Factors That Speed Up Aging

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Aging is tough.

On the one hand, you have a sense of gratitude for getting as far as you have. But at the end of the day, gratitude doesn’t smooth out the wrinkles or make you look any younger.

Still, it seems that some move into aging more gracefully than others. And there are definitely factors that speed up aging.

So while there’s no way to escape the ravages of aging completely, there are ways to steer around some of those factors.

What Are Factors That Speed Up Aging?

One of the best ways to slow the aging process and maybe ward off some of the severity of it is by living a healthy lifestyle. In doing so, you’ll be able to lessen the following three different “invisible” factors that could be contributing to your aging faster.

  1. Free Radicals from Oxidation

What are free radicals?

Here’s the breakdown. Every atom is surrounded by electrons that circle it in layers known as shells. Each one of those shells must be filled by a set number of electrons. Once a shell reaches capacity, electrons begin to fill the next shell.

When an atom has an outer shell that is not filled all the way, it may bond with another atom and use its electrons to fill it. The atoms that do this are known as free radicals.

Because they lack the stability that comes with a full outer shell, free radicals are unstable. In their attempt to compensate for the number of electrons in their outer shell, they tend to react quickly with other substances.

In the case of oxygen molecules, when they split into single atoms with unpaired electrons, they turn into unstable free radicals desperately seeking other atoms or molecules. The continuation of this process is known as oxidative stress.

Free radicals produced from oxidative stress can overwhelm the repair processes of the body and cause wrinkles and grey hair. As the repair processes are further compromised, it can result in arthritis, poor eyesight, and even cancer.

One of the best ways to reduce oxidative stress is to avoid exposure to things such as sugar, toxins, and pesticides that promote it. So stick with whole and organic foods whenever possible and choose a diet rich in anti-oxidants to counteract those free radicals.

Reducing overall stress also helps – which brings us to our next point.

  1. Psychological Stress

As we age, our connective tissues break down. This is just a fact.

The connective tissues of the skin are collagen and elastin. And when they begin to break down, wrinkles form. But what makes one 50-year-old person appear closer to 40, while another looks more like 60?

Obviously, smoking, sunlight exposure, and good old genetics are at play. But psychological stress can also harm the proteins in skin tissue and cause wrinkles.

When you’re in the throes of chronic stress, the body produces high amounts of the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol is a key player in the breakdown of skin’s collagen and elastin. Furthermore, stress causes inflammation which impairs the body’s ability to repair itself.

Thus, finding ways to alleviate stress is essential. You might engage in mindfulness practices like yoga and meditation. And try carving out time each day to do something you enjoy.

  1. Inflammation

When you experience acute inflammation in your body, it can be painful and unpleasant. What you may not consider though is that inflammation is actually a defense mechanism. It’s the body’s natural way of protecting itself against infection and injury. It comes on quickly and typically lasts a few days before the body normalizes.

Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, does not subside and is on a continuous loop. In this case, whatever stimulated the inflammation lingers and sets off a continuous loop of inflammation that can go largely undetected.

Unhealthy lifestyle choices as well as environmental stressors such as pollution, chemicals, artificial fragrances, and even weather changes are largely responsible for chronic inflammation.

Along with all of the other organs in the body, the skin takes a beating from chronic stress. When it’s stuck in an endless state of even low-grade inflammation, it damages the cells that allow for recovery.

The best way to combat inflammation is by eating a diet rich in healthy fats and organic produce, staying hydrated, and using skin care products that help to cleanse and purify.

Take Care of the Whole You

Unfortunately, none of us can turn back time. But by having awareness of the factors that speed up aging and caring for yourself, you can slow the process to some degree.

And in the meantime, turn to us to smooth out some of those wrinkles or address other aging issues that have already occurred. Contact us today for a free consultation.

After all, looking younger is one of the best paths towards feeling younger.


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Non-Surgical Procedures

NEW FACES® Non-Surgical Procedures

At Star Plastic Surgery, we offer a wide range of non-surgical procedures for both men and women. Our renowned board certified plastic surgeons are trusted not only in the Detroit, Michigan area, but around the world to perform effective non-surgical procedures. We strive to provide a customized experience for each of our patients to meet each individual’s unique aesthetic goals. Our doctors will work with you to help determine which treatment is right to help you achieve your desired look.

