Postpone Early Retirement with Plastic Surgery

“Whether you’re a woman or a man who wants to turn back the clock on aging, plastic surgery and non-surgical procedures such as injections and fat grafts are becoming a top anti-retirement expense,” (Erin E. Arvedlund, 2015).

It has become a common fear among professionals that they will be let go from a job because they are too old or do not appear as pleasant as they once were. Many baby boomers are having work done to stay competitive in the workplace because we live in an ageist world.
Face-lifts, tummy tucks, eyelid lifts, and BOTOX have all become very common plastic surgery procedures for those trying to fight off retirement. You should never feel insecure about how you look, let alone when it concerns your profession. People in their 80s are asking for appointments for plastic surgery in order to keep working and keep up with the younger generations.
Star Plastic Surgery in Novi, Michigan offers many of these procedures including face lifts, eye lid surgery, breast augmentations, breast lifts, rhinoplasty’s, liposuction, and many others that can help prolong your feeling of security in the workplace.

2015 Hour Detroit Magazine’s Top Docs

Star Plastic Surgery is proud to announce that two of our doctors were mentioned in the 2015 Hour Detroit Magazines Top Docs List. Dr. Elan Reisin and Dr. Ellen Ozolins both received honors this year in the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery category. The winning doctors in the adult and pediatric specialist category are selected by votes cast from their peers.

We know that you have plenty of options when it comes to choosing a plastic surgeon in the metro Detroit area. Some cosmetic surgeons are fully qualified in plastic surgery, while others are simply doctors in other fields who offer a few cosmetic procedures.

Star Plastic Surgery in Novi, Michigan is the preeminent cosmetic surgery practice in the Metropolitan Detroit area. Star Plastic Surgery’s surgeons are Board Certified in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and are credentialed to perform all cosmetic surgery procedures at the area’s leading hospitals and off-site ambulatory surgical facilities.

All of Star’s surgeons have completed thousands of procedures including breast augmentation, breast lifts, tummy tucks, mommy makeovers, rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery, facelifts, breast reduction surgery and more. Star Plastic Surgery’s mission is to provide the highest degree of patient satisfaction by achieving the most successful surgical results.

Here is a link to the Top Docs list:

Star Plastic Surgery is located at 42450 West Twelve Mile in Novi, Michigan.

Which Plastic Surgery Procedures Require More PTO?

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Any time you have surgery, some (if not a lot) of your body’s tissue is manipulated. This means there is always going to be at least a small amount of time for your natural tissue vitality to be restored.

Patients considering a procedure who have a full-time job often inquire as to which plastic surgery procedures require more PTO.


It’s an important question because planning ahead is going to give you the best odds for faster healing. Especially for procedures that have a longer recovery time.

Some Plastic Surgery Procedures Require More PTO Than Others

In a previous post, we looked at procedures with the shortest average recovery times. We say ‘average’ because no two patients will ever have the same experience. Depending on a number of factors, some of the so-called ‘shorter’ recovery time procedures end up being longer than anticipated.

Nevertheless, we’ll look at some of the more complicated procedures here and what you can expect in terms of arranging for that paid time off.

  1. SMAS Facelift

A SMAS facelift is not to be confused with the simpler in-office or ‘lunchtime’ lift (also known as MACS). The SMAS facelift is considered by many surgeons to be the only true facelift, as it is more than just a skin-supported facelift.

With a SMAS facelift, muscle and connective tissue are manipulated. As such, the recovery time is much longer. Nurse care may even be required for the first night or two.

Generally speaking, it takes about two weeks before the bruising dissipates enough that makeup becomes effective. So if you’re choosing this procedure, start saving up those days now.

  1. Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

The tummy tuck is the next biggest contender for most PTO required after a procedure. Similar to the SMAS facelift, nurse care may be required for the first night or two.

Because of the complexity of this procedure, it is crucial to do sit-ups for at least six weeks. That doesn’t mean you’ll need to take six weeks off though! Most people do well by planning to take a week and a half to two weeks off.

You may find you’re ready to go back after five days or so. But whatever the case, you’ll still need to wear a compression garment and avoid heavy lifting for four to six weeks.

  1. Nose Job (Rhinoplasty)

The good news is, rhinoplasty doesn’t require aftercare nursing. And the pain will likely be mild for only a couple of days.

