What Makes Mommy Makeovers So Popular?

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Some time in the past few decades, the notion that the child always comes first took hold and left mothers feeling like they no longer deserved to care for themselves. And if they did, they experienced guilt.

But much like pulling down the oxygen for yourself first so that you can help others, mothers are now recognizing that ceasing to exercise, eat well, or practice self-care in the name of “love” hurts both them and their child.

This realization is part of what makes Mommy Makeovers so popular these days.

What Else Makes Mommy Makeovers So Popular?

Having children is a beautiful life-changing experience. But it’s also exhausting and even overwhelming. Especially at first.

And as women adjust to their new postpartum bodies, it’s all too easy for them to lose sight of their own healthy self-image. Dragging around exhausted and drained can zap morale and leave any mother feeling unmotivated. They start covering up their dissatisfaction with larger jeans and baggy shirts.

Over the past few years though, plastic surgeons are seeing a dramatic increase in the number of women seeking Mommy Makeovers. Media has been a big player in this. But so too has the increased acceptance of women having surgical procedures in order to look better so they can also FEEL better.

The Mommy Makeover procedure allows tired and discouraged moms to reclaim some of their pre-pregnancy body while celebrating motherhood.

What Does a Mommy Makeover Entail?

No two women have the same experience with pregnancy and childbirth. As such, Mommy Makeovers are customized to each individual. Each patient can choose from a wide variety of surgical options that will address issues related to pregnancy and childbirth, as well as pre-existing issues.

The whole process kicks off with a free consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon who creates an individualized plan to address each patient’s unique goals.

There are several procedures which the surgeon may recommend:


  1. Breast Lift/Augmentation

Breasts are prone to sagging after the demands placed upon the body during pregnancy and nursing. Surgery is performed to restore the breasts to their original and more youthful pre-pregnancy position.

Depending on your situation, the plastic surgeon might recommend a breast lift, breast augmentation, or breast lift with either silicone or saline implants.

In some cases, the breasts may become too large after pregnancy and are no longer proportionate to the body. In this case, there would be a breast reduction.

  1. Tummy Tuck

One tell-tale sign that a woman has experienced pregnancy are stretch marks on the skin. Deeper below the skin though, the abdominal muscles have often separated – leaving the belly to hang down and sag.

Also known as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that reduces excessive fat and skin around the abdomen and reconstructs that abdominal wall musculature.

This helps to flatten the belly again and minimize the appearance of those stretch marks.


  1. Liposuction

For those troublesome post-pregnancy spots – typically the stomach, waist, hips, and thighs – where you just can’t seem to lose the fat, the surgeon may recommend liposuction.

With liposuction, small incisions are made in the treatment area and then a thin hollow tube, called a cannula, is inserted through the incisions to loosen excess fat cells. A surgical vacuum is then used to suction the fat out of those areas to create a slimmer body contour.

A Few Considerations…

If you’re considering getting a Mommy Makeover, it’s crucial that you consider all of your options to get the best results. It’s a big decision.

In addition, you’ll also need to plan for proper healing and recovery time. This means you’ll have to arrange to have someone around to “mother” you during the whole process. You won’t be able to do chores or pick up toddlers. Scheduling a spouse, partner, or family friend to be by your side during this time is essential.

Restore Your Confidence

While the physical benefits are part of what makes Mommy Makeovers so popular, these surgeries can go the distance in boosting a woman’s body image and self-esteem too.

So if you’re tired of feeling down about your post-pregnancy body, contact us today. A Mommy Makeover could be just what you need to more fully celebrate the joy of motherhood.

Mommy Makeover

Smoking and Plastic Surgery Don’t Mix

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If you’re a smoker and have had surgery in the past without complications, consider yourself lucky.

Tobacco smokers are at a much higher risk than non-smokers for complications that include impaired heart and lung functions, infections, and delayed wound healing.

And if you think that you don’t need to worry about that for plastic surgery, think again. Smoking and plastic surgery are a terrible pair.

How Smoking Impacts the Body

Cigarettes are chock full of chemicals. Over 4,000 of them. And these chemicals present a significantly higher risk for surgical complications in smokers.

