Skin Sensation Loss After Plastic Surgery

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The age-defying and confidence-boosting results that come from plastic surgery can seem magical.

But plastic surgery isn’t a matter of “just add water and stir.” The procedures are exacting and involve the cutting and tightening of the skin. As such, the incisions can cause a temporary skin sensation loss after plastic surgery.

Don’t fret. As with any surgery, this is a normal outcome. And it’s not as scary as it may sound.

Why Is There Skin Sensation Loss After Plastic Surgery?

Think about the last time you had a wound. When you cut yourself, you may have felt pain. But if the cut was very deep, there’s a chance you didn’t notice any pain at first.

That’s because the wound broke deep enough into the skin to disturb the network of nerves that runs through your body. This network is responsible for communicating sensation from many parts of the body to your brain.

Much like that deep cut, a surgical incision also impacts that network and disrupts those communication pathways – cutting off sensation to the skin.

So What Does It Feel Like?

There’s no one-size-fits-all for how each patient experiences the loss of skin sensation. For some there may just be some numbness or dullness. Yet another person with the same surgery may experience a complete loss of feeling.

In terms of when the skin sensation returns, this also varies. For many patients, the sensation returns gradually. They might experience tingling or even zapping as the nerves heal. But then there are those who have an abrupt return of sensation.

How Long Does It Last?

The simple rule of thumb is that the more invasive the surgery, the higher your risk of losing skin sensation. Of course, there are always other factors. For example, smoking reduces oxygen in the blood and slows the healing process. So for smokers, it will take longer.

In general, however, you can expect the these outcomes from the following procedures:

  1. Facelift

Experiencing sensation changes after having a facelift is very common. Especially around the incision sites. While many patients start regaining sensation within three to six months, it’s possible that you may still have some lack of sensation for a year before feeling sensation again.

  1. Tummy Tuck

Similar to a facelift, much of the loss of skin sensation after a tummy tuck is around the incision line. The area between the incision line and the belly button may also experience loss of feeling. This typically clears up within two to six months.

  1. Breast Augmentation/Lift/Reduction

Breast skin usually regains feeling within two to three months after breast augmentation, lift, and/or reduction. In cases where incisions were made around the nipple, the skin sensation loss can be longer lasting than those where incisions were made under the breast or arm. Nipple sensitivity may also be impacted.

  1. Liposuction

Here’s the good news: loss of skin sensation is rare after liposuction when it’s done as a standalone procedure. Within a few weeks of surgery (at most) the majority of patients return to normal feeling.

Get All the Deets on Plastic Surgery

While the idea of skin sensation loss after plastic surgery can be daunting, it’s almost always temporary. And the payoff is well worth the short term inconvenience.

If you’re dubious and want reassurance from a highly qualified team of medical experts though, contact us today for your free consultation. We’ll answer all your questions to put your mind at ease.

You won’t be left in the dark for a moment about your procedure.


What to Expect After Lip Fillers

Did you know that lip fillers are one of the most popular types of dermal fillers? In fact, theyre more than just popular.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the number of lip filler treatments has increased by more 48% since the year 2000. Thats more akin to world domination.

Whatever the case, if youre considering this treatment for yourself, you may be wondering what to expect after lip fillers. Well fillyou in. (Sorry. Had to do it.)

The Lip Filler Procedure

There are any number of reasons patients seek a lip filler treatment. Although one of the most prominent reasons is to plump up the lips, some patients are seeking to correct uneven lips, smooth out lip wrinkles, or lift the corners of the mouth. The latter two are more common with age.

Anyhow, the procedure itself is fairly simple.

Once the patients goals have been thoroughly discussed, the lips are cleaned with alcohol and anesthetized. Depending on the level of anesthetization desired by the patient or required for the procedure, it may be a topical lidocaine or numbing cream, or a nerve block for the entire area.

Using a tiny needle, filler is then injected into the areas of the lips that need volume. The filler might be hyaluronic acid, fat, or implants. It depends on the goal for treatment as well as the patients anatomy. The filler is gently massaged into the lips to prevent lumps. And thats it.

