How Fat Removal Helps with Diabetes

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Are you considering liposuction to remove stubborn fat that won’t go away with diet and exercise?

If so, it’s entirely possible that you could experience another benefit beyond looking and feeling better about yourself.

You may be able to reduce the risk of diabetes with liposuction. And if you’re already diabetic, fat removal helps with diabetes by lowering your insulin resistance.


What Is Insulin Resistance?

It’s well-known that type 2 diabetes is closely linked to obesity and it begins with insulin resistance. Insulin is an important hormone that regulates blood sugar levels.

In the case of insulin resistance, the pancreas continues to make insulin, but the body doesn’t recognize or use it properly. This condition can often be controlled with pills.

But insulin resistance doesn’t have to lead to type 2 diabetes. Weight loss and exercise are the usual go-to methods stopping it in its tracks. And these continue to be necessary.

However, researchers are finding that liposuction could be a valuable addition.


Studies Show Health Benefits of Liposuction

Back in 2011, researchers conducted a study that measured the triglyceride levels and white blood cell counts in a group of over 300 liposuction patients. Post surgery, they found a reduction in both these levels.

This is good news because elevated levels of triglyceride are linked not only to a higher risk of diabetes, but to heart disease and stroke as well. And the results were the same for men and women.

But the decrease in the white blood cell count is encouraging as well. High white blood cell counts are also linked to diabetes, as well as coronary artery disease, obesity, and hypertension.

The conclusion was that if liposuction, along with an improved diet and more exercise, can improve your white blood cell counts, it could offer a big boost to your health.


Research Continues on How Fat Removal Helps with Diabetes

There continues to be mounting evidence that liposuction has a more positive impact on changing insulin metabolism than a pill. And it has to do with the removal of subcutaneous fat – or fat that’s under the skin.

Liposuction is only able to remove subcutaneous fat. Visceral fat that exists deeper in the body is not impacted by liposuction.

At one time, the overriding belief was that there was no connection between insulin resistance and the removal of subcutaneous fat. But that was before the large-volume liposuction that’s available now.

In fact, in one study, large-volume liposuction was used to remove an average of 12 pounds of subcutaneous fat from 14 healthy but overweight premenopausal women. Of those 14, half had some level of insulin resistance.

Just six weeks later, each woman was down one to two clothing sizes and lost an average of about 12 pounds and 12 inches. Even more importantly, they had lowered their levels of insulin resistance.

When tracked for an entire year, they were able to maintain that lower weight and improved insulin resistance.

It appears that using liposuction as a means to combat type 2 diabetes is especially effective in patients who have gained 20 or 30 pounds over a relatively short period of time such as during pregnancy or while recovering from an injury.


Motivation to Stay Healthy Increases after Liposuction

Another benefit of choosing a fat removal procedure is the effect it will have on your attitude toward diet and exercise. Because liposuction gives you a newly sculpted body, you’ll feel more confident about going to the gym or fitness classes.

For most patients, liposuction proves to be the trigger they need to change their lifestyles toward improved diet and more exercise. Once they look and feel better, they’re more inspired to maintain that.


Could Liposuction Have Health Benefits for You?

You can certainly opt for the liposuction procedure simply to look and feel better about yourself. That’s reason enough.

But knowing that fat removal helps with diabetes and other conditions, liposuction may have even farther-reaching results.

Whatever your reasons for fat removal, we will custom tailor your procedure to deliver the results you desire.

So contact us to schedule your free consultation. And get the body you want – inside and out.

Can You Have Plastic Surgery to Reduce Back Pain?

The short answer is yes.

In our last post, we discussed how a tummy tuck procedure can help correct poor posture and ease back pain by strengthening and supporting the spine.

But an abdominoplasty isn’t the only plastic surgery to reduce back pain.

In fact, one of the most obvious ways to decrease pain in the back is by reducing the load on the front. Hence, the breast reduction.


The Drawbacks of Large Breasts


Preference in breast size is very personal. Some women are quite comfortable with an A-cup, while others feel more at home with something larger. That’s part of the reason breast augmentation exists.

But when breasts that are too ample wreak havoc on a woman’s quality of life, she may seek out a plastic surgeon to find relief for her chronic back pain and other large-breast-related health issues.

In some cases, patients are young women who developed large breasts during puberty. This is not an ideal time for this to occur because not only are the bones in the spine and neck not yet developed enough to support that kind of weight – but neither are the muscles in the shoulders and the back.