The two biggest culprits are nicotine and carbon monoxide. Both of these decrease oxygen levels in the body and boost the risk of heart-related complications. In addition, the actual act of smoking damages the lungs and makes proper air flow through them difficult.

Furthermore, smoking negatively impacts the immune system. So when the body is attempting to heal from surgery, it’s going to take longer. This increases the risk of infection at the wound site.

And you don’t have to be a chain smoker for this to be the case. Smoking a single cigarette is enough to decrease the body’s ability to deliver nutrients for healing after any type of surgery.

Specific Complications for Smoking and Plastic Surgery

One of the worst effects of smoking is vasoconstriction. This is the narrowing of the blood vessels. When the vessels are narrowed, flow of blood and oxygen are compromised. This deters proper healing of the skin cells and increases the likelihood of skin cell death, or necrosis, on the wound.

But wait. There’s more.

When nicotine is present in the body, plastic surgery can result in loss of cheek skin, nipples, or belly skin after a facelift, breast lift, breast reduction, or tummy tuck surgery. It may also cause a loss of breast implants.

And because healing is delayed, scars are thicker and wider. Slower healing means more pain and also the possibility of infection or even blood clots – which can be fatal. Pair all of these with the other dangerous complications such as heart attack and stroke, and it’s clear that smoking and plastic surgery do not mix.

What About Marijuana or Other Alternatives?

When your doctor tells you not to smoke before surgery, this includes smoking tobacco in pipes, cigars, hookahs, as well as smoking marijuana. Carbon monoxide is created any time you smoke and this can lead to tissue death after surgery. Marijuana edibles or tinctures may be approved, however. You’ll need to discuss with your surgeon that option.

Meanwhile, vapes and e-cigs are not acceptable switch-outs for smoking either because even though there’s no carbon monoxide, they still contain nicotine. Even nicotine gums and patches should be avoided.

The general rule of thumb is that ANY type of smoking or nicotine use is going to be bad for your surgical outcome. Period.

Your Best Bet

If you are a smoker, evidence shows that quitting at least four weeks before surgery will not only lower your risk of complications, but you’ll notice better results six months after the plastic surgery procedure. You are also less likely to experience complications with anesthesia.

To heal properly, sustain results, and improve your overall health, ceasing the use of nicotine products altogether is really the only game in town. So if you’re considering a plastic surgery procedure and know you’ll need to quit for at least four weeks prior, now might be the time to consider quitting forever.

Change Your Appearance, Change Your Life

Are you a smoker who’s looking for a fresh new look with a facelift, tummy tuck, breast augmentation, or other plastic surgery procedure?

Contact us today.

Because now that you understand how smoking and plastic surgery don’t play well together, you may be inspired to quit for good. And your new look may just come with a new lease on life.

Your Options for Surgical Body Contouring

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You exercise and you eat well. You’re active and you’re healthy. Yet, you’re stuck with areas of stubborn fat or sagging skin that just won’t go away, no matter how hard you try.

You’re not alone. But you’re also not without help.

With a surgical body contouring procedure, you can eliminate excess fat, as well as get rid of extra skin to reshape and contour an area of the body. And it actually works!

How Does It Differ From Nonsurgical Body Contouring?

In a previous blog post, we discussed the relatively new field of aesthetic medicine known as nonsurgical body contouring. Its objective is to sculpt, tone, and contour the body without surgery. It uses a range of state-of-the-art technology to achieve results across a wide array of body areas including the thighs, abdomen, arms, and legs.

But when there is excess skin or very stubborn fat, surgical body contouring is more effective.

It’s important to understand though that neither surgical nor non-surgical body contouring is intended to help you lose weight. Rather, it aims to address specific problem areas where weight loss isn’t effective, or where there is excess skin after significant weight loss.

The end result isn’t necessarily a slimmed down body, but a more normal appearance with smoother contours. For example, a facelift is going to help with excess skin of the mid-face, jowls, and neck. Or a breast lift will address sagging and flattened breasts.