As simple a procedure as it is, the results are not instant. And your lips will need 24 to 48 hours to recover. So if youre planning on having the procedure for a specific event, youll need to take that into consideration and allow for ample healing time.

The following five situations apply to lip filler recovery:

1. Expect Some Discomfort

Dont be alarmed if you see bruising at the injection site. This can be treated with vitamin K, aloe vera, arnica creams, or whatever your healthcare professional recommends.

There may also be itching, swelling, or other pain. Applying an ice pack or ice covered in a cloth can ease these symptoms. If the pain becomes too uncomfortable, your doctor may recommend acetaminophen (Tylenol) rather than blood-thinning medications like aspirin or ibuprofen (Advil).

2. Pamper Your Face

If you feel naked without lipstick or other makeup on your lips, youre going to have to embrace that nudity for up to 24 hours after the procedure.

Furthermore, in an effort to keep your lips protected and the swelling at a minimum, youll need to sleep with your head elevated on pillows and not on your face that first night. So if you always sleep on your side or belly, that means you may have an interesting nights sleep.

3. No Strenuous Exercise

After any sort of dermal filler, its key to keep blood pressure and the heart rate low. If theyre elevated, the swelling and bruising could be worse. As such, strenuous exercise should be avoided for 12 to 24 hours.

While light activity such as walking is okay, taking a sauna or steam afterwards is not. Any situation with high heat could make the swelling more pronounced. This includes a heated exercise class – no matter how gentle.

4. Say Yes to Water, No to Alcohol

Water is crucial in helping the body to heal. So its important to stay hydrated. If drinking a lot of water becomes tiresome, there are plenty of hydrating foods that can help. Also, avoiding sodium will enable the body to retain the hydration you provide.

And no matter how happy you are with your lip filler procedure, hold off on the champagne for a bit. Or any alcohol, for that matter. Not only does alcohol dehydrate, but it can cause inflammation and it acts as a blood thinner. (Hence, avoiding it before the procedure is also recommended.)

5. Know Youll Be on the No Fly List

If youve spent any amount of time on a plane, you know how the air pressure can wreak havoc with many of the bodys systems. Unfortunately, it can also make swelling and bruising worse. So your doctor will likely recommend you stick to the road for at least 24 hours after treatment.

Abide by the Advice

Now that you know what to expect after lip fillers, you may be ready to move forward toward plumper and more pouty lips.

So dont hesitate to contact us for your free consultation.

And know that the best results will come from following the post-treatment recommendations from your cosmetic medical experts.

Why Compression After Plastic Surgery?


When patients make the decision to have plastic surgery, they’re often so excited by the notion of looking and feeling better, they forget about the importance of compression after plastic surgery.

‘Compression garment’ doesn’t exactly scream glamour. But it’s an incredibly useful tool to ensure a quicker and more efficient recovery. Plus, when worn during initial healing, it provides comfort and support.

With that said, it may sound like a compression garment is more or less optional.

So Then Can You Skip Compression After Plastic Surgery?

Obviously, you won’t be under the scrutiny of the compression garment police. But you’re strongly advised not to skip this important step.

The purpose of compression is triple fold. First, by maintaining constant pressure to the healing area, excess fluid build-up can’t occur. The body must then absorb any accumulated fluid. This, in turn, minimizes swelling and pain.

Second, less swelling equals less time healing. And the quicker you heal, the faster you’ll see those desired results. Without compression, on the other hand, post-op swelling will last considerably longer and you’ll have a longer wait.

And finally, compression also helps your skin form to the new body contour. This is particularly crucial if you’re having liposuction. It also prevents flabby or wrinkled skin which can detract from the overall results.

What If People Notice?

If you feel self-conscious about wearing a compression garment, know that it’s not your grandma’s/grandpa’s garment. Today’s garments aren’t bunched up and bulky. You can get them in various shades and accessorize them with outerwear. Once you layer yours underneath looser clothes with thick fabric, nobody will even know you’re wearing it.

Plus, a well-fitting garment is going to lay flat on your skin and support your body with gentle pressure. When fitted properly, it doesn’t hinder circulation or cause fluid buildup. And you won’t feel like your circulation is cut off or that your limbs may fall asleep.

