Personalized Plastic Surgery By A Board Certified Surgeon

BY IN board certified, plastic surgery, plasticsurgeons NO COMMENTS YET , ,

Thanks to the power of the Internet, there are few places where customization does not exist. Americans even expect tailor-made service. So what about personalized treatment in health care? Furthermore, consider the benefits of personalized plastic surgery treatment. Personalized Health Care? Personalized care is not the case when it comes to medical care. Almost always


How to Avoid the “Turkey Neck”

BY IN beauty, boardcertified, cosmeticsurgery, excessfat, facelift, genetics, holidays, michigan, niptuck, novi, plasticsurgeons, plasticsurgery, starplasticsurgery, thanksgiving, turkeyneck NO COMMENTS YET

The holidays always tend to be a time where people start to worry about their appearance most. You begin to see family and friends you wouldn’t normally see and you want to look your best.  Unfortunately, gravity, genetics, sun exposure, and lifestyle choices tend to cause the tissues in your face to dry out, wrinkle,