Other surgical body contouring procedures include:


Liposuction aims to remove excess fat from a variety of areas including the chin and neck, hips, abdomen, inner and outer thighs, knees, ankles and buttocks. Liposuction is one of the less complicated procedures to improve body contour and proportion. While it often requires general anesthesia, it can be performed on an outpatient basis.

Arm Lift

Excess skin on the underarm can be the result of weight loss, aging, or heredity. An arm lift removes that excess skin. The upper portion of the arm is reshaped from the armpit area to the elbow and weakened tissues are addressed.

Tummy Tuck

Patients seek a tummy tuck when they want a smoother, firmer abdominal profile. This procedure removes excess abdominal fat and skin while reestablishing weakened or separated muscles.

Lower Body Lift

Excess skin, cellulite, and sagging fatty tissue on the buttocks, abdomen, waist, hips, and thighs are removed in this comprehensive procedure. Smoother leg and abdomen contours are the result.

Recovery From Surgical Body Contouring

Because there’s such a wide range of options for surgical body contouring, recovery varies based on the procedures as well as the individual. For example, a tummy tuck surgery will result in greater scarring and healing than liposuction.

General anesthesia and at least one overnight stay are often required for surgical body contouring procedures. Your surgeon may also require you to wear a compression garment for several weeks.

Again, depending on your procedure, full recovery could take several months – though the initial discomfort usually fades within two to four weeks. Not much to endure to get rid of that pesky fat and sagging skin!

How Could Surgical Body Contouring Benefit You?

If you’re healthy and near your ideal weight, but have stubborn fat and excess skin that won’t respond to diet and exercise, then it could be time to consider a surgical body contouring procedure.

Contact us today to meet with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons. During your free consultation, they’ll discuss your body shaping goals and offer with the best treatment options to meet your needs.


Do You Need Revision Surgery?

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Plastic surgery can be life-changing in so many positive ways. There are occasions though, rare as they may be, where the results of the surgery aren’t… ideal.

In the vast majority of plastic surgery procedures, when you do the research and choose a board-certified plastic surgeon to perform it, the results are exactly what you’d hoped for and anticipated.

But in unusual cases where the surgery results in unaddressed issues or more problems rather than fewer, you will need to look into revision surgery.

There Are Multiple Forms of Revision Surgery

Revision surgery is any procedure that is performed to correct negative issues that resulted from a previous surgery. And to be clear, it is not unique to plastic surgery. It’s performed across the spectrum of surgical specialities.

That’s why it’s essential to vet any surgeon that will be operating on you. Just because a plastic surgeon has a degree doesn’t mean he or she is uniquely qualified to perform the procedure you require. And if you end up with a botched up job, you could end up struggling with excessive scarring, aesthetic problems, or even functional issues.

While there are any number of revision surgeries, the following are among the most common in plastic surgery:

  1. Facial Procedures

Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, requires precision to deliver exact results. If the nostrils end up too narrow or wide or the tip of the nose is droopy after surgery, it’s impossible to hide. So this is among the most common revision procedures for plastic surgery.

In addition, rhinoplasty may be performed for functional issues such as improving breathing and reducing snoring. If the initial surgery fails to address these, a revision surgery would be a definite consideration.

It would also be suggested for patients who are dissatisfied with continued jowls or changes to appearance after a facelift; or for those who are uncomfortable with the look, feel, or size of facial implants.


  1. Breast Procedures

When patients come in for either a breast lift, breast augmentation, or breast reduction, they are seeking breasts that are symmetrical and have a natural look and feel. This is also true for patients who have undergone reconstructive surgery after a mastectomy. If a surgeon is unable to deliver these results, a revision surgery is needed.

In addition, revision surgery is required if there is capsular contracture, or the breast implant has deflated, eroded, or is simply malpositioned.

  1. Tummy Tuck

Surgical revision after a tummy tuck, a.k.a. abdominoplasty, is not as common. And in many cases, it’s not technically revision surgery if the patient’s dissatisfaction is the result of gaining or losing weight or getting pregnant after the surgery.