Unfortunately, the under-eye bruising is significant for a solid week – regardless of any efforts to conceal it. So if you’re in the public eye, the recommended time off for rhinoplasty is one week.

  1. Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

The general recommendation for time off after a BBL is three to seven days. It all depends on your ability to tolerate pain.

There is going to be swelling after a BBL procedure so you’ll be required to wear a compression garment for eight weeks. This also means that you shouldn’t sit or sleep directly on your buttocks for one to two weeks. You can sit on a donut cushion though and sleep on your side.

  1. Breast Reduction/Lift/Implants

Much like the BBL, the recommendation for time off after a breast reduction/lift/implant is in the three to seven-day range.

A breast reduction removes excess tissue and fat and raises the breasts without manipulation of the pectoralis major muscle. This fact means there will only be some discomfort – though you can expect swelling and bruising.

Additionally, in the case of a breast lift that does NOT require manipulating the pectoralis major muscle, the discomfort may also not last too long. The bruising and swelling could stick around for seven to ten days though.

Meanwhile, in an augmentation procedure where the implant is placed under the pectoralis major, there is going to be more discomfort for an average of four to seven days.

At the end of the day, the amount of time you opt to take off for any of these breast procedures will depend largely on your ability to deal with pain.

Be Realistic When Considering the Time Off You’ll Need

While the above plastic surgery procedures require more PTO than many others, it’s important to remain realistic about what you need during recovery.

There will be times post-op when you feel more discomfort than other times. You’ll want to prepare for those.

So if you’re considering a procedure, be sure to contact us to get the low-down on what you might expect from your own recovery based on how you specifically heal. Then you can more comfortably go from there.

4 Plastic Surgery Procedures With Shorter Recovery

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Life is busy these days. Sometimes overwhelmingly so. And time is of the absolute essence.

So when you glance over your self-improvement list, you may want to dismiss any sort of cosmetic surgery because, well, recovering from surgery takes a long time, right?

In fact, there are a handful of plastic surgery procedures with shorter recovery times that may just surprise you. And these procedures can also improve your professional and personal relationships.

Plastic Surgery Procedures With Shorter Recovery

If you’re considering a cosmetic procedure but have been putting it off because you’re dreading the recovery time, you may want to look over the following four procedures that require less time for recovery.

The most important thing to keep in mind with all of these procedures, however, is that there will always be variations in recovery times from one treatment to another. Patients who don’t bother to diligently follow their board-certified surgeon’s post-op directions are likely to experience longer recovery times.

  1. In-Office Facelift

Not all facelifts are created equal.

With an in-office facelift, there’s no need for general anesthesia. Instead, this less involved facelift uses local anesthesia. That fact alone cuts down on recovery time. And while there is minimal bruising and stitches, most patients can work from home in three to four days – with the bruises healing and the stitches removed usually within a week.

While the patient will need to hold off on strenuous activities and lifting heavy objects for two to three weeks, he or she can expect to resume their regular activities within a week or two.

  1. Brachioplasty

Brachioplasty is also known as arm lift surgery. It reduces excess sagging skin and localized fat hanging off the upper arm while tightening and smoothing underlying supportive tissue.

Also performed under general anesthesia, there are two types of brachioplasty. With a full brachioplasty, more skin and fat are removed. A modified brachioplasty does not require as much removal. Therefore, it is the one that will involve a shorter recovery time.

Unfortunately, not everyone is a candidate for the modified variation. For those who are though, they can expect to return to work and regular activities within a week.

  1. Localized Liposuction

We’ll start this one off with a disclaimer because recovery from this procedure depends wholly on the extent of the liposuction and the area of the body where you need work.

BUT if you’re wanting to get rid of love handles or small pockets of fat on the lateral thighs or abdomen, you can do so with localized liposuction. No need for general anesthesia here. Local anesthesia does the job in this case. And you can expect to be back to work within three or four days – though you’ll still need to avoid heavy lifting or vigorous activity for two to three weeks.

  1. Blepharoplasty

Finally, as complicated as cosmetic surgery around the eyes might seem, blepharoplasty is performed in one to two hours as an outpatient procedure. This cosmetic eyelid surgery procedure corrects drooping upper eyelids as well as puffy bags under the eyes.

