Advantages of Plastic Surgery in the Winter

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Are you sick of the cold weather and have a constant eye out for the spring?

Whether you hate, love, or merely tolerate the cold, there is something to be said about opting to have plastic surgery in the winter.

In fact, once you consider the many advantages, you may start wishing for winter.

1. Appointments Are Easier to Schedule

If you’ve ever tried to schedule plastic surgery in the spring or summer when folks are noticing their imperfections, then you know how tough it can be to get in.

But in the winter, it’s much easier to schedule a procedure. With all of the bulky clothes and layers to conceal those trouble spots, there’s just not the urgency to schedule. And if you’re planning a multiple procedure surgery such as a mommy makeover, you’ll want flexible scheduling.

2. Keep It Covered

Speaking of coats and sweaters, they’re also the perfect foil for concealing the early scarring, swelling, and bruising that follows a procedure.

Warm winter clothes are also ideal for hiding compression garments. Furthermore, the cold air makes having to wear compression garments much more comfortable than when the temperatures are high.

3. Stay Cozy While Recovering

Most of us want to eat up as much outdoor activity as possible during the summer. But when winter comes, we have the perfect excuse for snuggling under blankets, flipping on the TV, and staying in by the fire.

Plus, depending on the procedure, you’ll be required to spend between 4-8 weeks avoiding strenuous activities. So while you’re getting cozy on the couch, you can start dreaming about returning to those activities when the spring finally does come.

At the end of the day, with a winter plastic surgery procedure, you’ll be more motivated to rest and recover because there’s little motivation to venture out.

4. Avoiding the Sun Is Easy

Near the top of the list of things to avoid after plastic surgery is sun exposure. The UV rays can negatively impact the incision’s ability to heal.

Avoiding direct sun exposure is a challenge in the spring and summer months. But in the winter, it’s far from difficult. Especially if you live in a climate where clouds overrule the sun during the winter months.

And when you do have to be exposed to the sun, mostly on your face, it’s much easier to apply sunscreen to one small area of the body rather than everywhere.

Even laser procedures such as Halo or hair removal are most commonly done during the winter because you cannot be exposed to sunlight due to the sensitivity of the skin.

Take Advantage of Plastic Surgery in the Winter

By getting plastic surgery in the winter, when it does finally come time to pull out the shorts, t-shirts, and bathing suits, you’ll have already done the work to look your best.

Meanwhile, everyone who waited until late spring and early summer to get their procedures will have to wait until next summer to showcase their amazing results.

So don’t hesitate to contact us. Today. And show off your best self THIS summer!

Are There Ways to Eliminate Cellulite?

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Cellulite is a pesky condition that can affect anyone; leaving those impacted feeling self-conscious about the puckered skin on their arms, legs, buttocks, and/or torso.

Unfortunately, cellulite is not a rare condition. In fact, it occurs in up to 85% of adult women. It doesn’t change through diet and exercise and happily strikes bodies of all shapes and sizes.

So are there ways to eliminate cellulite? The short and simple answer is yes. But first, let’s address the following question:

What Is Cellulite?

Cellulite is not the same as ‘normal’ fat. The latter is stored in parts of the body where it’s burned when the body requires fuel. Cellulite, however, cannot be used as fuel. That’s because it’s effectively trapped in the dermal layer of the skin.

When fibrous bands tighten for any number or reasons, they pull down on the skin and push that layer of trapped fat upward – giving it the puckered appearance of cottage cheese.

As with so many other conditions that are part and parcel of getting older, the presence of cellulite is more visible as we age. Especially as the skin loses elasticity. However, young people experience visible cellulite as well.

There are a number of factors that determine whether you will have visible cellulite and to what degree. Along with age, these include pregnancy, inactivity, genetics, hormones, toxin build-up, weight gain, and body fat percentage.

So what’s an embarrassed bearer of cellulite to do?

Treatments That Help Eliminate Cellulite

Yes, there are over-the-counter remedies that promise to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Some work better than others. But none are highly effective or have much in the way of staying power.

To really address the issue requires medical intervention. While there are treatments that will eliminate cellulite, it’s important to remember that none of them will remove it permanently. As of now, there are several cellulite treatments that have proven effective:

  1. Laser Treatments

With a laser treatment, a tiny laser probe is placed under the dimpled skin though a small incision. The probe heats the area to stimulate collagen production that improves elasticity in the skin. The laser also lessens the thickness of the fat layer and releases the tightness of the fibrous bands.

