical results, it’s impossible to stop the aging process or to rewire your genetics. So you may want to consider nonsurgical touch-up procedures to help enhance and extend your results.

For example, touch up liposuction after a tummy tuck can further improve the thick abdominal flap. Fillers, laser, PRP, and fat can be used to support the 3D improvement after a face lift. Your surgeon may even recommend botox to weaken forehead muscles after a brow lift.

Another factor to consider post surgery is capsular contracture. So in the case of breast augmentation, you’ll want to use prophylactic antibiotics with all dental cleanings and procedures and remain hyper vigilant of all possible infections that may also instigate a capsular contracture.

Your board-certified plastic surgeon will supply you with a comprehensive packet of post-operative instructions. Following these will ensure the healthiest recovery. And don’t hesitate to ask him or her specific questions about your recovery process.

Are You Considering Plastic Surgery?

Plastic surgery is sound investment. Especially when you go the distance in maintaining plastic surgery post-op results.

So if you’re considering improving your life with a plastic surgery procedure, then contact us today. We’ll be happy to sit down with you to discuss all of your many options.

The Ultimate Guide To A Mommy Makeover

Most of the women today want their body to be as fit as the celebrities and influencers they see on social. This attitude is not only due to social intimidation but also because they want to feel better in their self, and it works as a confidence booster for them. Most of the people nowadays believe that “when you feel good inside, it reflects your outer self,” and this seems to be so true. No woman wants her appearance to be an obstacle in achieving her ambitions and anybody to look down on them. This is one of many reasons they want to restore their body postpartum.

Many women have gone on fad diets and have been busting their butt in the gym. Nothing has worked to get their pre-baby body back; of course, it varies from individual to individual. Some can recover just great, and some just cannot. And there comes Mommy Makeover.


A mommy makeover consists of a list of procedures to restore or enhance the shape and appearance of a woman’s body after childbearing. Many areas of a woman’s body undergo a drastic change post-pregnancy. Most commonly, these areas are the breasts, abdomen, waist, and buttocks.

The procedures involved are performed considering the best option for the patient, According to their body conditions and what kind of procedure they want.


Possible procedures 

  • Breast Augmentation
  • Breast Lift
  • Liposuction
  • Tummy Tuck


Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure used to increase the size, fullness, and shape of a woman’s breast.

So, if you want to increase the size of your breasts, this can be an excellent option for you.

The procedure

This surgical procedure is performed under general anesthesia. A small incision is made under the natural breast fold (about 4 cm). The implant of the patient’s choice is then inserted above or just below the muscle and incision is sutured with dissolvable sutures. 

Size and material of Implant

Size of the Implant usually depends on the patient’s goals for breast size and her natural anatomy.

Generally, implants made of silicone are used, but fat or tissue can also serve the purpose of implants.


The majority of patients do not face any difficulties. But in rare cases, these complications can arise:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Implant complications
  • Nipple numbness 
  • Swelling



The incision is of generally as small as 4 cm, and as it is made under the natural fold, it is highly conspicuous and fades away with time.

Post-operation Recovery

Along with the medication given to you by your surgeon, much more is needed to be done to ensure a smooth recovery.

  • A surgical bra is advised to the patient for some weeks.
  • The patient can shower two days after surgery.
  • The patient is asked to keep their arms by their sides, which means no excessive stretching as it can cause swelling.
  • The patient shouldn’t drive or lift any heavy object for about 1-2 weeks.
  • Light walking is recommended for six weeks, and the patient can continue their regular regimen after that.
  • Avoid scar treatment of any kind (lotions, solutions, or herbal preps) until consulting your surgeon.
  • Implants usually sit high and take some time to adjust. The time frame can be anywhere from 6 weeks to 6 months.

Breast Lift/ Mastopexy

Breast lift is a surgical procedure, which primarily focuses on raising sagging or drooping breasts and gives them a firmer and round look.

There are three types of breast lift procedures:

1.  Periareolar incision: this approach follows the natural areolar shape of the patient and is typically best for someone who has large areolas and minimal sagging or drooping that needs correction.

2.  Vertical breast reduction Incision: This approach goes the same as the Periareolar incision but also extends down from the areola, thus providing a more significant lift for moderate drooping.

3.  Inverted T-Shape Incision: this approach follows the same way as both of the above-mentioned incisions with an additional incision within the breast fold.


The Procedure

It involves four steps:

1. Restoring nipple-areolar complex in its areolar complex

2. Adjust the breast according to the desired size

3. Giving it the desired shape

4. Removal of extra skin

This surgery is performed using general anesthesia, and an incision will be made according to the approaches mentioned above as desired by the patient. The surgeon will lift and reshape breasts. After removing the extra skin for a firmer appearance, the incisions are sutured with skin adhesives, sutures or surgical tape.