We offer an array of non-surgical procedures to improve the appearance of your skin and body structures to help you look and feel your best. Our doctors and skincare specialists have extensive experience in providing our patients with premium non-surgical procedures.

Contact Us Today

Along with patient satisfaction, safety is our chief concern. Our staff takes the time before and after your procedure to ensure that you enjoy natural-looking, long-lasting results. To learn more about our non-surgical procedures, contact our office to schedule your free consultation today.

Can You Reduce the Appearance of Large Pores?

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Many people fear the close-up. And while makeup can go the distance in covering up blemishes and other imperfections, it can accentuate large pores.

Large pores are the result of oil and sweat not being properly released through the pores by the sebaceous glands that sit beneath the skin. Eventually the pores get clogged with oil, dirt, and dead skin cells leading to the appearance of large pores. And it doesn’t just happen to those with oily skin.

So is there any way to reduce the appearance of large pores?

You CAN Reduce the Appearance of Large Pores

Some degree of pore visibility is normal. And you can change your skincare routine and try gentle cleansers and/or a clay mask. Getting rid of oil-based products and using mineral sunscreen can also help.

But for those who struggle with large pores because of genetic factors, or for those for whom the change in skincare doesn’t work, there are also non-invasive procedures that can help:

Chemical Peels

If you’ve tried various exfoliants and haven’t had any luck, you may have more success with chemical peels. Peels are effective in removing the dirt, dead skin, and blackheads that contribute to the appearance of large pores.

While it might sound a bit scary, chemical peels remove layer(s) of skin. To do this, skincare specialists use an exfoliant consisting of salicylic acid, glycolic acid, and trichloroacetic acid. The process is very similar to getting a sunburn that causes the skin to peel.

Depending on the level of exfoliation needed, there are three different types of peels. With a light peel, the exfoliant doesn’t penetrate any deeper than the top layer of skin and takes around 30 minutes. A medium peel gets down to the middle layer of skin to remove damaged skin cells. Finally, a deep peel gets down a little further to remove the most damaged cells.


In a nutshell, microneedling uses radiofrequency to stimulate collagen and elastin production. The main concept behind the process is to create micro-injuries to the skin to stimulate the body’s response.

With microneedling, the skin is pierced to create inflammation. The immune system is then triggered to increase blood flow to the area to disinfect the pores and remove debris. This, in essence, creates new tissue and a fresh network of blood cells is built. Finally, newly created blood vessels and dermal tissues repair the area.

Laser Treatments

Many patients seek laser treatments to address wrinkles and scars. But this outpatient procedure is effective in reducing the appearance of large pores too.

Similar to chemical peels, these treatments use ablative or non-ablative lasers to remove the top layer of damaged skin to stimulate the growth of new skin cells. Also like chemical peels, there are three different types of laser treatments – CO2, erbium, and fractionated CO2.

Which one is right for you will depend on how deep the damage is.

Are You Embarrassed by Large Pores?

You don’t need to be.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you change your skincare routine or utilize one of the above procedures to reduce the appearance of large pores.

And get ready for your close-up.

Are You a Poor Candidate for Liposuction?

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If you have diet- and exercise-resistant fat that just won’t go away, you may be considering liposuction. And why not? It’s a great solution.

Then again, it’s not ideal for everyone. (But what is?) There are a handful of reasons that a board-certified plastic surgeon might recommend avoiding this procedure.

If you’re now wondering whether YOU’RE a poor candidate for liposuction, we’ll look at four distinct reasons you may be steered in a different direction.

What Makes a Poor Candidate for Liposuction?

For a great many patients, liposuction is a godsend. And you may well be one of those people for whom this procedure would be seriously beneficial.

But you can expect any plastic surgeon worth his or her salt to address certain issues to first ensure that it’s a good option for you. If you have any of the following, liposuction may not be advised for you:

  1. Poor Skin Elasticity/History of Scarring

Let’s face it. The younger you are, the more elastic your skin is. Generally speaking. Since liposuction involves removing fat, the skin that was over that fat needs to spring back to deliver the contoured look. Otherwise, you’ll be left with loose skin that will make the area look deflated.

In addition, if you tend to develop raised scars (known as keloid scars) easily after an injury, you may be advised against liposuction. Especially if the incision site is in an obvious place. Patients who struggle with keloid scars are often genetically predisposed to them.

