Are There Different Breast Implant Placement Options?

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If you’re considering breast augmentation, you’ve probably researched different types of implants, and started thinking about the size you want.

But did you know that there are different breast implant placement options too? (Great! Another thing to think about!)

This is a good thing, though. To get the most natural look for your breast implants, the last thing you want is a “one-size-fits-all” approach. Especially when it comes to the procedure.

What Are the Breast implant Placement Options?

You don’t need to stress too much. Fortunately, there are only two options. The breast implant is placed under your breast tissue and over your chest muscles, or under the breast tissue and partially under the pectoralis major.

Both provide great results and which one is right for you will come down to a number of factors that you’ll discuss thoroughly with your board-certified plastic surgeon. He or she will provide you with the choice that will deliver the best aesthetic results.

For the sake of understanding the difference between the two, here’s how they compare:

Over the Muscle

Also referred to as sub glandular placement, the over the muscle option involves placing the implants on top of the pectoralis major muscle but under the glandular breast tissue.

Because this option produces a lifted appearance, it’s often recommended to patients whose breasts tend to sag from having a larger amount of natural breast tissue. The tissue offers support and coverage for the implants. Without proper coverage, the implant can take on the appearance of being artificially inflated.

Another benefit of sub glandular placement is the ability of the implant to move with the breasts over the years as they go through changes. This gives them a more natural appearance for many years. In addition, over the muscle placement is a slightly easier procedure and requires a little less recovery time. Since the chest muscle isn’t altered, there’s no risk of the implants visibly distorting during exercise of daily movements.

That said, there IS a slightly increased possibility of visible folds or rippling with this sort of placement. Especially for patients with less natural breast tissue. In addition, subgladular implants tend to interfere more with mammogram readings and may result in the patient having to incorporate ultrasounds or other modalities.

Under the Muscle

Not to be confused with the term sub glandular, the sub muscular (under the muscle) procedure is a bit more involved. In this case, the implant is placed under the skin, fat, glands, AND the pectoralis major.

Yet, it’s also placed on top of the inner pectoralis minor and serratus muscles. Doing it this way allows for the pectoralis major muscle to cover the top and side of the implant while the natural breast tissue covers the bottom and outer edge. This creates a smoother and more natural looking transition from the chest to the implant.

Sub muscular implants interfere less with mammogram readings and they have a lower incidence of capsular contracture.

Even so, the more complicated nature of the procedure means there is usually a slightly longer surgery time and recovery period. This is because the surgeon has to cut and detach the pectoralis major muscle. There’s also an increased chance of the implants becoming distorted when the chest contracts, and/or migrating upward toward the armpit. Patients usually experience diminished strength in the chest muscles after this surgery as well.

So your plastic surgeon will carefully consider whether this placement option is your best bet.

Are Breast Implants Right For You?

When it comes to choosing between the two breast implant placement options, you can take heart in knowing that you’ll never be alone in that decision.

Contact us today to set up your free consultation and get started.

After an examination, your surgeon will discuss your goals and expectations with you. From there, the two of you will decide which option is right for you.

How Long Does Breast Reduction Surgery Recovery Take?


If you’re considering a breast reduction to remove extra fat, tissue, and skin from your breast, you may wonder about breast reduction surgery recovery time.

Also known as mammoplasty, breast reduction surgery will not only decrease the size of your breasts, but it will lift and contour them too.

Breast reduction surgery can be performed on just one breast or on both at the same time if you don’t wish to have mismatched breasts for any amount of time.

How Does Breast Reduction Surgery Recovery Play Out?

Recovery from surgery always has two phases – short-term and long-term. Breast reduction surgery is no different.

The first phase of recovery (short-term) typically lasts about two weeks and is when the most restrictions are in place. The second phase (long-term) typically lasts two to three months following that.

We’ll break down the two phases:

First Week

After your surgery, you will be introduced to a compression bra which you’ll need to wear through the first phase and into the second phase of recovery.

You’ll wear this bra 24/7 except for when you shower. This will ensure you get the desired outcome from the surgery. During this first week, you’ll want to focus on resting and ensuring you eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water to facilitate healing.

