Is It Possible to Avoid Capsular Contracture?

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You may not think about it this way, but the body is an amazingly efficient machine. Every system works together to keep it running optimally.

So when a foreign body (such as a breast implant) is introduced into the “machine,” the body’s systems jump into action to create a capsule of scar tissue around it to keep the body protected. Unfortunately, that capsule can tighten over time and create a painful condition known as capsular contracture.

If you’re prepping for breast implant surgery, you may be wondering if there are ways to avoid capsular contracture.

Work ONLY With a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

There are preoperative requirements such as avoiding drugs, foods, and supplements that thin the blood for two weeks before the surgery.

But the foundation of avoiding capsular contracture starts with all of the details that go into how the procedure is performed. So it’s important you insist on a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in breast implantation.

First, a qualified surgeon may choose to place the implant under the chest muscle (a procedure known as sub muscular implant placement) if that’s an option. He or she will also be cautious to minimally handle the implant before implementation to reduce risk of bacterial contamination.

Additionally, an experienced surgeon will guide you to the proper size of implant that will suit you best. For example, if you have naturally smaller breasts and are looking to increase the size, your doctor will need to determine the size that your breast tissue can adequately cover. In other words, too large an implant can lead to capsular contracture.

Finally, the type of implant is also an important consideration. Textured surface gel implants appear to reduce the risk of capsular contracture. As opposed to smooth implants, the body has a harder time forming thick scar tissue around it. Even so, textured implants aren’t ideal for everyone.

How Can YOU Prevent Capsular Contracture?

One of the very best things you can do to prevent capsular contracture after surgery is to perform a daily breast massage. Your board-certified plastic surgeon will likely recommend this and can verbally explain how to massage the region safely and/or provide instructional materials.

It’s important to understand that massage can help prevent the capsule from tightening, but there’s no guarantee that it will stop the process.

There are further actions you can take (or not take, as the case may be):

  1. Avoid Heavy Lifting or Repetitive Arm Motion

It takes around six weeks for the body to form the capsule after breast implant surgery. So it’s crucial during that time that the tissues of the pectoralis muscle are protected from repetitive or intense motion. That means you’re off the hook for any heavy lifting (over 20 pounds) or activities such as vacuuming or raking.

  1. Steer Clear of High Impact Activities

You may be happy to get out of housework or yard work for six weeks. But if you’re a fitness enthusiast, you may not feel so excited. Especially if you love playing tennis or golf, running, or doing any other exercise that requires jumping or swinging of the arms. You’ll need to find something lower key during that time.

  1. Request An Antibiotic Prophylaxis During Dental Visits

This may sound odd, but when you get your teeth cleaned, the scraping can potentially force bacteria into the tiny blood vessels of the gums and then into the blood stream. Presence of bacteria in the blood stream can cause the body to go into defense mode similar to that from after your surgery and lead to capsular contracture. So let your dentist know that you’ve had implant surgery.

Ultimately, if you can work it out as such, it’s much better to schedule all of your dental work (including cavities, root canals, implants, etc.) prior to augmentation surgery.

Set Up Your Free Consultation

Are you considering breast implant surgery? Contact us today to set up a free consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons.

Entrusting your breast implant surgery to a highly skilled plastic surgeon is your first best move to avoid capsular contracture and get the results you desire.

Is Getting Plastic Surgery Across the Border Wise?

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In early March of 2023, a North Carolina resident and three friends decided to make the long journey to Mexico to save money on a tummy tuck. She was just one of many Americans crossing the border to get cheaper medical procedures.

This phenomenon is known as medical tourism. And it might leave you wondering if getting plastic surgery across the border is a good idea.

Some sources say yes. But others speak to the contrary. And for a number of reasons.

Every Situation Is Unique

For the North Carolina woman who wanted a tummy tuck, the trip ended in tragedy. She and her friends were kidnapped. Two of her friends were murdered, while she and the other surviving friend were sent back to North Carolina to get medical care.

Of course, you’re likely to talk to many people who’ve received plastic surgery in Mexico and everything went alright. But as the numbers of Americans who travel to Mexico for procedures increases, the higher the risk they’ll run into volatile situations.

In addition, there are the real dangers to consider when it comes to the actual procedures. Since you’re entrusting your medical care to someone you’ve never met and in a place with which you’re not familiar, you could be taking some big chances.

