5 Ways for Funding Plastic Surgery

Satisfied plastic surgery patients are quick to tell you that plastic surgery is worth every cent. After all, how do you put a price on feeling better and more confident about your appearance? Even so, some people rule it out before even having a free consultation with a plastic surgeon. They assume that funding plastic


Can You Boost Collagen?

Are you tired of the increasing number of wrinkles and lines showing up as a result of aging? Wouldn’t it be great if you could naturally boost collagen somehow? Unfortunately, there’s no way to increase natural production of collagen. One of the inevitabilities of aging is that the body just doesn’t make it like it


Difference Between Upper and Lower Eyelid Lifts

Remember when you were younger and felt a certain freedom to rub your eyes vigorously and often? And then an older relative would revile you for doing so; warning you of the ills of such an action? Turns out they were right. By now, you’ve more than likely come to the realization that the skin


Using Nicotine During Plastic Surgery Recovery

If you’re a smoker, it’s likely you know the risks involved. And you may even feel some resistance to reading about yet another reason to quit using nicotine. But if you’re planning to have plastic surgery it’s truly in your best interest to give up smoking and nicotine before the procedure so that your recovery


What Is a SMAS Facelift?

When it comes to signs of aging, the face is often the most telling. This is compounded by the fact that it can’t be hidden. So it’s no big surprise that many older adults are making the decision to get a SMAS facelift to restore a more youthful appearance and feel better about how they


Do You Need Revision Surgery?

  Plastic surgery can be life-changing in so many positive ways. There are occasions though, rare as they may be, where the results of the surgery aren’t… ideal. In the vast majority of plastic surgery procedures, when you do the research and choose a board-certified plastic surgeon to perform it, the results are exactly what