  1. Excess Fat

It might seem counterintuitive that you wouldn’t be able to get liposuction if you have a lot of excess fat. The reality is, there is such an increased risk of complications from high volume liposuctions, they’re not allowed in many states. This is based on studies of post-operative liposuction patients.

In fact, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons recommends the removal of no more than five liters of fat and fluid in a procedure. Thus, your plastic surgeon may ask you to get closer to your target weight before having liposuction.

  1. BMI That’s Too High or Low

There’s so much that your body mass index (BMI) doesn’t accurately tell a plastic surgeon. This is mostly because it doesn’t differentiate between muscle mass and body fat. Even so, it still does play a baseline diagnostic role in the surgeon’s decision to perform liposuction.

Similar to patients with excess fat, those with a high BMI are also likely to experience more complications. Because of this, the vast majority of surgeons won’t operate on patients with a BMI higher than 35, with some capping off at 30.

It’s not just those with a high BMI who are poor candidates for liposuction though. If you have an unusually low BMI, you may also be strongly discouraged from the procedure. This is because liposuction areas should have a pinch thickness of at least two centimeters to lessen the risk of leaving indentations or other regularities on the skin.

  1. Certain Underlying Conditions

If you’re considering liposuction but you have a medical condition such as diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, etc., you may not qualify for the procedure. Many medical conditions (and the medications that go along with them) can compromise healing from surgery. The surgeon will require medical clearance from your other doctors in these cases.

In addition, although it’s not a medical condition, you’ll need to disclose whether you’re a smoker or you use tobacco or other nicotine products. This is REALLY important because if you do, you’ll have a greater risk of delayed healing, scarring, necrosis, and infection. Therefore, you’ll need to quit tobacco/nicotine use at least one month before your procedure.

There Are Always Options

If you’re a poor candidate for liposuction right now, don’t despair. In some cases, you may be a good candidate in the future.

Even if you’re not though, there are a myriad of different plastic surgery avenues you and your surgeon can explore.

So contact us today to set up your free consultation. And take heart in knowing you’ll be under the absolute best care available.


The Ultimate Guide in Prepping for Plastic Surgery

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Picture it. Your body finally has the shapes, lines, and sleek contours that you’ve always desired. And all you had to do was “add water and stir.”

Okay. Obviously the second part is merely a dream.

Because getting the body you want may very well mean you’ll have to go under the knife. And prepping for plastic surgery requires more than just adding water and stirring.

Aesthetic and Hygienic Guidlines

First, take a shower both the night before and the morning of your surgery. Wash with an antibacterial cleanser and wash your hair. You’ll want to go in as clean as possible.

And as much as you might feel inclined to wax or shave during those showers, don’t. Though shaving seems logical enough, the recommendation is to wax or shave about four to seven days before surgery.

Sure, you won’t have that baby smooth skin. But shaving right before surgery can lead to microscopic cuts and abrasions which can disrupt the skin’s barrier defense against microbes colonizing the skin and hair follicles.

Also, your surgeon doesn’t care if you have a fierce tan while on the table. He or she is more concerned with reducing your risk for added inflammation and scarring. And tanning before your procedure increases that risk.

What to Wear…

Again, it’s surgery and not a fashion show. Throw on your most comfortable and loosest fitting clothing. If you’re having a procedure such as a tummy tuck or a Brazilian butt lift, you may be fitted with a compression garment afterwards. When you have big comfy clothes, they’ll slide easily over that garment.

Of course, as you go into surgery, you’ll be donning a hospital gown. Those comfy clothes and other personal items will be waiting for you when you come out.

As far as wearing a menstrual pad or tampon, these are totally fine.

The Do NOTs in Prepping for Plastic Surgery

Generally speaking, less is more on surgery day. So it really comes down more to what you shouldn’t have coming into surgery versus what you should.

  1. No Need to Be Bedazzled

You will need to take off all of your jewelry before your procedure. That means not just necklaces, rings, bracelets, and earrings, but every body piercing as well. Your surgeon will use an electrosurgical device to cut  tissue and control bleeding. A piercing – even a small one – can divert the electrical current and damage the tissue.

In addition, pressure on those piercings could result in the loss of tissue around them since you’ll be anesthetized and unable to recognize the pressure.

