Breast Lifts with Implants or Auto-Augmentation?

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Are you less than satisfied with the appearance of your breasts?

Have weight gain and/or loss, pregnancy, age, or even genetics left your breasts sagging and lacking firmness? Perhaps you’ve noticed that your nipples point downward.

These are not uncommon – especially as women grow older. This is precisely why the breast lift procedure was created.

It restores self-confidence while leaving women feeling more comfortable and appealing. Plus, it expands their clothing options!

What Is a Breast Lift?

With a breast lift, your board-certified plastic surgeon will manipulate existing breast tissue in order to lift and tighten your breast.

The result is a more contoured breast that reduces excessive sagging, drooping, and minor assymetries.

There are several incision options when it comes to a breast lift.

A circumareolar incision is made around the border of the nipple. It is the least invasive and best for women with a small amount of sagging.

For patients with a moderate degree of drooping, the lollipop incision is often the best option. This incision is made around the areolar border and down to the breast crease.

Finally, the anchor incision is the most common. Made around the areola, down to the breast fold, and along the crease of the breast, it’s the top choice for women with significantly drooping breasts.

The incision required for your breast lift will depend on what technique is necessary. Your plastic surgeon will discuss with you which incision will provide optimal aesthetic results.

Should You Add Breast Augmentation?

While a breast lift is relatively effective on its own, many women opt to add breast augmentation to a breast lift to add even more volume and firmness to their breasts.

The two procedures complement one another. And having them done simultaneously lessens the amount of time a patient has to be under the knife and then in recovery.

This does not mean, of course, that you would be required to add augmentation. You’re more than welcome to get just a breast lift.

It’s just that many women find it more beneficial to include augmentation.

Should you choose to go that route, there are two different offerings for breast augmentation.

1. Breast Augmentation with Implants

Breast augmentation is a cosmetic surgery procedure where a plastic surgeon places silicone or saline implants into the breast in order to enhance size, shape, and volume.

Though it’s often for women who hope to increase the size of their breasts, it can also benefit women who want volume or shape enhancements.

Women whose breasts are sagging after pregnancy or significant weight loss may also choose this surgery to restore the perkiness and fullness of the breasts.

Results from this procedure will vary depending on a number of factors including your body shape and size, as well as the material you choose for your implants. These are all issues that will be discussed with the surgeon ahead of time.

2. Auto-Augmentation Breast Lift

This procedure is similar to a traditional breast lift.

The surgeon typically starts with an anchor incision on the lower part of the breast.

What makes this procedure different is that after the excess skin’s outer layer is removed, the breast tissue is adjusted. It’s then tightened to create a firmer, perkier mound.

From there the skin is closed around the newly tightened gland to deliver more youthful-looking breasts.

Within two weeks, most women are back to their regular activities with restored confidence and vigor.

Wondering If a Breast Lift is Right for You?

If you’re tired of feeling down about sagging or drooping breasts, then it’s time to explore what a breast lift could do for you.

The best way to determine candidacy for a breast lift – either with or with-out augmentation – is through a one-on-one consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons.

So contact us today. And rest assured in knowing that our surgeons use only proven surgical techniques and take the time necessary to ensure you’re comfortable and satisfied with your results.

New Year Means New January Specials at Star Plastic Surgery

The holidays are over and now it’s time to shift your focus to your goals for this new year.

If one of those goals is to spruce up your tired or sagging appearance, then there’s no time like the present.

Let the new January specials at Star Plastic Surgery be just the motivation you need.

We’re offering a variety of both surgical and non-surgical procedures to kick off the new year.

Surgical Procedures

If you’re committed to going the whole nine yards to get a new you this new year, then you’ll want to take a look at the specials we’re offering this month on the following surgical procedures:


  1. Facelift

Did you know that your facial skin loses elasticity as you age?

The skin’s inability to bounce back can cause the cheeks to sag alone the jaw bone and create fleshy jowls or even a double chin.

As time goes on, the cheek fat might sag further forward and increase the appearance of the nasolabial folds in that parenthesis area between the nose and corners of the mouth.

It’s a sure sign of aging. But a facelift can reverse these signs of aging. So come on in and take advantage of $2000 off a Facelift at Star Plastic Surgery.


  1. Mommy Makeover

Pregnancy and nursing can take a real toll on your body. It can result in loss of breast volume, separated abdominal muscles, stretch marks, and weight gain.

And all of this can leave you feeling less confident about your appearance. So go ahead and restore your pre-pregnancy body in January and save $2000 on a Mommy Makeover!


  1. Liposuction of the Neck

Do you find yourself using scarves, shawls, turtlenecks, or anything you can find to hide a droopy or wrinkled neck?