An additional bonus with laser treatments is their ability to reduce regular fat as well.

Patients can expect at least two days of downtime after laser treatments. But the results typically last at least a year.

  1. Energy Treatments

Similar to laser treatments that stimulate the production of collagen, there are various energy treatments utilized in the fight against cellulite. These treatments include radio pulse therapy, pulsed electromagnetic field, infrared light, and radio frequency.

There is little to no downtime with these treatments. However, the results are temporary so the chosen procedure may need to be regularly performed every few months.

  1. Injectable Treatments

For patients with cellulite in the buttocks, there’s an FDA-approved injectable treatment that’s proven to be safe and effective. The noninvasive injection contains enzymes that can break down the collagen bands and stimulate the production of more flexible fibrous bands.

It’s also capable of redistributing fat cells underneath the skin to lessen build-up.

This is not a one and done procedure though. Each injectable treatment is typically three weeks apart. After the second treatment, the patient can expect to see results. Outside of a little possible bruising, there is no downtime with injectable treatments.

Are You Embarrassed By the Appearance of Cellulite?

Fortunately, there are ways to eliminate cellulite for awhile and spare you the embarrassment.

So if you’re ready to smooth out the puckering and put your best skin forward, contact us today. Depending on the degree of cellulite you have and its location, our plastic surgeons will determine the best plan for you.


Can You Boost Collagen?

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Are you tired of the increasing number of wrinkles and lines showing up as a result of aging? Wouldn’t it be great if you could naturally boost collagen somehow?

Unfortunately, there’s no way to increase natural production of collagen. One of the inevitabilities of aging is that the body just doesn’t make it like it once did.

But don’t worry. Not only are there preventative ways to keep production from waning too quickly, but there are ways to supplement the skin with the collagen it needs.

What Is Collagen?

Collagen is an abundant and fibrous protein secreted by mostly connective tissue cells. It’s found in your bones, muscles, skin, hair, nails, and tendons of the body. In fact, it makes up one-third of the protein in your body. In essence, it forms a scaffold to give your body structure and strength.

So yeah, it’s a big deal. And there are many types. In most types of collagen, the molecules are packed together to form long fibrils that are capable of being stretched at great lengths. Gram for gram, these fibrils are stronger than steel.

In the middle layer of your skin, i.e. the dermis, collagen is synthesized to form a network of cells known as fibroblasts. These are required for the production and growth of new collagen.

As we age though, collagen weakens leaving the structural integrity of the skin imperiled. Dead skin cells are not as easily replaced or restored, and we end up with wrinkles. For women, collagen synthesis declines even further after menopause.

Then there are the other ways we unwittingly contribute to its decline.

How Is Collagen Damaged?

Aside from the ravages of aging, there are a number of other things that can damage collagen even before production begins declining.

We all know by now the damaging effects of ultraviolet rays from the sun on the skin. In the case of collagen, sunlight causes it to break down more rapidly. In response, abnormal elastin builds up to compensate and the skin rebuilds incorrectly. The result? Wrinkles.

The situation is even worse for folks who smoke tobacco. Nicotine causes blood vessels to constrict which compromises the ability of nutrients and oxygen to reach the skin. And nicotine is only ONE of the many chemicals in tobacco that damage both collagen and elastin.

Plus, if you give in to a perpetual sweet tooth, you’re in even more danger of damaging collagen. A diet high in sugar increases the rate of glycation. During glycation, blood sugars attach to proteins to form molecules appropriately referred to as AGEs (advanced glycation end products). These can cause collagen to become dry, brittle, and weak.

How Can You Boost Collagen?

Before you run to the store to load up on moisturizing creams or powders that contain collagen, you should know that collagen molecules are too large to be absorbed through the skin. But even if these moisturizers don’t directly increase collagen, there are so may benefits to keeping your skin fully moisturized to ward off wrinkles. Thus, quality skin products are a good investment.

One way you can actually boost collagen is through collagen injections. Cosmetic dermal fillers are an effective way to fill out depressions and improve the contours of the skin on the face. In addition, a plastic surgeon may recommend laser therapy as a means of stimulating the growth of collagen, elastin, and melanin.

