The Facts about Breast Augmentation Surgery

The Facts about Breast Augmentation Surgery


Has pregnancy, injury, illness or even just aging left you feeling dissatisfied with the appearance of your breasts?

If so, you may be the perfect candidate for breast augmentation surgery.

Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgery that places implants to increase fullness and projection of the breasts.

It can be done for reconstructive purposes, such as after an injury or mastectomy for breast cancer, or for cosmetic reasons to enhance self-image and self-confidence.

So what are the facts about breast augmentation surgery? They’re pretty straightforward and simple, really.

We’ll start by taking a look at the implants.

Silicone Implants Vs. Saline Implants


It’s not really a competition.

In fact, there is little to even no discernible difference between the appearance of breasts augmented with silicone implants over those with saline implants.

Both silicone and saline implants involve a silicone shell that is either smooth or textured.

In the case of silicone implants, the shell comes from the manufacturer filled with a pre-determined amount of silicone gel. The implant is then surgically placed.

Many patients claim that silicone implants feel the most like natural breast tissue.

By contrast, with a saline implant, the silicone shell is inserted into the body first and then filled with saline to its desired volume by the surgeon.

Even so, both cases require the same size incision.

However, saline has the consistency of water so there is a slightly greater chance of visible rippling or wrinkling with saline implants. This is far less likely to be apparent when the implants are placed under the pectoral muscle or in the dual plane position (under the gland and lower border of the pectoralis major muscle.)

When choosing between silicone and saline implants, each has its own distinct advantages depending on your situation. It’s important you get a thorough examination and then sit down with your surgeon to discuss which option is better for you based on your unique needs.

It should also be noted that because breasts continue to develop in women until they are in their late teens or early 20s, the FDA requires that women be at least 18 years old to get saline implant breast augmentation and at least 22 years of age to receive silicone implants.


Incision Options


If you’re hoping to don a bathing suit or sports bra again, then be sure to find a board-certified surgeon who offers sub-muscular breast implant placement.

This procedure offers the most natural look while greatly minimizing the appearance of obvious implants. Plus, breast implants placed underneath the muscle do not interfere with mammograms.

There are two common types of incisions for breast augmentation: periareolar and inframammary.


 This incision is made along the inferior border of the areola. The surgeon then inserts the implant in the breast pocket. This method offers excellent scar quality which is difficult to see after it heals at the junction between the pigmented areola and breast.

There is virtually no risk of losing nipple sensation because the nerve to the nipple does not come through the skin. Instead, it travels along the ribcage and through the gland to the nipple. This is important for women who plan to breastfeed in the future.


With this incision, the cut is made along the inframammary fold – which is the crease of skin underneath the breast. There is very little risk of losing nipple sensation with an inframammary incision.

In the case of both incision types, the surgeon can typically reuse the incision in the event of any needed re-operations. And because of its location, the scar is relatively or even completely unnoticeable.


Recovering from Breast Augmentation Surgery


Should you opt for this surgery, it’s reasonable to expect 5-7 days for recovery.

This doesn’t mean you’ll be laid out flat during this time. In fact, patients are encouraged to ambulate the same day or day after the surgery. But rest is important and there should be no heavy lifting or pushing whatsoever.

You will need a follow-up appointment during that time as well so your surgeon can monitor the incision sites to ensure they’re healing correctly.

Implants can last for many years and do not need to be changed unless in the rare event that there is a problem.


Now You Know the Facts about Breast Augmentation


Knowing the facts about breast augmentation will help you when it comes time to find the right surgeon.

Choosing a board-certified surgeon with many years of experience will strongly lessen the likelihood that you’ll have complications down the road.

So if you’re considering breast augmentation, contact us today to work with highly experienced surgeons who are thorough and will listen closely to your desires.

Once you provide us with the necessary information, we will perform a full assessment of your body to help you determine what size and shape implant will best meet all of your needs.


You Can Get a Breast Augmentation After Your Pregnancy


A lot of women after childbirth wonder if they may get a breast augmentation done. Star Board Certified plastic surgeons recommend that you should wait for at least six months. There are factors that may go ahead to have the six-month timeline changed, and some are: Will you be breastfeeding or not? Will you want to have more children? Will you want to lose some baby weight?