Then you’re the perfect candidate for neck liposuction. This minimally invasive procedure is designed to eliminate excess fatty tissue under the chin and along the neck.

It will add contour and definition to the neck while providing long-lasting results with very little downtime.

And right now, Liposuction of the Neck is just $3950!


  1. Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation places either saline or silicone implants to increase fullness and projection of the breasts.

It can be done for reconstructive purposes, such as after an injury or mastectomy for breast cancer, or for cosmetic reasons to enhance self-image and self-confidence.

Both silicone and saline implants involve a silicone shell with a smooth surface. But you can discuss with your board-certified plastic surgeon which option is right for you.

Our January special allows you to restore the fullness of your breasts with Breast Augmentation for only $4750 with saline implants, or $5750 with silicone implants.


Non-Surgical Procedures

If you’re not yet ready to commit to a full surgical procedure, we’re offering plenty of non-surgical procedures at a discounted rate to welcome in the new year:

  1. Emsculpt

Keeping your abs toned and firmed can feel next to impossible.

And who has the time or the energy to do 20,000 sit-ups and crunches each day?

It turns out, you do. Because that’s exactly what 30 minutes of Emsculpt can do for you.

And all you need to do is lay back and relax. Right now, get 25% off Emsculpt during the month of January.


  1. Halo Laser Treatment

Laser resurfacing can bring new fullness and glow to your skin. And the latest technology – Halo Laser Treatment – is second-to-none.

Halo is the first fractionated laser that uses ablative and non-ablative technology simultaneously to trigger collagen and elastin production. These are key in minimizing the formation of wrinkles.

So Halo not only smooths out wrinkles, but it prevents future wrinkles and skin tension lines too. So smooth things out this January and enjoy 20% off Halo Laser Treatment.


  1. BBL Therapies

Multiple broadband light (BBL) therapy procedures and energy can be utilized to deeply heat dermal collagen. This, in turn, initiates the body’s natural healing process and creates a renewed collagen foundation for firmer skin.

Plus, the skin will be clearer and more free of blemishes.

These therapies include Forever Young, Forever Clear, SkinTyte, and Forever Bare. During the month of January, enjoy 20% off any of these BBL procedures.

Welcome a New You with January Specials at Star Plastic Surgery

Don’t let the new year get away without taking advantage of the January specials at Star Plastic Surgery.

And get ready to ring in a brand new you!

For more information and to schedule a consultation, contact us today. We look forward to sitting down with you and seeing how we can make this year the best one yet.

The Benefits of Rhinoplasty or Septoplasty

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There’s a good chance you’ve heard the term “nose job.” And you may already know that rhinoplasty is the medical term for a nose job.

A nose job might include removal of the nasal hump, reshaping of the nasal tip, reshaping or resizing of the nostrils, or increasing or decreasing the nose’s overall size, projection, and rotation.

But you may not know about septoplasty. This is also a term for the correction of a deviated septum. The septal cartilage may also be used for grafting during the cosmetic portion of a rhinoplasty.

While each procedure is different, both result in a better-looking and/or more functional nose for increased confidence.

So we’ll take a look at the benefits of rhinoplasty or septoplasty, or both.

Nose Job in Michigan


The Nitty Gritty on Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is considered one of the most common cosmetic procedures in the world. But it’s still important that it be performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon who is experienced in the rhinoplasty.

The nose is a complex structure made of delicate cartilage, bone, mucosal lining, and skin. Even a small change to one part of the structure will impact the rest of the nose. Thus, if there’s to be a natural and functional outcome, rhinoplasty requires expertise.

Rhinoplasty is an outpatient procedure that generally takes 1.5 to 3 hours to complete. There are both closed and open rhinoplasty.

In closed rhinoplasty, incisions are made within the nostrils. By contrast, in open rhinoplasty, an incision is made across the tissue between the nostrils as well as within the nostrils.

These incisions heal well and are barely visible once healing is complete.

Recovery after Rhinoplasty

Most patients experience mild to moderate discomfort after surgery. This can typically be controlled with medication.

There will also be some possible bruising under the eyes. And patients should expect to wear a splint outside of the nose for about a week. This can make it awkward to be in social settings.

But the splints are necessary to protect the nasal bones and cartilage, as well as to limit the swelling of the skin.

After the procedure, patients will need to avoid strenuous activity for two weeks, contact sports for 4-6 weeks, and wearing glasses for 4-5 weeks.

What Is Septoplasty?

The bone and cartilage that divides the space between your two nostrils is known as the septum.

A deviated septum is the term for a crooked septum. Someone with a deviated septum can have difficulty breathing through the nose and may be at a higher risk for sinus infections due to poor drainage.

Septoplasty is a surgical procedure that straightens that bone and cartilage. The septum is repositioned to the middle of the nose. Portions of the septum may be used to augment the nose or narrow the tip.