There are rare incidents though where a raised scar, abnormal belly button, or continued excess skin are cause for revision surgery.

No matter what the cause for potential revision surgery, it is not a decision to be made without weighing all your options.

Revision Surgery Is Not a Quick Go-To

Keep in mind that recovery from any surgery takes time. You don’t want to be too quick to assume that something terrible is happening during the healing process. You’ll need to be patient. Swelling subsides, scars fade, and the body eventually adjusts to its new situation. Depending on a wide array of factors, could take up to a year.

In addition, you’ll be faced with the additional cost of the surgery, as well as the recovery time required after the procedure. In other words, it’s not a quick solution. So unless you’re deeply dissatisfied or the surgeon has made an egregious error, it should only be considered after a great deal of thought.

Are You Dissatisfied With a Plastic Surgical Procedure?

If you’re not happy with the outcome of a plastic surgery procedure and would like to explore the option of revision surgery, contact us today for a free consultation.

You’ll be able to sit down with our doctors and discuss all of your options.

Then it’s determined that revision is right for you, you can rest easy in knowing that our board-certified plastic surgeons skilled in the revision process will give you the results you desired – and deserved – the first time around.

Getting Your Pre-Pregnancy Body Back


Ah, the miracle of life.

What’s even more miraculous though is that a woman’s body can survive the particular assault that is pregnancy. If you have children, you understand.

And if you’re feeling less confident about your appearance these days, you may be wondering if there are ways of getting your pre-pregnancy body back. You’re in luck. There are!

Getting Your Pre-Pregnancy Body Back With Diet and Exercise?

Many women immediately go-to diet and exercise in an attempt to return to their pre-pregnancy bodies. And these are helpful ways to enrich the mind and the body.

Yet, while nobody should be discouraged from living a healthier lifestyle, for most women, diet and exercise alone simply aren’t enough to remedy the ravages of pregnancy and nursing.

That’s because diet and exercise can’t eliminate the excess skin and loss of volume in the breasts that come post-pregnancy and particularly post-nursing. They also can’t address the stretch marks that are the result of skin being overstretched very quickly and unable to snap back.

Furthermore, no matter how many crunches you do, they can’t repair diastasis recti – that pregnancy-like pouch in the belly that refuses to disappear even after the baby has made its exit. Even premature facial aging can occur postpartum. And there’s no diet for that.

Fortunately, there IS plastic surgery. And there are a number of procedures (collectively known as a “Mommy Makeover”) that a board-certified plastic surgeon can perform to help you instill that pre-pregnancy confidence.

  1. Liposuction

For some women, their only post-pregnancy complaint is the ability to lose fat in troublesome spots such as in the stomach, waist, hips, and thighs. In this case, the surgeon will recommend liposuction.

With liposuction, small incisions are made in the treatment area and then a thin hollow tube, called a cannula, is inserted through the incisions to loosen excess fat cells. A surgical vacuum is then used to suction the fat out of those areas to create a slimmer body contour.

  1. Breast Lift/Augmentation

It’s rare that a woman will need only liposuction after pregnancy. Especially if there are multiple children. The demands placed upon the breasts during pregnancy and nursing are intense. As such, the breasts are prone to sagging.

In order to restore the breasts to their original and more youthful pre-pregnancy position, a plastic surgeon might recommend a breast lift, breast augmentation, or breast lift with either silicone or saline implants.

There are three types of breast lift procedures:

The first utilizes a periareolar incision and is typically best for someone who has large areolas and minimal sagging or drooping that need correction. A vertical breast reduction does the same as the periareolar incision, but it also extends down from the areola to deliver a more significant lift for moderate drooping. Finally, the inverted t-shape incision adds an additional incision within the breast fold for increased lift where necessary.

In cases where the breasts become too large after pregnancy and are no longer proportionate to the body, the surgeon would likely recommend a breast reduction.


  1. Tummy Tuck

As if the stretch marks along the belly aren’t enough of a tell-tale sign of a previous pregnancy, there is the above-mentioned belly pouch that is a result of diastasis recti.