  1. Go Au Naturel

If you normally use hair products after you shower, leave them out this time. The key is to avoid contamination with open wounds – which we all have to agree takes precedence over whether your hair is frizzy or falling flat.

Makeup is also prohibited so that makeup particles don’t end up in your eyes. When you’re anesthetized, you won’t have the ability to blink to clear out those particles. In some cases, you may even have your eyes taped shut. So leave the make-up in its bag or curio drawer.

Another reason for ditching the makeup and hair products is that some of them have flammable ingredients. So it’s best to just avoid them.

  1. Skip the Manicure

Let your nails go naked.

It might sound weird, but nail polish is prohibited during your surgical procedure. Doctors and nurses will keep an eye on your circulation and need to be able to see your natural fingernail to do this. They’ll also need to regularly monitor your pulse and how well you’re breathing using a pulse oximeter clipped onto your finger. Nail polish can interfere with these readings.

For some time, there was the belief that acrylic nails affected the pulse oximeter as well. Recent studies show that unpolished acrylics do not impact this. But you may need to remove them anyhow.

  1. Leave Your Orthodontics At Home

Finally, if you really dislike wearable orthodontics like a retainer or elastic bands for your teeth, good news! You finally have a valid excuse to not wear them (for a little while, at least).Your surgeon will need you to remove them before your procedure.

Get the Body You’ve Dreamed Of

The extra measures you have to take in prepping for plastic surgery are well worth the outcome.

Isn’t it time you felt better about your body and appearance? If you’re ready to step into the plastic surgery arena, contact us today.

We’ll set you up for your free consultation where you’ll be able to ask your plastic surgeon the hard-hitting questions that’ll give you peace of mind before your procedure.


Facial Fillers Versus a Facelift

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There comes a time in every person’s life when, as much as you might still feel like you’re in your 20s, your face tells a different story.

While you may not achieve that youthful look of your 20s again, you needn’t be resigned to the visual ravages of aging. So if you’re considering taking action, you may be wondering what your options are.

It comes down to facial fillers versus a facelift. Each of these procedures has its benefits and which one you choose will depend on your specific situation.

Best Candidates for Dermal Fillers

In terms of facial rejuvenation, dermal fillers (or injectables) are becoming more and more popular. Especially because they don’t require going under the knife.

Even so, fillers have their limits. They are not effective for the finely etched-in lines that occur with more advanced age.

For younger patients who are in the early stages of wrinkles or collagen loss though, fillers are the less extreme option. They are minimally invasive and can effectively restore lost volume. Restoring volume can also help to eliminate wrinkles and drooping skin. Along with filling in newer wrinkles, fillers can also augment thin cheeks and fill hollow temples.

Another plus is that there is virtually no downtime – although they do require multiple visits for maintenance. But they’re a great way to refresh for a more youthful appearance.

Types of Dermal Injectables

Dermal injectables fall into two categories. The first are neurodilators such as Botox or other similar neurotoxins that work by “freezing” overactive muscles in the face to treat dynamic wrinkles. Then there are dermal fillers such as Teoxane and Juvederm products which are hyaluronic acid fillers that address static wrinkles such as nasolabial folds (i.e. laugh lines) and the marionette line folds that develop between the corners of the mouth and continue down to the jaw line.

Both types of injectables can help stave off the need for facial surgery in younger patients. For older patients, they can also enhance the results of a facelift.

Speaking of which…

Benefits of a Facelift

Though fillers do a terrific job of replacing fat in the lips or cheeks, only a facelift can actually remove excess skin around the jowls and then tighten the skin. This can render a remarkable difference in your appearance.

Facelifts are more effective than fillers in treating severe signs of aging. Through repositioning the facial fat pads, this procedure improves facial volume and contours. And when working with a skilled board-certified plastic surgeon, you can be sure that any incisions will be carefully hidden for a more natural-looking appearance.

Best Candidates for a Facelift

For patients with deep wrinkles, or excess or sagging skin, a facelift is a better option to address these problems for the long-term.

Unlike fillers though, a facelift is a surgical procedure. Therefore, it will require downtime for recovery. The best candidates for this procedure should also be in overall good health, still have some skin elasticity, not smoke, and (perhaps most importantly) have realistic expectations.