To do this, the surgeon may need to cut and remove parts of the nasal septum before reinserting them in the proper position. But once a septoplasty is healed, the patient usually finds that it’s easier to breathe.

Recovering from Septoplasty

Because septoplasty with a rhinoplasty is a bit more involved than rhinoplasty alone, patients may have a few more restrictions. This will depend on the extent of your surgery. Occasionally, a splint is placed inside the nose after septoplasty.

To decrease the chances of bleeding and swelling, you need to elevate your head when you’re sleeping, wear clothes that don’t need to be pulled on over your head, avoid strenuous activities for up to four weeks, and don’t blow your nose for several weeks.

It’s a small price to pay though for being able to breathe more fully and easily. And within 2-3 months after surgery, the nasal tissues are relatively stable. While most of the swelling is gone in the first month, 100% of swelling resolution can take up to one year.

Could the Benefits of Rhinoplasty or Septoplasmy Serve You?

Whether you’re unhappy with the appearance of your nose, or you’re having trouble breathing, you will likely reap the benefits of rhinoplasty or septoplasty.

So contact us today to learn all about your options.

Your surgeon will consider a customized plan to modify your nose in a way so that it appropriately suits your face and allows you to breathe more freely.

It could be life-changing for you.


Winter Specials at Star Plastic Surgery

While you’re busy running around getting gifts and preparing for the holidays, why not give yourself the gift of a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance?

This is the perfect time to do it.

Not only will your body and skin be able to recover under the privacy of sweaters, leggings, and other heavy winter clothes, but we’re offering some fantastic specials too!

So take a look at our winter specials at Star Plastic Surgery.



Surgical Specials

If you’re looking to make some big changes, we have a few great specials available this winter.

1. Mommy Makeover w/Emsculpt®

For many women, there is no amount of dieting or exercising that can bring back that pre-pregnancy body. But our Mommy Makeover can.

Every Mommy Makeover is custom-tailored to fit the patient’s specific needs. You consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to develop an individualized plan to improve those confidence-draining changes that have lingered after your pregnancy.

And Emsculpt® is one of the newest modalities to enter the world of nonsurgical procedures for fat-reduction. It uses non-invasive high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy to implode fat cells while simultaneously building muscle. And it requires no needles, no incisions, and no anesthesia.

Right now, get $2000 off a Mommy Makeover OR a free Emsculpt pack-age postoperatively (worth $3000).


2. Breast Augmentation

Would you like to increase the fullness and projection of your breasts?

At Star, we perform breast augmentation for reconstructive purposes, such as after an injury or mastectomy for breast cancer, as well as for cosmetic reasons to enhance self-image and self-confidence.

Our winter specials include Breast Augmentation for $4850 (saline only) with a $750 uncharge for silicone. Or get Breast Augmentation with a lift and free saline implants. Upcharge to silicone for just $1000.


3. Liposuction

If you’re looking to get liposuction on several areas of your body, there is no time like the present. Especially with the impact the holidays can have on the body.

Right now, get liposuction on one area of your body and you’ll get the second area at 50% off. Add a third area and you’ll receive 75% off. And if you have a fourth area, it’s free!


What about Non-Surgical Specials?

If you’re looking for some serious rejuvenation to your skin without having to go under the knife just yet, we’ve got some great specials.

1. Halo™ Laser

Halo™ Laser is the first fractionated laser that uses ablative and non-ablative technology simultaneously. What does that mean? Essentially, you’re able to take 10-15 years of sun damage off in just one visit.

Get 20% off Halo™ Laser treatments (sold individually or in a package).


2. BBL® Treatments

BBL stands for Broadband Light. This therapy uses wavelengths of light to address various imperfections of the skin and hair follicles.

Examples of our BBL treatments include:

• Forever Young – Skin rejuvenation that removes age spots, freckles, redness, small vessels, and more.

• Forever Clear – Cutting edge acne treatment leaving you with clear, healthy, radiant skin.

• Skintyte – Treats any area of the body where improvement is desired, giving patients a firmer, more youthful appearance.

• Forever Bare – Revolutionary technology for hair removal that’s safe, fast, and comfortable.

Right now, get 20% off the above BBL therapies (sold individually or in a package).


The Fine Print on Our Winter Specials at Star Plastic Surgery

Of course, you’ll need to be a candidate for the chosen treatment.

And it’s important to understand that specials cannot be combined with other specials or discounts and you must purchase treatment within the timeframe.

Deals may exclude certain treatment providers. And finally, services are not transferable between people.

So are you ready to take advantage of our winter specials at Star Plastic Surgery? (Yes, you are.)

Contact us today to give yourself the gift of renewed confidence and enthusiasm.