Can You Take a Break?

Depending on your procedure, your board-certified plastic surgeon will likely recommend you wear a compression garment 24/7 for at least one week and up to three weeks.

While these newer compression garments have come a long way, there will be times you’ll want to remove it. For example, you won’t bathe in it. And much like taking off a bra or loosening a tie at the end of the day, it does feel nice to let loose for a bit. A short break is completely acceptable.

Even so, you’ll want to keep the breaks to a minimum and not do any heavy lifting or other strenuous activities without it. Also, be sure to wear soft and loose clothing that won’t disturb your incision(s). Then get that garment back on. Because the more you wear it during initial healing, the more effective it will be.

Is Plastic Surgery In Your Future?

Don’t let the notion of compression after plastic surgery stop you from getting your desired procedure. It’s a small price to pay for such a huge payoff.

So contact us today to discuss your plastic surgery objectives and goals. We’ll put your mind at ease so you can soon unveil a brand new you.

Is Tingling After Liposuction Normal?

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Liposuction is quickly gaining ground as one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures. In 2020 alone, there were over 210,000 liposuction procedures performed in the United States by plastic surgeons.

Patients feel a boost in their confidence and love the relative simplicity and ease of the liposuction procedure. Still, it’s important to take the time to know what to expect during recovery.

For patients who don’t take this step, they’re not usually too surprised when they encounter some swelling or pain. But it can be alarming to experience numbness or tingling after liposuction.

Is Tingling After Liposuction Normal?

The discomfort, bruising, and swelling that come with liposuction typically last about two weeks. If even that long. But any tingling or numbness experienced after liposuction can go on for longer.

Don’t worry though!

Numbness and tingling at the incision site after liposuction is completely normal. If fact, it’s not an uncommon outcome for all surgical procedures. Any time there is cutting through body tissues, it can impact the nerves that provide feeling in that area. It simply takes time for those nerves to heal.

This doesn’t mean that everyone will experience numbness or tingling. But if you do, there’s no need to worry. You’ll typically notice the tingling subsides with time and by properly following proper post-op protocol.

Speaking of which…

Make the Most of Your Recovery

Sure, it would be great if you could just bypass the whole recovery process altogether. Obviously, that isn’t going to happen. But you’ll also want to resist the urge to rush your recovery.

Be sure to get plenty of rest and sleep in the weeks following your surgery to help your body heal. This will expedite the process. In addition, follow these three important steps:

  1. Embrace Help

The truth is, you’re going to need help when it comes to errands, lifting things, taking care of the kids, cleaning the house, etc. after liposuction surgery.

So let go of your pride and reach out to a friend or family member who can help you with certain activities. This falls in line with resting and giving your body a break. Pushing yourself too hard is only going to slow your healing.

  1. Stay Hydrated and Eat Well

If there were ever a time to stress the importance of drinking fluids, it’s after surgery. Staying hydrated is essential to your recovery. So drink plenty of water, herbal tea, and broth and avoid sugary juices and sodas that can increase inflammation.

In addition to staying hydrated, you’ll need proper nutrition for healing. Fruits and veggies that are high in water content (such as watermelon and cucumbers) will boost your hydration efforts. You may want to prep healthy meals with lots of fruits, veggies, and lean protein ahead of your surgery. That way, you won’t need to cook. And just as important as eating healthy is eating regularly. Post-surgery is not the time to skip meals.

  1. Engage in Light Movement

Finally, you’ll need to avoid regular exercise for a while. But when your physician gives you the go-ahead, you can get out and start taking short walks. Light movement can help to also speed up your body’s recovery. Just be sure to take it easy. Save the speed walking for later.

Boost Your Self-Esteem with Liposuction

Now that you understand there will be some short-lived discomfort, swelling, and possibly tingling after liposuction, you may be ready to explore your options.

Contact us today for a free consultation with our plastic surgeons.

A sleek and more contoured appearance with be well worth your recovery efforts.




Is There Body Contouring for Men?