A cold compress is applied in the first two hours after the surgery with minimal bruising resolving within a week. And eye makeup and contact lenses should be avoided for five to seven days. Beyond that first week though, patients can expect to resume strenuous physical activity within two to three weeks.

Be Kind to Yourself

Even when choosing one of the plastic surgery procedures with shorter recovery time, it’s important to give your body the care it needs while healing.

And, as mentioned above, it’s crucial you follow your plastic surgeon’s exact post-op specifications to keep recovery time at a minimum.

Given that, if you’re ready to explore a cosmetic surgery procedure, don’t hesitate to contact us for a free consultation. We’re excited to open you up to a new world full of possibility. And in less time than you may have imagined!

Is Combining Plastic Surgery Procedures Safe?

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Does the idea of combining plastic surgery procedures sound appealing to you? Well, you’re not alone.

One of the great things about plastic surgery is that combining procedures is not unusual. And if a patient has no contraindications and is healthy enough to remain under prolonged anesthesia, it’s quite safe.

This isn’t to say, however, that just any combination of procedures should be performed. And you want to ensure that you have a highly-skilled surgeon with experience in multiple surgeries.

Popular Plastic Surgery Combos

If you’re thinking you’d like to get a couple (or even three) areas taken care of at once, your plastic surgeon will offer recommendations and counsel you on the best next steps.

There are numerous pairings that can be performed. We’ll take a look at a few of the more popular ones.

  1. Mommy Makeover

The Mommy Makeover is the quintessential example of a combination of procedures. And it’s also one of the most popular choices among patients.

Pregnancy takes a toll on a woman’s body. Multiple pregnancies even more so. That’s why plastic surgeons developed this smorgasbord of procedures. There are several components and the combination depends on the patient’s unique goals.

For example, most women want to rid themselves of the abdominal flab that comes post pregnancy. In this case, they would choose a tummy tuck. Add to that, women who have lost breast volume may also opt for an augmentation and/or breast lift. In some cases, there may even be requests for vaginal rejuvenation.

Whatever the combination, women come out feeling more confident and better about their post-pregnancy bodies.

  1. Facelift with Blepharoplasty or Fat Transfer

The facelift procedure is also very popular. In the simplest terms, it’s a surgical reconstruction of the face to render a younger appearance. In cases where excess skin has developed around the eyelids, the facelift may be combined with a blepharoplasty, or eyelid lift. In this procedure, excess skin, fat, and muscles are removed to rejuvenate the appearance of the eyes.

In cases where a patient wants more volume in his or her face, there may also be a fat transfer surgery performed during the facelift procedure. This means that fat is harvested from areas of the body where there is excess fat and it is moved to the face.

(As an aside, fat transfer may also be performed during breast and butt lift procedures.)

  1. Tummy Tuck with Liposuction or Breast Enlargement

The tummy tuck is a popular procedure that’s often paired with other procedures. When patients are struggling with diet- and exercise-resistant fat, surgeons may recommend both a tummy tuck and liposuction. The tummy tuck creates a smooth contour while the liposuction vacuums out extra fat cells that could potentially become problematic.

Meanwhile, for patients who desire both a flatter belly and more voluminous breasts, a tummy tuck can be combined with breast enlargement. It’s the perfect combination.

Are There Particular Benefits to Combining Plastic Surgery Procedures?

If you stop to think about it, there are many logistics involved in a surgery. These include surgeon and anesthesiologist fees, operating room costs, and other expenses. Combining procedures saves you money.

Plus, going under anesthesia once is always preferred to multiple times as it reduces the risk of anesthesia-related complications. And your recovery period will be markedly shorter too because you’ll be healing from multiple procedures at once. So that means less down time.

Finally, there’s a lot to be said for achieving multiple goals at once. When you come out of the operating room having had multiple procedures, you’re going to notice much more dramatic (and ultimately satisfying) results. And it’s impossible to put a price on that.

Curious About Multiple Procedures?

Combining plastic surgery procedures is safe and highly effective when performed by a skilled and board-certified surgeon.

So if you have a certain combination in mind, contact us today to find out if it’s going to make sense for you.

Even though all procedures can’t be paired with others, you may be pleasantly surprised to find out yours can!

Is It Possible to Avoid Capsular Contracture?

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You may not think about it this way, but the body is an amazingly efficient machine. Every system works together to keep it running optimally.