Complications from Plastic Surgery

It’s vital that you ALWAYS choose a board-certified plastic surgeon. While there are board-certified surgeons in Mexico, it’s not always easy to verify whether the surgeon you’re considering has these credentials. Or you could be led by misinformation.

By contrast, when you choose a surgical center that’s a manageable distance from your home, you’re able visit the location and consult with your surgeon face-to-face to increase peace of mind.

It’s true that all surgery comes with complications – no matter where it’s performed. But if you believe you’re getting big savings by crossing the border into Mexico, you may want to pause to consider the actual cost that might come along with it.

Here are just some of the possible outcomes:

  1. Tummy Tuck

Though it sounds like a simple procedure, a tummy tuck involves removing fat and tissue from the abdomen area. If the procedure isn’t performed correctly, it can lead to bleeding or severe infection that would require  going back in, cleaning the wound, and then closing it again.

  1. Facelift

The facelift is in high demand in Mexico. But this is not a procedure to be taken lightly. If you’re not certain that you’re working with only a skilled and experienced surgeon, you could end up with infection, nerve damage, or even necrosis in your face.

  1. Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

BBL requires the removal of fat from one part of the body to be grafted to the buttocks. Again, there is a specific technique involved with the grafting and if it’s not performed correctly, it could result in thrombosis or even a stroke.

  1. Liposuction

As simple as liposuction may seem, the technique is also very specific to ensure that no fat globules travel through the bloodstream and into the lungs causing pulmonary thromboembolism. Even if that doesn’t happen, there’s still the risk of bruising and infections.

  1. Breast Reduction

While there currently are not many patients flocking to Mexico for a breast reduction, this is a procedure that should be done closer to home. The recovery process can result in keloids, or excessive scar tissue growth. Necrosis in the areola and nipple can also be a result. These would require corrective surgery.

Unexpected Outcomes

Then there are patient accounts that speak to the lack of experience an unsuspecting American may find in a Mexican operating or recovery room.

In one Tijuana clinic alone, three different women scheduled a tummy tuck with one doctor on a single day. The first woman knew something was askew when they didn’t hook her up to any machines or perform bloodwork. She was sent to a hotel to recover. But she was lucky.

The second woman, her friend, did not fare as well. And that’s putting it mildly. Without adequate oxygen and blood supply during the surgery, she died from secondary hypoxic encephalopathy.

The third woman was rushed across the border to an ER in California a few days after the procedure when her body went into septic shock.

In another case, two women found themselves at a facility in a strip mall that didn’t look at all like the images on the website. After their procedures, one was left with skin protruding from her breast augmentation incisions, while the other was left disfigured and was told by a doctor that the surgery had put her life in jeopardy.

Finally (but certainly not the last on a lengthy list), a woman who travelled to Mexico from Washington state to get a mommy makeover was left with severe burns on her fingers after heated saline bags were placed there during surgery. Her hands will be scarred for life and she’ll likely need to have an amputation on her dominant thumb.

Still Wondering About Getting Plastic Surgery Across the Border?

Clearly, getting plastic surgery across the border in Mexico is risky business. Like the old adage says, you get what you pay for.

Plastic surgery is an investment that gives you great returns such as increased confidence, improved self-esteem, and a boost in your overall well-being. It’s hard to put a price on that.

So if you’re considering plastic surgery in your future and want the assurance that comes from working with only highly qualified board-certified plastic surgeons, contact us today. And invest in yourself.


Is Cosmetic Plastic Surgery for Men Too?

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It may not seem like cosmetic plastic surgery for men is much of a ‘thing.’ After all, men only account for 8% of cosmetic surgery procedures.

But according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), male cosmetic procedures rose 29% between 2000 and 2018. And post-pandemic numbers are expected to keep rising.

It seems that struggling with insecurities about appearance isn’t gender specific. Yet, it’s overwhelmingly women who are open to talking about the fact that they’ve had work done.

Most Popular Procedures for Men

The majority of men motivated to get cosmetic surgery want to lose that last bit of stubborn fat. This isn’t to say, though, they don’t also have concerns about wrinkles or other imperfections.

So despite the differences between the sexes, men seeking cosmetic plastic surgery are often looking for the same solutions that women are. The following four procedures are the most common:

1. Skin Reduction/Tummy Tuck

It’s not unusual for men to hit their 30s or even 40s and realize that it’s time to take their health seriously. They may start dieting and exercising to get their bodies in better shape. The problem is, once the beer-and-Cheetos belly disappears, the skin that enveloped it has nowhere to go.