And we’ll throw in some good cheer, absolutely free!

Benefits of the Drainless Tummy Tuck

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Are you hesitating getting a tummy tuck?

It might help you to know that nearly 130,000 tummy tuck procedures were performed in 2017 alone. And the numbers keep rising each year.

This is partially due to the technological advancement of the drainless tummy tuck.

Once upon a time, in the not-too-distant past, recovering from tummy tuck surgery could be a daunting enterprise that required weeks of discomfort and inconvenience.

But that’s not the case anymore.


Benefits of the Drainless Tummy Tuck


Doing Away with the Drains

Abdominoplasty – the doctorly term for a tummy tuck – is a surgical procedure that reduces excessive fat and skin around the abdomen and reconstructs the abdominal wall musculature.

In response to this procedure, the body builds up fluid between the newly lifted tissue and the abdominal wall. For many years, drains were the standard solution to rid the body of this fluid.

But they weren’t a great solution.

Patients would wake up from surgery to find they had to manage two or even three drains. These drains could clog or the hoses sometimes crimped. They were also a portal entry for bacteria and patients couldn’t shower with them.

Aside from the sheer inconvenience, they were also difficult to hide behind clothing – making recovery all the more restrictive and awkward.

If that weren’t enough, doctors found that oftentimes, the places where the drains left the skin were often very sore and tender.

Fortunately, there is no longer a need for those cumbersome drains.


Progressive Tension Sutures

Progressive tension sutures make it possible to shower and dress with relative ease after a tummy tuck procedure. Also known as quilting stitches, they enable the patient to completely do away with drainage tubes and dangling drains.

So how do they work?

Well, rather than placing drains in the space beneath the lifted and repositioned tissue, a skilled surgeon advances the skin flaps down toward the incision line to eliminate the space created during the procedure.

This decreases the tension on the final line of closure, which creates a much more aesthetic scar.

Because the sutures are on the inside, they keep the flap held down against the muscular wall – eliminating the need for drains. And all of this means a smoother and faster recovery.

Especially when used in tandem with Exparel.


What Is Exparel?

We’re glad you asked!

As with any surgery, the first three or four days following it will be the most painful.

Until now, narcotics have been the most effective medications for keeping post-surgical pain under control. But the side effects of narcotics are dizziness, drowsiness, constipation and nausea. Then there’s the risk of addiction – which has become epidemic in the U.S.

That’s why responsible plastic surgeons are now using a long-lasting anesthetic drug called Exparel to help to ease some of that pain during early recovery.

Much like getting a shot at the dentist to numb the pain, Exparel blocks the nerves of the abdomen during the procedure.

Exparel is administered at the end of the surgery before the patient is awakened. It can be done prior to closure by the surgeon by direct injection into the nerves behind the muscle, or by the anesthesiologist by way of TAP lock after closure.

When the patient comes out of surgery, much of the abdominal area is numb.

But unlike a dental numbing, Exparel then continues to provide pain control for up to three days. While it doesn’t eliminate the pain during recovery, it greatly reduces (by about 2/3) the amount of narcotics a patient would usually require.

And the fewer narcotics, the better.

Since tummy tucks have become so much more streamlined and recovery is much easier, many people choose to add liposuction.


Adding Liposuction to Your Drainless Tummy Tuck

Why schedule two separate surgeries when you can get it all done at once? One surgery, one recovery period.

The sheer convenience might be enough reason for you to consider this. But having your plastic surgeon get rid of that exercise-resistant fat while eliminating loose skin and repairing tissue is really the biggest benefit of adding liposuction to your tummy tuck.

It’s the ultimate way to maximize your waistline contouring to eliminate love handles and give that hourglass shape.


Boost Your Confidence

Whether you opt for a drainless tummy tuck with or without liposuction, you’ll still get fantastic results.

New advancements in plastic surgery have made recovery so much easier, so why not contact us today to schedule your free consultation?

Getting rid of that excess skin and flab will have you feeling lighter, breezier and just more confident in your own skin.

The Simplicity of Sciton JOULE Cannot Be Beat

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Introducing the Revolutionary Sciton JOULE

Although it might sound like something from a science-fiction flick, the Sciton JOULE is actually a platform that involves multiple different laser and light modules.

These modules allow for a wide variety of aesthetic and surgical procedures – all in a single system.

So it’s no wonder that dermatologists, board-certified plastic surgeons, and other skincare professionals love it. The Sciton JOULE is completely adaptable, expandable, and scalable.

And that’s good news for clients who opt for this treatment.

It means that every component of the platform can be adjusted and customized in a way that’s most beneficial to both the client and he operator.


What Does the Sciton JOULE Target?