Other times, patients are older women whose breasts didn’t return to their original size after having children. Instead, they may be heavy and pendulous, causing discomfort.

Whatever the case, women with large breasts often have to deal with many negative repercussions. They have difficulty buying clothes that fit well and may even avoid certain social situations. They also avoid exercising because larger breasts can impede what others regard as regular movements in an exercise regimen.

In addition, they’re subject to uncomfortable rashes between and under their breasts.

Furthermore, the weight of their breasts pulling on bra straps can cause the skin to breakdown in their shoulders and create scabs, scars, and ridges there. But it’s usually back, neck, and shoulder pain that brings them to the plastic surgeon’s office.


How Is Back Pain Experienced?

The type of back pain and degree to which women experience it can vary. For some, the pain is dull, achy, and chronic, and remains mostly in the lower back.

For others, it’s more of a stinging or burning pain that moves from the low back to the backs of the thighs. From there it may travel to the lower legs or feet. The pain is often increased after prolonged sitting or standing.

In some cases, there may be muscle spasms or tightness in the back, pelvis, and hips. And some women report tingling or numbness in the hands or along the sciatic nerve.

The pain can start suddenly, or slowly develop over time. Sometimes it will come and go, but seems to get worse over time. But at the end of the day, women who seek plastic surgery for back pain have reached a point where they can no longer enjoy certain things because of it.

Breast reduction surgery is the ideal option for them.


What to Expect from Breast Reduction Surgery

When you make the decision to get a breast reduction, you’ll consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who will ensure that you fully understand the surgery, follow-up care, and the expected outcome. This will garner the most positive experience.

During the procedure, the surgeon will remove extra skin and excess breast tissue to make the breast more proportionately sized. He or she will then reposition the breast and the nipple and perform a breast lift to give your breast a fuller and more contoured appearance.

In addition, a long-acting pain medication is inserted between the pectoral muscles in the chest to ease you into recovery.


The procedure is outpatient, so you go home the same day. You’ll be prescribed a combination of pain relievers, anti-inflammatories, and muscle relaxers which will help shorten the recovery time.

For the first six weeks, you’ll need to wear a support bra both day and night. But you’ll be able to return to work and your regular activities in two to three weeks. And in just three months, you’ll be able to shop for your favorite bra in your new cup size!


Is Plastic Surgery to Reduce Back Pain an Option for You?

If you find that excess fatty tissue around the abdomen or in your breasts is putting too much strain on your back, then plastic surgery to reduce back pain might be right for you.

Contact us today to talk with one of our highly skilled plastic surgeons. We’ll discuss your options so that you can find relief and get back to your life with new confidence and vigor.

The Health Benefits of a Tummy Tuck

The Health Benefits of a Tummy Tuck

Do you struggle with back pain that comes from poor posture?

As much as you might try to sit or stand up tall and straight, it doesn’t seem to help. Before you opt for back surgery though, you may want to consider a tummy tuck.

It may sound counterintuitive. How could a tummy tuck possibly ease your back pain?

We’ll explore this aspect of the procedure, along with the MANY other health benefits of a tummy tuck.

Benefits of the Drainless Tummy Tuck

Benefits of the Drainless Tummy Tuck

  1. Improves Abdominal Tone

If you’ve experienced a pregnancy or extreme weight loss, your stomach muscles may have become distended. The muscles are no longer able to adequately tighten to pull the belly in and give it that taut appearance. And no amount of diet or exercise is effective.

One of the benefits of a tummy tuck is that it not only removes excess skin and fat to flatten the belly, but it also tightens those weak and distended muscles to improve abdominal tone.

Aside from giving you a flatter stomach, improving your abdominal tone leads to better posture. When the abdominal muscles are weak, they’re not able to give the spine the support it needs. This often results in a curving of the spine called lordosis – more commonly known as “sway back.”

Following a tummy tuck though, it’s common for patients to notice that their posture has significantly improved. And with improved posture comes less strain on the spine and relief from certain types of back pain.

So that’s how a tummy tuck can help relieve back pain. But what about the other health benefits of a tummy tuck?


  1. Helps with Obesity Recovery

It’s important to note that a tummy tuck is not considered a weight-loss procedure. Typically, only a few pounds of tissue are typically removed. But research shows that having a tummy tuck can help previously obese patients maintain a healthy weight.