Many men are embarrassed by the resulting hanging skin around the mid-section. Especially when they’ve worked so hard to get buff and toned. Skin reduction surgery helps eliminate this unsightly problem.

Then for those who also have fat that’s resistant to diet and exercise, there’s the option of a tummy tuck to further contour the mid-section and show off that six-pack.

2. Brow Lift, Eyes, Face

Historically speaking, women have generally spent more time in front of the mirror. But when the pandemic hit in 2020, men were suddenly staring at themselves on computer screens and noticing every little imperfection they hadn’t before. This ‘Zoom effect’ was a serious motivator for men to seek out cosmetic procedures.

To date, the most popular procedures for the face include brow lifts, upper eye lifts, and liposuction around the jawline and neck. Men are also opting for non-surgical procedures like Botox injections to combat wrinkles.

3. Neck Contouring

Of course, once the face was looking good, the attention started drifting to the neck. Every woman is all too aware of how the skin on the neck loses elasticity and stretches during aging. But once again, the time in front of video calls made men more aware of this.

While women have the option to cover their necks with a stylish scarf, we can all admit that the ascot is hardly a fashion trend for men. And if a beard isn’t an option, a neck lift or other neck contouring procedure can address the loose skin and sagging jawline to deliver a more chiseled look.

4. Male Breast Reduction

If you think any sort of plastic surgery for the breast is purely women’s domain, think again.

Breast reduction surgery is gaining in popularity among men who are troubled to find that their breasts are becoming fattier as they age. And no amount of diet or exercise remedies it. For them, male breast reduction, or gynecomastia, reduces the swelling in the breast area to give the pectorals more definition.

Curious About Cosmetic Plastic Surgery for Men?

While cosmetic plastic surgery for men may still be in its infancy, as more men open up about having these surgical procedures, the less stigma there will be.

If you’re a man struggling with insecurities about your appearance, contact us today. During your free consultation, we’ll advise you on the next best steps to get that more youthful look. We’ll also ensure that you feel comfortable with being (something of) a trail blazer!

Skin Sensation Loss After Plastic Surgery

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The age-defying and confidence-boosting results that come from plastic surgery can seem magical.

But plastic surgery isn’t a matter of “just add water and stir.” The procedures are exacting and involve the cutting and tightening of the skin. As such, the incisions can cause a temporary skin sensation loss after plastic surgery.

Don’t fret. As with any surgery, this is a normal outcome. And it’s not as scary as it may sound.

Why Is There Skin Sensation Loss After Plastic Surgery?

Think about the last time you had a wound. When you cut yourself, you may have felt pain. But if the cut was very deep, there’s a chance you didn’t notice any pain at first.

That’s because the wound broke deep enough into the skin to disturb the network of nerves that runs through your body. This network is responsible for communicating sensation from many parts of the body to your brain.

Much like that deep cut, a surgical incision also impacts that network and disrupts those communication pathways – cutting off sensation to the skin.

So What Does It Feel Like?

There’s no one-size-fits-all for how each patient experiences the loss of skin sensation. For some there may just be some numbness or dullness. Yet another person with the same surgery may experience a complete loss of feeling.

In terms of when the skin sensation returns, this also varies. For many patients, the sensation returns gradually. They might experience tingling or even zapping as the nerves heal. But then there are those who have an abrupt return of sensation.

How Long Does It Last?

The simple rule of thumb is that the more invasive the surgery, the higher your risk of losing skin sensation. Of course, there are always other factors. For example, smoking reduces oxygen in the blood and slows the healing process. So for smokers, it will take longer.

In general, however, you can expect the these outcomes from the following procedures:

  1. Facelift

Experiencing sensation changes after having a facelift is very common. Especially around the incision sites. While many patients start regaining sensation within three to six months, it’s possible that you may still have some lack of sensation for a year before feeling sensation again.

  1. Tummy Tuck

Similar to a facelift, much of the loss of skin sensation after a tummy tuck is around the incision line. The area between the incision line and the belly button may also experience loss of feeling. This typically clears up within two to six months.

  1. Breast Augmentation/Lift/Reduction

Breast skin usually regains feeling within two to three months after breast augmentation, lift, and/or reduction. In cases where incisions were made around the nipple, the skin sensation loss can be longer lasting than those where incisions were made under the breast or arm. Nipple sensitivity may also be impacted.