Tummy tuck to the rescue. Also known as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that reduces excess fat and skin around the abdomen and reconstructs the abdominal wall musculature.

The result is a flatter belly and minimal stretch marks.


  1. Facial Rejuvenation

The stress of pregnancy, as well as raising young children, can easily show up in the form of premature aging in the face. So even though facial rejuvenation isn’t a standard part of the Mommy Makeover, your surgeon may recommend a facelift or Botox injections to build upon the youthful appearance gained by the other procedures.

Postpartum Body Confidence Is a Reality

Getting your pre-pregnancy body back isn’t just a pipe dream.

So if you’re feeling less than satisfied with your post-pregnancy body, contact us today for a free consultation about how a Mommy Makeover could work for you.

Once the procedures are completed, you’ll walk away with restored confidence and ready to face the challenges of motherhood with vigor.


Is There a Most Difficult Plastic Surgery Procedure?

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Though it’s difficult to single out a gold medal winner of “most difficult plastic surgery procedure,” breast augmentation with a mastopexy is definitely a front-runner.

Also known as a breast lift with implants, this dual procedure is essentially the increasing or restoring of breast size and shape with implants (augmentation) combined with a breast lift (mastopexy).

And it’s an involved process.

What Does a Breast Augmentation With a Mastopexy Entail?

We won’t get too deep into the details on this one.

In the simplest of terms, the procedure starts with incisions that are made according to a specific treatment plan. The plastic surgeon then creates a pocket where a saline or silicone implant will be placed either underneath or on top of the pectoral muscle.

The nipple and areola are placed higher on the breast and, if needed, are resized. The surgeon will then reshape the breast tissue to the desired contour and remove any excess skin to create a firmer and more defined appearance.

Once the procedure is complete, incisions are carefully closed with sutures. Sounds pretty straightforward, right?

So Then What Makes it Such a Difficult Plastic Surgery Procedure?

Multiple procedures that set out to achieve two different outcomes are always going to be more complex.

Breast augmentation with a mastopexy is considered one of the more difficult procedures because the surgeon is required to add volume and downward force from the implant, while simultaneously removing skin and elevating the breast upward. This creates multiple competing factors which make the surgery challenging.

Furthermore, maintaining anatomical blood supply to the areola, nipple, and skin during the procedure is critical in avoiding nipple necrosis, skin necrosis, large wounds, implant exposure, or other complications.

This is why it’s essential that only board-certified plastic surgeons with many cases and years of experience perform such a difficult procedure. In some cases, surgeons may opt to do the two surgeries separately – depending on the patient’s needs that are established in the consultation.

What Can You Expect During the Consultation?

To ensure that you’re getting premium medical care for this involved procedure, any skilled plastic surgery worth his or her salt with ask you to fill out a complete medical history.

They will need to know about past and present medical conditions, previous surgeries or treatments, medications and supplements you take, family history of breast cancer, use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs, allergies, and pregnancies. Patients over 40 may also need to provide mammogram results within the past year.

Once you’ve provided your medical history, your board-certified plastic surgeon will sit down with you to discuss your needs and goals – as well as any concerns you might have. Based on all of this information, he or she will be completely frank about your ability to achieve the outcome you desire and assess whether you’re a viable candidate for breast augmentation with mastopexy.

If you find a surgeon unwilling to cover all of these bases, your best bet is to avoid this involved procedure. Because sadly, breast augmentation with a mastopexy is also one of the most highly litigated procedures. So stick with experience.

It definitely matters.

Could You Benefit From a Breast Augmentation with a Mastopexy?

Although considered a difficult plastic surgery procedure, a breast lift with implants has been a godsend for many women.

So if you’re frustrated by breasts that have lost volume and firmness, are different in size or shape, or you have nipples pointing downwards or below the breast crease, don’t hesitate to contact us for a free consultation.

Our board-certified plastic surgeons are highly experienced in performing this procedure and will take the necessary time to assess your situation and offer realistic expectations. Then given that strong foundation, you can decide next steps.

Improving Loose Skin After Massive Weight Loss


There are so many benefits to losing a lot of weight.