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Given all the pressure on women to have certain “contours,” the overriding notion of body contouring procedures has been as something almost solely performed on women.

That’s just not the case though. Especially these days. Plastic surgery procedures that provide body contouring for men have been steadily on the rise.

It helps that many of these cosmetic procedures are relatively simple and don’t require much in the way of down time.

Body Contouring for Men

It turns out that men are just as prone to a hit in self-confidence when they feel unattractive. Especially if they’ve been dealing with rolls or pockets of fat that refuse to disappear no matter how much they diet or how hard they exercise. This lack of self-confidence bleeds into a man’s professional, social, and intimate life.

Fortunately, men have discovered that contouring procedures can slim, shape, and define those problem areas – improving muscle definition and giving a more chiseled appearance.

While body contouring for men spans a range of procedures, there are several situations that plastic surgeons see the most often.

  1. Not Loving the Love Handles

Many men seek out plastic surgery when they get older and start putting on extra weight around the belly. This can be perplexing to men who haven’t changed their diet or exercise regimen, but suddenly have a spare tire.

Sometimes this extra weight is the result of hormonal changes that cause the area to become dense. And no amount of diet or exercise will melt it away. This is when liposuction is a miracle worker.

With this fairly simple procedure, the plastic surgeon makes a small incision through which he or she guides a cannula tube into the targeted area. The fat is then suctioned out and the surgeon shapes and contours the designated area.

In the vast majority of cases, liposuction is outpatient surgery that’s performed under general anesthesia. Men can get back to work in 3-5 days, and return to the gym in a few weeks. As such, liposuction rates as the number one plastic surgery procedure for men.

  1. Men Get Boob Jobs Too

Ah, the dreaded gynecomastia.

You may know this condition better as “man boobs.” And it can be an embarrassing predicament for many men. Especially for those who are going to the gym to flatten their chest but can’t get the jiggle to go away.

Gynecomastia isn’t just the bane of older men either. In fact, it’s estimated that 40-60% of men struggle with gynecomastia. So it’s no wonder that men are showing up for male breast reduction surgery.

If the issue is extra glandular tissue, the plastic surgeon will work through an incision under the arm or around the nipple to remove the tissue with a scalpel. In cases of extra fatty tissue, liposuction once again comes to the rescue. It’s not uncommon for there to be both excess glandular and fatty tissue. And in more extreme cases, there may be need to remove excess skin as well.

Initial recovery time for male breast reduction surgery is 1-2 weeks on average and involves wearing a compression vest. After this time, most normal activities can resume.

  1. Lost the Weight but Not the Skin

As men are increasingly more aware of the benefits of diet and exercise, it’s not unusual for guys who were carrying a lot of extra weight to finally lose it. The problem is, they’re often left with excess skin in those areas and liposuction doesn’t do the trick here.

In these cases, there may be need for one or more excision skin surgery lifts. These can include a tummy tuck, as well as lifts to the arm, inner thigh, circumferential body (belt line), buttock, or breast. There may also be a need for a panniculectomy which is surgery that removes excess skin and fatty tissue that hangs down over the thighs and/or genitals.

The recovery time for lift surgeries is wholly dependent on the specific procedure. In most cases, men can expect to return to work in 1-2 weeks, and back to normal activity in 4-6 weeks.

Get the Contours You Desire

Don’t get stuck in the trap of thinking that plastic surgery only helps women to achieve the contours they want. With body contouring for men, you can increase your self-worth and boost confidence.

And all with minimal downtime.

So start feeling good about yourself. Contact us today to discuss the many options available to you.


What Are the Best Plastic Surgery Combinations?

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Plastic surgery combinations, i.e. getting two procedures done at once, might seem like a lot to take on. But actually, they’re more common than you may realize.

It’s not a matter of you picking and choosing procedures from a menu. The combination procedures are chosen carefully by your surgeon based on your objectives, goals, and health.

And there is a definite upside to having multiple surgeries performed simultaneously.

Benefits of Multiple Surgeries

Patients save time and money by only being put under anesthesia once. As with all surgery, there is some risk with anesthesia. By having two procedures accomplished during one round of anesthesia, patients reduce the number of times they have to be anesthetized. Furthermore, they save money.