  1. Liposuction

Here’s the good news: loss of skin sensation is rare after liposuction when it’s done as a standalone procedure. Within a few weeks of surgery (at most) the majority of patients return to normal feeling.

Get All the Deets on Plastic Surgery

While the idea of skin sensation loss after plastic surgery can be daunting, it’s almost always temporary. And the payoff is well worth the short term inconvenience.

If you’re dubious and want reassurance from a highly qualified team of medical experts though, contact us today for your free consultation. We’ll answer all your questions to put your mind at ease.

You won’t be left in the dark for a moment about your procedure.


Eat For Anti-Aging

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We all know there’s no fountain of youth from which to drink. But that doesn’t mean you can’t drink or eat for anti-aging.

There are certainly foods that help to slow down the signs of aging more than others. And there are those that actually accelerate those signs.

If your diet consists of a lot of junk food (i.e. mostly salt, sugar, and fat), you’re not doing yourself any favors. But don’t worry. A lot of healthy foods are pretty decent in the flavor department. And you can always find ways to sneak them into your diet.

What You Should Eat for Anti-Aging Benefits

When you eat well, not only will you slow down the signs of aging, but you’re also treating your body with respect. In turn, your body will reward you by performing at its optimal level.

In other words, you’ll feel better too. As you begin to shift to a more healthy diet, try to choose fruits and veggies that are deep in color. And fear not. There might even be a few items on our list that’ll surprise and delight you.

  1.  Blueberries

Blueberries are portable, versatile, and delicious. You can throw them in a smoothie or toss them on your cereal.

They’re also loaded with a free radical-fighting antioxidant called anthocyanin. It’s what makes the blueberry blue. Plus, with plenty of vitamins A and C, the blueberry is kind of a fruit superhero.

By managing the inflammatory responses in the body, the antioxidant in blueberries goes the distance in protecting the skin from damage and preventing loss of collagen.

  1. Salmon/Tuna/Sardines

If you’re not a fan of fish, you may want to try to cultivate a taste for it. Fatty fish such as tuna, salmon, and sardines are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids that are great for your heart and your skin.

Like antioxidants, omega-3s quell inflammation. This is especially helpful for calming the skin after sun exposure. Omega-3s are almost like a natural sunblock – except they won’t actually protect you from getting burned. So keep the SPF lotion handy.

  1. Broccoli

Say what you want about broccoli, but there’s no denying that this veggie is a powerhouse. Along with the aforementioned antioxidants and vitamin C (which is needed to boost collagen production), broccoli also contains folate, calcium, lutein, and fiber.

No, you probably won’t want to sneak it into a smoothie. Unless you have very strange taste. But you can toss it in soup or throw some raw broccoli into a salad. Your body will thank you.

  1. Beans and Legumes

Beans, beans. Nature’s fruit. (You know the rest.)

But third-grade humor aside, beans and legumes are two of the best things you can eat to reduce the risk of major diseases while promoting good health. They’re loaded with phytonutrients, fiber, vitamins, and minerals and are prevalent in the Mediterranean diet.

If you’re not into sitting down with a bowl of lima beans, that’s okay. Beans and legumes are so versatile they can be added to soups or salads, transformed into wheat-free pastas, or mashed with herbs and spices to make amazing dips.

Plus, they’re abundant and inexpensive.

  1. Red Bell Pepper

Like blueberries, red bell peppers are also packed with collagen-producing vitamin C. Their antioxidants are known as carotenoids and they’re responsible for the bright red, orange, or yellow colors in a variety of veggies and fruits. Carotenoids are also loaded with antioxidants that offer anti-inflammatory properties to help protect the skin from pollution, sun damage, and environmental toxins.

  1. Green and/or Black Tea

If you’re an American, you’re more than likely all about coffee. And coffee DOES have some anti-aging properties. But you’ll get more anti-aging bang for your buck with green and/or black tea. That’s why throughout much of the world, tea takes the top spot for beverages. It falls second worldwide only to water.

Not only does tea hydrate, but it’s full of antioxidants and phytochemicals such as flavonoids, catechins, and theanine. You don’t need to remember any of these names. Just know that they serve to promote heart health by reducing blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and fat absorption. All of these lend to looking and feeling younger.

