Can You Remove Cellulite With Liposuction?

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Can You Remove Cellulite With Liposuction?

Did you know that cellulite affects between 80% and 90% of adult women? And it’s often not the result of overeating or a lack of exercise.

Frequently referred to as ‘orange peel skin’ or ‘cottage cheese,’ cellulite does not discriminate. It can affect folks of all shapes and sizes.

While it may seem like you could just go on a diet, exercise vigorously and/or remove cellulite with liposuction, it’s not that simple. That’s because cellulite isn’t your regular garden variety fat.

What Is Cellulite?

While you’re likely to find cellulite on those who are already carrying excess fat, it shows up on people who are slim and fit as well. It’s more common after the age of 25, but can also affect teenagers.

Of course, eating a healthy diet and exercising are essential for feeling good and keeping the body in optimal condition. They do nothing to eliminate cellulite though. That’s because cellulite is essentially a form of fat that’s trapped in the sub dermal layer of the skin. One of the key ways it differs from regular fat is that the body is unable to process it as fuel.

Cellulite is the result of an interaction between the connective tissue in the layer below the surface of the skin, and the layer of fat beneath that. Strangely enough, women’s fat cells and connective tissues are arranged vertically so that when the fat cells protrude into the skin layer, it presents as cellulite. Men’s tissue has more of a criss-cross structure which seems to explain their lower risk of developing cellulite.

What Causes It?

There’s no one specific reason people, and especially women, develop cellulite. Some of it is just the genetic cards we’re all dealt. How fat is distributed beneath the skin, circulation, ethnicity, and rate of metabolism are all genetic factors.


Hormone are also likely players. Estrogen, insulin, noradrenaline, thyroid hormones, and prolactin are crucial in the production of cellulite.

Then, of course, there is aging and menopause. With less estrogen in the body, fat cells enlarge and blood flow to the connective tissues decreases. This less effective circulation results in lower collagen production. All of these factors join together to weaken the connective tissues, decrease elasticity in the skin, and increase the chance of cellulite developing.

Is It Possible to Remove Cellulite With Liposuction?

Not really.

Liposuction is great for getting rid of excess fat. During the procedure, fat cells are removed from the body to create a sleeker contour. The remaining cells, however, can push against the skin and threaten the structural integrity. Liposuction also doesn’t address the issue of those vertical connective tissues.

Many doctors and dermatologists may try topical treatments first to reduce the visibility of cellulite. Creams can tighten the skin to make it firmer and smoother, while adding moisture to reduce the appearance of cellulite. The effects typically don’t last long and the creams must be applied every day.

What is most effective is treatments that deliver laser energy beneath the surface of the skin. This thickens and strengthens the lower layers of skin to increase elasticity. Meanwhile, the thermal energy that’s developed releases the vertical bands so they don’t pull or pucker against the fat cells beneath.

The result?

Skin that lies smoother and flatter to eliminate dimpling. Voilà!

Are You At Battle With Cellulite?

Even if you can’t remove cellulite with liposuction, you CAN win the war against it with laser therapies.

Let’s get started.

Contact us today for your free consultation. And regain some of that smoother skin of your youth – just in time for summer.

Plastic Surgery and Regenerative Medicine – The Perfect Duo

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It’s been said, “regenerative medicine is the wave of the future.” Of course, that was said a while back because this burgeoning field is already taking the medical world by storm.

In the simplest of terms, regenerative medicine is the process of either replacing or renovating human cells, tissues, and organs to assume regular function.

And as the field continues to merge and expand, it’s no surprise that plastic surgery and regenerative medicine make good bedfellows.

Ways That Plastic Surgery and Regenerative Medicine Work Together

Any surgical procedure requires the body to heal. For some this is more challenging than others.

Regenerative medicine gives the body a boost. Through various processes, it aims to either regenerate damaged nerves, bones, or tissues or to stimulate the body’s existing repair mechanisms to heal. It’s an amazing concept, really.