In addition, the recovery times for each procedure are done under one umbrella. That means that patients only have to take off one period of time for work and activities rather than two.

Finally, in having two surgeries done at once, patients usually experience more dramatic results in a shorter amount of time.

The Best Plastic Surgery Combinations

There are occasions when procedures must be combined. One such occasion is when a patient opts for breast augmentation with fat transfer. In this case, the patient has to undergo liposuction in order to harvest the fat which will then be applied during the augmentation surgery.

For the most part though, combining plastic surgeries is more a matter of getting the best and most complete results with minimum invasiveness.


  1. The Mommy Makeover

The mommy makeover is the ultimate in combining plastic surgery procedures. There’s no one-size-fits-all though. Depending on what each patient wants or needs, there are many variations.

Generally speaking though, a mommy makeover typically includes breast augmentation for women who lost breast volume during childbirth, with a possible lift if they find their breasts sag a bit after breastfeeding. These multiple surgeries for the breast are also common among older women, regardless of their motherhood status.

In addition, if there is post-pregnancy abdominal flab that won’t go away with diet and exercise, the surgeon may also recommend a tummy tuck. On occasion, there may even be need for some vaginal rejuvenation work. Again, it depends on each individual.

  1. Surgeries for Contouring

In many cases, diet- and exercise-resistant fat forms in the body as we age. Especially in the abdomen. So in this case, a plastic surgeon will often combine a tummy tuck with liposuction.

The tummy tuck helps to give the waistline a sleeker and more contoured appearance, while the liposuction serves to vacuum out some of that resistant fat. When done in tandem, these two procedures deliver a smooth and attractive waistline.

  1. Firming up the Face

When patients are obsessed with an imperfection on the face, they typically have one specific procedure in mind. But facial surgery is complicated.

For example, someone who is troubled by a crooked nose may insist the only thing they need is rhinoplasty (i.e. nose job). But there are many occasions where once the shape of the nose changes, it brings the rest of the face out of harmony. So in these cases, the surgeon may need to add a chin augmentation or other procedure to keep the face in proportion.

This is just one example. In the realm of facial surgery, there are countless combinations such as facelift/eye lift, facelift/fat transfers, face lift/neck lift, brow lift/facelift, and eye lift with dermal fillers. It takes the work of a skilled surgeon to maintain proper facial proportion.

Curious About Combining Procedures?

When we refer to the best plastic surgery combinations, we’re really looking at the most common ones. In reality, the possibilities for combinations are nearly endless.

So if you’re curious about the benefits of multiple surgeries, contact us today. During your free consultation, your surgeon will determine whether you’re a good candidate and which procedures will serve you best.

Then get ready to put your best self forward.

The Ultimate Breast Implants Checklist


Summer’s almost here. It’s that time of year when you start showing more skin and seeing just how your body has changed over the winter. And with the pandemic, you might be noticing the impact of a couple of winters.

If you’re feeling self-conscious about filling out your bathing suit or other summer wear, this may be the year for breast augmentation surgery.

Breast implants could boost your confidence this summer. But what will be expected of you before and after the surgery? To address that, we’ve got the most complete breast implants checklist here for you.

BEFORE Pre-Surgery

Once you finally make an appointment to talk with a plastic surgeon, he or she will provide you with literature on the procedure. This can be a lot of information to absorb. There will also be an FDA-approved patient-decision checklist. The purpose of this list is to present the benefits and risks of getting implants.

The checklist covers topics such as what makes a successful breast implant candidate; situations when implants shouldn’t be used, the risks of undergoing the surgery; the importance of proper training and experience; and other options (where appropriate).

The patient-decision checklist is reviewed together by you and your surgeon.

Breast Implant Checklists

Once everything is agreed upon and you’ve decided to go ahead with the surgery, you’ll be given an opportunity to sign and initial throughout the patient-decision checklist. The checklist is then signed by your board-certified surgeon.

At that point, you’ll need to start tackling the next checklist – which is things you’ll need to do before the procedure.