  1. Dark Chocolate

Finally. Something you can really sink your teeth into.

Another antioxidant-rich food, dark chocolate also boasts high levels of magnesium which fights inflammation. In addition, it can reduce stress and improve quality of sleep.

But don’t get too excited. Chocolate should be eaten in moderation. And be sure whatever chocolate you choose, there is not much sugar. Sugar causes inflammation and can undo all of chocolate’s benefits. (Nobody said life was fair.)

Slow Down the Signs of Aging

If your skin and body are just beginning to show signs of aging, you can eat for anti-aging to slow down the progression. But food with anti-aging properties can’t do much for skin that’s already experienced serious damage over the years.

In that case, you’ll want to look into dermal fillers, Botox, or certain lift procedures to restore that youthful appearance. Contact us today for a free consultation to speak with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons.

And in the meantime, continue to eat a healthy and balanced diet to look and feel your best.

Is There Body Contouring for Men?

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Given all the pressure on women to have certain “contours,” the overriding notion of body contouring procedures has been as something almost solely performed on women.

That’s just not the case though. Especially these days. Plastic surgery procedures that provide body contouring for men have been steadily on the rise.

It helps that many of these cosmetic procedures are relatively simple and don’t require much in the way of down time.

Body Contouring for Men

It turns out that men are just as prone to a hit in self-confidence when they feel unattractive. Especially if they’ve been dealing with rolls or pockets of fat that refuse to disappear no matter how much they diet or how hard they exercise. This lack of self-confidence bleeds into a man’s professional, social, and intimate life.

Fortunately, men have discovered that contouring procedures can slim, shape, and define those problem areas – improving muscle definition and giving a more chiseled appearance.

While body contouring for men spans a range of procedures, there are several situations that plastic surgeons see the most often.

  1. Not Loving the Love Handles

Many men seek out plastic surgery when they get older and start putting on extra weight around the belly. This can be perplexing to men who haven’t changed their diet or exercise regimen, but suddenly have a spare tire.

Sometimes this extra weight is the result of hormonal changes that cause the area to become dense. And no amount of diet or exercise will melt it away. This is when liposuction is a miracle worker.

With this fairly simple procedure, the plastic surgeon makes a small incision through which he or she guides a cannula tube into the targeted area. The fat is then suctioned out and the surgeon shapes and contours the designated area.

In the vast majority of cases, liposuction is outpatient surgery that’s performed under general anesthesia. Men can get back to work in 3-5 days, and return to the gym in a few weeks. As such, liposuction rates as the number one plastic surgery procedure for men.

  1. Men Get Boob Jobs Too

Ah, the dreaded gynecomastia.

You may know this condition better as “man boobs.” And it can be an embarrassing predicament for many men. Especially for those who are going to the gym to flatten their chest but can’t get the jiggle to go away.

Gynecomastia isn’t just the bane of older men either. In fact, it’s estimated that 40-60% of men struggle with gynecomastia. So it’s no wonder that men are showing up for male breast reduction surgery.

If the issue is extra glandular tissue, the plastic surgeon will work through an incision under the arm or around the nipple to remove the tissue with a scalpel. In cases of extra fatty tissue, liposuction once again comes to the rescue. It’s not uncommon for there to be both excess glandular and fatty tissue. And in more extreme cases, there may be need to remove excess skin as well.

Initial recovery time for male breast reduction surgery is 1-2 weeks on average and involves wearing a compression vest. After this time, most normal activities can resume.

  1. Lost the Weight but Not the Skin

As men are increasingly more aware of the benefits of diet and exercise, it’s not unusual for guys who were carrying a lot of extra weight to finally lose it. The problem is, they’re often left with excess skin in those areas and liposuction doesn’t do the trick here.

In these cases, there may be need for one or more excision skin surgery lifts. These can include a tummy tuck, as well as lifts to the arm, inner thigh, circumferential body (belt line), buttock, or breast. There may also be a need for a panniculectomy which is surgery that removes excess skin and fatty tissue that hangs down over the thighs and/or genitals.

The recovery time for lift surgeries is wholly dependent on the specific procedure. In most cases, men can expect to return to work in 1-2 weeks, and back to normal activity in 4-6 weeks.

Get the Contours You Desire

Don’t get stuck in the trap of thinking that plastic surgery only helps women to achieve the contours they want. With body contouring for men, you can increase your self-worth and boost confidence.