Along with feeling more confident about your appearance, it can help with conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. Massive weight loss has also shown to improve cholesterol, blood glucose, and insulin levels, as well as relieve back pain.

Improving Loose Skin After Massive Weight Loss

The only real drawback is skin laxity. Improving loose skin after massive weight loss can feel like a never-ending challenge.

Why Does This Happen?

One of the biggest factors is collagen.

Made of densely packed fibers, collagen is a major building block of skin and helps provide it with structure. When those fibers in the skin get stretched, as is the case with carrying too much weight, they don’t bounce back once the weight is shed.

And then there’s elastin, which is a key protein in the skin. It’s what helps the skin to return to its original position when pinched or poked.

As we age, the body produces less collagen and elastin. So they can’t be relied upon to replenish the skin after massive weight loss.

“Problem Areas”

People who lose a lot of weight are often left with excess skin on the torso, upper back, arms, legs, face, and neck.

When there is excess skin on the torso, back, and limbs, many people try to diet and exercise but with little to no success. And since losing weight can lessen lymphedema, decreased swelling in the arms and legs can also add to the issue of excess skin.

Abdominal muscles that have been stretched due to diastasis – the separation of abdominal muscles that often happens during pregnancy – can also add to the issue of abdominal laxity and prominence.

And excess skin around the neck and face can create the appearance of significantly advanced aging – thereby negating some of the increased self-confidence that comes from losing weight in the first place.

Moreover, excess skin can cause intertrigo – a common rash that shows up between the folds of excess skin.

So what’s a person to do?

The Best Way for Improving Loose Skin After Massive Weight Loss

One of the most enjoyable aspects of losing a lot of weight is the ability to fit into smaller and more stylish clothes. However, when there is excess skin due to this weight loss, it can make certain clothes feel awkward or even uncomfortable.

It can also lead to problems with intimacy.

Furthermore, skin and stretching of the abdomen muscles in diastasis can cause difficulty with exercise and maintaining that healthy new weight. This can lead to loss of self-esteem, anxiety, and depression.


Surgery to remove the excess skin and tighten the muscles is usually the only solution.

Any number of body lift surgeries are the most common procedures used to improve skin laxity after massive weight loss. These include tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, as well as buttock, arm, and breast lifts, circumferential body lift, mastopexy, and upper body lift.

As for skin laxity in the face, a three-dimensional rejuvenation procedure is often recommended. Loose muscles are repositioned, then a board-certified plastic surgeon removes the excess skin and increases volume in the newly tightened skin through fat grafting.

The results are amazing.

Get the Full Benefits of Losing Weight!

Is improving loose skin after massive weight loss a priority for you? If so, contact us for a free consultation.

You’ve made great strides in your weight loss. So why not reap all of the rewards?



Bariatric Skin Removal for a Whole New You!

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If you recently had bariatric surgery or lost a lot of weight, you know how life-changing it is.

You look better. You feel better. Maybe you’ve bought all new clothes. Or perhaps you’re engaged in activities you previously couldn’t do. You feel lighter and more confident. Most importantly, you’re healthier.

Yep. For the most part, these changes are really positive. There is one drawback though.

Excess and loose hanging skin that remains after the weight loss can leave you uncomfortable, embarrassed and reminiscent of the days when you were overweight. Fortunately, bariatric skin removal procedures were developed with this in mind.

Areas Most Affected by Hanging Skin

The degree to which you experience excess skin depends on your skin’s elasticity, i.e. its ability to shrink back over the new foundation. Elasticity decreases with age, sun exposure, weight gain then loss, pregnancy, and genetic factors. Also, if you’re a smoker, your skin has less elasticity.

Obviously, your skin will be loosest in the areas where you lost the most weight.

The area people are most concerned with is the belly. There’s even a term for the overhanging apron of skin that folds over the abdomen. It’s called pannus and aside from being unsightly, it can also cause skin irritation and rash.

Because there are so many different areas that can be affected by weight loss, there are a number of procedures that fall under the umbrella of bariatric skin removal.

