Nutrition Before and After Plastic Surgery

  Any time you opt for surgery – even if it’s elective – it’s still important to consider what to put into your body and what to avoid. Getting the proper nutrition before and after plastic surgery is going to make a difference in how quickly you heal. That’s why you should always discuss any


Wondering How Skin Elasticity Affects Plastic Surgery? 

  If you’re considering plastic surgery, you may be so focused on your desired outcome that you haven’t considered how the elasticity of your skin may affect that outcome.  But you can bet your plastic surgeon certainly has.  The fact is, skin elasticity affects plastic surgery results. Especially when it comes to liposuction. So skin


The Problems With BMI

  In case you’re unfamiliar, Body Mass Index (BMI) is a screening tool that “tells” whether someone is underweight, overweight, obese, or at a healthy weight. That’s the theory, at least. It’s calculated using a combination of a person’s weight and height. As such, there are some clear problems with BMI. Does Your BMI Say You’re


Fixing a Double Chin

  Are noticing a fullness under your chin that wasn’t there in the past? You may even have a double chin. Known medically as submental adiposity, it’s not a desirable condition for most people – no matter what you call it. Fortunately, there are many methods for fixing a double chin. Some more extreme than


How Do I Sleep After a Brazilian Butt Lift?

  Has your butt deflated while you carry extra weight on other areas of your body? You’re certainly not alone. A procedure like a Brazilian Butt Lift can address this issue perfectly. It is a surgery though. And that means there’s a chance you’ll experience some discomfort when attempting to sleep after a Brazilian Butt


Facial Surgeries Are Trending Younger

  It may come as something of a surprise that there are popular trends in plastic surgery every year. But just like fashion, plastic surgery is influenced by lifestyle, technology, the economy, and cultural shifts. Even if the results are much longer lasting. Interestingly, the most popular facial surgeries are trending younger for 2023. Why