Can Breast Augmentation Affect Breastfeeding?

In a lot of cases, breast augmentation doesn’t affect breastfeeding. If the breasts were able to nurse a baby before the surgery was done, they would still produce milk after the surgery. A lot of people shy from breast augmentation because they feel it affects the production of milk, but that is not true. There is no scientific evidence to prove that implants can affect the milk production of a woman. A woman that produced milk before undergoing breast augmentation will produce milk afterward, all things being equal. What breast augmentation does is to change the appearance of the breasts, but not how they function. They will definitely work breast implants or not.  


Do I Want A Breast Augmentation, Breast Lift, or Both?

Breast augmentations and breast lifts are usually confusing, but they have different meanings. If a woman has lost significant volume because of childbirth or pregnancy, she can carry out breast augmentation. Though it may restore the volume lost, it doesn’t change the position of the breast. If you do breast augmentation for a sagged breast, the area will bit be corrected. This is where breast lift comes into play. The board-certified plastic surgeons at star plastic surgery will recommend you best choice and explain all of the differences during your free consolation. Please write down any and all questions at your FREE consultation.


Body Lift

Body Lift

Significant weight can leave patients with stubborn fat deposits and sagging, unattractive skin. This may be the result of a serious diet and exercise routine or procedures such as bariatric surgery. The end result is an unappealing, misshapen appearance that leave you feeling awkward and uncomfortable. When that happens a body lift may be the answer.

At Star Plastic Surgery, we strongly believe you deserve to feel confident and secure in your appearance. With body lift surgery, our Novi, Michigan plastic surgeons can contour and firm your body to provide you with the look you need to feel your best.

Surgical Options

Our board-certified plastic surgeons offer our patients three options for body lifts:

  • A lower body lift removes fat and skin from your thighs, hips, buttocks, and waist.
  • Mid-body lifts adds a tummy tuck to a lower body lift, removing excess skin from the abdominal area.
  • A full body lift adds body contouring procedures to your entire body, including lower body, mid-body, and arm lifts and a breast lift that dramatically changes the appearance of  the entire body.

Viewing each patient as an individual with unique needs, our experienced plastic surgeons will work closely with you to target problem areas on your body. Combining only those procedures necessary to give you the look you desire, we can customize a body lift option for you that will produce an appealing, toned physique for years to come.

The Star Plastic Surgery Advantage for Body Lifts

All patients receive the Star Cosmetic Surgery Advantage. Our surgeons are board-certified and utilize only proven, safe techniques with a focus on patient safety and comfort. Body lifts are performed in accredited hospitals or within our state of the art surgical center.

Star Plastic Surgery physicians are committed to personalized care. From the moment you walk into our office, we will work to ensure your comfort and satisfaction through your full recovery from your procedure.

If you are interested in learning if a body lift is right for you, contact us to schedule a free consultation today.

Brazilian Butt Lift

Brazilian Butt Lift

A flat, uneven backside can limit your clothing options and leave you feeling less voluptuous and womanly. Alone, a shapely, symmetrical and rounded buttock can be achieved through a buttock lift. Combined with other body contouring procedures, a butt lift can provide you with a firmer, more youthful looking lower body.

At Star Plastic Surgery, our Metro Detroit area plastic surgeons know how important it is to feel comfortable in your skin. We offer proven methods such as the Brazilian butt lift to produce a contoured, full buttock that can expand your clothing options and restore symmetry to your backside.

Surgical Candidates


Brazilian Butt Lift FAQs

Breast Reduction

Breast Reduction

Large breasts can be cumbersome and painful. Many women with large breasts suffer from chronic back and neck strain, in addition to painful cuts left on their shoulders from bra straps straining to support the weight of their breasts. Large, droopy breasts also produce an unappealing upper body silhouette. They can lend themselves to an overweight appearance, even if the rest of your body is trim. Breast reduction surgery can remove excess breast fat and tissue to alleviate these discomforts.