According to the medical journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Swiss researchers found that bariatric patients who received surgery to reduce the size of their stomach were more likely to keep the weight off when they combined it with a tummy tuck.

In fact, patients who combined the two procedures regained an average of only a pound per year. By contrast, bariatric patients that didn’t opt for body-contouring procedures gained an average of four pounds per year.

Researchers speculate that the tightening of the abdominal muscles compresses the stomach, thereby reducing its capacity and increasing the ability to feel full after meals.

Managing weight and avoiding weight gain is especially important when it comes to those with diabetes. Since weight has a significant effect on the occurrence of insulin resistance, considerable weight loss renders the body more efficient in utilizing the insulin it produces.

By lowering insulin resistance, some diabetic patients are able to alter and more easily manage their previous medications.


  1. Reduces Stress Urinary Incontinence

Many women (and some men) experience “leakage.” Especially when they cough, sneeze, laugh or exercise. This bladder control problem is referred to as Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI).

SUI occurs when the pelvic floor gets stretched, weakened or damaged and no longer sufficiently supports the bladder and urethra. Pregnancy and childbirth can cause it, but so too can excessive coughing or nerve injuries to the lower back or pelvic surgery.

Most of the time, SUI is treated without surgery. Several studies have indicated, however, that in more severe cases a tummy tuck can aid in recovery. During the procedure, soft tissue near the pelvic area is used to create a slight bladder obstruction. The result is an obvious reduction in incontinence.


  1. Increases Exercise Tolerance

While increasing your ability to exercise harder and more frequently isn’t technically a medical benefit, the results of doing so have a direct impact on one’s health.

Removing excess skin and strengthening the abdominal muscles can certainly make exercise easier. You’re able to do exercises you weren’t able to before. But just as importantly, it increases your self-esteem and confidence at the gym.

In fact, it’s not unusual for patients who undergo a body contouring procedure to be more motivated to stick to an exercise regimen. Their clothes fit better and they feel more comfortable in their workout setting with their slimmer waistline and newly contoured shape.

A regular exercise regimen also decreases anxiety and depression. So it’s a win-win all around.


  1. Corrects an Umbilical or Ventral Hernia

A hernia happens when the muscles inside the abdomen weaken in one spot and allow for a loop of intestine or abdominal tissue to push through the muscle layer.

When a ventral hernia occurs at the site of a surgical scar, it is called an incisional hernia. Some patients who have open abdominal surgery will develop a ventral hernia at their incision.

If the hernia occurs at the navel or belly button, it’s referred to as an umbilical hernia. This can occur with or without a prior incision.

If an umbilical or ventral hernia is encountered during a tummy tuck surgery, it can be repaired. Strengthening and restructuring the abdominal wall also decreases the likelihood of another hernia forming and requiring emergency surgery.


Take Advantage of the Health Benefits of a Tummy Tuck

While getting a tummy tuck is sure to boost your confidence and leave you feeling better about yourself, it could do so much more.

So contact us today to find out if the many health benefits of a tummy tuck apply to you.

And start looking and feeling better!





Boosting Self Esteem with Plastic Surgery

Do you have an area of your body that you wish looked different?

Are you tired of people telling you to just embrace it when its sheer presence is enough to ruin your day?

If you’re feeling that upset about it, then chances are it’s impacting your self-esteem.

You don’t need to let low self-esteem negatively affect all of the other areas of your life.

Boosting self-esteem with plastic surgery is the perfect solution. And there are added benefits that go beyond just feeling better about yourself.


Study Backs Positive Impact of Plastic Surgery

A research study published in Clinical Psychological Science found that people who chose to undergo plastic surgery were able to experience greater self esteem, a higher sense of satisfaction, and more overall joy in life.

The study looked at nearly 550 first-time patients, as well as over 260 people who’d always wanted plastic surgery but had opted not to get a procedure.

These two groups were then compared to more than 1,000 people who never held any interest in cosmetic surgery. Controls were put in place to ensure there were no differences in terms of mental health and overall life satisfaction.

Plastic Surgery Patients Showed Increase in Self Esteem

In psychological tests, it turns out that those who went under the knife had higher self-esteem, experienced less anxiety, and felt healthier overall when compared to those who had not had plastic surgery.