And all with minimal downtime.

So start feeling good about yourself. Contact us today to discuss the many options available to you.


What Are the Best Plastic Surgery Combinations?

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Plastic surgery combinations, i.e. getting two procedures done at once, might seem like a lot to take on. But actually, they’re more common than you may realize.

It’s not a matter of you picking and choosing procedures from a menu. The combination procedures are chosen carefully by your surgeon based on your objectives, goals, and health.

And there is a definite upside to having multiple surgeries performed simultaneously.

Benefits of Multiple Surgeries

Patients save time and money by only being put under anesthesia once. As with all surgery, there is some risk with anesthesia. By having two procedures accomplished during one round of anesthesia, patients reduce the number of times they have to be anesthetized. Furthermore, they save money.

In addition, the recovery times for each procedure are done under one umbrella. That means that patients only have to take off one period of time for work and activities rather than two.

Finally, in having two surgeries done at once, patients usually experience more dramatic results in a shorter amount of time.

The Best Plastic Surgery Combinations

There are occasions when procedures must be combined. One such occasion is when a patient opts for breast augmentation with fat transfer. In this case, the patient has to undergo liposuction in order to harvest the fat which will then be applied during the augmentation surgery.

For the most part though, combining plastic surgeries is more a matter of getting the best and most complete results with minimum invasiveness.


  1. The Mommy Makeover

The mommy makeover is the ultimate in combining plastic surgery procedures. There’s no one-size-fits-all though. Depending on what each patient wants or needs, there are many variations.

Generally speaking though, a mommy makeover typically includes breast augmentation for women who lost breast volume during childbirth, with a possible lift if they find their breasts sag a bit after breastfeeding. These multiple surgeries for the breast are also common among older women, regardless of their motherhood status.

In addition, if there is post-pregnancy abdominal flab that won’t go away with diet and exercise, the surgeon may also recommend a tummy tuck. On occasion, there may even be need for some vaginal rejuvenation work. Again, it depends on each individual.

  1. Surgeries for Contouring

In many cases, diet- and exercise-resistant fat forms in the body as we age. Especially in the abdomen. So in this case, a plastic surgeon will often combine a tummy tuck with liposuction.

The tummy tuck helps to give the waistline a sleeker and more contoured appearance, while the liposuction serves to vacuum out some of that resistant fat. When done in tandem, these two procedures deliver a smooth and attractive waistline.

  1. Firming up the Face

When patients are obsessed with an imperfection on the face, they typically have one specific procedure in mind. But facial surgery is complicated.

For example, someone who is troubled by a crooked nose may insist the only thing they need is rhinoplasty (i.e. nose job). But there are many occasions where once the shape of the nose changes, it brings the rest of the face out of harmony. So in these cases, the surgeon may need to add a chin augmentation or other procedure to keep the face in proportion.

This is just one example. In the realm of facial surgery, there are countless combinations such as facelift/eye lift, facelift/fat transfers, face lift/neck lift, brow lift/facelift, and eye lift with dermal fillers. It takes the work of a skilled surgeon to maintain proper facial proportion.

Curious About Combining Procedures?

When we refer to the best plastic surgery combinations, we’re really looking at the most common ones. In reality, the possibilities for combinations are nearly endless.

So if you’re curious about the benefits of multiple surgeries, contact us today. During your free consultation, your surgeon will determine whether you’re a good candidate and which procedures will serve you best.

Then get ready to put your best self forward.

Looking Younger Isn’t Just Vanity

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People get plastic surgery for many reasons. Of course, we’ve addressed important health reasons such as easing respiration, improving vision, and restoring balance.

As such, there are those that believe plastic surgery is “fine” for those reasons, but pass judgment on those who want to look younger.

The reality is, looking younger isn’t just vanity. In fact, there are multiple mental health benefits that come from having procedures with that goal in mind.

The Positive Psychological Benefits

Some folks believe firmly in the idea of aging gracefully. Until aging actually hits and the effects aren’t so graceful. And when someone is bothered by the appearance of being old, it can have a profound influence on how they live their lives and feel about themselves.

For example, while some women are fine with the aftereffects of pregnancy, others are disturbed by looking older after having their last child. Childbearing can take a serious toll on a woman’s body. For most, the full breasts and flatter stomach from their youth are distant memories.