If you love a good smoke first thing in the morning or after a meal, you’ll need to get used to not having this. It’s crucial that you quit smoking a minimum of four weeks pre-op.

Also, get your work and other life affairs in order. You’ll need at least one week off from your job. Stock up on essential items and foods that are simple to make. (Soup comes to mind.) And be sure to get all of your prescriptions filled so you’ll have them after the surgery.

On the actual day of the surgery, you’ll need to wear loose clothing with a top that zips or buttons in the front. Don’t eat anything or take vitamins/medications unless instructed by the doctor. Refrain from wearing creams, lotions, or fragrances, or using hairspray on surgery day.

Finally, arrange to have a family member or friend drive you home after the surgery.


Once you arrive home, it’ll be important that you get plenty of rest to help the body heal. Keep your head and neck elevated using firm but comfortable pillows.


If you live alone, plan to have someone around who can help for at LEAST that first day back. You’ll have to avoid lifting, bending, or any sort of vigorous movement until the surgeon says it’s clear to do so.

Got hydration? If you don’t like water, now is the time to start embracing its benefits because you’ll need to drink at least eight ounces of water every two hours that first day back. Also, take your pain meds as prescribed, wear the recommended compression garments, and have ice packs ready to help with any swelling.

And be sure you have quick access to your surgeon’s contact info in case you experience any complications or just have questions.

Boost Your Confidence with Breast Implants

Now that you’ve gone over the ultimate breast implants checklist, you know exactly what to expect. So why not contact us today?

And get ready for an amazing and form-fitting summer!

All About the Chemical Peels


Sick and tired of fine lines and wrinkles? How about age spots, mild scars, or dark patches?

Chemical peels are an amazing way to significantly reduce the appearance of all of these. And they can be performed on the face, neck, or hands.

They’re a great nonsurgical alternative for improving your complexion and restoring confidence in your appearance.

What Chemical Peels Address

Life is tough on the skin.

Sun damage and aging create wrinkles. Squinting and smiling result in fine lines under the eyes and around the mouth. Acne is unsightly and can leave scars. Even pregnancy and birth control pills can wreak havoc on the skin. Chemical peels can address all of these conditions and more.

It is important to understand that they can’t take care of every one of your skin maladies though. Sagging and bulging skin or deep wrinkles generally don’t respond well to chemical peels. In these instances, your board-certified surgeon would likely recommend a procedure such as an SMAS facelift, brow lift, eyelid lift, dermal filler, or laser resurfacing.

The Chemical Peel Procedure

The procedure isn’t terribly complicated. First, your eyes and hair will be covered with protection so that your skin can be thoroughly cleansed with an agent to remove excess oils. Then, a chemical solution is applied to your skin. At this point, you may feel a warm to somewhat hot sensation followed by a stinging sensation. If the stinging is problematic, a cool compress may be applied to your skin. The chemical is then washed off and removed.

Chemical peels are not a one-size-fits-all affair though.

The light or “lunchtime” chemical peel is usually done in a series and it’s best for those with fine wrinkling, uneven skin coloring, or rough sun-damaged skin. Only the outermost layer of skin is removed and recovery requires little to no downtime.

With a medium chemical peel, both the outermost layer and the upper part of the middle skin layer are removed. This is a good option for those with more moderate wrinkles, age spots, acne scarring, or uneven skin coloring that’s more pronounced.

And a deep chemical peel provides the most dramatic results. In this case, the chemical penetrates all the way down to the lower middle layer of the skin. This is most often recommended for those with moderate lines and wrinkles, extensive sun-damaged skin, deep acne scars, blotchy skin, and actinic keratosis. When done on the face, it’s a one-time treatment that requires pretreatment for up to eight weeks.

There’s also a new option on the market – the VI chemical peel.

The New VI Chemical Peel

Fair-skinned and light-haired patients have long been better candidates for chemical peels. But with the newest chemical peel known as the VI Peel, this is no longer the case. The VI Peel is one of the safest chemical peels on the market and is ideal for a wide range of skin types. It can dramatically improve the skin’s texture and tone, leaving it with a clear and radiant glow.