Finally, maintaining a healthy diet can support continued collagen formation in your body. Take advantage of nutrients such as anthocyanidins (found in blueberries, blackberries, cherries, and raspberries), copper (found in shellfish, nuts, and red meat), and essential amino acids such as proline (found in egg whites, meat, cheese, soy, and cabbage).

And be sure you’re getting plenty of vitamin C from citrus, broccoli, and strawberries, as well as vitamin A from animal-derived foods and also beta-carotene in a plant-based diet.

You Don’t Have to Settle for Wrinkles

Even though you can’t turn back the hands of time and boost collagen production in your skin, you can take steps now to lessen the appearance of aging and to slow its future impact.

We can help.

Contact us today to speak with our team of experts on ways to moisturize, plump up, and smooth out some of those wrinkles for a brighter and more youthful appearance.

And start putting your best face forward!

Methods for Getting Rid of Excess Skin

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Carrying around the extra weight of excess skin can be a lot to bear – both figuratively and literally.

In cases where excess skin is the result of desired weight loss or a pregnancy, it is most certainly an unwanted side effect. And it can put the kibosh on an otherwise joyous occasion.

Then as if the sheer assault on self-esteem weren’t enough, extra skin can cause discomfort in the form of chafing, irritation, and rashes. Fortunately, there are methods for getting rid of excess skin.

What Causes Excess Skin?

The most common cause of excess skin is extreme weight loss – though it’s not the sole culprit.

Our skin is designed to expand and contract. Collagen, which provides firmness and strength, accounts for 80% of the skin’s structure. Meanwhile, elastin is there to help the skin stay tight and “bounce back” from stretching.

The problem is, when the skin is required to expand for prolonged amounts of time, the collagen and elastin fibers are overextended and become damaged. This is the case for people who have been overweight for years or even decades.

While pregnancy can also cause excess skin, in most cases, the skin typically retracts within several months postpartum – as the length of time the skin is stretched in only nine months. Multiple pregnancies, however, can also challenge the ability of collagen and elastin to do their work.

The general rule of thumb is that the longer one has carried extra weight, and the more extreme it is (100 pounds or more), the stronger the likelihood that there will be excess skin after losing it.

What Other Factors Affect Skin Elasticity?

Extreme weight loss alone can be enough to create excess skin. But there are other factors that can work in tandem with weight loss that will also negatively affect the skin’s elasticity.

Obviously, older skin with less collagen and elastin production will not bounce back like younger skin does. The amount of sun exposure the skin has experienced will also affect this. Even smoking reduces the skin’s ability to produce collagen and elastin.

Then, of course, there’s always good old genetics. Some of us are just more blessed with resilient skin than others.

So then what’s a person who’s troubled by excess skin to do?

Methods for Getting Rid of Excess Skin

There are myriad ways to manage excess skin – though depending on the above factors, some ways are far more effective than others.


Many people will start with an exercise program to combat excess skin. And in most cases, exercise is a positive activity that we’re certainly not going to discourage!

Yes, building muscle mass through weight training can help to decrease the appearance of excess skin by replacing muscle mass with lost fat. But once again, if extra skin is the result of massive weight loss, there’s no amount of exercise that will completely eliminate it.

Firming Creams and Cosmetic Procedures

Similar to exercise, firming creams and cosmetic procedures could be helpful for those who aren’t struggling with a lot of excess skin or if the skin is mostly just loose around the eyes and mouth.

Firming creams with retinoids and hyaluronic acid are the most effective – especially for older skin. And cosmetic procedures including chemical peels, ablative laser resurfacing, and botox injections could help to tighten and smooth the skin.

Yet similar to exercise, firming creams and cosmetic procedures alone are not going to be enough to get rid of excess skin from major weight loss.

Body Contouring Surgery

The only true way to get rid of excess skin after major weight loss is through plastic surgery. This usually consists of a range of body contouring procedures performed by a plastic surgeon and designed to address excess skin folds on the arms, legs, torso and/or buttocks.

The initial step during these procedures is to remove skin. From there, the surgeon will also tighten and lift the targeted areas to improve contour. This delivers a more natural and pleasing shape. And these surgeries are long-lasting, provided that the patient’s weight remains stable.

As such, body contouring surgery to get rid of excess skin is typically scheduled once weight has stabilized for a least a few months after massive weight loss. And after the procedure, patients need to maintain a healthy lifestyle to ensure success.

Are You Troubled By Excess Skin?

