Your Options for Surgical Body Contouring

You exercise and you eat well. You’re active and you’re healthy. Yet, you’re stuck with areas of stubborn fat or sagging skin that just won’t go away, no matter how hard you try. You’re not alone. But you’re also not without help. With a surgical body contouring procedure, you can eliminate excess fat, as well


All About the Chemical Peels

  Sick and tired of fine lines and wrinkles? How about age spots, mild scars, or dark patches? Chemical peels are an amazing way to significantly reduce the appearance of all of these. And they can be performed on the face, neck, or hands. They’re a great nonsurgical alternative for improving your complexion and restoring


Advantages of Plastic Surgery in the Winter

Are you sick of the cold weather and have a constant eye out for the spring? Whether you hate, love, or merely tolerate the cold, there is something to be said about opting to have plastic surgery in the winter. In fact, once you consider the many advantages, you may start wishing for winter. 1.


All About the Arm Lift

  Sagging skin under the arms can be embarrassing. It can also be terribly discouraging if you’re going to great lengths to remove it through diet and exercise and getting no results. Ironically, rapid weight loss can be a cause of sagging skin on the arms. But it can also be a result of aging


Maintaining Nonsurgical Body Contouring

  When you glance in the mirror, do you immediately see those “trouble” spots? This can be especially irritating when you’re eating well and exercising, but it’s not making a difference. Yet, you may not be ready for surgery just yet. Fortunately, new and emerging technologies have made it possible to tone muscles, burn fat,


What Is Too Young for Dermal Fillers?

What Is Too Young for Dermal Fillers? Dermal fillers have been available for over 40 years. Since that time, they’ve been used predominantly by women over the age of 40. These days, however, they’re increasingly used by (mostly) women in their 20s. Is this really such a bad idea though? But there are many who