Or perhaps one man is fine with thinning hair and eventually becoming bald. It may even lend to his appearance. But that’s not the case for everyone. So these men (and women) may seek out ways to fill their hairline with hair implants or other treatments.

In all of these scenarios, there is nobody in the wrong. Each of us has our own comfort level with aging. And if looking younger through a plastic surgery procedure leads to more self-confidence, then that’s a big plus.

And self-confidence isn’t the only improvement.

Positive Mental Health Outcomes

When we can acknowledge that we’re not comfortable with looking older and then take action toward self-improvement, it can be very empowering.

Research backs. A study published in Clinical Psychological Science looked at two groups of people. The first group decided to get a plastic surgery procedure to improve their appearance. The second group wanted a procedure, but did not have one.

Those who opted-in reported mental health improvements in a vast array of areas. They experienced less depression, anxiety and social phobia, while increased self-esteem, well-being, quality of life, and even attaining of goals.

So How Could That Be?

So it makes perfect sense that self-esteem and well-being would be improved upon looking younger. But what about attaining of goals?

Authors of the study can only surmise that those who look younger also feel younger and more self-assured so they are likely to take more risks to achieve their goals. It’s impossible to say for sure, but there is a wealth of anecdotal evidence that points to many uplifting mental benefits of looking younger.

Of course, there are no guarantees. And it’s important that each person approach plastic surgery with a realistic expectation rather than seeing it as a magical way to drink from the fountain of youth. (Those with body dysmorphic disorder, for instance, will never be satisfied.)

Going in with that understanding will make all the difference.

Looking Younger Isn’t Just Vanity

Given all the mental health benefits, it’s clear that looking younger isn’t just vanity. So if you’ve been feeling down about looking older and debating about whether to get a cosmetic procedure, contact us today.

During your free consultation, we’ll sit down with you and discuss what you can realistically expect from your procedure. Then you can make an informed decision from there.


The Top Reasons for Getting Plastic Surgery

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(Not-so) reality TV has given plastic surgery a bad rap. Too much programming focuses on eccentric, shallow people seeking out plastic surgery for all the wrong reasons.

This is unfortunate because the vast majority of plastic surgeons are doing a lot of good for their patients. After all, there are truly legitimate reasons for getting plastic surgery.

Some of them might even surprise you.

1. Addressing Health Issues

Next time you take a full deep inhale and exhale through your nose, think for a moment how it would feel to have a constant obstruction that never allowed for such a seemingly simple action. This is the case for folks with a crooked septum or nasal polyps. Plus, they tend to suffer from more severe allergies and sinus troubles.

Enter the “nose job.” Also known as rhinoplasty, this procedure is often requested by patients who have some sort of defect inside their noses. And yeah, sure. Rhinoplasty can also address the external appearance of the nose. Which is an added benefit.

It’s not just a faulty nose that can present health problems though. Some women struggle with chronic and severe back and shoulder pain as a result of breasts that are too large. A breast reduction surgery eases this pain and allows them more freedom of movement.

Furthermore, vision problems that come from heavy, drooping, or sagging eyelids can be corrected by blepharoplasty. And just as is the case with a rhinoplasty, the procedure also helps to improve the appearance of the eyes.

2. Boosting Confidence

Some patients DO seek out a plastic surgery procedure for cosmetic purposes. And that’s completely valid. For example, a man who is constantly troubled by his facial reflection in the mirror can feel better about himself after a facelift. Or a woman who feels self-conscious about how her clothes fit because of the size of her breasts may opt for a breast augmentation. Another woman may wish to reclaim her body after a tough pregnancy.

It’s important to remember that mental health is just as important as physical health. There’s a great deal to be said about boosting one’s confidence to bolster positive mental health outcomes. Because when people feel good about their physical appearance, they are more likely to present themselves to the world in a positive way.

3. Increased Safety and Affordability

Plastic surgery has made great technological strides in the past decade. The presence of lasers, pulsating light, and advanced skin treatment options are now within reach of most plastic surgeons. Plus, such strides have made these procedures safer.

These advances have also made plastic surgery more in reach for everyone. It’s no longer the domain of the wealthy Beverly Hills diva who has a few weeks free to get her face done.

Nowadays, plastic surgeons are seeing far more working professionals who are seeking a procedure for any of the above reasons. And with medical credit cards, payment plans, personal loans, and other financing options available, they can make these procedures a reality.