The Sciton JOULE provides procedures such as laser resurfacing and Broadband Light (BBL) to treat wrinkles, dyschromia, hyper-pigmentation, pigmented lesions, facial and leg veins, and even unwanted hair.

It is also one of the first treatments that’s effective on darker skin types.

In the past, resurfacing that involved CO2 lasers and intense heat could cause pigmented lesions and scarring to those with pigment-elevated skin types.

But since the Sciton JOULE doesn’t use CO2 lasers or generate that same level of heat, it can be used on virtually every skin type. (Though it should be noted that rather than doing a single treatment for resurfacing, two to three less aggressive treatments might be required for very dark skin.)


Before After Sciton Joule

Broadband Light Therapy

Multiple broadband light (BBL) therapy procedures can be used with the Sciton JOULE.

Shorter wavelengths of BBL can attack p-acne bacteria on the skin’s surface and in the sebaceous gland. This is helpful for men, women, and teenagers who experience regular or adult hormonal acne, as well as acne associated with a woman’s hormonal cycle.

Another unique technology delivers light therapy to target the signs of aging and sun damage.

BBL energy can also be utilized to deeply heat dermal collagen which initiates the body’s natural healing process and creates a renewed collagen foundation for firmer skin.


Laser Resurfacing

When BBL therapy is not enough, the Sciton JOULE can perform fractional resurfacing.

Unlike with field resurfacing where an area of skin is targeted, the fractional resurfacing laser removes pinpoint columns of skin and leaves surrounding tissue intact.

This action more rapidly initiates the body’s wound healing response and collagen stimulation.

Shallow depth resurfacing, known as a micro laser peel, is recommended for treating sunspots, fine lines, and just plain tired-looking skin. Meanwhile, deeper fractional treatment is ideal for acne scars, stretch marks, mild to moderate wrinkles, and post-traumatic or surgical scars.

The HALO laser treatment procedure brings these two together as the first hybrid laser that’s a combination of both ablative and non-ablative fractional resurfacing.

The overall benefits of Sciton JOULE include increased patient comfort, shorter healing times, and results that are highly individualized and range from subtle to dramatic.


Healing from JOULE

Because there are different modules used for each treatment, the amount of downtime will depend on the condition being treated.

With broadband light therapy, there is little to no downtime required.

In terms of laser resurfacing, if the procedure requires only a shallow depth (as in a micro laser peel), a cooling device is used and the process is relatively painless. It usually requires 2-3 days of downtime.

For the deeper fractional treatments, the procedure often involves the use of numbing creams and requires 5-10 days of recovery time.

Obviously, there is very little that the Sciton JOULE can’t achieve in terms of skincare procedures.

From micro laser peels and fractional resurfacing, to non-invasive liposuction and even hair removal, find out what the Sciton JOULE can do for you.

Contact us today for a free consultation.



Should You Get a HydraFacial or a Chemical Peel?


It all depends on what you’re trying to address.

There are actually three types of chemical peels – superficial, medium, and deep – and they are used to reduce common imperfections in the skin.

Meanwhile, the HydraFacial is a patented multi-step medical-grade resurfacing treatment.

Interestingly enough, one of those steps is actually an extremely mild peel. So in a way, the two procedures are related.

But when it comes down to deciding whether a HydraFacial or a chemical peel will be right for you, it helps to understand the differences between the two.

hydrafacial in Michigan


The Hydrafacial Procedure

The HydraFacial is an extremely effective way to clean and clear out your pores. But it also hydrates the skin.

The first order of business with the HydraFacial treatment is to cleanse the skin by removing the dead skin cells and excess sebum from the skin.

Next comes a very mild peel. A mix of salicylic and glycolic acids are applied to the skin to break up any oil or dirt that’s clogging your pores without causing the skin to peel.

Finally, a pen-like device called the HydraPeel Tip basically vacuums out blackheads, dirt, oil, and impurities. Meanwhile, hydrating serums are simultaneously applied to plump and nourish the skin.


How It Differs from Microdermabrasion

Perhaps you’ve heard of microdermabrasion.

It’s a very effective procedure that uses micro-crystals to exfoliate the skin. But the crystals can be irritating for those who are prone to acne or have sensitive skin.

By contrast, HydraFacial uses water as the exfoliating medium. So it’s essentially like a facial and microdermabrasion all in one.

Plus, you can discuss with your skincare professional ways to incorporate add-ons or boosters to customize your HydraFacial.


Recovery from HydraFacial

HydraFacial has minimal side effects.

Beyond a little redness immediately following the treatment, there is almost no downtime.

You just need to allow your skin to rest for a day so that you can absorb all of the benefits of the facial. Then the next day, you can pop out of bed, put on your makeup, and return to your everyday activities.


So Should You Get a HydraFacial or a Chemical Peel?