In addition, those who opted for the surgery were not only more pleased with the “problem area” that was addressed, but they were happier with their bodies as a whole.

And the perks and positive outcomes don’t stop there.


Benefits of Improved Self Esteem

Patients who are self-conscious enough to choose surgery often struggle with the negative impact their appearance has on their social lives.

So it makes perfect sense that after surgery, they’d have a newfound confidence and be able to shed a great deal of the anxiety and insecurity that once dominated their lives.

This increase in confidence and self-esteem has a trickle-down effect that affects other areas of their lives too. For instance, they may decide to start a diet and/or begin and exercise regimen to add to their “upgrade.”

There are other ways too.

  1. Increased Ambition

An increase in self-esteem often translates to an increase in ambition too.

With a more ambitious spirit and attitude, people are likely to seek out new relationships and adventures that they may not have in the past.

They feel more confident when looking to increase their social network or get more involved in their community – both of which boost happiness.

There’s also a good chance they’ll start setting goals they formerly wouldn’t have considered. This is especially true when it comes to their occupation.

Which brings us to our next point…


  1. Better Job Performance

It might sound simplistic, but when patients choose to improve their appearance, they often see an improvement in their job performance as well.

Because they feel better about themselves, they believe they’re capable of achieving more. There’s an increase in focus and a willingness to take on tough projects.

They may even be ready to take on leadership positions that will allow them to be more involved with their company and possibly make more money.


  1. Improved Interactions with Others

One of the most rewarding aspects of improved self-esteem is the impact it has on relationships.

When a patient chooses plastic surgery to improve his or her appearance, they’re more likely to get favorable treatment from others in both their professional and social lives.

This isn’t because people only want to associate with those who look good. It has to do with the increased confidence that comes with improving one’s appearance.

Someone who’s pleased with how they look is going to present a more positive attitude and naturally draw others into his or her circle.


Is Boosting Self Esteem with Plastic Surgery Right for You?

If you’re unhappy with some aspect of your physical appearance, then there’s nothing wrong with boosting self-esteem with plastic surgery.

Everybody wants to look their best. And you only have one life to live, so why not make the most of it?

Contact us today to speak with one of our board-certified surgeons. And find out how you can increase your confidence, enhance your overall happiness, and boost your self-esteem with one of our procedures.

The Details on Removing and Replacing Breast Implants

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The majority of women who opt for breast augmentation are pleased with the changes they experience.

They feel good about themselves, their clothes fit better, and they have increased confidence.

Even so, there are times when removing and replacing breast implants may be recommended or even needed.

We’ll take a look at the reasons for breast removal and replacement, as well as what goes into the actual procedure.


Reasons for Removing and Replacing Breast Implants

As we said above, most women find that breast augmentation goes the distance in improving their lives.

There are times though where a woman may decide that she’s not satisfied with having implants and may just want them removed.

In other situations, women feel the implant size isn’t right – whether it be too large or too small. Or perhaps they want to switch from saline to silicone for a more realistic feel.

On occasion, breast augmentation complications can arise from the shape, size, texture, or positioning of the original implants.

And sometimes the problem is with the implant itself though. These include malposition, capsular contracture, implant leaking, implant rupture, or rippling of the implant.

In all of these cases, patients would opt for removal and replacement.


The Removal and Replacement Procedure

In order to get to the root of the problem, a board-certified surgeon schedules a consultation with the patient to perform a breast implant revision examination.

He or she then helps the patient determine which type of breast implants will be best. There are many factors that patients should consider when choosing breast implants.


  1. The Type of Implant

Patients who are unhappy with the results of their breast augmentation surgery may choose a different type of implant to garner better results.

The surgeon will discuss the benefits and risks of each type with the patient.


  1. The Texture of the Implant

Breast implants are available with smooth surfaces, round shape, or anatomic.

Smooth implants move more freely and are often used to replace textured implants that have rippled.


  1. The Size of the Implant

It’s not unusual for patients to choose an implant that’s too large then experience the complications that come from too large a breast implant such as over-stretching of the capsule, breast ligaments, and skin envelope.

The surgeon will recommend a size that will most complement your body shape and size to create a proportionate figure.


  1. The Cohesiveness of the Implant

There is a range of gel cohesiveness- or thickness and stickiness. Patients with capsular contracture may benefit from replacing with a higher cohesive gel.