4. More Time on Screens

In the past ten years, everyone is seeing more of their faces everywhere. Selfies, cell phones, and social media platforms were to thank for this. Then came 2020 and COVID. Within a month, many of us were staring at our reflections day after day on Zoom. And some of us were less than satisfied.

Let’s face it. (Pun intended.) This trend isn’t going anywhere too quickly. And as a result, an increasing number of people are seeking out plastic surgery to manage this self-scrutiny with more ease. And why not? Haven’t we been through enough?

What Are Your Reasons For Getting Plastic Surgery?

There are clearly a lot of great reasons for getting plastic surgery. So if you’ve been considering it, now is the time to take that step!

Contact us today to schedule your free consultation. We’ll sit down to discuss the options available to you to get you started.


Using Nicotine During Plastic Surgery Recovery

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If you’re a smoker, it’s likely you know the risks involved. And you may even feel some resistance to reading about yet another reason to quit using nicotine.

But if you’re planning to have plastic surgery it’s truly in your best interest to give up smoking and nicotine before the procedure so that your recovery will go smoothly.

Because the fact is, using nicotine during plastic surgery recovery can result in some very negative repercussions.

Plastic Surgery Is Unique

Of course, smoking and using nicotine during any surgical procedure recovery is going to slow healing and require the body to work harder. But what makes it even riskier during recovery from plastic surgery is the intricate involvement of the blood vessels.

A board-certified plastic surgeon is required to work in layers of skin, fascia, fat, and muscle. Within each of these layers there is lifting, pulling, stretching, and repositioning that severs blood vessels. As these vessels heal, it’s the job of the remaining blood vessels to pick up the slack so that the tissues can stay oxygenated and receive the nutrients needed for healing.

Nicotine constricts blood vessels – resulting in inadequate oxygen supply to these layers. And without proper oxygen, healing is not only compromised, but you run the risk of destroying tissues.

According to statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), nicotine users are 27% more likely to experience necrosis (tissue death) after an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck). And they are 12.5 times more likely to have tissue necrosis after a facelift procedure.

And among smokers, there’s a 33% incidence of implant loss who require immediate breast reconstruction surgery with implants after a mastectomy.

And It Isn’t Just Smoking…

In case you didn’t notice, we aren’t discussing smoking as the only culprit here. The problem is nicotine. And nicotine delivery can come in many forms including gum, e-cigarettes, patches, cigars, chewing tobacco, etc.

So when your plastic surgeon says you need to stop smoking within four weeks before your procedure, he or she isn’t just talking about just giving cigarettes the ax. He or she means all forms of nicotine.

And the reason you are asked to quit at least a month before the procedure is that regular nicotine use keeps the blood vessels in a constricted state. Thus, quitting four weeks out of the surgery allows the vessels to open up and prepares them to supply the blood needed for proper healing.

Other Risks of Using Nicotine During Plastic Surgery Recovery

The above mentioned necrosis is terrifying. But perhaps the numbers weren’t enough to convince you of the problems with using nicotine when having a plastic surgery procedure.

Even if you don’t experience tissue death, you can bet you’ll be facing a heightened risk of infection during recovery. Plus, if fat cells are not able to heal, you could be burdened with hardened lumps in the targeted area. Scarring will likely be thicker and more pigmented. And you’ll experience more post-operative pain and discomfort.

In addition, you could experience permanent damage to small blood vessels, as well as an increased risk of heart attack and stroke during and after surgery, and a heightened risk of pneumonia after surgery.

Quitting Is Tough, But Worth It

Getting a confidence-boosting and life-improving plastic surgery procedure can be great motivation for finally kicking the nicotine habit. Plus, you’ll be giving your health a boost.

There’s no easy way to quit. But avoiding triggers like stress and alcohol, spending time with non-smoking friends, keeping yourself busy, and downloading apps that deliver positive reinforcement can be good places to begin.

You may even want to put an “after” picture of how you want to look after your procedure on your bathroom mirror and phone’s wallpaper for additional inspiration.

We Want to Help You Look and FEEL Better

You want to reap the benefits of your life-changing surgery. But using nicotine during plastic surgery recovery can easily put the kibosh on that.

And abstaining from nicotine use before your procedure will set the stage for a healthier you long after the surgery. So if you’re ready to say goodbye to nicotine for good, contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

We’ll be happy to discuss with you any concerns you might have about quitting nicotine so you can have the best experience possible.