Whether you’re dealing with sagging skin around the face, or hanging skin after major weight loss, we can help you with the best methods for getting rid of excess skin.

Contact us today for a free consultation. One of our board-certified plastic surgeons will assess your overall physical health before discussing with you which procedures will be most effective.

Then get back on the road toward a more confident and comfortable you!

What Are the Latest Advances in Plastic Surgery?

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Plastic surgery, like everything else in life, is constantly evolving. Yet, there are those who avoid plastic surgery based on antiquated notions of what it is.

So if you’re interested in a procedure for yourself but are wondering about the latest advances in plastic surgery, we’ll take a look at how the face of the industry is changing. (No pun intended.)

Drainless Tummy Tuck

Once upon a time, getting a tummy tuck meant you were going to have to deal with the inconvenience of two or even three drains and their wires coming off your body post surgery. Yeah. Pretty draconian stuff.

Plus, there was always the possibility of bacteria entering through the portal entries of these drains and wires. Not anymore.

With the development of progressive tension sutures, surgeons now advance the skin flaps down toward the incision line so there’s no longer a fluid-gathering space that requires drains. Furthermore, the sutures create a much more aesthetic scar too.


When an ophthalmologist in the 1990s discovered that treating people with a tight eyelid condition with Botox injections also smoothed wrinkles, Allergan Pharmaceuticals bought the medication and effectively entered the aesthetics game.

Over the course of the next several decades, they grew into a company that now makes treatments including “medical aesthetics”.

Today, Allergan breast implants are among the most popular for their round implants that deliver a fuller look. They also make tissue expanders to be used in reconstructive breast surgery.

Sciton Laser

In the past, resurfacing the skin involved CO2 lasers and intense heat that could cause pigmented lesions and scarring to those with pigment-elevated skin types. As such, those with darker pigmentation found it difficult to get effective treatment for conditions such as wrinkles, dyschromia, hyper-pigmentation, and pigmented lesions.

But Sciton lasers use halo technology for laser resurfacing. An ablative laser targets very small pathways in the skin while leaving the area around it untouched. Meanwhile, a non-ablative laser drills little thermal holes into the skin. Recognizing these as injuries, the skin is triggered into elastin and collagen production.

Halo not only smooths out wrinkles, but it’s key in the prevention of future wrinkles. And since it doesn’t generate the same level of heat, it is effective on darker skin types.


Wouldn’t it be great if you could get an intense workout while relaxing? It might sound too good to be true, but one of the greatest technological advances in the field of aesthetics is Emsculpt.

You simply relax back onto a table while a small device is strapped over the area you’re targeting. Meanwhile, you’re given guidance on ways to breathe and relax through the session.

As power from the device slowly increases, your muscles begin to contract, creating an intense vibration. After a few contractions, the machine switches over to a tapping action. This helps to break down the lactic acid your muscles produced during the contractions.

At the end of 30 minutes, you’re done. You’ll probably feel it the next day in the same way you would an intense workout. Within two to six weeks after the last session, you’ll see a difference.


We all know by now how well narcotics help patients manage pain. But they also have side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, constipation and nausea. Then there’s also the serious risk of addiction – as is evidenced by the current opioid epidemic.

Thus, responsible plastic surgeons have turned to Exparel as a long-lasting extended release anesthetic to ease the pain during early recovery.

It’s similar to getting a shot at the dentist to numb the pain. Exparel is administered at the end of the surgery before the patient is awakened. It’s either done prior to closure by the surgeon by direct injection into the nerves behind the muscle, or by the anesthesiologist by way of TAP lock after closure. It simply blocks the nerves of the area during the procedure to create numbness.

And it continues to provide pain control for up to three days. No, it doesn’t eliminate the pain during recovery, but it reduces the need for narcotics by about 2/3.

So Many Advances in Plastic Surgery

Of course, the above advances in plastic surgery are just the tip of the iceberg. Plastic surgeons continue to be educated in new procedures such as power assisted liposuction and surgical procedures that incorporate no-touch techniques.

So if you’re feeling more confident about getting a desired procedure, contact us today. There’s no commitment. You’ll just start with a free consultation to help ease you into the idea.

Then from there, the choice is yours.


How Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery Differ

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What do you think of when you hear the words “cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery”?

Chances are, you think that cosmetic is for those who want to get rid of wrinkles or enhance a body part, while reconstructive is more needful.