Incision Options

The surgical procedure for replacing breast implants is essentially the same as the initial breast augmentation surgery.

The patient likely had one of the two common types of types of incisions for breast augmentation: periareolar and inframammary. There may also be a need to tighten the capsule and/or perform a simultaneous lift procedure.



This incision is made along the inferior border of the areola. The surgeon then inserts the implant in the breast pocket. This method offers excellent scar quality which is difficult to see after it heals at the junction between the pigmented areola and breast.

There is little risk of losing nipple sensation because the nerve to the nipple does not come through the skin. Instead, it travels along the ribcage and through the gland to the nipple. Breastfeeding should not be interrupted with any incision choice.



With this incision, the cut is made along the inframammary fold – which is the crease of skin underneath the breast. There is very little risk of losing nipple sensation with an inframammary incision.

In the case of both of these incision types, the surgeon will typically reuse the incision to remove and replace the implant.


Recovery after Removing and Replacing Breast Implants

To ensure no complications arise, patients are typically seen by the surgeon the day after the surgery.

Rest will be needed for 2-3 days following surgery. Then be prepared to take 3-5 days off from work and avoid any strenuous activity for 2-4 weeks.


Are You a Candidate for Breast Implant Removal and Replacement?

If you’re experiencing problems or just feel dissatisfied with your implants, contact us today.

It’s time to set up a consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons to discuss your options for removing and replacing breast implants.

We’ll help you find comfort and restore your confidence.

Star Plastic Surgery and COVID-19

We are living in unprecedented times.

Right now with the spread COVID-19, people are nervous, apprehensive, and honestly, not sure what to expect.

With the steadily increasing barrage of announcements regarding closures and cancellations, it’s difficult to know whether to leave the house.

To assuage your concerns, to some extent, we feel it’s imperative to provide you with all the information about Star Plastic Surgery and COVID-19.


As of March 14th…

Star Plastic Surgery will continue to operate on its normal schedule.

As of the publication date of this post (March 14th), our office is not considered to be at risk. To our knowledge, none of our staff or patients has contracted the virus.

We are diligently following CDC guidelines for the cleaning of our facility.

It is our standard protocol to sanitize all surfaces of our patient rooms and operating room with medical-grade cleaner before and after EVERY SINGLE PATIENT TREATMENT.

We remain vigilant in wiping down and disinfecting ALL surfaces in our lobby, restrooms, and throughout the entire office suite during our hours of operation. Our operating rooms and all equipment is terminally cleaned following the standards of the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC).

In addition, our suite is professionally cleaned and sanitized each night.

To keep patients healthy, we are also adhering to the strict CDC guidelines for social distancing in the context of healthcare.


Patient Care Provided to Healthy Patients Only

In order to maintain wellness among our staff and patients, we require that any staff member or patient who is not feeling well to remain home.

COVID-19 symptoms mimic those of the flu and other viruses.

So if you are experiencing any flu-like symptoms and have or recently had a fever, please don’t take any chances. We are happy to reschedule your appointment. THERE WILL BE NO FEE TO RESCHEDULE.

By the same token, should a staff member who is scheduled to provide your service(s) experience any symptoms at all, they will be required to stay home.

In this event, we will contact you to reschedule your appointment.


Star Plastic Surgery and COVID-19

It’s important to remember that even though we may feel distanced from one another, we are all in this together.

We thank you in advance for your support in our Star Plastic Surgery and COVID-19 initiative to keep our patients and staff healthy!

Please know that during a consultation, your questions about how Star is responding to COVID-19 will be answered and thoroughly addressed.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Wishing you the best of health during these tough times.


Dr. Elan Reisin, Medical Director
Star Plastic Surgery
Novi, Michigan

The Benefits of Adding PRP to Cosmetic Procedures

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When you glance in the mirror every day, are you finding an increasing number of age spots and sun spots settling in with fine lines and wrinkles?

Maybe you’ve noticed your pores have grown larger, your skin tone has become uneven, and/or acne scars are more noticeable.

Then, of course, there’s the thinning hair and the inevitable reduced elasticity of the skin.

What’s a person to do?

It’s time to consult with a plastic surgeon about a PRP facial with microneedling, PRP injections and/or PRP hair restoration.


So What Exactly Is PRP?

PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma.

To get a grasp of how PRP works, it’s important to understand how platelets contribute to healing.