Some light movement (like walking around the house) will be encouraged, but you’ll need to avoid strenuous activity and continue to take any prescribed medications.

Second Week

It’s during the second week when you might start to notice the incisions feeling a little tight and itchy as they continue to heal under your compression bra. You can remedy this with Vaseline or other gentle moisturizer. Benedryl can help with the itching.

Your board-certified plastic surgeon may clear you for returning to work at this point, but you’ll still need to avoid strenuous activity and stick with your healthy and hydrating diet.

Three Weeks to Two Months Out

For most, three weeks marks the point when you’ll really start to notice and feel the results of your surgery. You’ll be able to engage in more strenuous activities and return to most of your regular routines. Even so, you’ll need to keep that compression bra on for at least another one to three weeks.

By the end of the second month, the compression bra can be swapped out for your new smaller bra – provided your breasts are not swollen.

Three to Four Months After

Finally, three to four months out from the surgery, your breasts should be fully healed and settled into their new shape. At this point, you can safely start shopping for those smaller tops you’ve always longed to wear!

How Could Breast Reduction Surgery Change Your Life?

Having large, heavy, or pendulous breasts can make it hard to find clothes that fit well. What’s worse, they may be causing you neck and back pain.

Fortunately, smaller and more shapely breasts are just a surgery away. And the good news is, breast reduction surgery recovery isn’t terribly grueling. As we said, you could be back to work after one week, and doing light cardio after just two weeks!

So if you’re ready to remove that extra weight that’s causing you pain and strife, contact us today! And get ready to spice up your wardrobe!

Four Wonderful Benefits of Body Lift Surgery

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If you’ve finally lost that excess fat that’s been troubling you for awhile, you may be troubled by a new problem – excess skin.

In many cases, skin and tissue fail to contract after weight loss. And that means you’re stuck with loose and hanging skin that no dieting or amount of exercise will remove.

Fortunately, there is a way to get rid of that embarrassing skin on the abdomen, arms, buttocks, breasts, and thighs with body lift surgery.

The Many Benefits of Body Lift Surgery

While weight loss is a reason to celebrate, there can be unexpected functional and psychological issues that comes with the remaining excess skin. When you opt for body lift surgery, you’ll be able to achieve the following:

1. Finally Reach Your Weight Loss Goals

In addition to the unsightliness of that excess skin, the extra weight of it is keeping the numbers up on your scale. So if you’ve been unable to hit that target number even though you’ve trimmed off the fat, it’s because that skin is weighing you down.

Plus, excess skin causes irritation from friction and it makes exercising more difficult and less effective because it causes interference with tissue circulation. With a body lift surgery, that extra skin will be removed and you’ll finally see the numbers you’ve been aiming for on your scale.

2. Show Off Your True Contours

You’ve been diligent about your diet and exercise to achieve that weight loss. So now it’s time to show off your work.

Removing excess skin will reveal the toned muscles and contours of your new body. Of course, you’ll need to maintain the effective eating and exercising habits you’ve established up to this point. But once you see the proof of your efforts, you’ll have the motivation to do so.

3. Boost Your Confidence

Dealing with hanging skin after weight loss is more than just frustrating. The discouragement you feel long-term can take a serious hit on your confidence. And you may not even realize it.

There’s a lot to be said for finally fitting into that dress or those jeans you’ve been longing to wear. And with summer coming, think about the exhilaration you’ll feel walking down the beach and showing off your beach body.

4. Get the Exact Procedure You Need

Obviously, body lift surgery isn’t one size fits all. You’ll consult with your board-certified plastic surgeon to create a customized treatment plan that will fit your specific needs. He or she may also recommend liposuction to remove localized body fat.

So whether you’re dissatisfied with your chest, waist, arms, back, thighs, abdomen, or some combination of them, you’ll be able to achieve your aesthetic goals.

Curious About How Body Lift Surgery Could Help You?

You’re proud of the work you’ve done to lose weight. But if you’re struggling with the unsightly skin that remains, why not consider body lift surgery?