The HydraFacial is wonderful for cleaning, resurfacing, and hydrating your skin.

But if you’re looking to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth and under the eyes, or you want to remove spotting from sun damage, aging, or genetics, the chemical peel is a better option.

It can even treat certain types of acne.

With a chemical peel, a solution is applied to your entire face that causes the surface layer of the skin to blister and peel off. This prompts your body to generate more collagen which results in a new layer of healthier skin that’s clear of blemishes.

A superficial peel only penetrates the outermost layer of skin.

A medium peel uses stronger chemicals to reach the outer and middle layers of skin to remove damaged skin cells.

And finally, a deep peel fully penetrates the middle layer to ensure the removal of deeply damaged skin cells.


Recovery after a Chemical Peel

The recovery time for a chemical peel will depend on which type you have.

Superficial peels require one to seven days to heal. Lotion or cream can be applied during healing and makeup can usually be worn the next day.

Medium peels require a longer recovery time. They typically take 1-2 weeks to heal – with swelling worsening for the first 48 hours. Ointment needs to be applied and sun exposure is prohibited until healing is complete.

Finally, a deep peel requires 2-3 weeks to heal and the treated area will be bandaged. Skin will require soaking, ointment, and thick moisturizers as healing continues. Sun exposure should be avoided for 3-6 months.


Bring New Life Back into Your Face!

To determine whether you’re better suited for a HydraFacial or chemical peel, contact us today for a free consultation.

Once you discuss all your options with one of our skincare professionals, you’ll be ready to take the next step toward glowing and younger-looking skin.

Don’t hesitate!


The Huge Benefits of Halo Laser Treatment

Are you an avowed sun-worshipper?

The sun is great. It provides Vitamin D, increases the production of serotonin, and is vital for all life on the planet.

It’s not so great for the skin though.

In fact, life in general can be rough on the skin. Right along with the sun, environmental factors, acne, and aging can take their toll on your skin.

Fortunately, laser resurfacing can bring new fullness and glow to your skin. And the latest technology – Halo Laser Treatment – is second-to-none.

There are so many benefits of Halo Laser Treatment, you’ll want to make it a regular part of your skincare regimen.


What Makes HALO So Special?

Well, it’s a pretty big deal because it’s the first fractionated laser that uses ablative and non-ablative technology simultaneously.

Sounds impressive, but you’re probably wondering what all that means.

Halo Laser Treatment Before After

Without getting too technical, an ablative laser targets very small pathways in the skin while leaving the area around it untouched. It’s similar to when your aerate your lawn.

While all of that is happening, the non-ablative laser drills little thermal holes into the skin. The skin recognizes these as injuries, which in turn triggers collagen and elastin production.

Collagen and elastin are key in minimizing the formation of wrinkles.

So Halo not only smooths out wrinkles, but it’s key in the prevention of future wrinkles.


The Benefits of Halo Laser Treatment

Patients treated with Halo can expect remarkable results in just 1-2 treatments, versus the 5-6 treatments that were often required by older non-hybrid technology.

Plus, the shorter recovery time with Halo is not punctuated by the severely swollen and sometimes scary “raw-meat” face that often resulted with the older technology. (The lengths we once had to go to for beauty!)

By targeting both the epidermis and dermis, the hybrid laser is capable of the following:

  • minimizing the appearance of pore size
  • helping correct sun damage/dyschromia
  • lessening presence of pigmented lesions
  • treating scars (including those from acne and actinic keratosis)
  • cutting down on brown spots
  • smoothing wrinkles and fine lines
  • evening out skin texture and tone

Halo can be performed on most skin tones and can resurface about 25 – 30% of the skin. And the treatment itself is pretty comfortable.


What Goes into a Halo Treatment

Receiving a Halo treatment is rather like getting a very controlled sunburn. As such, it should be noted that you cannot go suntanning for 4-6 weeks before this treatment.

Your board-certified plastic surgeon will consult with you before the procedure to determine the problems you want to address and what areas you’d like to target.

Although Halo is most commonly used on the face, other areas of treatment include the neck, chest, arms, legs, and hands.

Before the actual treatment is performed, a topical anesthetic will be applied to the area to be worked. This must sit on your skin for 45 minutes to an hour to ensure that it is completely numbed.

Some patients choose to add an oral anti-inflammatory as well such as Motrin, Advil or Tylenol.

Once the skin is numbed, the board-certified plastic surgeon uses the halo to first measure surface area of the skin to be treated so the amount of energy needed for delivering the treatment can be calibrated.

This is done to ensure that he or she knows exactly how far down to go to address your issues.

Then the procedure itself is fairly simple.

You’ll just lay back and close your eyes while the surgeon performs the laser resurfacing. Once it’s over, you’re free to go home.


