3D Cosmetic Surgery Procedure Video Library

BY IN 3D Videos, Cosmetic Plastic Surgery, michigan, novi, plastic surgery, procedures, Star Plastic Surgery, surgery NO COMMENTS YET

In an effort to educate our patients at Star Plastic Surgery and to surpass the competition, we are excited to announce that we have integrated a 3D Plastic Surgery Library directly into our website. Viewable on both desktops, notebook computers and tablets, you’ll now be able to watch a fully animated 3D video of each


Get Rid of Your Man Boob Problem this Father’s Day

BY IN breast augmentation, Breasts, Celebs, cosmetic surgery, Father's Day, Gynecomastia, Jack Nicholson, Male Breast Problem, Male Breast Reduction, Male Cosmetic Surgery, Man Boobs, men, Moobs, Steven Tyler, surgery NO COMMENTS YET

The weather is finally warming up in Michigan and that means swimming pools will open soon for Memorial Day weekend. Many families will be heading to the beach too. For so many women, this time of year means getting their bodies “bikini-ready” or just being prepared to put on a swim suit or shorts. For


Americas Surge in Plastic Surgery

BY IN america, beauty, board certified, botox, cosmetic surgery, eyelid surgery, eyes, liposuction, nose job, plastic surgery, Star Plastic Surgery, surgerical, surgery, trends, tummy tuck, united states NO COMMENTS YET

America has a continuous obsession with beauty. In the past 15 years the amount of cosmetic procedures performed in this country have increased by 115%. The types of procedures that are being performed are constantly changing. These changes are brought on by celebrity trends, cultural evolutions, and peoples constant demand for improvement. Breast Augmentations still


Experts Are Finding New Ways to Fight Bacteria

BY IN antibiotics, bacteria, boardcertified, cosmeticsurgery, disease, doctors, medical, medicine, phage, plasticsurgery, starplasticsurgery, surgeon, surgery, technology, therapeutic, whitehouse NO COMMENTS YET

Doctors have been fighting bacteria with antibiotics for years and for the most part they have had great success. In recent years though, these diseases have been growing resistant to traditional medicine. In the 1940’s, Western doctors stopped using phage because of the advent of antibiotics. Experts have turned to phages once again instead of


How to Recover From Your Plastic Surgery

BY IN alcohol, cosmeticsurgery, exercise, food, freeconsultation, fruits, health, patients, plasticsurgery, postsurgery, recovery, starplasticsurgery, surgery, vegetables, vitamins NO COMMENTS YET

Everyone always worries about the recovery time after getting major surgery done, which is normal and you should think ahead. The best way to prepare yourself is to come into surgery as a healthy patient from the start. Being a non-smoker, eating healthy, exercising, and being in mental and physical shape in general are all


Don’t Be Another Statistic, Do It Right The First Time

BY IN boardcertified, buyonegetone, cosmeticsurgery, doctors, freeconsultation, majorsurgery, medical, medicaltourism, nosejob, novi, novimichigan, plasticsurgery, starplasticsurgery, surgery, travel, tummytuck NO COMMENTS YET

There has been a rise in recent years of people traveling to get major surgeries performed. When it comes to a large medical expense, we all try and take shortcuts to find a cheaper price. Sometimes this includes going to a different country which is often known as “medical tourism”.  Every major surgery has risks


Plastic Surgery Demands Increase This Holiday Season

BY IN botox, christmas, cosmeticsurgery, eyelids, facial, holidays, hospital, medicine, nosejobs, plasticsurgery, rejuvenation, starplasticsurgery, surgery, treatments NO COMMENTS YET

The holidays can bring on all sorts of stress. Seeing family members, holiday parties, or traveling tend to cause us to think about our appearance more than normally would.    Another reason for undergoing such procedures during the holiday season, the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery says: It’s the only time of


New Tanning Trend Can Cause Serious Skin Damage

BY IN cancer, clinics, cosmetics, cosmeticsurgery, dermatologists, health, hospital, mommymakeover, plasticsurgery, radiation, skincancer, skincare, socialmedia, starplasticsurgery, sunbathers, sunburn, surgery, wrinkles NO COMMENTS YET

**WARNING IF YOU GO IN THE SUN!!** Some sunbathers are searching for more than a golden glow in a new social media trend that’s concerning dermatologists, cancer experts and other clinicians. It is called “sunburn art”, which is when people apply sunscreen to a certain area in order to create a design. This has become a