Facial Fillers Versus a Facelift – Which One is Right For You?

You don’t have to face the question of facial fillers versus a facelift on your own.

If you’re considering which is the better option for you, then contact us today for a free consultation. Our qualified and trained professionals will point you in the right direction.

And soon enough, looking in the mirror will bring a smile to your more youthful face.



How Micro-Needling Makes Your Skin Youthful and Radiant?

Every woman wants to have young, glowing and beautiful skin irrespective of her age. As you grow older you have to deal with dull skin, age spots, acne scars, lines, and wrinkles. These skin issues often make you feel depressed and lower your confidence. In this modern era, technological advancement has gifted you several skincare treatments through which you can get back your young and shiny skin once again. Micro-needling is one of the best treatments for skin rejuvenation. This procedure has gained popularity in recent years not only due to its effectiveness and long-lasting effects; but also due to the introduction of the latest FDA Cleared micro-needling device called SkinPen by Bellus Medical.

What is Micro-needling?

Microneedling is a procedure in which fine needles are used for creating several invisible, tiny puncture wounds on your top skin layer. This process is also called collagen induction therapy. This slightly invasive skin treatment is very effective and nearly painless.

What is Micro-needling Used For?

Microneedling is generally used to target

·  age spots or sun spots

·  acne scars

·  fine lines and wrinkles

·  large pores

·  uneven skin tone

·  reduced elasticity of the skin

Microneedling is also used for treating stretch marks in different parts of the body like abdominal area and thighs. This process also treats scarring on certain body parts. However, micro-needling is mainly used to treat facial issues.

How Micro-needling Works?

The primary concept behind the process is creating micro-injuries that in turn stimulate your body’s ability to heal the wound itself naturally. There are three important phases in the process of wound-repair:

·   Inflammation. When skin is pierced, the immune system is triggered for disinfection of the wounds, removal of debris, and enhancement of blood flow. In this way, new tissue is created.

·   Proliferation. The new granulation skin cells rebuild the wounds and a fresh network of blood cells is formed.

·   Remodeling. Newly created blood vessels and dermal tissues replace the wounds.

This turnover of skin cells produce increased elastin and collagen production; consequently preventing and reversing the signs of skin aging. Microneedling is generally done on the face to generate firmer, toned and smooth skin. The procedure does the same job as lasers do. The only difference is that here you injure your skin mechanically whereas laser uses light or heat to achieve the goal.

Micro-needling-The Procedure

Before undergoing this treatment, your skin needs certain preparations. Mostly, the skin under consideration is prepared with a particular formulation that contains vitamins C and A, a month before. In this way, collagen production is pumped in your skin.

Your doctor will perform micro-needling by giving you topical anesthesia. The procedure involves the following steps:

·  The plastic surgeon/ dermatologist/aesthetician will first apply an antiseptic and clean your skin by using a saline solution.

·  He then stretches your skin with hands and with derma-roller/skin pen for about five times in every direction like a horizon, diagonal and vertical.

·  Pinpoint bleeding occurs from the tiny punctures that can be controlled easily.

·  An ice pack or a saline formula is applied to the affected area when the procedure is over.

·  Likewise a serum to enhance collagen is also applied to that area.


This procedure is repeated in the coming months as you have to do several sessions for excellent results.

Micro-needling Aftercare Tips

The micro-needling post-care routine is extremely important to follow. Following are a few tips on taking care of your skin after undergoing this treatment:

·  Avoiding Sun Exposure: It is crucial to avoid sun exposure and if you are going out then covering your face is the best option. Never apply any sunblock on your face as the pores of your skin remain open after this procedure. The injurious chemicals containing these sun-blocks quickly penetrate in your skin and can damage it. Use only such products suggested by your micro-needling surgeon.

·  Keeping It Clean: You should clean your skin with a mild cleanser during seventy-two hours after this procedure. Using any harsh product on your skin may also hurt your skin.

·  Avoiding Active Ingredients: Skincare solutions that have active ingredients such as alpha-hydroxy acids, retinol, etc should not be applied since your skin becomes highly sensitive after the procedure.

·  No Makeup: Allow your skin to settle down and recover after the treatment. Do not apply makeup on your skin as chemicals in such products can cause irritability.