Contact us today to set up your free consultation. And get ready to streamline your body contours and finally show off the true progress of your weight loss.

Breast Augmentation After Weight Loss

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Have you recently undergone significant weight loss? If so, you may also be noticing a change or even loss in breast size.

If your reasons for weight loss are celebratory, this can be a bit of a downer. And if the weight loss was not welcome, it can be even more discouraging.

Fortunately, breast augmentation after weight loss is a common and highly effective procedure to bring brightness to your situation – whatever it might be.

Breast Augmentation After Weight Loss

The majority of breast augmentations, whether needed because of weight loss or simply by choice, are completed using implants. The two most common implants are silicone or saline.

Both silicone and saline implants are made from a silicone elastomer shell. The main difference is silicone implants are made fully of silicone and filled with a cohesive silicone gel, while saline implants have an outer shell that’s constructed of silicone and then later filled with saline.

Some people believe that silicone implants look and feel more natural. Plus, they come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and degrees of firmness so you know exactly what will be implanted.

Meanwhile, saline implants are inserted when empty and then filled with a sterile saline solution once in place. Some patients prefer the idea of saline solution versus silicone gel in their bodies. Yet, silicone gel more closely simulates breast tissue. So saline implants may end up feeling firmer than natural breast tissue.

The third option is fat transfer. In this case, a patient’s own fat is used to increase breast volume in a more natural way. After weight loss, though, this may not be an option. Ultimately, you can discuss your available options with your board-certified plastic surgeon.


What If You’ve Already Had Breast Augmentation?

If you’ve already had breast augmentation in the past, weight loss will likely affect the appearance of your breasts too. This amount of impact will depend on which sort of breast augmentation procedure and/or implant you have.

For patients who chose fat transfer, weight loss can noticeably affect the results of augmentation. Breast contour is created by fat and other tissue – the loss of which can change the overall appearance of the breast.

Meanwhile, implants are much less prone to significant impact from weight fluctuation. The implants will maintain their original shape and size. This is not to say, however, that there will be no impact. Despite the fact that the implants remain the same, the aforementioned fat and tissues that create the contour have decreased. The skin may now be stretched leaving the implants to sag.

In this case, the best course of action is a breast lift. This body contouring procedure won’t alter the volume of the breasts or breast implants. Instead, the objective here is to reshape the breasts to restore a more uplifted and youthful appearance.

Looking to Boost Your Breasts After Weight Loss?

There are many reasons for losing weight. But if you’re generally dissatisfied with the appearance of your breasts now that you have, don’t let it bring you down.

Lift your spirits with firmer and perkier breasts.

Contact us today to find out which sort of breast augmentation after weight loss is right for you.

Achieving Aesthetics After Breast Implant Removal

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Breast implants were once all the rage. And they continue to be an excellent solution for some patients seeking fuller and more voluminous breasts.

Other women, however, have found they no longer want their larger implants and are requesting they be removed. They want a sleeker physique.

Changes from aging or pregnancy can change the shape of the breast though. So the challenge then becomes achieving aesthetics after breast implant removal.

Procedures After Breast Implant Removal

Sometimes after the removal of implants, breasts may sag, droop, or look a bit deflated. Some of this will depend on the size of the implants. Fortunately, there are a number of options to restore shape and firmness.

  1. Breast Lift

A common reason women decide to opt out of implants is back pain. Especially for patients with larger implants. Bigger breasts can create excess pressure on the spine which is especially problematic during exercise.

Removing the implants eases this pain, but can leave the breasts lacking in volume. So it’s not unusual for a plastic surgeon to perform a breast lift to remove excess breast tissue and skin. From there, he or she fashions a new breast contour to deliver a perkier and more natural appearance.

  1. Breast Reduction

For women seeking to downsize from implant removal, a breast reduction is another option. And in some cases, it may be performed with a breast lift.

It’s very similar to a breast lift in that tissue is removed to create a contour that is sleeker and firmer.