Procedures for Bariatric Skin Removal

An abdominoplasty (i.e. Tummy Tuck) is the most common procedure performed. And there are many different levels. It may be simply a matter of removing the pannus, also known as a panniculectomy.  But there might be the need for a more complete tummy tuck with contouring of the abdomen, tightening the abdominal muscles, and moving the belly button.

Thigh Lift/Arm Lift

Treatment of loose skin on the thighs and buttocks involves an array of procedures that are customized to a patient’s individual needs. For example, an Inner Thigh Lift is performed by creating a crescent-shaped incision that allows the surgeon to remove excess skin. For patients with extremely loose skin, the Extended Inner Thigh Lift procedure uses a different incision that allows for even more excess skin to be removed.

Similar to the Thigh Lift, the particulars of an Arm Lift (or Brachioplasty) depend on each patient’s individual needs.

Various Body Lift Procedures

Since weight gain and loss is unique to the individual, plastic surgeons have to get creative when it comes to removing rolls of skin on the back and sides. So they may employ various other body lift procedures.

In addition, while liposuction is not used as a sole procedure for patients who have lost a lot of weight, it may be used along with lifting procedures to get a better contour.

Breast Reshaping

A large amount of weight loss in the chest/breast can result in the presence of sagging, deflated breasts in both men and women. For men, a breast reduction may be required. For women, the surgeon may recommend a breast lift with or without implants.

Could Bariatric Skin Removal Be Right for You?

If it’s been 12-18 months since your major weight loss or bariatric surgery, your weight has been stable for 3 months, and you’re just plain ready to get rid of that excess skin, then contact us today for a free consultation.

Your surgeon will advise you on the best bariatric skin removal procedures to treat your specific trouble areas.

And right now through October 31st, 2020, you will receive $1500 off a Thigh Lift, Arm Lift, or Body Lift. So don’t wait!

Fall in Love with the Fall Specials at Star Plastic Surgery

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After a less-than-normal summer, it’s hard to believe that our less-than-normal fall has arrived.

But even though the world continues to be in a strange space, we’re keeping some continuity by offering our seasonal specials.

So right now is your opportunity to take advantage of the fall specials at Star Plastic Surgery. Here’s what we’re offering this year:

Surgical Procedures

For those of you who are able (or required) to keep working virtually, this is the ideal time to schedule that surgical procedure you’ve been putting off. And just imagine how great you’ll look and feel by the time the holiday party rolls around – even if it IS on Zoom.

  1. Mommy Makeover

While there’s nothing quite so rewarding as having a child, childbirth can take a serious toll on your body. So if you’re remembering those pre-child days when you had a sexy figure, why not get it back? Right now, a Mommy Makeover is $1500 off. Or, if you prefer, you can opt for free implants instead.

  1. Abdominoplasty

If you’re feeling less than confident about how your belly looks these days, we’ve got good news. During our fall specials, your abdominoplasty procedure includes two areas of free liposuction. That’s a $2500 value. So remove that excess fat and skin and tighten weakened and separated muscles to get a slimmer, tighter stomach.

  1. Breast Augmentation

Do you feel that your breasts aren’t the size or shape that fits your frame? Or is one larger than the other? Now is the time to change that! Breast augmentation will help to restore your confidence by providing a natural look that complements your body’s silhouette. And if you decide to have breast augmentation surgery with a breast lift, the procedure is $1250 off during our fall specials.

  1. Post-Bariatric Skin Removal

Did you recently lose a lot of weight? Whether from surgery or just a major lifestyle change, it’s quite an accomplishment. Yet, the result can leave excess sagging skin where there was formally fat. That’s why right now we’re offering $1500 off an Arm Lift, Body Lift, or Thigh Lift. You went to all of that effort, now take it to completion.

Nonsurgical Procedures

Though procedures of the nonsurgical variety certainly take less time and require a shorter recovery, they’re no less impactful! So consider one of the following procedures as you head into the cooler autumn months.