Breast Procedures

Breast Procedures

Star Plastic Surgery - Breast Procedures

At Star Plastic Surgery, we want you to feel great about the way you look. If you feel self-conscious about your breasts, or if you need a boost in your self-confidence, our board-certified breast surgeons offer a full range of breast procedure options to help you look and feel your best. We understand that it’s not about how others see you; it’s about how you feel about yourself.

Our Breast Procedures

Breast Augmentation – By far the most popular breast procedure, breast augmentation surgery is a great way to tastefully enhance both the size and shape of your bust line. Whether you choose saline or silicone breast implants, breast augmentation surgery can help your body fit better into the type of clothes you want to wear. Our plastic surgeons will work with you to determine the best breast procedure for your body and your goals.

Breast Lift – If you want your bust line to reflect the youth and vitality you feel inside, breast lift surgery can reverse the effects of gravity, aging, and pregnancy. Don’t let your breasts affect your self-confidence or make you feel insecure about your age. Because your breasts also lose volume as you mature, you may even want to combine your breast lift surgery with breast augmentation.

Breast Reduction – Having overly large breasts can affect both your emotional and physical health. Large breasts can make you feel self-conscious, as well as causing pain and discomfort. Breast reduction surgery simply removes excess fat, tissue, and skin from your breasts to give you a bust that is attractive and proportional with the rest of your body. With breast reduction surgery, you can feel relief from the self-consciousness, pain, and discomfort of having overly large breasts. If your breasts are getting in the way of your active lifestyle, causing back and shoulder pain, or simply make you feel uncomfortable and self-conscious, talk to our board-certified plastic surgeons about breast reduction surgery.

Male Breast Reduction – The board-certified plastic surgeons of Star Plastic Surgery also provide male breast reduction surgery for men affected by gynecomastia.

Breast Implant Removal & Replacement – There are a variety of reasons for removing and replacing breast implants, including switching from saline to silicone implants for a more realistic feel, replacing a ruptured implant, re-sizing the implants, relocating implants, or changes in weight that make the implant unecessary.

To learn more about your breast procedure options, contact us today to discuss your needs with the experienced plastic surgeons at Star Plastic Surgery.

Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation

Your breast augmentation will result in a worry-free, natural, youthful look that should last a lifetime. If you find your breasts are not ideally shaped and sized to meet your frame, you may experience discomfort in a variety of professional and intimate situations. A breast augmentation can help you to feel more comfortable in your skin and help clothing to fit better, so you can wear the styles you want for a happier, more confident you!

When you come to Star Plastic Surgery, our board certified breast surgeons take the time necessary to fully assess your entire body. In this way, we can ensure your breast augmentation procedure produces a stunningly beautiful, natural look that complements your body’s silhouette.


Real Star Plastic Surgery Results


Breast Augmentation FAQ

Are You Suffering with Breast Asymmetry?


Anxiety. Embarrassment. Depression. These are just some of the words that women who come see me use to describe how they feel about their breast asymmetry.

Size discrepancy between your breasts can be frustrating for many women. This is called breast asymmetry. Breast asymmetry is defined as a difference of form, position or volume of the breast, and it affects more than half of all women, so your daughter shouldn’t feel alone. In fact, one study of 100 women who wanted breast augmentation with implants found that 88% had natural asymmetries. You should know first and foremost that every woman’s breasts have a certain degree of asymmetry, but for some women the size difference between the breasts may be more severe.  In cases in which the size difference between the left and right breast is larger than what is acceptable, it can be quite a challenge to find a bra that fits well. In fact, it might be impossible to find a good fitting bra, bikini or bathing suit.

These pieces of clothing will either be too big or too small on one side.  It’s not only finding the right sized bra that can be difficult for women with breast asymmetry. It can also be a cause for anxiety on a daily basis. For some women this problem can make someone so self conscious. Women who have been living with breast asymmetry for years are ready for a solution.

Surgical correction for breast asymmetry allows for an easy correction to the asymmetry and a solution for the patient’s psychological distress. Our team of board certified plastic surgeons at Star Plastic Surgery in Novi, Michigan are all highly skilled at correcting breast asymmetry. This can be achieved by a single procedure or a combination of procedures at one time or over a period of time.