That’s not entirely incorrect. However, there are plenty of occasions where elective cosmetic surgery can be as life changing as reconstructive.

We’ll break them down here.

Cosmetic Surgery

Yes. As the name implies, the aim of cosmetic surgery is to enhance one’s appearance by reshaping different parts of the anatomy to make them more visually appealing.

Cosmetic plastic surgery is performed on all areas of the body, head, and neck. It treats areas that already function properly. Even so, there are many cosmetic surgeries that also improve function. For example, a rhinoplasty procedure (nose job) can help to improve breathing while also enhancing the appearance of the nose.

A vast array of procedures fall under the cosmetic surgery umbrella. Breast augmentation, reduction, and lift all fall into this category. So do procedures that aim to contour or rejuvenate the face, including rhinoplasty, facelift, eyelid lift, neck lift, and brow lift. A tummy tuck, liposuction, and gynecomastia repair, as well as skin rejuvenation procedures such as laser resurfacing, botox, and filler treatments are all considered cosmetic procedures.

Reconstructive Surgery

Cosmetic and reconstructive surgery differ in that the latter is considered medically necessary.

The objective of reconstructive surgery is to both improve appearance and restore function of the targeted area(s). It aims to correct deformities caused by trauma, disease, or birth defects. Two of the most common types of procedures are breast reconstruction following a lumpectomy or mastectomy, as well as reconstructive surgery after burn injuries.

Other examples include cleft lip and palate repair, extremity defect repair, lower extremity reconstruction, scar revision, and hand surgery.

Is There An Overlap?

Regardless of whether it’s cosmetic or reconstructive surgery, the underlying surgical principles are the same. And ultimately, the goal is to maximize the cosmetic result as much as possible. So there’s really quite a significant overlap between these two surgeries.

The basis of surgical training for plastic surgeons is of the reconstructive variety – though many go on to complete additional training to perform cosmetic surgery. The two are so closely interconnected that in 1999, the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons changed its name to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

The aim was to communicate the message that there’s virtually no difference between plastic and reconstructive surgeons.

The Board-Certified Difference

A plastic surgeon with the “board-certified” designation indicates an advanced level of training and experience.

Board-certified surgeons are required to complete one of two routes of training. They either partake in an integrated residency training that combines three years of general surgery and three years of plastic surgery or

an independent, five-year residency program in general surgery which is then followed by the three-year plastic surgery residency program.

So it’s in a patient’s best interest to insist on a board-certified plastic surgeon.

Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery Changes Lives

Both cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery procedures have the ability to improve one’s health and well-being. So if you feel that you could benefit from either of these, contact us today.

No matter which one might be right for you, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss the anticipated result with your surgeon who will ensure that appropriate expectations are met.


How to Treat Sagging Jowls

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Wouldn’t it be great if technology advanced to the point of zero aging and our skin could defy gravity? Then you’d never have to deal with that loose skin below your chin and along your jawline.

Ah, perhaps someday. But for now, if you’re seeking an effective way to treat sagging jowls, technology does not have the cure. (Though it certainly serves as a good assist.)

So then what’s a person to do? Let’s first address why the droop happens in the first place.

What Are Sagging Jowls?

When we’re younger, our skin produces a surplus of collagen and elastin to keep it smooth and supple. Young skin also has the capacity to retain water and stay hydrated.

Then we age. And as we do so, the skin begins to lose elasticity and its ability to retain water. This causes the skin to thin and stretch as gravity continues to do its downward pull. And before you know it, you’re looking in the mirror and noticing jowls where there were previously none.

It can be unsettling. Especially when you manually pull back those jowls to reveal your former more youthful face. (Yeah. We’ve all done it.)

How to Treat Sagging Jowls

Fortunately, you’re not relegated to a future that includes those jowls. There are actually several treatments to get rid of them. It all depends on your specific stage of drooping.

For example, if you have what a plastic surgeon deems as severe jowls, he or she will probably recommend surgical intervention. On the other hand, if you’re exhibiting just the early stage of jowl formation, you may benefit from non-surgical procedures. We’ll take a look at the most common treatments.

Mini or Full Facelift

The mini or full facelift are the preferred methods for those with moderate to excessive sagging. In most cases, patients are in their 50s or older; though depending on genetics, lifestyle, and environmental factors, sagging jowls can happen at a younger age as well.