Seeing the huge potential of this field, plastic surgeons have been particularly instrumental in elevating and utilizing these therapies. Here are just a few ways:

  1. Wound Care

Wound healing is highly emphasized in all surgical procedures. And complex wounds that don’t easily heal have forever been a source of concern for surgeons.

Healing these complex wounds is a major focus in regenerative medicine. Strategies in tissue engineering enable surgeons to use skin substitutes (composed of living cells cultivated in a lab) to stimulate healing. Meanwhile, other growth factors continue to be explored.

Proper healing can be especially crucial in plastic surgery procedures where aesthetics are the primary focus. Thanks to regenerative medicine, it’s not unusual to encounter plastic surgeons now using devices that incorporate micro-mechanical forces and negative pressure to stimulate wound healing. In fact, it was a plastic surgeon who discovered these devices.

Regenerative therapies for healing scars also include energy-based devices that use intense pulsed light or lasers.

  1. Bone and Nerve Regeneration

When skilled plastic surgeons work with patients to reconstruct extensive damage to the face or limbs, there are often significant segments of bones missing. Through regenerative medicine, surgeons have been able to use calcium-based scaffolds and biomaterials (made from bone) to form new bone tissue.

They’ve also taken great strides in the science of regenerating nerves to attain their optimal functioning through therapies that use growth factors to stimulate nerve healing and grow nerve fibers. Special biomaterials are then further employed as guides to direct that growth. This has been especially beneficial for patients in need of hand and upper extremity surgery, as well as lower extremity surgery.

  1. Burn Care

When it comes to reconstructive surgery for burn injury patients, plastic surgeons are pioneers in the field of skin regeneration. The utilization of protein scaffolds to generate the innermost layer of skin (the dermis) have been highly effective in healing.

  1. Breast Reconstruction

For breast cancer survivors, regenerative medicine has provided better outcomes from reconstructive surgery through the use of decellularized tissue scaffolds. Much like the scaffolds mentioned above, these scaffolds regenerate new tissue layers which, in this case, are over the implants.

  1. Specialized Skin Flaps

In some cases, plastic surgeons have to work to eliminate deformities involving delicate and complex structures that require additional skin. This is not unusual in rhinoplasty surgery.

As such, they’ve utilized regenerative medicine to engineer replacement tissues on another part of the body. Known as ‘flap prefabrication,’ the process involves then transferring tissue grafts from the growth area to the deformity once it has healed.

Want More Great Articles About Plastic Surgery?

If you’re thinking about plastic surgery for yourself, you might be curious about the plastic surgery and regenerative medicine connection or any other number of topics. Explore our blog loaded with informative topics to educate yourself further.

Of course, if you’re feeling ready to you move forward right now, reach out to set up your free consultation. We’ll answer any questions or address concerns you might have about the surgical procedure(s) you’re considering.

So go ahead. Contact us today!

Are There Non-Surgical Fat Removal Options?

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As much as we’re told to embrace imperfections in our bodies, stubborn fat that won’t go away no matter how much you diet and exercise can be discouraging. VERY.

Liposuction is one of the most popular and effective fat removal procedures. It’s highly effective and delivers outstanding results. It does have drawbacks though. First, it’s an invasive procedure that requires some recovery time. Plus, it can be a bit costly.

Meanwhile, there’s a group of non-surgical fat removal options now that don’t require surgery. Plus, the recovery time is minimal. We’ll take a look at how they work.

Non-Surgical Fat Removal Options

Around since the 1980s, liposuction is fairly straightforward. A board-certified plastic surgeon makes a small incision in the skin and sucks out excess fat cells using a small tube. He or she then sculpts a more sleek body contour.

But for those not eager to go deeply under the knife, there are procedures that zap unwanted fat cells topically. Here’s how:

1.Cold and Heat

Many of us are not too far from our ideal weight, but still struggle with small and localized fat spots on the abdomen, hips, and thighs. Some treatments utilize freezing to remove that unwanted fat. It may sound unpleasant, but it’s not.