Just like breast augmentation, it has very rare chances of complications. Some of the complications are:

  • Bleeding 
  • Infection
  • Blood clots
  • Uneven breasts
  • Blood or fluid collection in the breasts
  • Blood clots
  • Scarring

Scarring may be a drawback of any surgery. However, scarring doesn’t persist for a long time as it fades away with time and becomes inconspicuous with the use of “doctor approved” scar creams/gels.

Post-operation Recovery

Full recovery times varies from individual to individual according to their body’s wound healing properties.

All the instructions given are just the same as that of breast augmentation procedure.

As there are long incisions, scar fading can take some extra amount of time, but the rest of the instructions are the same.


A breast lift and Breast Augmentation can be done together to achieve more appealing results.




Liposuction is a surgical procedure in which localized fatty tissue is removed from the abdomen. It is a very suitable procedure for people wishing to remove localized or stubborn fat deposits around the abdomen.

The procedure

Liposuction is a surgical procedure performed under local anesthesia. In this process, small incisions are made close to the fat deposits, and a cannula is inserted into the incisions to break up the fatty tissue and remove the dislodged fat by a medical vacuum. The incision is closed using dissolvable sutures.

Possible Complications

  • Temporary loss of sensation in the surgical area
  • Persistent swelling
  • Seroma (temporary fluid pouches)
  • The fat that has been removed may leave some irregularities,
  • Infection, or damage to nerve tissue
  • Fat embolism (trapped fat in blood circulation)


Scarring rule goes the same as mentioned above. Although the time frame varies from person to person, it eventually fades away and becomes unobtrusive.

Post-Operative Recovery

  • Generally, this procedure has a quick recovery.
  • Medicines and other preventive infection measures are prescribed. 
  • The patient is suggested to have a family member or friend by their side as the patient needs support while getting out of the bed or walking for the first two days.
  • Driving is forbidden because medication involves Tylenol, which may make you sleepy.
  • Compression garments are advised to support the new contours of the body and let them adjust according to the body’s natural anatomy.
  • The patient is discouraged from doing any heavy lifting/ exercises up to 4 weeks and can continue their regimen after being cleared by their doctor. 
  • Incision site should be cleaned with a specific solution provided by your doctor to avoid the risk of infections.
  • Keep track of your healthy diet.
  • Some medicines can also result in constipation. Add more fruits in your diet with laxative properties, or you can also seek help from a pharmacy product.

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure, in which loose skin is excised to give a flatter abdominal wall by tightening the abdominal wall. This procedure is best for mommies who have lost weight and are left with droopy skin or loose postpartum skin in the abdomen area.

The Procedure

The patient receives general anesthesia, and a horizontal incision is marked between the hips along the bikini line. The surgeon then tucks the abdominal wall by excising the loose skin and sewing the rest to itself from the sternum down to the pubic area, tightening the abdominal muscles. The navel is repositioned. Then the incision is closed with dissolvable sutures.


  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Changes in skin sensation
  • Seroma
  • Poor wound healing
  • Fat necrosis
  • Asymmetry 


Scarring with tummy tucks will be permanent but should fade away with time. As the incision is made below the bikini line, it is easily concealed under the underwear. So, it is just unnoticeable.


Post-operation Recovery

  • Following the operation, the patient is asked to put compression garments to reduce the swelling and support the new contours while it heals and adjusts according to the body. The patient is asked to wear these according to the progression of their recovery. 
  • Bruising, tightness, swelling, and moderate pain are expected after the surgery.
  • The patient is prescribed antibiotics as the risk of infections increases and can cause severe and long term damage to your body.
  •  A solution is prescribed to be applied to the incision area to protect it from any infection at least two times a day for two to three weeks.
  • Avoid heavy exercise, work, alcohol intake, and smoking are prohibited.
  • The patient is advised to rest and one to take two weeks off from work to better aid the healing process.
  • Last but the most powerful, must follow your surgeon’s advice no matter what.
  • Scar treatment can be used after talking to your doctor.
  • Pineapple enzyme is helpful in case of inflammation and reduces bruising.
  • Wear comfortable clothes to avoid burns.