In the case of a full facelift, the patient is put under anesthesia. Incisions are made around the ears (concealed behind the tragus) and then extend into the hairline and behind the ear. Excess skin is removed, lax muscles are tightened, and then the skin is re-draped over the face and neck. This procedure is ideal for someone who has laxity across the face, jawline, and neck.

Meanwhile, a mini facelift is done under local anesthesia and focuses mostly on just the face and jawline. The technique utilizes shorter incisions typically just around the ear (and not extending into the hairline) and less extensive dissection under the skin. A mini facelift requires less recovery time.

Whether your sagging jowls would fare better with a mini or a full facelift is something your plastic surgeon will discuss with you.

Dermal Fillers

Non-surgical treatments for sagging jowls could be enough for those only in the earliest stages of jowl formation or even as a preventative. And among the non-surgical options, dermal fillers are among the most effective.

Injected into the soft tissue of the skin of the cheeks and around the jawline, fillers restore lost volume and can counteract the formation of jowls. Fillers can instantly plump the area of injection and stimulate new collagen growth to promote a youthful appearance more long term.

There is a vast array of dermal filler treatments available for jowls, including hyaluronic acid (HA), calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA), poly-L-lactic Acid, polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), and autologous fat injections. But all you need to know is that you’ll see noticeable improvement for 1-2 years after the treatments.

HALO Lasers

As non-surgical options go, lasers are not as utilized in treating sagging jowls as dermal fillers. Even so, if you’re at the very early stages of jowl formation, or you simply want to tighten up the area around the jawline, neck, and cheeks, your doctor may recommend a HALO laser treatment to boost collagen and elastin production, or a BBL SkinTyte to heat and tighten the collagen.

So what is HALO? It’s the first fractionated laser that uses ablative and non-ablative technology simultaneously. To simplify, an ablative laser targets very small pathways in the skin while leaving the area around it untouched. It’s the same concept as aerating a lawn.

While all of that is happening, the non-ablative laser drills little thermal holes into the skin. The skin recognizes these as injuries, which in turn triggers collagen and elastin production. And with more collagen and elastin comes smoother and younger-looking skin.

Say Goodbye to Sagging Jowls

Perhaps someday technology will manage to give us our own fountain of youth. Then again, maybe not.

Whatever the case, you can treat sagging jowls now to restore a more vibrant and youthful appearance. Contact us to consult with one of our highly-skilled plastic surgeons about your best options.

And bid those jowls adieu.

The Benefits of Microneedling

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Looking for a way to make your skin look younger by smoothing over fine lines and wrinkles, while simultaneously improving tone, treating scars, and minimizing pore size?

While it may sound like a large order, microneedling does just that.

In fact, given the many benefits of microneedling, it could just be the solution you’re seeking for your particular skin problem.

What Is Microneedling?

In a nutshell, microneedling is a safe and effective way to treat scars and fine wrinkles while improving overall skin quality. The main concept behind the process is to create micro-injuries to the skin that stimulate the body’s response to heal the wound naturally.

The wound repair involves three important phases:

First, the skin is pierced to create inflammation. The immune system is then triggered to increase blood flow to the area in order to disinfect the wounds and remove debris. This, in essence, creates new tissue.

Second, the area is proliferated with new skin cells that rebuild the wounds and a fresh network of blood cells is built.

Finally, newly created blood vessels and dermal tissues replace the wounds. The turnover of skin cells increases production of elastin and collagen – which are beneficial in multiple ways.

The Benefits of Microneedling

Collagen and elastin strengthen and add structure to the skin.

Therefore, boosting production of both of these compounds is a highly effective way to prevent and even reverse signs of aging including wrinkles, crow’s feet, sagging, and age spots or other discoloration. Plus, microneedling also improves the effectiveness of topical treatments; enabling anti-aging treatments to sink deeper into the dermis.

This is also the case when using microneedling with topical treatments for acne and other scarring. And because the procedure stimulates collagen production that plumps up the area around the pores, it shrinks them. This lessens the likelihood of further acne outbreaks.

Microneedling also works wonders on reducing the appearance of stretch marks that can show up after periods of rapid growth.

And it’s also a top choice in treating the ruddiness and thickening that comes with rosacea – a skin condition that hastens the breakdown of collagen. Stimulating the growth of collagen to counter the breakdown results in skin that’s less inflamed and irritated.