A surgeon or other practitioner uses a special cryolipolysis device to cool fat cells to the point of death without affecting surrounding tissues. The dead fat cells are flushed from the body in the days and weeks that follow – with results noticed after about three months.

On the other end of the spectrum, certain non-invasive procedures employ heat to destroy fat cells. This process is known as apoptosis and it’s especially effective in targeting those love handles, as well as fat beneath the chin, and on the back, abdomen, and thighs.

Triple Wavelength Laser Technology

This procedure with the space-agey name is not as out there as it sounds. The use of triple wavelength laser technology is sometimes referred to as laser liposuction. And yes, there is a very tiny incision made to insert a small tube which removes excess liquid that can accumulate during the procedure.

Triple wavelength laser technology is effective for those who want to address sagging skin or fat around the muscles without going into surgery. This technology is a great alternative to liposuction in addressing fat deposits in the same problem areas including the back, thighs, upper arms, buttocks, abs, and flanks.

It’s also ideal for tackling unwanted fat in the face (around the jaw, chin, jowls, and neck) that traditional liposuction can’t effectively treat. Results from this treatment are immediate with minimal downtime.

Radiofrequency Technology

Finally, radiofrequency technology has been a godsend to the plastic surgery and dermatology industries. Radiofrequency energy is used to eliminate fat cells on the abdomen, thighs, hips, and buttocks.

An internal probe is used to deliver this energy to help melt fat while tightening the skin by strengthening the collagen bands beneath it. (Yes, that means there is a small incision made for the probe.) There is also an external applicator delivering energy to further tighten the skin.

Radiofrequency lipolysis is ideal for patients trying to get rid of loose skin along with small to moderate amounts of fat. There is very little downtime and results start surfacing within days. Full results are apparent in two to three weeks with skin tightening continuing for months.

Ready to Tackle Unwanted Fat?

Whether you opt for liposuction or choose from one of the non-surgical fat removal options, getting rid of that unwanted fat will leave you feeling lighter and with renewed confidence.

So contact us today to discuss your options.

We’ll guide you through all of your options so you can make the most educated decision.



Facial Surgeries Are Trending Younger

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It may come as something of a surprise that there are popular trends in plastic surgery every year.

But just like fashion, plastic surgery is influenced by lifestyle, technology, the economy, and cultural shifts. Even if the results are much longer lasting.

Interestingly, the most popular facial surgeries are trending younger for 2023. Why is this?

More Focus on the Eyes

There is an increasing number of patients in their 40s (and even late 30s) seeking plastic surgery for sagging and drooping around the brows and eyelids.

While fillers are often used for patients in these age groups, many younger patients are resistant to the limitations that come with injections. In other words, they’re turned off by having seen too many Hollywood stars using excessive fillers or Botox and being unable to make facial expressions.

In addition, disappointed by the false promises of medi-spas and laser therapies that don’t deliver results, they’re more willing to go under the knife. There are two plastic surgery procedures that are already surging in 2023.

  1. Blepharoplasty

The umbrella medical term for eyelid lifts is blepharoplasty. Depending on a patient’s needs, a highly skilled plastic surgeon recommends either an upper eyelid lift or a lower eyelid lift. In some cases, he or she may recommend both – known as a quad blepharoplasty.

For patients with lines, wrinkles, sagging, or bags in the under-eye area, the recommendation would be a lower eyelid lift. An upper eyelid lift procedure is less involved than a lower eyelid surgery and would be recommended where there is sagging skin, excess fat, or loose muscle along the upper eyelids as opposed to the lower eyelids. In these situations, the drooping can be significant enough to block or obstruct vision to some degree – a condition known as ptosis.