  1. Fat Transfer

Fat transfer is a straightforward procedure that involves shifting fat from one part of the body where there is excess to another part where there’s a lack of volume. While this wouldn’t be recommended for women with low body fat content, it could be an effective way to add volume to sagging breasts while slimming other “problem” areas.

This procedure can also be formed with a breast lift to maintain some volume.

  1. Implant Replacement

Not every woman who decides to have her implants removed is done with the whole scene. Some patients are fond of their implants and the fullness they provide their breasts. They may just want to change the aesthetics some. So for them, implant replacement is the ideal solution.

By swapping out undesirable implants for those that are more tailor made, there is little to no problem with drooping and sagging. Plus, the implant “pocket” already exists so recovery is typically easier and faster than when the first implants were inserted.

Curious About Aesthetics After Breast Implant Removal

It’s important to understand that additional work will likely be required to achieve aesthetics after breast implant removal.

So if you’re considering this procedure, contact us today to ensure you receive the best advice, expertise, and the highest level of care from a board-certified plastic surgeon.

The Ultimate Breast Implants Checklist


Summer’s almost here. It’s that time of year when you start showing more skin and seeing just how your body has changed over the winter. And with the pandemic, you might be noticing the impact of a couple of winters.

If you’re feeling self-conscious about filling out your bathing suit or other summer wear, this may be the year for breast augmentation surgery.

Breast implants could boost your confidence this summer. But what will be expected of you before and after the surgery? To address that, we’ve got the most complete breast implants checklist here for you.

BEFORE Pre-Surgery

Once you finally make an appointment to talk with a plastic surgeon, he or she will provide you with literature on the procedure. This can be a lot of information to absorb. There will also be an FDA-approved patient-decision checklist. The purpose of this list is to present the benefits and risks of getting implants.

The checklist covers topics such as what makes a successful breast implant candidate; situations when implants shouldn’t be used, the risks of undergoing the surgery; the importance of proper training and experience; and other options (where appropriate).

The patient-decision checklist is reviewed together by you and your surgeon.

Breast Implant Checklists

Once everything is agreed upon and you’ve decided to go ahead with the surgery, you’ll be given an opportunity to sign and initial throughout the patient-decision checklist. The checklist is then signed by your board-certified surgeon.

At that point, you’ll need to start tackling the next checklist – which is things you’ll need to do before the procedure.



If you love a good smoke first thing in the morning or after a meal, you’ll need to get used to not having this. It’s crucial that you quit smoking a minimum of four weeks pre-op.

Also, get your work and other life affairs in order. You’ll need at least one week off from your job. Stock up on essential items and foods that are simple to make. (Soup comes to mind.) And be sure to get all of your prescriptions filled so you’ll have them after the surgery.

On the actual day of the surgery, you’ll need to wear loose clothing with a top that zips or buttons in the front. Don’t eat anything or take vitamins/medications unless instructed by the doctor. Refrain from wearing creams, lotions, or fragrances, or using hairspray on surgery day.

Finally, arrange to have a family member or friend drive you home after the surgery.


Once you arrive home, it’ll be important that you get plenty of rest to help the body heal. Keep your head and neck elevated using firm but comfortable pillows.


If you live alone, plan to have someone around who can help for at LEAST that first day back. You’ll have to avoid lifting, bending, or any sort of vigorous movement until the surgeon says it’s clear to do so.

Got hydration? If you don’t like water, now is the time to start embracing its benefits because you’ll need to drink at least eight ounces of water every two hours that first day back. Also, take your pain meds as prescribed, wear the recommended compression garments, and have ice packs ready to help with any swelling.

And be sure you have quick access to your surgeon’s contact info in case you experience any complications or just have questions.

Boost Your Confidence with Breast Implants

Now that you’ve gone over the ultimate breast implants checklist, you know exactly what to expect. So why not contact us today?

And get ready for an amazing and form-fitting summer!

Boost Confidence With Breast Reduction

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When you hear the words “large breasts,” do you immediately think of women? Most of us do. It makes sense. Large breasts on women is, to some extent, considered desirable. Large breasts on men is almost certainly considered embarrassing.