·  Collagen Stimulation Needed: Your doctor will prescribe peptides for collagen stimulation after micro-needling. Using them regularly enables your skin to produce more collagen and recover quickly.

·  Drinking Plenty Of Water: When you stay hydrated, your skin recovers faster.


Key Benefits of Micro-needling:

Microneedling is quite a painless process that offers numerous amazing benefits. Following area few ways that highlight how this procedure works wonders on the skin:

1. Improves Your Skin’s Texture and Quality Immediately

Microneedling is a one-hour long procedure and for best outcomes, the skin is left with some pinpoint bleeding. The skin remains red and this pin-point bleeding continues for about one day, but thereafter you are going to notice a remarkable improvement immediately in the quality and texture of your skin. This happens when the pin-prick needles promote the production of new collagen and blood vessels in your skin. The two components, elastin, and collagen are mainly responsible for the youthful, plump skin every woman dreams of. When you cross the age of 30, collagen degradation begins naturally and you start noticing slight sagging in your skin. Since the healing process starts soon after the procedure ends, you experience a flawless, soft textured skin.


2.  Reduces Deep Wrinkles and Fine Lines

Microneedling has gained popularity among aging treatments. It helps you in looking younger and reduces deep wrinkles and fine lines. What happens is thousands of needles create small pin holes that break into the upper-level dermis and release growth factors for the “repairing” and “healing” from the damage caused. These growth factors are collagen and elastin. Apart from this, millions of blood vessels are formed that supply oxygen, blood, and nutrients directly into your dermis. Consequently, all these changes reduce deep wrinkles, fine lines and also tighten your existing skin, hence making you look fresher and younger than before.

3.  Treats Acne/Cystic Acne

Micro-needling is an amazing acne scar treatment. It not only helps in treating acne but also stops acne. The procedure reduces sebum production, hence making your skin less oily. Blackheads tend to form less often and so acne issues are also resolved. You can get micro-needling done on your skin even if you are facing active breakouts. You have this benefit in micro-needling, unlike other procedures that cannot be carried out if you have active acne; for instance dermaplaning.

4.  Repairs Visible Acne-Scars

Another excellent benefit of micro-needling is that it helps in reducing acne scars that are quite difficult to get rid of. If your body or face has any type of scarring, your body undergoes a natural process called fibrosis. During healing, fibrosis results in everything sticking together, however, beneath your skin, this glue is very strong and pulls your skin down. This results in scarring on your skin surface.

The micro-needling treatment helps in breaking up all the fibrosis underneath your skin. This enables your skin to develop the ability to let go of the tenting and releasing the skin surface. Therefore, you find a smoother and shinier skin than before.

5.  Reverses Hyperpigmentation and Sun Damage

Microneedling also aids in reversing hyperpigmentation, discoloration and sun damage. Hyperpigmentation is referred to as the slight changes occurring in your skin due to inflammation, blackheads, pimples, whiteheads, etc. Mostly any type of skin issue can change the color of the underlying skin that does not match with the surrounding skin. Thus, your skin looks uneven and blotchy.

What micro-needling does is; it results in increased expression of matrix metalloproteinases that curbs hyperpigmentation. You should combine vitamin c serum with micro-needling to aid the healing process as vitamin c plays a key role in balancing melanin levels also.

Microneedling is given preference over hyperpigmentation laser treatments, especially for dark-colored skin. This is because when lasers are used, some women may have the worst pigmentation as a reaction, and microneedling does not have this issue.​

6.  Improves Skin Absorption

Mostly it happens that your skin does not absorb skincare products which you apply on your body or face because of clogged pores. This affects the effectiveness of the product. Microneedlinghelps any topical medicine in penetrating your skin quite effectively, hence offering you to get fully benefitted of its ingredients. It creates micro-holes, which causes your skin to absorb quickly whatever you apply on it.


7.  Helps Aging Skin

As you grow older, your skin loses its elasticity and sags due to low production of collagen and elastin. Microneedling tightens loose skin by enhancing the production of collagen and elastin, hence making your skin firmer, plump, softer, younger and healthier.

8.  Shrinks Pores

Microneedlingshrinks your skin pores rather than increasing their size. You may think that piercing hundreds of micro holes in your skin can enlarge your pores but that is a wrong concept. As micro-needling stimulates the collagen around and in your pores, it makes them plump and shrunken.