Breast Enlargement on one side or both sides using different size implants, different fills, and different styles (high, moderate plus or moderate profiles) help correct volume differences between the breasts as well as projection differences that are due either to the breast itself or due to chest wall asymmetries or a combination of factors.  Breast size asymmetries due to volume are the most common form of asymmetries of the breast.

Breast Lift is used to reposition the breast when one breast is lower than the other and reduces the amount of skin surrounding the breasts.  Reducing skin either surgically or non-surgically corrects the differences between breasts that are due to breast position or skin.  Breast reduction reduces the volume and skin on one or both breasts to make another option for women when the amount of skin and volume plays a role in the asymmetry.  Non-surgical tightening of the skin using heat may also be an option for patients when they are seeking a non-surgical solution to skin issues. Liposuction to the breast is another method to reduce volume without scars.

If you suffer from breast asymmetry or “bottoming out” of your breasts, do not hesitate to schedule a free consultation with me or any of the other board certified plastic surgeons at Star Plastic Surgery in Novi, Michigan.

breast asymmetry

Which Plastic Surgery Procedures Require More PTO?

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Any time you have surgery, some (if not a lot) of your body’s tissue is manipulated. This means there is always going to be at least a small amount of time for your natural tissue vitality to be restored.

Patients considering a procedure who have a full-time job often inquire as to which plastic surgery procedures require more PTO.


It’s an important question because planning ahead is going to give you the best odds for faster healing. Especially for procedures that have a longer recovery time.

Some Plastic Surgery Procedures Require More PTO Than Others

In a previous post, we looked at procedures with the shortest average recovery times. We say ‘average’ because no two patients will ever have the same experience. Depending on a number of factors, some of the so-called ‘shorter’ recovery time procedures end up being longer than anticipated.

Nevertheless, we’ll look at some of the more complicated procedures here and what you can expect in terms of arranging for that paid time off.

  1. SMAS Facelift

A SMAS facelift is not to be confused with the simpler in-office or ‘lunchtime’ lift (also known as MACS). The SMAS facelift is considered by many surgeons to be the only true facelift, as it is more than just a skin-supported facelift.

With a SMAS facelift, muscle and connective tissue are manipulated. As such, the recovery time is much longer. Nurse care may even be required for the first night or two.

Generally speaking, it takes about two weeks before the bruising dissipates enough that makeup becomes effective. So if you’re choosing this procedure, start saving up those days now.

  1. Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

The tummy tuck is the next biggest contender for most PTO required after a procedure. Similar to the SMAS facelift, nurse care may be required for the first night or two.

Because of the complexity of this procedure, it is crucial to do sit-ups for at least six weeks. That doesn’t mean you’ll need to take six weeks off though! Most people do well by planning to take a week and a half to two weeks off.

You may find you’re ready to go back after five days or so. But whatever the case, you’ll still need to wear a compression garment and avoid heavy lifting for four to six weeks.

  1. Nose Job (Rhinoplasty)

The good news is, rhinoplasty doesn’t require aftercare nursing. And the pain will likely be mild for only a couple of days.

Unfortunately, the under-eye bruising is significant for a solid week – regardless of any efforts to conceal it. So if you’re in the public eye, the recommended time off for rhinoplasty is one week.

  1. Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

The general recommendation for time off after a BBL is three to seven days. It all depends on your ability to tolerate pain.

There is going to be swelling after a BBL procedure so you’ll be required to wear a compression garment for eight weeks. This also means that you shouldn’t sit or sleep directly on your buttocks for one to two weeks. You can sit on a donut cushion though and sleep on your side.

  1. Breast Reduction/Lift/Implants

Much like the BBL, the recommendation for time off after a breast reduction/lift/implant is in the three to seven-day range.

A breast reduction removes excess tissue and fat and raises the breasts without manipulation of the pectoralis major muscle. This fact means there will only be some discomfort – though you can expect swelling and bruising.

Additionally, in the case of a breast lift that does NOT require manipulating the pectoralis major muscle, the discomfort may also not last too long. The bruising and swelling could stick around for seven to ten days though.

