Can You Reverse a BBL?
If you’re in the know (in the world of plastic surgery, at least), then you’re aware that a BBL is a Brazilian Butt Lift. It was a popular procedure during the reality TV reign of the Kardashians. With a BBL, fat from one part of the body is harvested, treated, and then injected into
The Ultimate Guide in Prepping for Plastic Surgery
Picture it. Your body finally has the shapes, lines, and sleek contours that you’ve always desired. And all you had to do was “add water and stir.” Okay. Obviously the second part is merely a dream. Because getting the body you want may very well mean you’ll have to go under the knife. And
How Do I Sleep After a Brazilian Butt Lift?
Has your butt deflated while you carry extra weight on other areas of your body? You’re certainly not alone. A procedure like a Brazilian Butt Lift can address this issue perfectly. It is a surgery though. And that means there’s a chance you’ll experience some discomfort when attempting to sleep after a Brazilian Butt