Recovering from Halo

Generally speaking, the side effects from Halo are minimal. There may be some redness, swelling, and/or tenderness that can relieved with a cold compress post-treatment. It usually takes 1-3 days for these to subside, and 3-5 days for full recovery.

The majority of patients are able to return to work or other everyday activities the next day after a mild treatment. And makeup can be applied after just 24 hours.

Most patients notice a smoother and more youthful-looking complexion in 2-5 days. And these improvements will gradually continue as collagen and elastin production are boosted.


Is Halo Laser Treatment Right for You?

While having two milder Halo treatments in the first year is more than enough to brighten skin and maximize preventative aging, you may prefer to opt for one deeper rejuvenation as well.

One of our award-winning surgeons can perform a full facial analysis to give you an in-depth consultation about your options, then create a customized plan to meet your goals. So contact us today!

And then get ready to experience the many benefits of Halo laser treatment for yourself.


Is It Time to Get a Facelift or Neck Lift?

How comfortable are you in your skin?

If you look in the mirror and see jowls, facial folds, deep wrinkles, and other signs of aging, it could be impacting your self esteem.

Not everyone buys into the euphemism of “aging gracefully.” Especially if you’re dissatisfied with how your face is aging.

If you’re unhappy with your appearance, it could be time to get a facelift or neck lift from a board-certified plastic surgeon.

But what do these procedures entail exactly? Let’s take a look.


Facelift - Michigan


Full Facelift

Your facial skin loses elasticity as you age. Without the ability to bounce back, the cheeks begin to sag along the jaw bone, creating fleshy jowls and often a double chin.

As time goes on, the cheek fat may then sag further forward and increase the appearance of the nasolabial folds in that parenthesis area between the nose and corners of the mouth.

But a facelift can reverse these signs of aging.

A facelift is known medically as a rhytidectomy. It comes from the Ancient Greek rhytis, meaning “wrinkle”, and ektome, meaning “excision.” Essentially, it’s the surgical removal of wrinkles.

Today, one of the most effective procedures is the SMAS facelift. A SMAS facelift is more involved than a skin only facelift, which does not last.

The SMAS, or superficial muscular aponeurotic system, is one of the most important structures for the face. The SMAS is a continuous sheet of muscles that are tightened to give true strength and longevity to a facelift.

By manipulating the SMAS, a plastic surgeon is able to change the appearance of the face.

With an SMAS facelift, the emphasis of the lift is placed on the SMAS. The plastic surgeon plicates, or folds, the SMAS to tighten it. He or she then redrapes and trims the skin with minimal tension to provide a smoother, tighter, and more youthful appearance.

In addition, a fat transfer may be performed to bring more volume to the face.

Your recovery time from this procedure will depend on a number of factors. Typically, patients can do light cardio after two weeks, enjoy dinner out with friends after two to three weeks, and be wedding ready in just four to six weeks.


When to Get a Neck Lift

Some people experience excess skin and fat on their neck as they age. This “turkey” neck is also a result of the thinning of a neck muscle known as the platysma.

The Platysma muscle stretches from the collarbone to just over the jawline. A youthful platysma creates a deep neck angle and tight hammock for the neck. As the platysma muscle gets thinner and more lax, it creates an oblique neck angle instead of a deep youthful angle.

A neck lift, or platysmaplasty, is more effective when the surgeon performs a platysma muscle plication.

Similar to the SMAS facelift procedure, the surgeon plicates the platysma muscle to tighten it, then redrapes the skin with minimal tension. This returns the muscle to a tight hammock for the neck.

Because the platysma muscle does impact muscles in the face, a neck lift can bring balance to the facial shape. This can make it a good choice for those who aren’t quite ready for a full facial lift, but want to restore this balance.

As with the facelift procedure, your surgeon will discuss with you your recovery timeline. This will be based on the invasiveness of the procedure you choose.


Adding Other Procedures

It’s not unusual for a neck lift to be combined with liposuction of the anterior neck.

And both the neck lift and facelift can be combined with a brow lift and/or eyelid lift, laser resurfacing, and volume replacement with fat or fillers.

The laser resurfacing addresses the finer wrinkles in the perioral area, and injectable fillers or fat can be used to replace loss of volume of facial lipoatrophy.


Now Is the Time to Get a Facelift or Neck Lift

There’s no need to lack confidence in your appearance any longer.

Contact us today to find out if you’re a candidate to get a facelift or neck lift. One of our board-certified surgeons will discuss all of your options with you to ensure you get the best results.

Then prepare to restore your youthful appearance – and your confidence too.


How Effective are BOTOX® and JUVÉDERM®?

Are you growing weary of the lines and wrinkles on your face? Does it seem like new ones show up every day?


Some people will tell you that those smile lines just prove that you smile a lot. Or that your crow’s feet lend a more distinctive look.