How the Procedure Works

During this relatively easy procedure, an instrument with microneedles that reach a maximum size of 3mm is passed over the skin numerous times. This creates hundreds of tiny needle pricks.

In some cases, a numbing cream may be applied beforehand. But contrary to how it sounds, most microneedling patients don’t find the procedure particularly painful. Depending on the treatment site and reasons for getting the procedure, it can take up to a half an hour.

While generally done on the face to generate firmer, toned, and smoother skin, microneedling is utilized on other parts of the body as well. It can also be combined with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) hair restoration to promote hair growth. The addition of PRP appears to make microneedling even more effective, since both treatments stimulate collagen growth.

After a treatment, your skin specialist may recommend a serum containing vitamin C, hyaluronic acid or other ingredients to further improve the results of the procedure while healing, soothing, hydrating, and protecting the skin.

When all is said and done, microneedling’s effects are comparable to laser and chemical peel treatments. The distinct advantage with microneedling is there is no long downtime – with patients noticing results within 24-72 hours after the procedure.

Tired of Dull, Scarred, or Ruddy Skin?

Then it’s time to embrace the many benefits of microneedling!

Contact us today for a free consultation with one of our skin specialists. And take advantage of this relatively simple procedure to brighten, smooth, tone, and rejuvenate your skin.

Maintaining Plastic Surgery Post-Op Results

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Plastic surgery is just like any other surgery.

So just as you wouldn’t (we hope!) do nothing but sit on your couch and eat salty potato chips after heart surgery, there are effective ways of maintaining plastic surgery post-op results too.

Although some of them may require a small amount of medical intervention, but most of them are pretty straightforward lifestyle choices.

Healthy Lifestyle Choices Make a Big Difference

To maintain plastic surgery results more effectively, you’ll need to take a look at the choices you make from day to day. Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Are You Eating a Healthy Diet?

Large shifts in weight gain and loss can ruin the elastin and collagen of the skin, so it’s important you’re eating well.

Avoid foods that are high in sugar, dairy, and refined grains – especially right after your surgery. They can increase inflammation, swelling, and pain.

Then once you’ve recovered from your surgery, you’ll want to continue focusing on healthy eating. This is especially key after any body shaping procedure. For example, maintaining low visceral fat after a tummy tuck is crucial.

Whatever the case, stick with lean protein. Healing incisions and all postoperative wounds require 1gm of protein per kilogram of bodyweight. After the healing process, 1/2gm per kilogram bodyweight is appropriate to maintain healthy muscle mass and a strong immune system.

Also, eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to keep that post-surgical shape. A nutritionist may be worth the money to protect your plastic surgery investment.

  1. How Often Do You Exercise?

Obviously you don’t want to crank out an hour on the elliptical immediately following surgery. But once you get the okay from your surgeon, you’ll want to either return to or start a regular exercise regimen three to four times per week.

You may want to work with a personal trainer who is familiar with your situation and is aware of the most effective exercises. For instance, someone who understands what would be the best core exercise after abdominoplasty to help keep the abdomen flat after diastasis repair.

He or she can also help you to find the perfect balance between cardio and strength training to keep you feeling more energized rather than burnt out.

  1. What Do You Do to Protect Your Skin?

No matter your procedure, it’s important to take care of your skin. So keep your exposure to the sun at a minimum by using sunblock (an SPF of at least 50 – even in the winter) and wearing the appropriate clothing to protect against harmful UV rays.

In addition, use moisturizers containing hyaluronic acid moisturizers after any face procedures. ALLASTIN Trihex Technology is a solid recommendation.

  1. Do You Smoke?

No matter how much you may love smoking tobacco, the negative effects on the body and skin can’t be denied. It can actually slow your body’s healing process as well.

So whatever plastic surgery procedure you’ve chosen, be sure to avoid tobacco while you recover in order to heal properly. Then after that, make the effort to quit altogether. Not smoking will ensure your plastic surgery results will last even longer.

  1. How Much Water Do You Drink?

Post-plastic surgery care includes adequate hydration. As water is essential to replenish fluids lost during surgery, you’ll want to drink plenty of it. And then make it a regular part of your life to keep your body operating at its optimal capacity.

  1. Do You Get Enough Sleep? 

Yeah, we know. Getting enough sleep is a tough one. But given its tremendous healing powers, it’s crucial you’re making the effort to get the right amount each night.

