A Kind Thank You from a Kind Patient
People in Their 20’s Having Plastic Surgery
When people think of plastic surgery, they don’t normally think young, healthy people. Often, plastic surgery is associated with people in their 50s and 60s who want to look younger. Now a day’s however, doctors are starting to see a growing number of people in their 20’s are getting plastic surgery. The millennials are paying
Women’s Happiness Doesn’t Affect Mortality
Many studies have been conducted that claim to link happiness and living a longer life together. “A study published on Wednesday in The Lancet, following one million middle-aged women in Britain for 10 years, finds that the widely held view that happiness enhances health and longevity is unfounded. Happiness and related measures of well-being do not
Pigeons that Identify Breast Cancer
Most of you know the pigeon as that pesky bird that sits in the streets with its pack of buddies in large cities. Some of you might not know that this well-known bird has a long history of working with humans to accomplish different tasks. Pigeons can detect emotions in people’s faces and even select
Don’t Be Another Statistic, Do It Right The First Time
There has been a rise in recent years of people traveling to get major surgeries performed. When it comes to a large medical expense, we all try and take shortcuts to find a cheaper price. Sometimes this includes going to a different country which is often known as “medical tourism”. Every major surgery has risks
2015 Hour Detroit Magazine’s Top Docs
Star Plastic Surgery is proud to announce that two of our doctors were mentioned in the 2015 Hour Detroit Magazines Top Docs List. Dr. Elan Reisin and Dr. Ellen Ozolins both received honors this year in the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery category. The winning doctors in the adult and pediatric specialist category are selected by
A Thank You From A Satisfied Customer
Send In Your Questions!
If you’re considering plastic surgery, I know you will have many questions. Please send us your question or call and schedule a free confidential consultation so we may answer all of your questions in person. If you would like to schedule a free consultation to speak to someone in person, please click here! or call
The Medical Future: Transplanting Heads
I read this article about Dr. Sergio Canavero and his plan to put the head of Valery Spiridonov, a Russian with a muscle-wasting disease, on the body of a newly dead donor. I always find articles about the advancement in medicine very interesting and I love sharing this news with all of our readers. Canavero claimed
Look 10 to 15 Years Younger
As you age, your skin loses elasticity. Combined with lifestyle choices, stress, and sleeping habits, this can eventually lead to a puffy, baggy appearance around your eyes. In addition to making you look much older before your time, exhausted eyelids can impact vision, making it both an aesthetic and functional issue. Eyelid surgery, also known