So when a foreign body (such as a breast implant) is introduced into the “machine,” the body’s systems jump into action to create a capsule of scar tissue around it to keep the body protected. Unfortunately, that capsule can tighten over time and create a painful condition known as capsular contracture.

If you’re prepping for breast implant surgery, you may be wondering if there are ways to avoid capsular contracture.

Work ONLY With a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

There are preoperative requirements such as avoiding drugs, foods, and supplements that thin the blood for two weeks before the surgery.

But the foundation of avoiding capsular contracture starts with all of the details that go into how the procedure is performed. So it’s important you insist on a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in breast implantation.

First, a qualified surgeon may choose to place the implant under the chest muscle (a procedure known as sub muscular implant placement) if that’s an option. He or she will also be cautious to minimally handle the implant before implementation to reduce risk of bacterial contamination.

Additionally, an experienced surgeon will guide you to the proper size of implant that will suit you best. For example, if you have naturally smaller breasts and are looking to increase the size, your doctor will need to determine the size that your breast tissue can adequately cover. In other words, too large an implant can lead to capsular contracture.

Finally, the type of implant is also an important consideration. Textured surface gel implants appear to reduce the risk of capsular contracture. As opposed to smooth implants, the body has a harder time forming thick scar tissue around it. Even so, textured implants aren’t ideal for everyone.

How Can YOU Prevent Capsular Contracture?

One of the very best things you can do to prevent capsular contracture after surgery is to perform a daily breast massage. Your board-certified plastic surgeon will likely recommend this and can verbally explain how to massage the region safely and/or provide instructional materials.

It’s important to understand that massage can help prevent the capsule from tightening, but there’s no guarantee that it will stop the process.

There are further actions you can take (or not take, as the case may be):

  1. Avoid Heavy Lifting or Repetitive Arm Motion

It takes around six weeks for the body to form the capsule after breast implant surgery. So it’s crucial during that time that the tissues of the pectoralis muscle are protected from repetitive or intense motion. That means you’re off the hook for any heavy lifting (over 20 pounds) or activities such as vacuuming or raking.

  1. Steer Clear of High Impact Activities

You may be happy to get out of housework or yard work for six weeks. But if you’re a fitness enthusiast, you may not feel so excited. Especially if you love playing tennis or golf, running, or doing any other exercise that requires jumping or swinging of the arms. You’ll need to find something lower key during that time.

  1. Request An Antibiotic Prophylaxis During Dental Visits

This may sound odd, but when you get your teeth cleaned, the scraping can potentially force bacteria into the tiny blood vessels of the gums and then into the blood stream. Presence of bacteria in the blood stream can cause the body to go into defense mode similar to that from after your surgery and lead to capsular contracture. So let your dentist know that you’ve had implant surgery.

Ultimately, if you can work it out as such, it’s much better to schedule all of your dental work (including cavities, root canals, implants, etc.) prior to augmentation surgery.

Set Up Your Free Consultation

Are you considering breast implant surgery? Contact us today to set up a free consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons.

Entrusting your breast implant surgery to a highly skilled plastic surgeon is your first best move to avoid capsular contracture and get the results you desire.

What Are the Latest Advances in Plastic Surgery?

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Plastic surgery, like everything else in life, is constantly evolving. Yet, there are those who avoid plastic surgery based on antiquated notions of what it is.

So if you’re interested in a procedure for yourself but are wondering about the latest advances in plastic surgery, we’ll take a look at how the face of the industry is changing. (No pun intended.)

Drainless Tummy Tuck

Once upon a time, getting a tummy tuck meant you were going to have to deal with the inconvenience of two or even three drains and their wires coming off your body post surgery. Yeah. Pretty draconian stuff.

Plus, there was always the possibility of bacteria entering through the portal entries of these drains and wires. Not anymore.

With the development of progressive tension sutures, surgeons now advance the skin flaps down toward the incision line so there’s no longer a fluid-gathering space that requires drains. Furthermore, the sutures create a much more aesthetic scar too.


When an ophthalmologist in the 1990s discovered that treating people with a tight eyelid condition with Botox injections also smoothed wrinkles, Allergan Pharmaceuticals bought the medication and effectively entered the aesthetics game.

Over the course of the next several decades, they grew into a company that now makes treatments including “medical aesthetics”.