The procedure for each patient depends on individual eye anatomy and the results one hopes to achieve. All three procedures deliver a dramatically more youthful appearance to the eyes. As such, blepharoplasty surgery has become one of the most commonly performed procedures.

  1. Brow Lifts

A brow lift is the removal of excess skin bunching and the possible repositioning of the skin and muscles around the brow. Each procedure is personalized to the patient’s specifications depending on hairline position, hair type, degree of lift needed, and individual facial characteristics.

The endoscopic procedure is the least invasive and involves suspending tissue rather than removing it. A coronal brow lift procedure addresses more serious sagging for those with a low hairline. Finally, a pretrichial procedure is chosen when the patient has a higher hairline.

In all cases, a brow lift tightens loose skin of the forehead, reduces wrinkling, and raises drooping brows. In some cases, part of the muscle that’s responsible for frown lines between the brows is removed or trimmed.

The Facelift as Maintenance

At one time, the facelift was a procedure performed exclusively on the wealthy and well-over-50 crowd. There’s a noticeable shift these days though.

Sure, the facelift remains popular among its early adopters. But like the surgeries around the eyes, the facelift is also gaining traction among patients in their early 40s. Of course, the procedure for this group is altered. Excess skin is removed, but there’s not as much of it. The same goes for tightening the muscles in the neck and underneath the jawline.

Because there is less work to be done, the process is faster. So too is the healing. A facelift on a younger person may also involve injecting the cheeks with the patient’s own fat. This balances the lift so there’s a more three-dimensional result rather than a flattened appearance.

Younger patients recognize that a facelift is still an involved procedure. For them, it’s more like the sort of preventative maintenance you might do on your car. The facelift is part of a future program. By doing it this way, they’ll have less maintenance (and expense) when they get older.

Facial Surgeries Are Trending Younger

Given the above information, it makes sense that facial surgeries are trending younger. But it’s not just for them.

Whether you’re in your early 40s or beyond, plastic surgery can certainly restore your confidence in 2023. If you’re curious about how a facial surgery could benefit you this year, contact us today.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Special Black Friday Offers

Black Friday is one of the top shopping days of the entire year in the U.S. and the team at Star Plastic Surgery has you covered with the following exclusive offers that can help to create a brand new you!

Botox Special Offer – get Botox treatments for only $9.50 per unit!

Laser Treatments – get 20% off all laser treatments!

Product Specials – get 20% off all products in the Star Plastic Surgery store!

Mommy Makeover – get $2000 off a Mommy Makeover procedure!

The special offers above must be purchased by 11/30/22 and may be used for up to 6 months after purchase.  If you have questions about our Black Friday special offers we encourage you to call us at (248) 735-3800.

Why Get Vaginal Rejuvenation?

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With the flood of social media and celebrities talking openly about… well, everything… you might be wondering if your vagina is up to snuff.

The reality is, there’s no right or wrong way your vagina should look or feel. Every body is different.

However, if you’re feeling challenged by the appearance or functioning of your genital area, then vaginal rejuvenation could be an option for you.

What Is Vaginal Rejuvenation?

Vaginal rejuvenation isn’t one specific procedure. It’s an umbrella term that covers a number of options. And as technology advances the options continue to grow.

Many therapies for vaginal rejuvenation now include devices such as lasers, radio frequency, and ultrasound.

But for our purposes, we’ll look at three of the most frequently performed procedures here.

  1. Labiaplasty

The labia consists of both inner lips (labia minora) and outer lips (labia majora). For women who wish to change the size and shape of the inner lips of the vagina, there is labiaplasty. Over the years, several techniques have evolved for this surgery.

The trim procedure is the original technique and still the most widely used. This procedure addresses excess skin of labia minora which throws it out of symmetry with the labia majora. Through labiaplasty, the skin is removed and sutured to provide symmetry.

In the wedge procedure, the layer tissue beneath the mucus membrane (known as the submucosa) is left intact and only a partial wedge is removed from the thickest part of the labia minora. This preserves the wrinkled edges of the vagina and renders a more natural appearance.