Using a unique blend of minerals, salicylic acid, vitamin C, phenol, retinoic acid, and TCA, the VI Peel works to safely remove damaged layers of skin and promote cellular growth. At the most basic level, this blend will help the skin to build collagen and elastin; tightening the skin, shrinking enlarged pores, and erasing fine lines and wrinkles.

The VI Peel also provides stunning results to those struggling with dull or damaged skin as a result of acne, rosacea, sun damage, or melasma and other hyperpigmentation issues.

It requires no oral or IV sedation and is nearly painless. Plus, for those with darker skin types, it requires no skin preconditioning. And given that this blend is packed with vitamins and minerals, the VI Peel is more nourishing than a traditional chemical peel.

Curious About Chemical Peels?

If you think one of the variety of available chemical peels might be right for you, then contact us today.

During your free consultation, you’ll meet with a plastic surgeon who will guide you in making the proper choice that will fit your needs. And should you require something more than a chemical peel, he or she will inform you of next best steps.


Maintaining Nonsurgical Body Contouring

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When you glance in the mirror, do you immediately see those “trouble” spots? This can be especially irritating when you’re eating well and exercising, but it’s not making a difference. Yet, you may not be ready for surgery just yet.

Fortunately, new and emerging technologies have made it possible to tone muscles, burn fat, and shape your body in the way you desire without going under the knife.

So it’s no wonder that patients are clamoring for nonsurgical body contouring procedures.

How Does Nonsurgical Body Contouring Work?

Body contouring is a relatively new field of aesthetic medicine. Its objective is to sculpt, tone, and contour the body without surgery. Instead, these non-invasive treatments use a range of state-of-the-art technology to achieve results across a wide array of body areas including the thighs, abdomen, arms, and legs.

Patients don’t see a scalpel or a needle. There’s no recovery time. And a series of quick 30-60-minutes sessions can deliver visible and long-lasting results. The only job of the patient is to show up.

Body contouring benefits include building muscle, losing fat, contouring crucial areas of the body such as the abs, and lifting and toning the buttocks. These procedures can even tighten sagging or drooping skin due to aging or stretching.

The ability to achieve all of this without having to do any work may sound good to be true. That said, it’s important to understand that nonsurgical body contouring is not a quick fix. How you choose to live your life after the procedure plays heavily into its long-term success.

Maintaining Nonsurgical Contouring

Once you commit to nonsurgical body contouring, you want to make the most of your investment to get the best results. With that in mind, there are three main factors you’ll need to employ to maintain those results.

  1. Protect Yourself from the Sun

Keeping your skin protected from dangerous UV rays is always good practice. Even if you’re not having a procedure.

But since some body contouring procedures also address skin issues, it’s important you continue to attend to its optimal upkeep. This includes not only protecting it with a high SPF sunblock and/or sun-blocking clothing, but keeping it hydrated and moisturized.

  1. Be Done with Child Bearing

If you’ve had a child, you know that pregnancy can leave you feeling like your postpartum body belongs to someone else. Fostering a human life has a way of altering the body! No shock there.

So if you’re annoyed with some aspect of your body but are not done having children, you should probably wait until you are. A pregnancy can easily undo the results of any nonsurgical body contouring procedure. This isn’t to say that you can’t get a revision should the need arise. But if you can wait until you know you’re done, you’ll get the best results by having just one procedure.

  1. Keep Up a Healthy Lifestyle

While we have this at #3, it’s probably the single most important factor. While nonsurgical body contouring is meant to address trouble spots that don’t seem to respond to diet and exercise, this doesn’t mean you can now regularly camp out on your couch with a bag of potato chips. If you want to maintain results, diet and exercise are just as important after your procedure as before.

But it’s not just diet and exercise. Drinking, smoking, and taking other substances can also affect your metabolism and damage your skin tone – among other things. All of this will negatively impact your results in the long term.

So once you make the healthy choice to have a non-surgical body contouring procedure, keep making those healthy choices to maintain it.

Could Nonsurgical Body Contouring Brighten Your Day?

If you’re feeling hesitant about surgery and are wondering if nonsurgical body contouring is right for you, contact us today.