Yet, women with large breasts often face the same embarrassment as men – with an added dash of shame and objectification.

Fortunately, breast reduction surgery was developed for both women AND men who face the challenges of having breasts that are simply “too large.”

Breast Reduction for Women

Because the issue of overly large breasts plagues women more than men, we’ll start with the challenges females face in this arena.

As woman age, their breasts sag. For women with huge breasts, this can create an illusion of being overweight. Furthermore, there’s the potential for back, shoulder, and neck pain from excess breast tissue weighing them down. In fact, women often suffer from cuts and abrasions on their shoulders from the straps of extra supportive bras.

In addition, the weight of extra breast tissue can lower exercise tolerance and drain large-breasted women of the confidence and sense of accomplishment that comes with a regular workout regimen.

Women who experience breast reduction surgery find it liberating. During the breast reduction procedure, the surgeon removes that troublesome excess glandular tissue, fat, and skin.

For those who need a moderate reduction, the board-certified surgeon will typically use what’s known as a lollipop incision. This is an incision made around the areola and down to the breast. In the cases of those who need a significant reduction, an anchor incision continues along the crease underneath the breast.

Whatever the case, a breast reduction is accompanied by a breast lift to fully restore the shape and contour of the breast.

Reducing Breast Size in Men

Just like women, men have breast glandular tissue. For some men, however, there can be abnormal or excess breast growth. This is known as gynecomastia.

How much excess tissue or growth a man experiences depends on a variety of factors. For example, middle-aged and older men have some of the same issues with sagging breast tissue that women do. For other men, larger breasts may appear with weight gain, or have a genetic component.

And no matter how much a man may diet or exercise, it doesn’t seem to make a difference.

Just as women benefit from breast reduction surgery, so too do men.

In order to remove excess fat, liposuction is frequently performed for male breast reduction. An incision around the areola is utilized to remove excess glandular tissue, and then the skin around the areola is tightened to create a masculine physique.

With male breast reduction surgery in particular, some lifestyle changes in diet and exercise may be necessary to ensure long-lasting results and decrease the likelihood of reoccurrence.

Such changes are definitely worth it though.

Discover a New You With a Breast Reduction

Breast reduction surgery can relieve the pain and/or embarrassment that comes with breasts that are too large.

It simultaneously serves to improve your physique, restore your confidence, and create a more balanced and proportional appearance.

So contact us today to set up a consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons. Each one will sit down with you to discuss best options and then customize breast reduction options specifically suited to your unique individual body type.

What Is an Upper Body Lift?

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Losing a lot of weight is something to celebrate.

Yet, after massive weight loss, there are often multiple skin folds of the lateral chest and back. In addition, there may be loose skin on the arms and sagging in the breasts.

And no amount of diet and exercise alleviates the condition – zapping some of the joy out of the celebration.

Fortunately, an upper body lift can resolve this.

How Does an Upper Body Lift Work?

The name “upper body lift” may conjure an image of a strangely lifted upper body – the likes of which can be found on Popeye. But it’s not that at all.

An upper body lift consists of mastopexy or brachioplasty, combined with direct excision of lateral chest rolls.

It is commonly a two-stage procedure. Debulking liposuction is performed to permanently remove resistant fat cells. Then after adequate healing time, the extra skin is excised.

Let us explain further.


The mastopexy procedure is more commonly known as a breast lift. This is the process of raising and reshaping a sagging breast by removing excess skin and then tightening the surrounding tissue to support the new contour.

If the areola has become enlarged over time, this can also be remedied with a breast lift.

Incisions are made along the inframammary fold under the breast to reduce the appearance of scarring.


A brachioplasty, also referred to as an arm lift, reshapes the back part of the upper arm. It removes extra skin and tissue to give the upper arm a smoother appearance.

During a brachioplasty procedure, a board-certified plastic surgeon removes extra tissue from under the upper arm, as well as folds of skin and fat. The remaining tissue is sewn back together to create a more stream-lined contour.