There are, of course, other techniques for labiaplasty and each has its pros and cons.

  1. Vaginoplasty

The objective of vaginoplasty is to repair or construct a vagina, or to change the look of a vagina.

There are a number of situations that can damage or affect the development of the vagina. These include childbirth defects, congenital abnormalities, trauma, or radiation and excision of the vagina for cancer (or other disease) treatment.

A vaginoplasty may also be used for those seeking a vaginal canal during gender transformation. (A vulvoplasty, by contrast, is also a gender-affirming surgery that bypasses the canal option and creates only the parts of a vulva from existing tissue associated with being designated male at birth.)

Which vaginoplasty procedure is utilized depends on the goals or medical needs of the patient. It may include reconstruction or even recreation of the vagina through surgical intervention.

  1. Clitoral Hood Reduction

When the two sides of the labia minora come together to surround the vaginal opening, they create a small bulge. This is the clitoris. The clitoris has thousands of sensory nerve endings and plays a necessary role in achieving a clitoral orgasm.

The foreskin that covers the clitoris is known as the clitoral hood. It protects the highly sensitive clitoris from exposure to friction. In some women, the clitoral hood has excess tissue that may impede sexual function. The recommended vaginal rejuvenation technique is this case would be a clitoral hood reduction.

Why Choose Vaginal Rejuvenation?

There are many reasons a patient may be curious about vaginal rejuvenation. Some are seeking an enhanced sexual response. Others are motivated by purely cosmetic reasons or have troubles with vaginal dryness, increased incontinence, and looseness.

It honestly doesn’t matter.

What does matter is that you feel confident and secure about your vagina’s appearance and function. So if that’s not the case, then contact us today for a free consultation. And give yourself the gift of vaginal rejuvenation.

The Top Reasons for Getting Plastic Surgery

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(Not-so) reality TV has given plastic surgery a bad rap. Too much programming focuses on eccentric, shallow people seeking out plastic surgery for all the wrong reasons.

This is unfortunate because the vast majority of plastic surgeons are doing a lot of good for their patients. After all, there are truly legitimate reasons for getting plastic surgery.

Some of them might even surprise you.

1. Addressing Health Issues

Next time you take a full deep inhale and exhale through your nose, think for a moment how it would feel to have a constant obstruction that never allowed for such a seemingly simple action. This is the case for folks with a crooked septum or nasal polyps. Plus, they tend to suffer from more severe allergies and sinus troubles.

Enter the “nose job.” Also known as rhinoplasty, this procedure is often requested by patients who have some sort of defect inside their noses. And yeah, sure. Rhinoplasty can also address the external appearance of the nose. Which is an added benefit.

It’s not just a faulty nose that can present health problems though. Some women struggle with chronic and severe back and shoulder pain as a result of breasts that are too large. A breast reduction surgery eases this pain and allows them more freedom of movement.

Furthermore, vision problems that come from heavy, drooping, or sagging eyelids can be corrected by blepharoplasty. And just as is the case with a rhinoplasty, the procedure also helps to improve the appearance of the eyes.

2. Boosting Confidence

Some patients DO seek out a plastic surgery procedure for cosmetic purposes. And that’s completely valid. For example, a man who is constantly troubled by his facial reflection in the mirror can feel better about himself after a facelift. Or a woman who feels self-conscious about how her clothes fit because of the size of her breasts may opt for a breast augmentation. Another woman may wish to reclaim her body after a tough pregnancy.

It’s important to remember that mental health is just as important as physical health. There’s a great deal to be said about boosting one’s confidence to bolster positive mental health outcomes. Because when people feel good about their physical appearance, they are more likely to present themselves to the world in a positive way.

3. Increased Safety and Affordability

Plastic surgery has made great technological strides in the past decade. The presence of lasers, pulsating light, and advanced skin treatment options are now within reach of most plastic surgeons. Plus, such strides have made these procedures safer.