The blood is comprised of red blood cells and plasma that contains white blood cells and platelets. When you get a cut or other wound, platelets rush to the injured site to stop bleeding and promote healing through collagen growth. They’re the first responders, as it were.

When researchers made this discovery, they theorized that extracting concentrated platelets and injecting them into damaged areas of the body might accelerate healing.

And it worked!

As a result, orthopedic doctors working with athletes have successfully used PRP to treat injuries to the tendons, muscles, and ligaments for quite some time now.

So it only makes sense that the world of plastic surgery is incorporating PRP to accelerate healing in several cosmetic procedures including facials and hair restoration.

Sometimes PRP is used simply as a filler or implanted into the skin with Halo Laser treatment. Often though, it’s used with microneedling.


How Does PRP Work with Microneedling?

Let’s start by addressing what microneedling is.

With this procedure, fine needles are stamped over the skin to create several invisible, tiny puncture wounds on the top skin layer. This is typically done on the face, but can be done on other parts of the body as well.

When the skin is pierced, the immune system is triggered for disinfection of the wounds, removal of debris, and enhancement of blood flow. It immediately begins to create new tissue.

From there, the new granulation skin cells rebuild the wounds to form a fresh network of blood cells. Wounds are soon replaced by newly created blood vessels and tissue.

The turnover of skin cells produces an increase in elastin and collagen production. This, in turn, both prevents and reverses the signs of aging skin.


Adding PRP to Microneedling

The addition of PRP appears to make microneedling more effective, since both treatments stimulate collagen growth.

The patient is required to give a blood sample before the procedure. The sample is then placed in a spinning centrifuge that separates the PRP from the rest of the blood.

After that, the PRP collected from the patient’s blood is needled into the dermis with the microneedling device; essentially attacking the problem in two layers – beneath the skin and on top of it.

The cytokines, proteins, and growth factors in the PRP help the skin to repair itself more quickly.


What about PRP for Hair Restoration?

This is still a relatively new procedure, but the results have been positive.

There’s no microneedling involved, but the actual process is meticulous. A board-certified plastic surgeon or RN makes PRP injections across the scalp – approximately every half inch over the area where the hair is thinning.

Even so, the entire procedure usually takes less than 30 minutes.

Downtime is minimal and a warm shower afterward can help to enhance blood flow and circulation throughout the scalp.

Candidates who’ve found the most success at this point are those with early hair loss – and particularly patients with androgenic alopecia. This is when hair thins along the top of the head. In women, it usually appears as a widening part, while hair maintains its normal thickness at the back of the head.


Could PRP Be Magical for You?

If you’re troubled by looking older or have thinning hair, then PRP with microneedling or for hair restoration could be just the secret formula you’ve been seeking.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us. You’ll consult with a plastic surgeon who will guide you through the best PRP procedure for you.

Demystifying Liposuction and Liposuction 360

You may have a concept of what liposuction is. But do you really know what liposuction is?

Despite it having been around for a long time now, a lot of people are still unclear on just exactly what liposuction is or how it works.

And as the field of plastic surgery has evolved and expanded, so too have liposuction procedures. For instance, Liposuction 360 brings a whole new dimension to the procedure.

In other words, today’s liposuction is not your grandma’s liposuction.

So let’s dive in and see what’s happening in the wild world of liposuction these days…


What Is Liposuction?

When you struggle with large deposits of fat in the thighs, abdomen, chest, arms, buttocks or neck that are unresponsive to diet and exercise, it can be incredibly discouraging.

This is particularly the case if you’re continually engaged in strenuous exercise and simply seeing no results. Plus, the extra weight makes your workouts even more challenging.

Removing that fat via liposuction can help. And the procedure is fairly straightforward.

Small incisions are made in the treatment area. Then a board-certified plastic surgeon inserts a cannula, or thin hollow tube, through the incisions to expand the space where fat is deposited. The fluid infiltrated also has anesthetic properties and helps constrict blood vessels making the procedure more comfortable, while decreasing postoperative bruising and intraoperative blood loss.

From there, a surgical vacuum is used to loosen and suction that problematic fat out of the body. Reducing that excess fat results in a slimmer body contour and restored confidence.

As an additional bonus, the fat cells or adipose tissue removed during liposuction can be repurposed if needed. For example, the fat can be transferred and injected into areas of the breast to improve shape and contour.