Some pre-operation Instructions 

  • Wash with the solution recommended by your doctor twice daily, and one week before surgery.
  • It is advised to use an anti-bacterial soap like Dial anti-bacterial, starting two weeks prior to surgery.
  • Remove all the hairs in the surgical area.
  • Eat light food for two days before the surgery to avoid constipation due to the medication.
  • Wear loose and comfortable clothing.
  • Tell your surgeon about any illness or medication you are currently taking
  • Avoid smoking two months before your surgery as it affects the lungs and causes complications in operation and post-operation as it increases the risks of Pneumonia.
  • No Nicotine products: Avoid intake of any nicotine products for at least two months before the surgery. NIcotine may interfere with the blood flow and slow down the process of healing and recovery.
  • Stop using Aspirin, naproxen, ibuprofen or other NSAIDs, alcohol, vitamins, and all herbal products because they can cause potential bleeding in your surgery.
  • Avoid sun exposure because higher melanin content can slow down your healing process.
  • Do not drink anything (including water) after midnight, the day before surgery.
  • Avoid creams and lotions on your skin during surgery.


If you’re interested in more information about Mommy Makeovers, please contact our office at 248-735-3800. 

Receive $2,000 off your Mommy Makeover now through October 2019!

Skin Care

Star Plastic Surgery skin care services can help you achieve youthful, glowing skin with our clinically proven skin care treatments. Our licensed nurses and skin care professionals will create an individualized skin care program that fits your needs, schedule, and budget. We are proud to offer the latest in skin care featuring the finest skin care products from New Faces.

New Faces Skin Care© Anti-Aging and Skin Rejuvenation products help most people successfully address specific skin conditions. Their use can help virtually anyone to achieve healthy, youthful, beautiful skin regardless of age, sex, or skin color.

New Faces Skin Care© products are produced in FDA approved facilities guaranteeing the safety and integrity of the products. These uniquely formulated pharmaceutical grade products contain none of the harsh fillers or preservatives often found in over the counter or prescription products.

Skin Procedures

Aging, sun exposure, heredity, and lifestyle factors including nutrition, alcohol consumption, and smoking all may contribute to facial wrinkling.

Pigmentary changes of the skin, such as blotchiness or brown spots, may also occur with age or as a result of birth control pills, pregnancy, or genetic factors. Prior acne may have made the surface of your skin uneven. These problems, as well as certain other skin conditions, may be improved by proper skin procedures.

Our Skin Procedures

When used with our skin procedures, a variety of skin care products such as high quality washes and toners, body lotions, exfoliating and rejuvenating products, and additional advanced beauty essentials can enhance the results.

Contact us today to discuss your skin care needs.

Pre & Post-Surgery Process

Pre & Post-Surgery Process

Our dedicated team of trained professionals knows that well-informed patients are better prepared to make the necessary decisions regarding their well being and appearance. From your initial consultation, through your successful surgical outcome, post-operative care and recovery, we will be there for you every step of the way.

First Step: Determining what your cosmetic surgery needs are and the best procedures to help you accomplish your goals.

At your free and confidential consultation, you will be asked to fill out a form to help us learn the important aspects of your medical history including allergies, medications, previous surgical procedures, unusual responses to anesthesia, and factors that may affect successful surgical outcomes like smoking, alcohol, or drug related issues.

We will discuss the procedures you are interested in, your surgical goals, and review before and after photos.

A timeline will be established for your procedure and recovery.

You will know the cost of your procedures. We accept cash, checks, or credit cards for payment, or you may complete and application to finance your surgery. There are many options available including a no-down payment, no-interest plan.

If you wish to proceed with surgery, your next appointment will be with your surgeon.

Star Plastic Surgery wants your experience with our center to be simple, efficient and enjoyable.

Second Step: Pre-Surgery

We focus on quality patient care. Your surgeon will meet with you immediately before surgery and he/she will be able to address any last minute questions you may have.

Third Step: Surgery

Star Plastic Surgery’s surgeons are Board Certified or Board Eligible in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. They are credentialed to perform all cosmetic surgery procedures at the area’s leading hospitals and surgical centers. Our plastic surgeons specialize in plastic surgery.

Star’s surgeons use proven surgical techniques that provide a quicker and safer healing process and as a result a better surgical result for you, our patient.

Fourth Step: Post-Surgery

Once your procedure is complete, you’ll be given you surgeon’s personal cell phone number to reach him/her 24/7. It is our intent to make you comfortable and we want to answer any questions you may have, when you have them.

For your post-operative care, all of your visits will be with your surgeon, not a nurse.

Free Consultation

Free Consultation

At your free and confidential consultation, you will be first asked to provide information to help us learn the important aspects of your medical history including allergies, medications, previous surgical procedures, unusual responses to anesthesia, and other factors that may affect successful surgical outcomes like smoking, alcohol, or drug related problems.

Next, we will discuss the procedures you are interested in, your surgical goals, and review before and after photos.

Then, a timeline will be established for your procedure and recovery.

