Pioneers In Plastic Surgery – Sir Archibald McIndoe

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  Plastic surgery may seem like a purely contemporary field of medicine. After all, nobody was getting Botox injections in the days of the Wild West. The truth is, plastic surgery has been around in some form or another for over 4,000 years. Sure, plastic surgery as we know it today certainly reached new heights


Pioneers of Plastic Surgery – Dr. Harold Gillies

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  The long-term disabilities from World War I were overwhelming. Many men came off the battlefield quite disfigured. Not only were they in pain, but the disfigurement impacted their prospects for work. And the government offered little financial or social support. Fortunately, pioneering surgeons like Dr. Harold Gillies were changing the face (literally) of surgery


Yes, Stress Affects Your Skin

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    We frequently hear about the negative impact of stress on the heart, brain, stomach, and other organs. But what about the biggest organ – your skin? Given the negative repercussions of stress throughout the rest of the body, it makes perfect sense that stress affects your skin too. It’s all the result of