These advances have also made plastic surgery more in reach for everyone. It’s no longer the domain of the wealthy Beverly Hills diva who has a few weeks free to get her face done.

Nowadays, plastic surgeons are seeing far more working professionals who are seeking a procedure for any of the above reasons. And with medical credit cards, payment plans, personal loans, and other financing options available, they can make these procedures a reality.

4. More Time on Screens

In the past ten years, everyone is seeing more of their faces everywhere. Selfies, cell phones, and social media platforms were to thank for this. Then came 2020 and COVID. Within a month, many of us were staring at our reflections day after day on Zoom. And some of us were less than satisfied.

Let’s face it. (Pun intended.) This trend isn’t going anywhere too quickly. And as a result, an increasing number of people are seeking out plastic surgery to manage this self-scrutiny with more ease. And why not? Haven’t we been through enough?

What Are Your Reasons For Getting Plastic Surgery?

There are clearly a lot of great reasons for getting plastic surgery. So if you’ve been considering it, now is the time to take that step!

Contact us today to schedule your free consultation. We’ll sit down to discuss the options available to you to get you started.


Regenerative Medicine in Plastic Surgery

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If you know anything about regenerative medicine, then you may be curious about the role of regenerative medicine in plastic surgery.

Then again, maybe you’re not familiar with regenerative medicine and it sounds like some sort of idea stirred up by a science fiction author. It’s not.

In fact, regenerative medicine has been a godsend for folks who’ve lost tissue because of cancer, burns, or other trauma where reconstructive plastic surgery options are limited. This is why plastic surgeons have been instrumental in developing new therapies in regenerative medicine.

So What Is Regenerative Medicine?

The field of regenerative medicine is based on the concept that doctors can turn to the body’s own powers to heal itself rather than solely relying on drugs or invasive surgical procedures. The thought is that by replacing, engineering, and regenerating human cells, tissues, or even organs, normal form and function can once again be achieved.

This is not to say that there is no use for drugs and surgical procedures though. In fact, along with cells, tissues, and organs, regenerative medicine utilizes drugs, synthetic biomaterials, and devices.

In a nut shell, the goal of regenerative medicine is to both heal damaged tissue, and form new tissue.

Regenerative Medicine in Plastic Surgery

Patients who have suffered with the aforementioned cancer and burns are not the only ones to benefit from regenerative medicine. Researchers and plastic surgeons are currently developing regenerative medicine-based treatments for those with congenital anomalies of the face and hands (including microtia, cleft lip, and cleft palate), facial nerve injuries, limb and muscle loss, and injuries to major nerves in the arms and legs.

The following are some of the ways that plastic surgeons are incorporating regenerative medicine therapies:

Burn Care

With severe burns where the dermal (innermost) layer of skin is damaged, plastic surgeons are now able to use protein scaffolds to generate new tissue there.

Tissue Expansion to Generate New Skin

Plastic surgeons also pioneered a technique whereby they are able to implant balloon devices that are gradually expanded to generate new skin tissue to cover a deformity. This therapy has been revolutionary in breast reconstruction as well as for treating birth anomalies.

Wound Care

Reconstructive plastic surgery alone may not be enough to repair complex wounds that are difficult to heal. In these cases, there’s a need for tissue engineering – i.e. skin substitutes made from living cells grown in a lab – to aid in the healing.

Additionally, it was a plastic surgeon who was the first to bring negative pressure devices into the arena of wound care. These regenerative medical devices employ micro-mechanical forces to stimulate and further wound healing.

Treating Scars

Laser and intense pulsed light are just two of the energy-based devices from the field of regenerative medicine. And they’re increasingly gaining in popularity with plastic surgeons and their patients to improve the healing of scars.