This provides patients a natural alternative to breast augmentation. Rather than using implants, they are able to enhance breast tissue using their own tissue.

The phenomenal success rate of liposuction procedures has made it one of the most popular forms of plastic surgery.


Are You a Good Fit for Liposuction?

The most effective way to determine if you’re a candidate is through a one-on-one consultation with a plastic surgeon.

Generally speaking though, the best candidates are those with localized accumulations of fat in specific areas.

But what about if the fat you want to remove isn’t quite so localized and affects multiple areas of the body?

That’s where Liposuction 360 comes in.


What is Liposuction 360?

Liposuction 360, known more simply as Lipo 360, is a surgical procedure that’s conducted 360 degrees around the body.

Lipo 360 uses ultrasonic, laser or power-assisted technology to selectively dislodge body fat so that it’s easier to remove. By dislodging the fat, surgeons can remove it more consistently – minimizing trauma and force.

Most commonly, Lipo 360 refers to decreasing the waistline in a 360-degree fashion.

The procedure is performed in two stages around the body.

Beginning with the back, the surgeon removes excess fat in upper back rolls and the lower waist, as well as bra fat and lower back fat. Arm liposuction may also be performed.

In the second stage, the patient is turned over for the abdomen and flank liposuction. Depending on the situation and the amount of loose skin remaining, the patient may require a tummy tuck as well.

Inner and outer thighs may be contoured as well.

Those with excess fat deposits in these areas can benefit from this procedure – though the ideal candidate is in overall good health, has healthy skin with good elasticity, and is of average to moderate weight.


Enhance Your Natural Contours with Liposuction and Lipo 360

So there you have it.

Whether you’re looking to remove excess fat from one “problem” area, or think you could benefit from a more comprehensive Lipo 360 procedure – with or without additional procedures – we’re here to help.

Contact us today to consult with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons. They will advise you on the best procedure(s) that will result in the best you.

Then prepare to celebrate your body this summer!

Could You Benefit from an Arm or Thigh Lift?

Have you experienced substantial weight loss?

Whether this weight loss was intentional or the result of some other situation, it may have left your arms and thighs drooping with excess skin.

Regardless of how much you may exercise, it just doesn’t seem to disappear.

If that sounds like you, it could be time to look into an arm or thigh lift.


What Is an Arm Lift?

If the skin under your arms is sagging as a result of weight loss or aging, you may feel uncomfortable wearing a wide array of cute and comfortable summer clothing.

You may even opt for long sleeves during the summer – which leave you hot and uncomfortable during those days or weeks of intense heat.

And forget about donning a bathing suit.

You may be able to ditch the long sleeves this summer and show off your arms again with an arm lift. Also known as brachioplasty, this surgical procedure removes excess fat and skin from your arms.

It can be done alone or in addition to other body contouring procedures.


Are You a Candidate for Brachioplasty?

If you’re a non-smoker who has maintained a stable and healthy weight, and you don’t have any medical conditions that could impair healing, you’ll want to set up a consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons.

The particulars of your arm lift will depend on your unique needs. The removal of excess fat with liposuction in conjunction with skin removal will allow the surgeon to tighten the sagging skin to the muscles of the arm.

The size of the incision and the amount of skin removed will depend on your specific body type. The surgeon will work closely with you to help ensure a desirable final outcome.

You’ll need to wear elastic bandages after the surgery to minimize swelling. As swelling subsides, results will continue to improve.

Whatever the case, it’s important to follow the surgeon’s specific aftercare instructions to ensure optimal recovery.


What Is a Thigh Lift?

Just as substantial weight loss and aging can leave the skin under the arms droopy, so too can they impact the thighs.

When the thighs have excess skin, cellulite, or loose tissue, it can be difficult to find clothes that fit well. It’s even more difficult to find stylish clothes.

In cases such as these, many patients opt for a thigh lift.

A consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons can help to determine which type of procedure is right for you.


Different Types of Thigh Lifts

For optimal results, thigh lift procedures are frequently performed along with liposuction.

Our surgeons perform tumescent liposuction which is more effective, safer, and less painful than traditional liposuction. It also has a quicker recovery time. The result is almost no scarring, minimal downtime, and a drastic improvement to the silhouette.


Inner Thigh Lift

If you have excess loose skin or fat in your upper thighs, your surgeon may  recommend an inner thigh lift.