9.  Reduces Blackheads

Women with issues like hormonal acne or PCOS suffer from blackheads. Microneedling comes to rescue in this situation. Thousands of needles pierced in this procedure liberate and reduce blackheads considerably, especially from your nose. ​Although the reduction in blackheads does not last forever; but you are relieved for at least three to four weeks. This problem can be further minimized through proper aftercare and persistent usage of vitamin c serum.

10. Exfoliates Skin

Microneedling is such skincare treatment that mechanically disrupts the epidermis, hence resulting in exfoliation. What exfoliation does is it removes the upper surface of your epidermis. In this way, the dead skin cells living on this epidermis are removed. Your skin looks smooth and fresh instantly.

11. Microneedling-For Whole Body

Another crucial benefit of micro-needling is that this skincare treatment is not exclusively for the face but your entire body. Any area of your skin can be repaired with the procedure; especially areas that have stretch marks or other acne scars, like your chest, legs, butt, and back. Around five to six sittings make a visible difference in such problem areas.

12. Stimulates Dormant Hair Follicles


Microneedling is also done over your scalp to treat baldness caused by alopecia. It stimulates your dormant hair follicles and improves blood circulation in the scalp, causing new hair growth. Derma-rollers are prescribed to use at home to the patients who use minoxidil solution for better hair growth.

Types of Devices Used For Microneedling

Microneedling is done by a trained dermatologist, aesthetician, or plastic surgeon with the help of two principal devices; namely dermarollers and the Bellus Medical Skinpen.

·   Dermarollers: They appear to be a small paint roller having numerous tiny needles which are rolled over your skin surface gently in different directions to accomplish the effect. You can use derma roller at home; however it is unsafe and risky if you have little knowledge about its proper usage and aftercare, and you may cause injury to your skin.

·   Skinpen is an automated device that looks like a pen. Skin pen uses disposable needles and their length can be adjusted for resurfacing as per the requirement. It has a rechargeable battery with it and can be operated in both high and low-speed modes.

Why Skin Pen is Preferred Over Dermarollers?

A thorough study reveals that the skin response for collagen production that repairs scars and fine lines, is more effective with a professional Skinpen as compared to dermaroller. The biggest difference between the two devices is that with Skinpen, your skin surface is punctured vertically by the needles, whereas dermaroller needles do not penetrate your skin vertically. This means a dermaroller needle enters and exits the surface of the skin at a certain angle. This angle can make tears in your skin, hence creating a bigger micro-channel than required, which then leads to scarring. You can customize skin pen according to your specific requirements with needles, which you can adjust to varying depths. This device can also easily glides over your skin and gives you consistent results.

Apart from this, Skinpen is reusable and can be used on different patients since the needles of the device are disposable. Needles are safe to use, less painful and highly convenient for treating narrow areas like nose, around lips and eyes without causing damage to the adjoining skin. Skinpen makes the micro-needling procedure more economical since you need not buy a new device every time. With Skinpen you also overcome the problems of application of varying pressure and the achievement of desired penetration depth.

Other Facts about micro-needling

·   It is effective in treating all skin types; dark to fair.

·   Microneedling with skin pen takes about thirty minutes, and the results are usually visible after three treatments.

·   Microneedling treatment costs less compared to other alternatives.

It is a safe procedure for people whose overall health is good. However, people using any acne medications or women during pregnancy should avoid this treatment.

So what are you waiting for?

Book your appointment today! Call now at 248-735-3800

Juvéderm Voluma® XC

Juvéderm Voluma® XC

As you age, you start to lose structure and volume in your face. Juvéderm Voluma XC can be injected in the upper cheek area also known as the hollow, the apple, or the apex. This filler replenishes the missing volume in your face using hyaluronic acid (HA), a naturally occurring substance that adds youthful volume to our skin. Patients in the Novi area trust Star Plastic Surgery to provide the best care for beautiful, natural-looking results.



As we age, many men and women experience problem areas around their nose and mouth. These smile lines and nasolabial folds often add years to your appearance. Juvéderm can be injected in the parenthesis by your nose and mouth to help turn back the hands of time, without surgery! It can also be used for lip enhancement to plump your lips. At Star Plastic Surgery, we can help you look and feel your best with this simple procedure.