Breast Reconstruction

Women who have survived breast cancer through a mastectomy are faced with the decision of whether they want to have breast reconstruction. Today, plastic surgeons can use decellularized tissue scaffolds to generate new tissue over breast implants to achieve a better outcome.

Bone Regeneration

At one time, patients suffering extensive trauma that involved the loss of large bone segments had to cut their losses. But now, through regenerative medical therapies, plastic surgeons can take advantage of calcium-based scaffolds and biomaterials derived from bone to form new bone tissue for these patients.

Regeneration of Nerves

When is comes to regenerating nerves, this is where the field of regenerative medicine feels decidedly like something out of science fiction. But plastic surgeons are finding new ways every day to restore optimal function to patients who have experienced nerve injury.

Therapies in this area include using specialized growth factors to accelerate nerve healing, and specific biomaterials that actually guide and direct the growth of new nerve fibers.

It’s really quite amazing.

Could Plastic Surgery Help You?

Plastic surgery is no longer about just improving a nose that’s too big or breasts that are too small. Although these are completely valid surgeries, it’s clear that there’s a need for regenerative medicine in plastic surgery too.

So if you’re struggling with an aesthetic or functional flaw that you feel could be repaired though plastic surgery, contact us today. During your free consultation, your plastic surgeon will clearly lay out your options so you know exactly what to expect.

The Basics of a Neck Lift

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The appearance of the neck is one of the biggest indicators of age. So it’s no wonder that so many folks over a certain age favor the turtle neck or deem the scarf a necessary fashion accessory.

It doesn’t have to be that way though.

Depending on what issue you have with the appearance of your neck, you can remedy it with a neck lift.

What Is a Neck Lift?

A neck lift isn’t a single procedure, but rather a set of them. Medically speaking, they’re referred to as a lower rhytidectomy or submental lipectomy.

The neck lift is often a part of a face lift. But it can also be a stand alone procedure if you’re content with the current status of your face.

Again, the exact procedure you need depends on whether you’re looking to remove extra skin, excess fat, or seeking to alter the neck muscles.

In some instances, there may be injections utilized to address problems with fullness or excess fat under the chin. Additional techniques include ultrasound, lasers, fillers, radio-frequency devices, intense pulsed light, and SkinTyte using Sciton Laser.

What Are the Benefits of a Surgical Neck Lift?

While Botox, filler, and lasers may work for a while to smooth out the neck, they don’t deliver the long-lasting results that surgery does.

A plastic surgeon can go in and reposition soft tissue, remove excess fat, and tighten loose skin. This delivers a far more natural-looking fix that nonsurgical procedures.

To truly address the changes to the neck that come with aging, a surgical neck lift is the best long-term solution.

The Neck Lift Procedures)

As stated above, there’s no one-size-fits-all procedure for a neck lift. Which one is right for you will be established during a free consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon.

But here’s a look at the three most common complaints that come with an aging neck and how they are addressed:

  1. Turkey Wattle

While Botox injections can relax parts of that unsightly turkey wattle, surgery is usually the recommendation.

This procedure involves incisions under the chin or behind the ears (or both) in order to access a neck muscle called the platysma. In some instances, part of the platysma may need to be removed. Newer procedures allow for smaller incisions and the use of an endoscope to execute the surgery.

This sort of neck lift can be done under general anesthesia, or local anesthesia with sedation.

  1. Extra Skin

When there is extra skin but it’s not quite a turkey wattle, the skin is trimmed then lifted into place. It’s secured with stitches or tissue glue. This procedure takes two to four hours and it can be done under either local or general anesthesia.

After the procedure, the patient is fitted with a compression bandage to be worn for five to seven days.

  1. Excess Fat

Liposuction is often the preferred method for removing excess fat. Simpler than the above two procedures, the surgeon need only make a small incision below the chin.

If no other procedure is performed, the liposuction surgery lasts no more than an hour. A local anesthetic is used, the incisions are stitched and bandaged, and the patient is sent home with instructions for wound care.