Finally, we will discuss the cost of your procedures and payment options. We accept cash, checks, or credit cards, or you may complete an application to finance your surgery. There are many options available including a no-down payment, no-interest plan.

Then, if you wish to proceed with surgery, your next appointment will be with your surgeon.

New Patient Forms

Star Plastic Surgery wants your experience with our center to be simple, efficient, and enjoyable. We have made our patient information forms available for download in PDF format. To save time and be more prepared, we recommend you review and complete these forms before you arrive at your initial appointment.

Our Patient Registration Form will ask for your basic information (name, address, contact), insurance information, as well as some other important information. This form is your first step to becoming a patient at Star Plastic Surgery.

Please download, print, complete, and bring the forms with you to your appointment. Download our new patient forms here. This will save you time and help streamline your visit to the facility.

Contact us today to schedule your free consultation.

Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid Surgery

As you age, your skin loses elasticity. Combined with lifestyle choices, stress, and sleeping habits, this can eventually lead to a puffy, baggy appearance around your eyes. In addition to making you look old before your time, droopy eyelids can impact vision, making it both an aesthetic and functional issue. Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, can restore a youthful, bright appearance to your eyes and restore vision diminished by droopy eyelids.

The plastic surgeons at Star Plastic Surgery understand how these issues can impact your self-esteem and lower your self-confidence. Using only proven surgical techniques, our eyelid surgeons can help you look and feel your absolute best.

Blepharoplasty FAQs

Brow Lift

Brow Lift

An endoscopic brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, is a procedure in which deep lines are removed from your forehead. In addition, droopy eyebrows can be lifted to provide a youthful and appealing appearance to the area around your eyes. Our board certified surgeons are highly trained in the endoscopic brow lift procedure to give you the smooth, beautiful forehead you desire.

Brow Lift FAQs

Full Facelift

Full Facelift

If you suffer from jowls, facial folds, deep wrinkles, and other signs of aging, a facelift may be the ideal procedure for you. Unmatched in its ability to provide a more youthful appearance to your face, a facelift can help restore the confidence and appeal lost to premature aging.

Feeling comfortable in your skin is essential to your self-esteem. When aging has left you with an appearance you no longer recognize or feel happy with, our board certified facial rejuvenation surgeons can help reverse the signs of aging and restore your natural, youthful appearance.

Facelift FAQs

Cosmetic Surgery Tips: Maintaining Your Results

Anyone who has cosmetic surgery wants to make sure their investment pays off.

Procedures at Star Plastic Surgery have very high patient satisfaction rates. Most patients are thrilled with their results for many years after surgery as well. Believe it or not, the surgeon isn’t 100% responsible for your long term results. You also have a responsibility in maintaining the long term results of your cosmetic surgery.

There are definitely some things you can do to successfully maintain your results for the months and years to come. Below, we present some post surgery cosmetic surgery tips:

Fitness and Exercise

Body contouring procedures can transform your curves, providing a more pleasing and proportionate look. While the results may seem magical, the look you see now can only last if you remain at a healthy weight. For instance, fat removal procedures such as liposuction will permanently rid you of targeted fat cells, but if you gain weight, you will see it in other areas as remaining fat cells expand. It’s even more important to keep your weight within a stable range if you’ve had a surgical lifting procedure (such as tummy tuck or body lift)—you’ll want to avoid stretching your skin again and nullifying the improvements you worked hard to achieve.

Sunscreen and Sun Protection

Immediately after your procedure, proper care makes a difference in scarring. Great skin care will help your results look as good or better than ever. Scarring is a necessary aspect of many surgeries. While your surgeon will take care to place your incisions where they can be most easily hidden, making sure they heal optimally and fade nicely over time is partially in your hands. First, it is critical to follow any post-operative activity restrictions; these rules will help you avoid straining your scars, which could cause them to become wider or more visible. Secondly, be sure to protect your incisions in the sun by covering them or using sunscreen, keep the area clean. It is also advised to use the topical scar care creams and ointments recommended by your doctor.

Healthy Lifestyle Habits

What you put in and on your body not only impacts your surgical results, it can make a huge difference in your overall health. We require patients to quit smoking tobacco for a few weeks before and after surgery. Nicotine greatly impacts your body’s ability to heal, resulting in prolonged recovery times. We would like to avoid potential complications that lead to pain, bleeding, or more visible scarring. Excessive alcohol consumption is another pitfall to avoid; there are a number of health drawbacks to overdoing it when it comes to drinking. Healthy eating habits are critical as well.

You’ve made the wise investment of cosmetic surgery… Now, it’s important to remember that post-surgery you have a share in the continued success.