Meanwhile, in an augmentation procedure where the implant is placed under the pectoralis major, there is going to be more discomfort for an average of four to seven days.

At the end of the day, the amount of time you opt to take off for any of these breast procedures will depend largely on your ability to deal with pain.

Be Realistic When Considering the Time Off You’ll Need

While the above plastic surgery procedures require more PTO than many others, it’s important to remain realistic about what you need during recovery.

There will be times post-op when you feel more discomfort than other times. You’ll want to prepare for those.

So if you’re considering a procedure, be sure to contact us to get the low-down on what you might expect from your own recovery based on how you specifically heal. Then you can more comfortably go from there.

Is Combining Plastic Surgery Procedures Safe?

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Does the idea of combining plastic surgery procedures sound appealing to you? Well, you’re not alone.

One of the great things about plastic surgery is that combining procedures is not unusual. And if a patient has no contraindications and is healthy enough to remain under prolonged anesthesia, it’s quite safe.

This isn’t to say, however, that just any combination of procedures should be performed. And you want to ensure that you have a highly-skilled surgeon with experience in multiple surgeries.

Popular Plastic Surgery Combos

If you’re thinking you’d like to get a couple (or even three) areas taken care of at once, your plastic surgeon will offer recommendations and counsel you on the best next steps.

There are numerous pairings that can be performed. We’ll take a look at a few of the more popular ones.

  1. Mommy Makeover

The Mommy Makeover is the quintessential example of a combination of procedures. And it’s also one of the most popular choices among patients.

Pregnancy takes a toll on a woman’s body. Multiple pregnancies even more so. That’s why plastic surgeons developed this smorgasbord of procedures. There are several components and the combination depends on the patient’s unique goals.

For example, most women want to rid themselves of the abdominal flab that comes post pregnancy. In this case, they would choose a tummy tuck. Add to that, women who have lost breast volume may also opt for an augmentation and/or breast lift. In some cases, there may even be requests for vaginal rejuvenation.

Whatever the combination, women come out feeling more confident and better about their post-pregnancy bodies.

  1. Facelift with Blepharoplasty or Fat Transfer

The facelift procedure is also very popular. In the simplest terms, it’s a surgical reconstruction of the face to render a younger appearance. In cases where excess skin has developed around the eyelids, the facelift may be combined with a blepharoplasty, or eyelid lift. In this procedure, excess skin, fat, and muscles are removed to rejuvenate the appearance of the eyes.

In cases where a patient wants more volume in his or her face, there may also be a fat transfer surgery performed during the facelift procedure. This means that fat is harvested from areas of the body where there is excess fat and it is moved to the face.

(As an aside, fat transfer may also be performed during breast and butt lift procedures.)

  1. Tummy Tuck with Liposuction or Breast Enlargement

The tummy tuck is a popular procedure that’s often paired with other procedures. When patients are struggling with diet- and exercise-resistant fat, surgeons may recommend both a tummy tuck and liposuction. The tummy tuck creates a smooth contour while the liposuction vacuums out extra fat cells that could potentially become problematic.

Meanwhile, for patients who desire both a flatter belly and more voluminous breasts, a tummy tuck can be combined with breast enlargement. It’s the perfect combination.

Are There Particular Benefits to Combining Plastic Surgery Procedures?

If you stop to think about it, there are many logistics involved in a surgery. These include surgeon and anesthesiologist fees, operating room costs, and other expenses. Combining procedures saves you money.

Plus, going under anesthesia once is always preferred to multiple times as it reduces the risk of anesthesia-related complications. And your recovery period will be markedly shorter too because you’ll be healing from multiple procedures at once. So that means less down time.

Finally, there’s a lot to be said for achieving multiple goals at once. When you come out of the operating room having had multiple procedures, you’re going to notice much more dramatic (and ultimately satisfying) results. And it’s impossible to put a price on that.

Curious About Multiple Procedures?

Combining plastic surgery procedures is safe and highly effective when performed by a skilled and board-certified surgeon.

So if you have a certain combination in mind, contact us today to find out if it’s going to make sense for you.

Even though all procedures can’t be paired with others, you may be pleasantly surprised to find out yours can!