Turn Back the Hands of Time

Yeah, okay. A neck lift won’t actually turn back the hands of time. But it can address the ravages of aging on your neck to help you look younger.

So if you’d like to ditch the scarf and/or turtle neck, contact us today for your free consultation. And soon, you could be showing off a smoother and more youthful looking neck.

All About the Chemical Peels


Sick and tired of fine lines and wrinkles? How about age spots, mild scars, or dark patches?

Chemical peels are an amazing way to significantly reduce the appearance of all of these. And they can be performed on the face, neck, or hands.

They’re a great nonsurgical alternative for improving your complexion and restoring confidence in your appearance.

What Chemical Peels Address

Life is tough on the skin.

Sun damage and aging create wrinkles. Squinting and smiling result in fine lines under the eyes and around the mouth. Acne is unsightly and can leave scars. Even pregnancy and birth control pills can wreak havoc on the skin. Chemical peels can address all of these conditions and more.

It is important to understand that they can’t take care of every one of your skin maladies though. Sagging and bulging skin or deep wrinkles generally don’t respond well to chemical peels. In these instances, your board-certified surgeon would likely recommend a procedure such as an SMAS facelift, brow lift, eyelid lift, dermal filler, or laser resurfacing.

The Chemical Peel Procedure

The procedure isn’t terribly complicated. First, your eyes and hair will be covered with protection so that your skin can be thoroughly cleansed with an agent to remove excess oils. Then, a chemical solution is applied to your skin. At this point, you may feel a warm to somewhat hot sensation followed by a stinging sensation. If the stinging is problematic, a cool compress may be applied to your skin. The chemical is then washed off and removed.

Chemical peels are not a one-size-fits-all affair though.

The light or “lunchtime” chemical peel is usually done in a series and it’s best for those with fine wrinkling, uneven skin coloring, or rough sun-damaged skin. Only the outermost layer of skin is removed and recovery requires little to no downtime.

With a medium chemical peel, both the outermost layer and the upper part of the middle skin layer are removed. This is a good option for those with more moderate wrinkles, age spots, acne scarring, or uneven skin coloring that’s more pronounced.

And a deep chemical peel provides the most dramatic results. In this case, the chemical penetrates all the way down to the lower middle layer of the skin. This is most often recommended for those with moderate lines and wrinkles, extensive sun-damaged skin, deep acne scars, blotchy skin, and actinic keratosis. When done on the face, it’s a one-time treatment that requires pretreatment for up to eight weeks.

There’s also a new option on the market – the VI chemical peel.

The New VI Chemical Peel

Fair-skinned and light-haired patients have long been better candidates for chemical peels. But with the newest chemical peel known as the VI Peel, this is no longer the case. The VI Peel is one of the safest chemical peels on the market and is ideal for a wide range of skin types. It can dramatically improve the skin’s texture and tone, leaving it with a clear and radiant glow.

Using a unique blend of minerals, salicylic acid, vitamin C, phenol, retinoic acid, and TCA, the VI Peel works to safely remove damaged layers of skin and promote cellular growth. At the most basic level, this blend will help the skin to build collagen and elastin; tightening the skin, shrinking enlarged pores, and erasing fine lines and wrinkles.

The VI Peel also provides stunning results to those struggling with dull or damaged skin as a result of acne, rosacea, sun damage, or melasma and other hyperpigmentation issues.

It requires no oral or IV sedation and is nearly painless. Plus, for those with darker skin types, it requires no skin preconditioning. And given that this blend is packed with vitamins and minerals, the VI Peel is more nourishing than a traditional chemical peel.

Curious About Chemical Peels?

If you think one of the variety of available chemical peels might be right for you, then contact us today.

During your free consultation, you’ll meet with a plastic surgeon who will guide you in making the proper choice that will fit your needs. And should you require something more than a chemical peel, he or she will inform you of next best steps.