In some cases, the surgeon may also need to remove extra tissue on the side of the chest and the back. The incisions follow the skin rolls, which are often referred to as an inverted v deformity of the upper back.

To reduce the appearance of scarring, the incisions from excision of the lateral chest wall rolls are placed curvilinearly along the direction of the skin excess and may be tied into the posterior axillary fold, or posterior armpit skin. They may also be tied into the mastopexy procedure by connecting the incision into the inframammary fold.

Upper Body Lift Recovery

The best results from an upper body lift occur when the patient is at goal body weight or has experienced massive volume loss after bariatric surgery.

Depending on the extent and type of surgery, most patients can expect to return to their normal routine or go back to work in about 10 to 14 days.

It’s important to note, however, that major weight fluctuations can compromise the results. Furthermore, this procedure shouldn’t to be performed on women who are planning to become pregnant, or who are further planning to lose a large amount of weight.

Celebrate Your New Body!

Don’t let sagging folds of skin put a damper on your confidence after weight loss.

Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss the option of an upper body lift. It’s time to contour your new body, restore your confidence, and celebrate your efforts.

You’ve earned it.

Breast Reduction Is Not Just for Women

Despite the jokes about large breasts in our culture, having large breasts can be both cumbersome and painful.

Large breasts can be the source of chronic back, neck, and shoulder strain. And women who have to wear extra supportive bras often suffer from cuts and abrasions on their shoulders from the straps.

On top of that, while larger breasts may contribute to an attractive silhouette for younger women, they are more prone to drooping as women age. This can create the illusion of being overweight – even on women who are not.

Breast reduction surgery can alleviate these discomforts by ridding the body of excess breast tissue while simultaneously tightening the skin and elevating the breast to create a more streamlined silhouette.

male breast surgery michigan - gynecomastia

Breast Reduction for Women

One of the common traits women with very large breasts share is feeling awkward.

Large breasts can also impede a woman’s ability to exercise comfortably.

They’re also just plain uncomfortable. Not only do women feel the emotional displeasure of people staring at them, but the physical pain can be overwhelming. All of these can drain a woman’s confidence.

Plastic surgeons are sensitive to these issues. During a consultation, they consider the size and shape of the breasts, the elasticity of the patient’s skin, and the position of the nipples.

Doing so allows them to customize breast reduction options specifically suited to a woman’s unique individual body type.


Female Breast Reduction Procedure

During the breast reduction procedure, the surgeon removes excess glandular tissue, fat, and skin. This is done by making an incision and then removing the fat using a combination of liposuction and other excision techniques.

There are a couple of incision options.

With a lollipop incision, the incision is made around the areola and down to the breast crease. This is a good incision option for patients who are in need of a moderate reduction.

For women who need a significant reduction, the anchor incision is similar to the lollipop incision except the incision continues along the crease underneath the breast.

In both cases, the breast reduction will be accompanied by a breast lift to fully restore the shape and contour of the breast.

But women aren’t the only ones who struggle with the challenges of large breasts.


Male Breast Reduction

Did you know that around 65% percent of middle-aged and older men struggle with breasts that have a womanly appearance?

All men have breast glandular tissue. This is normal. But with the condition known as gynecomastia (which translated from the Greek means “woman-like breasts”), there is abnormal growth or excess breast tissue.

It turns out that fatty tissue in the chest is not sexist. It can gather in men in similar ways that it does in women. The degree to which this happens is dependent on factors including age, weight gain, and genetics.

What’s worse, it can be unresponsive to diet and exercise. So while the remainder of a man’s body might be toned and fit, he will still have breasts.  It’s an embarrassing situation.

Men in this situation can benefit from male breast reduction surgery to restore an appealing, more masculine appearance to their upper bodies.


Male Breast Reduction Procedure

Large male breasts can be caused by fatty tissue, excess glandular tissue, or a combination of both.

Male breast reduction is performed with liposuction to remove the excess fat followed by an incision around the areola to remove excess glandular tissue. Finally, the skin around the pectoral muscles is tightened to create a masculine physique.