During your free consultation, you’ll get a chance to sit down with our trained specialists in aesthetic medicine who can guide you on the next best steps.

And soon you can say goodbye to those trouble spots!

Methods for Getting Rid of Excess Skin

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Carrying around the extra weight of excess skin can be a lot to bear – both figuratively and literally.

In cases where excess skin is the result of desired weight loss or a pregnancy, it is most certainly an unwanted side effect. And it can put the kibosh on an otherwise joyous occasion.

Then as if the sheer assault on self-esteem weren’t enough, extra skin can cause discomfort in the form of chafing, irritation, and rashes. Fortunately, there are methods for getting rid of excess skin.

What Causes Excess Skin?

The most common cause of excess skin is extreme weight loss – though it’s not the sole culprit.

Our skin is designed to expand and contract. Collagen, which provides firmness and strength, accounts for 80% of the skin’s structure. Meanwhile, elastin is there to help the skin stay tight and “bounce back” from stretching.

The problem is, when the skin is required to expand for prolonged amounts of time, the collagen and elastin fibers are overextended and become damaged. This is the case for people who have been overweight for years or even decades.

While pregnancy can also cause excess skin, in most cases, the skin typically retracts within several months postpartum – as the length of time the skin is stretched in only nine months. Multiple pregnancies, however, can also challenge the ability of collagen and elastin to do their work.

The general rule of thumb is that the longer one has carried extra weight, and the more extreme it is (100 pounds or more), the stronger the likelihood that there will be excess skin after losing it.

What Other Factors Affect Skin Elasticity?

Extreme weight loss alone can be enough to create excess skin. But there are other factors that can work in tandem with weight loss that will also negatively affect the skin’s elasticity.

Obviously, older skin with less collagen and elastin production will not bounce back like younger skin does. The amount of sun exposure the skin has experienced will also affect this. Even smoking reduces the skin’s ability to produce collagen and elastin.

Then, of course, there’s always good old genetics. Some of us are just more blessed with resilient skin than others.

So then what’s a person who’s troubled by excess skin to do?

Methods for Getting Rid of Excess Skin

There are myriad ways to manage excess skin – though depending on the above factors, some ways are far more effective than others.


Many people will start with an exercise program to combat excess skin. And in most cases, exercise is a positive activity that we’re certainly not going to discourage!

Yes, building muscle mass through weight training can help to decrease the appearance of excess skin by replacing muscle mass with lost fat. But once again, if extra skin is the result of massive weight loss, there’s no amount of exercise that will completely eliminate it.

Firming Creams and Cosmetic Procedures

Similar to exercise, firming creams and cosmetic procedures could be helpful for those who aren’t struggling with a lot of excess skin or if the skin is mostly just loose around the eyes and mouth.

Firming creams with retinoids and hyaluronic acid are the most effective – especially for older skin. And cosmetic procedures including chemical peels, ablative laser resurfacing, and botox injections could help to tighten and smooth the skin.

Yet similar to exercise, firming creams and cosmetic procedures alone are not going to be enough to get rid of excess skin from major weight loss.

Body Contouring Surgery

The only true way to get rid of excess skin after major weight loss is through plastic surgery. This usually consists of a range of body contouring procedures performed by a plastic surgeon and designed to address excess skin folds on the arms, legs, torso and/or buttocks.

The initial step during these procedures is to remove skin. From there, the surgeon will also tighten and lift the targeted areas to improve contour. This delivers a more natural and pleasing shape. And these surgeries are long-lasting, provided that the patient’s weight remains stable.

As such, body contouring surgery to get rid of excess skin is typically scheduled once weight has stabilized for a least a few months after massive weight loss. And after the procedure, patients need to maintain a healthy lifestyle to ensure success.

Are You Troubled By Excess Skin?

Whether you’re dealing with sagging skin around the face, or hanging skin after major weight loss, we can help you with the best methods for getting rid of excess skin.

Contact us today for a free consultation. One of our board-certified plastic surgeons will assess your overall physical health before discussing with you which procedures will be most effective.

Then get back on the road toward a more confident and comfortable you!