Brow Lift

Brow Lift

An endoscopic brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, is a procedure in which deep lines are removed from your forehead. In addition, droopy eyebrows can be lifted to provide a youthful and appealing appearance to the area around your eyes. Our board certified surgeons are highly trained in the endoscopic brow lift procedure to give you the smooth, beautiful forehead you desire.

Brow Lift FAQs

Mini Facelift

Mini Facelift

Our board certified surgeons offer the European facelift method which tightens and firms both skin and muscle, provides for a shorter scar life, and extends results to last years beyond the mini-facelifts offered elsewhere. Our devotion to quality patient care means that we take the time necessary to provide you with a natural, youthfully beautiful appearance.

Full Facelift

Full Facelift

If you suffer from jowls, facial folds, deep wrinkles, and other signs of aging, a facelift may be the ideal procedure for you. Unmatched in its ability to provide a more youthful appearance to your face, a facelift can help restore the confidence and appeal lost to premature aging.

Feeling comfortable in your skin is essential to your self-esteem. When aging has left you with an appearance you no longer recognize or feel happy with, our board certified facial rejuvenation surgeons can help reverse the signs of aging and restore your natural, youthful appearance.

Facelift FAQs

Facial Implants

Facial Implants

A disproportionate face can have a tremendous impact on your self-image. Insufficient bone structure can result in a recessed chin, flat cheeks, or an under defined jawline, all of which can provide an unappealing, sunken look that detracts from your overall appearance.

The skilled plastic surgeons at our office are able to use facial implants to create defined, naturally angled, and propitiate features for patients impacted by problems such as small chins, weak jaws, or imperfect contours. Taking the unique structure of your face into account, we can provide you with a look that is symmetrical, and balanced, and help give you the confidence and self-assurance you deserve.

Ear Pinning

Ear Pinning

Large, disproportionate ears can detract from the appearance of your entire head. For both children and adults, ears that protrude from the side of your head can leave you feeling awkward and self-conscious. Unlike other parts of your body that can be covered with clothing, your ears are one of your most prominent features. Ear surgery, also known as otoplasty, performed by one of our Detroit area plastic surgeons can help bring your ears into perfect alignment with the rest of your head and restore your self-confidence.

Nose Surgery

Nose Surgery

Your nose is one of your most prominent facial features. Whether you were born with a nose that you believe is not ideally suited to your face, or if your nose has become misshapen through aging or injury, nose surgery, or rhinoplasty, can bring your nose into perfect proportion with the rest of your face.

At the Novi, Michigan office of Star Plastic Surgery, our plastic surgeons approach each patient with personalized attention. Taking into account the natural features of your face, we can reshape your nose to ideally fit your contours and restore balance and beauty.

Nose Surgery FAQs

Facial Surgery

Facial Plastic Surgery Procedures

Star Plastic Surgery - Facial Plastic Surgery

When you look in the mirror, your face is the first thing you see. Likewise, when you meet people, it is your face on which they base their first impression. Whether it’s the unavoidable effects of aging or if you have always been dissatisfied with certain aspects of your appearance, being uncomfortable with the face you project to the world can have a devastating impact on your business and social life.

At Star Plastic Surgery, we offer a wide range of facial plastic surgery procedures to help both men and women feel more confident and secure in their appearance. Our board-certified plastic surgeons have helped thousands of people address these concerns and restore youthful and appealing facial features.

Our Facial Plastic Surgery Procedures

If there are aspects of your face that you feel draw unwanted attention or detract from your other facial features, a facial reshaping procedure may be best for you. Facial reshaping procedures change the size and shape of your facial features to provide a look that is more proportional and aesthetically pleasing. These procedures include:

If aging has produced a sagging, unappealing look to various facial features, a facial rejuvenation procedure may be more suited to your needs. Facial rejuvenation procedures can take years off of your face, giving you a tighter, more youthful appearance. Facial rejuvenation procedures include:

Working closely with you and listening to all of your concerns, our experienced plastic surgeons can help you correct imperfections and regain confidence in your appearance. If you are unhappy with any aspect of your face contact us today.

Brazilian Butt Lift

Brazilian Butt Lift

A flat, uneven backside can limit your clothing options and leave you feeling less voluptuous and womanly. Alone, a shapely, symmetrical and rounded buttock can be achieved through a buttock lift. Combined with other body contouring procedures, a butt lift can provide you with a firmer, more youthful looking lower body.

At Star Plastic Surgery, our Metro Detroit area plastic surgeons know how important it is to feel comfortable in your skin. We offer proven methods such as the Brazilian butt lift to produce a contoured, full buttock that can expand your clothing options and restore symmetry to your backside.

Surgical Candidates


Brazilian Butt Lift FAQs

Arm Lift

Arm Lift

Factors such as weight loss and aging can cause the skin under arms to droop. This sagging skin limits clothing options, forcing patients to wear long sleeves even during brutal summer heat. Moreover, it can make wearing bathing suits uncomfortable, and limit options for evening wear. Arm lift surgery may by the solution.

The plastic surgeons at Star Plastic Surgery can perform an arm lift, or brachioplasty. The surgery removes excess fat and skin from your arms that may not respond to diet and exercise. While some patients are unsatisfied with their arms alone, others may benefit from the procedure in addition to other body contouring procedures. Our surgeons work closely with patient goals to help ensure the desirable final outcomes.

Candidates for An Arm Lift

[h4]Surgical Procedure[/h4]

Arm Lift Results

Thigh Lift

Thigh Lift

Oftentimes, patients who have lost substantial weight desire to remove excess skin and fat from their thighs. A thigh lift is one solution. Thigh lift procedures are often performed along with liposuction for best results.