Maintaining Plastic Surgery Post-Op Results Medically

While diet, exercise, and healthy lifestyle choices are key in maintaining your post surgical results, it’s impossible to stop the aging process or to rewire your genetics. So you may want to consider nonsurgical touch-up procedures to help enhance and extend your results.

For example, touch up liposuction after a tummy tuck can further improve the thick abdominal flap. Fillers, laser, PRP, and fat can be used to support the 3D improvement after a face lift. Your surgeon may even recommend botox to weaken forehead muscles after a brow lift.

Another factor to consider post surgery is capsular contracture. So in the case of breast augmentation, you’ll want to use prophylactic antibiotics with all dental cleanings and procedures and remain hyper vigilant of all possible infections that may also instigate a capsular contracture.

Your board-certified plastic surgeon will supply you with a comprehensive packet of post-operative instructions. Following these will ensure the healthiest recovery. And don’t hesitate to ask him or her specific questions about your recovery process.

Are You Considering Plastic Surgery?

Plastic surgery is sound investment. Especially when you go the distance in maintaining plastic surgery post-op results.

So if you’re considering improving your life with a plastic surgery procedure, then contact us today. We’ll be happy to sit down with you to discuss all of your many options.

Remove One More Task from Your Pandemic List with BBL Hair Removal

With winter looming, you may have started to let the whole shaving, tweezing, and waxing regimen slide. Plus, it may just feel like another task on the growing list as we prepare for sheltering in place once again.

No judgment here. We know how tired you are. Nearly everyone – with the possible exception of Richard Branson reveling on his private island – is experiencing pandemic fatigue.

But this is exactly why self-care is so important right now. When you feel good about yourself, it radiates out to others. And something as simple as BBL Hair Removal could be just what you need.

How Effective Is BBL Hair Removal?


First of all, in case you were wondering, BBL stands for broadband light. BBL hair removal utilizes specifically designed lasers and intense pulsed light systems to destroy many hair follicles in a short amount of time.

But maybe you already knew that. And perhaps you’re just shaking your head because you inquired about laser hair removal years ago and found out it wouldn’t be effective for you. Those days are gone!

BBL hair removal technology has evolved since then. At its genesis, the technology was only effective on fair-skinned individuals with brown or black hairs. That left out a sizable chunk of the population.

So patients with darker skin types or who had a tan found it ineffective. This was also the case for those with fine white or gray hairs. Since that time though, BBL hair removal methods have emerged to address those issues.

How Does It Work?

Controlled flashes of light penetrate the skin and are absorbed by the hair follicles. The heat from the lasers does not harm the skin. Rather, it targets the hair follicles, as well as the regenerative matrix that encourages the regrowth of hair.

Meanwhile, the skin is continuously cooled before, during, and after the treatment with a thermoelectrically-cooled sapphire crystal on the hand piece. And the combination of multi-burst lights and cooling methods is effective on multiple skin types, including those with darker skin.

It may all sound like a sci-fi movie. And yeah, there’s plenty of science. But you can be sure it’s not fiction.

This sort of technology enables large areas of the body such as the armpits, legs, and bikini line (the usual suspects) to be covered quickly, But it’s also very effective for the back, shoulders, arms, and abdomen.

Plus, if you’re on rather intimate terms with Zoom these days, you know how effectively it highlights every aspect of your face. And we mean every. Fortunately, facial areas including the lip, chin, and beard, can also be treated in just minutes.

So Much Done in So Little Time

Unlike more advanced procedures like a Mommy Makeover, BBL hair removal requires very little of your time.

Depending on the area being treated and the type of procedure performed, your BBL hair removal can take anywhere from a few minutes to half an hour. You can’t even watch a whole episode of The Queen’s Gambit in that amount of time.

It’s important to note that it takes several appointments before you begin seeing permanent hair loss though. Three to seven sessions on average.

But you’ll get weeks and weeks of smooth skin in between those sessions.

And wouldn’t it be nice to at least eliminate the daily shaving ritual? Imagine the joy of crossing it right off that seemingly endless list.

We take victories where we can these days.

Take Care of Yourself This Winter

You want winter to go as smoothly (pun intended) as possible. Treat yourself by simplifying your life with BBL hair removal.

Contact us to speak with a hair removal specialist and to set up your first session. Do something nice for yourself. You’ve MORE than earned it.