It’s important to note that prior to male breast reduction, some lifestyle changes in diet and exercise may be necessary to ensure long-lasting results. These changes will also decrease the likelihood of male breast re-occurrence.


Could Breast Reduction Improve Your Life?

If you’re struggling with the challenges of overly large breasts, you don’t have to accept it as your destiny.

Breast reduction surgery can relieve the pain and/or embarrassment, while improving your physique, restoring your confidence, and creating a more balanced and proportional appearance.

So contact us today to set up a consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons.

And leave the embarrassment behind.

The Details on Removing and Replacing Breast Implants

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The majority of women who opt for breast augmentation are pleased with the changes they experience.

They feel good about themselves, their clothes fit better, and they have increased confidence.

Even so, there are times when removing and replacing breast implants may be recommended or even needed.

We’ll take a look at the reasons for breast removal and replacement, as well as what goes into the actual procedure.


Reasons for Removing and Replacing Breast Implants

As we said above, most women find that breast augmentation goes the distance in improving their lives.

There are times though where a woman may decide that she’s not satisfied with having implants and may just want them removed.

In other situations, women feel the implant size isn’t right – whether it be too large or too small. Or perhaps they want to switch from saline to silicone for a more realistic feel.

On occasion, breast augmentation complications can arise from the shape, size, texture, or positioning of the original implants.

And sometimes the problem is with the implant itself though. These include malposition, capsular contracture, implant leaking, implant rupture, or rippling of the implant.

In all of these cases, patients would opt for removal and replacement.


The Removal and Replacement Procedure

In order to get to the root of the problem, a board-certified surgeon schedules a consultation with the patient to perform a breast implant revision examination.

He or she then helps the patient determine which type of breast implants will be best. There are many factors that patients should consider when choosing breast implants.


  1. The Type of Implant

Patients who are unhappy with the results of their breast augmentation surgery may choose a different type of implant to garner better results.

The surgeon will discuss the benefits and risks of each type with the patient.


  1. The Texture of the Implant

Breast implants are available with smooth surfaces, round shape, or anatomic.

Smooth implants move more freely and are often used to replace textured implants that have rippled.


  1. The Size of the Implant

It’s not unusual for patients to choose an implant that’s too large then experience the complications that come from too large a breast implant such as over-stretching of the capsule, breast ligaments, and skin envelope.

The surgeon will recommend a size that will most complement your body shape and size to create a proportionate figure.


  1. The Cohesiveness of the Implant

There is a range of gel cohesiveness- or thickness and stickiness. Patients with capsular contracture may benefit from replacing with a higher cohesive gel.


Incision Options

The surgical procedure for replacing breast implants is essentially the same as the initial breast augmentation surgery.

The patient likely had one of the two common types of types of incisions for breast augmentation: periareolar and inframammary. There may also be a need to tighten the capsule and/or perform a simultaneous lift procedure.



This incision is made along the inferior border of the areola. The surgeon then inserts the implant in the breast pocket. This method offers excellent scar quality which is difficult to see after it heals at the junction between the pigmented areola and breast.

There is little risk of losing nipple sensation because the nerve to the nipple does not come through the skin. Instead, it travels along the ribcage and through the gland to the nipple. Breastfeeding should not be interrupted with any incision choice.



With this incision, the cut is made along the inframammary fold – which is the crease of skin underneath the breast. There is very little risk of losing nipple sensation with an inframammary incision.

In the case of both of these incision types, the surgeon will typically reuse the incision to remove and replace the implant.


Recovery after Removing and Replacing Breast Implants

To ensure no complications arise, patients are typically seen by the surgeon the day after the surgery.

Rest will be needed for 2-3 days following surgery. Then be prepared to take 3-5 days off from work and avoid any strenuous activity for 2-4 weeks.


Are You a Candidate for Breast Implant Removal and Replacement?

If you’re experiencing problems or just feel dissatisfied with your implants, contact us today.

It’s time to set up a consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons to discuss your options for removing and replacing breast implants.

We’ll help you find comfort and restore your confidence.