Today, Allergan breast implants are among the most popular for their round implants that deliver a fuller look. They also make tissue expanders to be used in reconstructive breast surgery.

Sciton Laser

In the past, resurfacing the skin involved CO2 lasers and intense heat that could cause pigmented lesions and scarring to those with pigment-elevated skin types. As such, those with darker pigmentation found it difficult to get effective treatment for conditions such as wrinkles, dyschromia, hyper-pigmentation, and pigmented lesions.

But Sciton lasers use halo technology for laser resurfacing. An ablative laser targets very small pathways in the skin while leaving the area around it untouched. Meanwhile, a non-ablative laser drills little thermal holes into the skin. Recognizing these as injuries, the skin is triggered into elastin and collagen production.

Halo not only smooths out wrinkles, but it’s key in the prevention of future wrinkles. And since it doesn’t generate the same level of heat, it is effective on darker skin types.


Wouldn’t it be great if you could get an intense workout while relaxing? It might sound too good to be true, but one of the greatest technological advances in the field of aesthetics is Emsculpt.

You simply relax back onto a table while a small device is strapped over the area you’re targeting. Meanwhile, you’re given guidance on ways to breathe and relax through the session.

As power from the device slowly increases, your muscles begin to contract, creating an intense vibration. After a few contractions, the machine switches over to a tapping action. This helps to break down the lactic acid your muscles produced during the contractions.

At the end of 30 minutes, you’re done. You’ll probably feel it the next day in the same way you would an intense workout. Within two to six weeks after the last session, you’ll see a difference.


We all know by now how well narcotics help patients manage pain. But they also have side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, constipation and nausea. Then there’s also the serious risk of addiction – as is evidenced by the current opioid epidemic.

Thus, responsible plastic surgeons have turned to Exparel as a long-lasting extended release anesthetic to ease the pain during early recovery.

It’s similar to getting a shot at the dentist to numb the pain. Exparel is administered at the end of the surgery before the patient is awakened. It’s either done prior to closure by the surgeon by direct injection into the nerves behind the muscle, or by the anesthesiologist by way of TAP lock after closure. It simply blocks the nerves of the area during the procedure to create numbness.

And it continues to provide pain control for up to three days. No, it doesn’t eliminate the pain during recovery, but it reduces the need for narcotics by about 2/3.

So Many Advances in Plastic Surgery

Of course, the above advances in plastic surgery are just the tip of the iceberg. Plastic surgeons continue to be educated in new procedures such as power assisted liposuction and surgical procedures that incorporate no-touch techniques.

So if you’re feeling more confident about getting a desired procedure, contact us today. There’s no commitment. You’ll just start with a free consultation to help ease you into the idea.

Then from there, the choice is yours.


Brazilian Butt Lift

Brazilian Butt Lift

A flat, uneven backside can limit your clothing options and leave you feeling less voluptuous and womanly. Alone, a shapely, symmetrical and rounded buttock can be achieved through a buttock lift. Combined with other body contouring procedures, a butt lift can provide you with a firmer, more youthful looking lower body.

At Star Plastic Surgery, our Metro Detroit area plastic surgeons know how important it is to feel comfortable in your skin. We offer proven methods such as the Brazilian butt lift to produce a contoured, full buttock that can expand your clothing options and restore symmetry to your backside.

Surgical Candidates


Brazilian Butt Lift FAQs

Trending Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

trending cosmetic surgery procedures
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) released its annual report which states the most popular cosmetic procedures as of late. Butt lifts have increased astronomically in the past 15 years with an increase of 252 percent. This could be related to the celebrity involvement of stars such as Nicki Minaj and Kim Kardashian, who have been known for their exteriors. “The ASPS calls 2015 a “year of the rear”; on average, there’s a buttock augmentation procedure performed every 30 minutes of every day,” (Wolfson, 2016).
From Kylie Jenner’s enlarged lips to Ariel Winters breast reduction, celebrities have been making plastic surgery news as of late. This has increased the level of interest in plastic surgery amongst young women. Along with these popular procedures, breast lifts have increased 89 percent in the past 15 years, which still makes it one of the most popular procedures in the United States.
            When you choose Star Plastic Surgery for your Michigan cosmetic plastic surgery needs, you are choosing respected, dedicated surgeons with proven results. Call 248-735-3800 or contact us on our website today to see how we can provide you with the stunning results you deserve.