With this procedure, a crescent-shaped incision is made that stretches from the back of the mid-thigh to the front. The surgeon can then remove excess skin and fat to create a slimmer thigh appearance.

Scarring is minimal and can generally be hidden beneath clothing.


Extended Inner Thigh Lift

For those with extremely loose skin, muscles, and fat on their thighs, there is the extended inner thigh lift.

Just as the name implies, this procedure is an extended version of the inner thigh lift. Using a T-shaped or L-shaped incision, however, the surgeon is able to remove significantly more excess fat and skin.

While the scar in this case will also bear that T-shape or L-shape, any scarring can usually be concealed with clothing.

Whichever procedure your surgeon deems most appropriate for you, it will be important to follow your surgeon’s specific recovery instructions to ensure optimal outcomes.

The first two weeks of recovery, patients are advised to perform only light activities. Driving and walking for exercise can be resumed after those two weeks.


Bring back Defined Arms and Legs with an Arm or Thigh Lift

When diet and exercise just aren’t doing the trick, you can always turn to one of our highly trained plastic surgeons for an arm or thigh lift.

If you maintain a healthy lifestyle, you should see long-lasting results.

So that means you can enjoy your summers in comfort and with a new found confidence – year after year after year.

Contact us today to get started.

Improve Your Appearance with a Facial Implant or Fat Transfer

When you glance in the mirror at your face, does it look like a stranger is glancing back at you?

If insufficient bone structure over time has left you with flat cheeks, a recessed chin or an under-defined jawline, it can be really disheartening. And it only seems to get worse over time.

Perhaps your issue is more with facial creases, laugh lines, smile lines, and/or hollowing of the temples. These also get deeper and more defined as the years pass.

You can virtually turn back the hands of time with a facial implant or fat transfer to the face though.

So Is a Facial Implant or Fat Transfer Better?

Well, that depends on your situation.

If you’re affected by problems such as a small chin, weak jaws, or imperfect contours, facial implants are recommended to give your face a symmetrical and balanced appearance.

Fat transfer, on the other hand, is a very versatile technique where fat is taken from areas of your body with excess fat and injected into your face to restore youthful volume. It can also help with jaw definition as well as a wide range of other conditions.

A highly-skilled plastic surgeon is able to use fat transfer to expertly sculpt your face for a beautiful, natural enhancement.

We’ll take a look at each procedure in more detail.

Facial Implants

Along with restoring facial proportions that have changed with age, facial implants can also correct facial deformities as a result of injury or congenital conditions.

Facial implants are placed on top of the bones in targeted problem areas. They provide optimal contour and shape to three primary areas on the face:

1. Cheeks

If you suffer from uneven or unattractive cheeks and are seeking a more defined and higher cheekbone profile, this implant option can greatly improve the overall appearance of your face.

2. Chin

In the case of a recessed or small chin, these implants accentuate the entire lower half of your face by bringing shape and definition to your chin for a more contoured appearance.

3. Jaw

To enhance the definition of your profile, jaw implants are inserted along your jawline to bring your jaw into ideal proportion with the rest of your face.

If you’re looking for a profound and dramatic change to the shape and size of your face, your plastic surgeon may also recommend you combine facial implants with other procedures such as rhinoplasty.

Fat Transfer

Fat transfer is a good option for patients who have lost facial fat over the years. It’s also ideal for those who’ve had a facelift and wish to increase lost volume in the face.

This procedure delivers natural-looking results with quick results and no scarring.

There are three main steps in the fat transfer procedure:

• harvesting
• purification
• transfer

First, the area selected for fat removal is injected with a local anesthetic. A small incision is created and liposuction is used to remove the excess fat.

Once the needed amount of fat is extracted, it’s processed and prepared to be transferred. It is also purified and then transferred into small syringes.

Finally, the area to be treated will then be prepared, and the harvested fat is injected to create the desired facial appearance.

Within three to five days, most patients can return to their daily lives with a fuller, softer, and rejuvenated facial appearance. It’s that easy.

Could Your Face Use a Pick-Me-up?

A consultation with one of our board-certified surgeons can help you determine if a facial implant or fat transfer is the best solution for you.

And with the quality patient care you’ll receive as part of the Star Plastic Surgery Advantage, you can rest assured that we’ll help you determine which procedure will provide you with the most appealing results.

So don’t hesitate. Contact us today.