  1. EMsculpt

For many of us, it’s difficult to keep the abs toned and firmed – no matter how many sit-ups we attempt. But what if you could do 20,000 sit-ups in just 30 minutes? That’s precisely what EMsculpt can do for you. And all you have to do is simply lay back and relax. It’s that easy. Try it! Buy two treatments and get two free. That’s a savings of $1500.

  1. Botox

Is your skin prematurely aging? Would you like to restore a more youthful sheen? (The answer is yes.) Botox does just that. The better you feel about how you look, the more confident you’ll feel. That’s a recipe for success. And at just $10 per unit during our fall specials, you can afford a lot of confidence!

  1. Halo and BBL Combo

Regular everyday living can be tough on the skin. The sun, environmental factors, acne, and aging can take their toll on your skin. Fortunately, laser resurfacing can bring new fullness and glow to your skin. And Halo Laser Treatment is second-to-none. Right now, if you opt for Halo, you’ll receive a free BBL Forever Young treatment at the same time as your HALO procedure. That’s a savings of $500.

  1. VI Peel

Are you tired of your skin looking old and damaged, and longing for a more youthful and appealing appearance? A chemical skin peel could be just what you need. And with the revolutionary VI Peel, chemical peels are just as effective on dark skin as they have been on lighter skin. Plus, with $50 off any VI Peel during our fall specials, why pass it up?

Don’t Miss the Fall Specials at Star Plastic Surgery

The fall specials at Star Plastic Surgery only run through Halloween (10/31/20) so don’t hesitate!

Contact us today for a free consultation with one of our board-certified surgeons. They will help you determine which procedure(s) will best fit your needs so you can move confidently into the fall.

Make a Major Change with Lipo 360 During Our Summer Specials

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Time is running out to take advantage of the amazing Summer specials at Star Plastic Surgery.

So if you’re looking to make a dramatic change to your body, now is the time. In fact, you’ve only got until August 31st to have three areas treated with Lipo 360 for just $5500. That’s a savings of $2000!

The obvious question now, of course, is this:

What is Liposuction 360?

Liposuction 360, known more simply as Lipo 360, is a surgical procedure that’s conducted 360 degrees around the body in order to sculpt a new waistline or contour particular body areas.

Lipo 360 uses ultrasonic, laser, or power-assisted technology to selectively dislodge body fat so that it’s easier to remove. By dislodging the fat, surgeons can remove it more consistently – minimizing trauma and force.

Most commonly, Lipo 360 refers to decreasing the waistline in a 360-degree fashion and the procedure is performed in two stages around the body.

Beginning with the back, the surgeon removes excess fat in upper back rolls and the lower waist, as well as bra fat and lower back fat.

In the second stage, the patient is turned over for the abdomen and flank liposuction. Depending on the situation and the amount of loose skin remaining, the patient may require a tummy tuck as well.

Arms, as well as inner and outer thighs, may be contoured as well.

It should be added that 360 Lipo can be performed in conjunction with breast augmentation, breast lift, and Brazilian Butt Lift procedures as well.

The Lipo 360 Procedure

Wondering what to expect?

The first step is to meet with a surgeon who will sit down with you and listen to your specific wants and needs. Based on those, he or she will make specific recommendations as to the best ways to shape and define your body.

Lipo 360 requires general anesthesia and at Star Plastic Surgery, we used only board-certified anesthesiologists.

Each board-certified surgeon is highly trained in using special techniques to accentuate your curves resulting in dramatic new contours that look completely natural.

The Recovery

You can more than likely expect to return to normal activities within just a few days after a Lipo 360 treatment – particularly if you follow post-op instructions provided by the surgeon.

These specific recommendations are given by your surgeon to ensure quicker healing and optimal results, so you should plan to avoid very strenuous activities or exercises following the procedure. This will encourage healing.

Are You a Good Candidate for Lipo 360?

If you are within your ideal body weight and want to remove fat from troublesome areas that haven’t been affected by exercise, Lipo 360 is a great solution.

It targets both small and large areas of the body to give you the shape and curves you’ve always wanted. So don’t let our Summer specials pass you by.

Contact us today to set up your free consultation and to save $2000!