But you know the truth. And it makes no difference anyhow if you’re not satisfied with how your face is aging.


If you’re not yet ready to commit to going under the knife for a facelift, you do have non-surgical options with BOTOX® or JUVÉDERM®.


And they’re incredibly effective.


We’ll take a look at the many options available through these procedures.


The Magic of BOTOX®


First, we need to clarify something about wrinkles.


To you, a wrinkle is probably a wrinkle. They’re all the same and you don’t want any of them.


But there are actually two kinds of wrinkles. Static and dynamic.


Static wrinkles are the lines and folds that are always there on your face. Dynamic wrinkles, on the other hand, occur when you use your muscles to form facial expressions.


Prime examples of dynamic wrinkles are the lines in the forehead and around the brow, as well as crow’s feet around the eyes.


BOTOX® is used specifically to smooth out dynamic wrinkles only. But how does it work?


BOTOX® is a prescription medication that, once injected, blocks signals from your nerves to your muscles. This keeps the targeted muscles from contracting; the very action that produces fine lines and wrinkles.


When the muscles relax, you’re left with a a smooth and wrinkle-free appearance.


Because of the presence of Botulinum toxin in this medication, the question plastic surgeons are most often asked is, “how safe is BOTOX®?”


The quick answer is “completely.”


BOTOX® has been used for almost thirty years now. During that time, there has never been a recorded instance of botulism or paralysis from BOTOX®. And the FDA considers BOTOX® to be a safe, effective way to reduce wrinkles and smooth out fine lines.


It is also a very simple procedure.


After the BOTOX® injections, there is little to no downtime. Although patients should avoid strenuous activity for the rest of the day, they are able to return to their everyday life as soon as they feel comfortable.




And after years of living, laughing, eating, yawning, talking, etc., lines and wrinkles become etched into the areas around the nose and mouth. These are static wrinkles.


Smile lines develop and the skin around the nose and mouth (known medically as nasolabial folds) begin to sag.These static wrinkles and folds can easily add years to your appearance.


JUVÉDERM® works to fill the lines and firm up the folds in this parenthesis area around your nose and mouth.


Treatment with JUVÉDERM® is quick – lasting only about 15 minutes. Using a very fine needle, your plastic surgeon injects JUVÉDERM® into the area being treated. And since it includes the anesthetic lidocaine, there is little to no discomfort during injections.


Patients see results immediately, though there might be some swelling. Once that subsides, results continue to improve.


There is minimal to no downtime associated with JUVÉDERM®. In fact, most patients are able to return to work right after treatment. To ensure optimal results, however, patients are advised to protect their skin from the sun for 10 days.


It’s a small price to pay for a more youthful appearance.




With some areas of the face, the issue isn’t always wrinkles.


The actual structure and volume of your face becomes less as you age. That’s why JUVÉDERM VOLUMA® XC was developed.


This filler uses hyaluronic acid (HA) to replenish missing volume – particularly in the upper cheek area, also known as the hollow, the apple, or the apex.


Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance that’s produced by your body. Large amounts of it are found in your skin where its function is to retain water to keep your skin well lubricated and moist.


As you age, your body makes less of this substance. This particular injection serves to replenish the HA and restore a firmer appearance around the mid-face, or any other area that needs volume restored.


During the procedure, JUVÉDERM VOLUMA® XC is injected into the predetermined treatment areas. This may result in mild redness and swelling near the injection sites that will disappear within a few days.


Results will continue to improve over the course of the next several weeks.



As the years pass, it’s not unusual to lose volume in your lips as well. But the skin in this area, as well as around the eyelids, is much more delicate than other areas of the face. Static lines that show up in these areas require a gentler approach.


In these instances, your plastic surgeon or skin care specialist might recommend JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA®.


Also made up of HA, the particles in JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® are smaller than those in JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA® XC so that they can effectively treat finer lines and more delicate areas where the skin is thinner.


As with the other two JUVÉDERM® treatments, injection is done with a thin needle and patients can expect to experience minimal to no discomfort during the procedure.


There may be mild redness, tenderness, or swelling after the procedure which will subside within a couple of weeks. It is also recommended that patients avoid strenuous activity or direct sun exposure to the treatment area for the first 24 hours following treatment.


Patients notice results immediately after the injection. And these only continue to improve over time as any residual swelling subsides.


BOTOX® and JUVÉDERM® Give You a Reason to Smile


Surgical procedures are fantastic for rejuvenating your face.


But non-surgical procedures like BOTOX® and JUVÉDERM® can be just as effective. And without the recovery time.


It all depends on your unique situation.


So contact us today to talk with a board-certified plastic surgeon about which option would be best for you.


It’s almost as good as turning back the hands of time.