Drink More Water for Healthy Skin

  By now, you probably know there are SO many benefits to drinking enough water each day. But do you know about the benefits of drinking water for healthy skin? It makes sense really. Drinking an abundance of water keeps your organs performing at their optimum levels. And since the skin is the largest organ


Why Get Vaginal Rejuvenation?

    With the flood of social media and celebrities talking openly about… well, everything… you might be wondering if your vagina is up to snuff. The reality is, there’s no right or wrong way your vagina should look or feel. Every body is different. However, if you’re feeling challenged by the appearance or functioning


Eat For Anti-Aging

  We all know there’s no fountain of youth from which to drink. But that doesn’t mean you can’t drink or eat for anti-aging. There are certainly foods that help to slow down the signs of aging more than others. And there are those that actually accelerate those signs. If your diet consists of a


Make Your Botox Last Longer

  If you’re seeing the signs of aging, you know that nothing in life is permanent. And while Botox can address some of those signs, the results are also not permanent. That’s no reason to throw in the towel on attaining a more youthful appearance though. Getting Botox can go a considerable distance in smoothing


The Not-So-Exotic Brazilian Butt Lift

  When you hear the term Brazilian butt lift, you might believe that this cosmetic procedure hails from the far reaches of South America. In reality, it was not created in Brazil. In 1996, an American doctor was performing a televised fat transfer surgery on a Brazilian patient. They entitled the show, “Building the Brazilian


What Makes Mommy Makeovers So Popular?

  Some time in the past few decades, the notion that the child always comes first took hold and left mothers feeling like they no longer deserved to care for themselves. And if they did, they experienced guilt. But much like pulling down the oxygen for yourself first so that you can help others, mothers


Mommy Makeover