Smoking and Plastic Surgery Don’t Mix

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If you’re a smoker and have had surgery in the past without complications, consider yourself lucky.

Tobacco smokers are at a much higher risk than non-smokers for complications that include impaired heart and lung functions, infections, and delayed wound healing.

And if you think that you don’t need to worry about that for plastic surgery, think again. Smoking and plastic surgery are a terrible pair.

How Smoking Impacts the Body

Cigarettes are chock full of chemicals. Over 4,000 of them. And these chemicals present a significantly higher risk for surgical complications in smokers.

The two biggest culprits are nicotine and carbon monoxide. Both of these decrease oxygen levels in the body and boost the risk of heart-related complications. In addition, the actual act of smoking damages the lungs and makes proper air flow through them difficult.

Furthermore, smoking negatively impacts the immune system. So when the body is attempting to heal from surgery, it’s going to take longer. This increases the risk of infection at the wound site.

And you don’t have to be a chain smoker for this to be the case. Smoking a single cigarette is enough to decrease the body’s ability to deliver nutrients for healing after any type of surgery.

Specific Complications for Smoking and Plastic Surgery

One of the worst effects of smoking is vasoconstriction. This is the narrowing of the blood vessels. When the vessels are narrowed, flow of blood and oxygen are compromised. This deters proper healing of the skin cells and increases the likelihood of skin cell death, or necrosis, on the wound.

But wait. There’s more.

When nicotine is present in the body, plastic surgery can result in loss of cheek skin, nipples, or belly skin after a facelift, breast lift, breast reduction, or tummy tuck surgery. It may also cause a loss of breast implants.

And because healing is delayed, scars are thicker and wider. Slower healing means more pain and also the possibility of infection or even blood clots – which can be fatal. Pair all of these with the other dangerous complications such as heart attack and stroke, and it’s clear that smoking and plastic surgery do not mix.

What About Marijuana or Other Alternatives?

When your doctor tells you not to smoke before surgery, this includes smoking tobacco in pipes, cigars, hookahs, as well as smoking marijuana. Carbon monoxide is created any time you smoke and this can lead to tissue death after surgery. Marijuana edibles or tinctures may be approved, however. You’ll need to discuss with your surgeon that option.

Meanwhile, vapes and e-cigs are not acceptable switch-outs for smoking either because even though there’s no carbon monoxide, they still contain nicotine. Even nicotine gums and patches should be avoided.

The general rule of thumb is that ANY type of smoking or nicotine use is going to be bad for your surgical outcome. Period.

Your Best Bet

If you are a smoker, evidence shows that quitting at least four weeks before surgery will not only lower your risk of complications, but you’ll notice better results six months after the plastic surgery procedure. You are also less likely to experience complications with anesthesia.

To heal properly, sustain results, and improve your overall health, ceasing the use of nicotine products altogether is really the only game in town. So if you’re considering a plastic surgery procedure and know you’ll need to quit for at least four weeks prior, now might be the time to consider quitting forever.

Change Your Appearance, Change Your Life

Are you a smoker who’s looking for a fresh new look with a facelift, tummy tuck, breast augmentation, or other plastic surgery procedure?

Contact us today.

Because now that you understand how smoking and plastic surgery don’t play well together, you may be inspired to quit for good. And your new look may just come with a new lease on life.

The Top Reasons for Getting Plastic Surgery

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(Not-so) reality TV has given plastic surgery a bad rap. Too much programming focuses on eccentric, shallow people seeking out plastic surgery for all the wrong reasons.

This is unfortunate because the vast majority of plastic surgeons are doing a lot of good for their patients. After all, there are truly legitimate reasons for getting plastic surgery.

Some of them might even surprise you.

1. Addressing Health Issues

Next time you take a full deep inhale and exhale through your nose, think for a moment how it would feel to have a constant obstruction that never allowed for such a seemingly simple action. This is the case for folks with a crooked septum or nasal polyps. Plus, they tend to suffer from more severe allergies and sinus troubles.

Enter the “nose job.” Also known as rhinoplasty, this procedure is often requested by patients who have some sort of defect inside their noses. And yeah, sure. Rhinoplasty can also address the external appearance of the nose. Which is an added benefit.

It’s not just a faulty nose that can present health problems though. Some women struggle with chronic and severe back and shoulder pain as a result of breasts that are too large. A breast reduction surgery eases this pain and allows them more freedom of movement.

Furthermore, vision problems that come from heavy, drooping, or sagging eyelids can be corrected by blepharoplasty. And just as is the case with a rhinoplasty, the procedure also helps to improve the appearance of the eyes.

2. Boosting Confidence

Some patients DO seek out a plastic surgery procedure for cosmetic purposes. And that’s completely valid. For example, a man who is constantly troubled by his facial reflection in the mirror can feel better about himself after a facelift. Or a woman who feels self-conscious about how her clothes fit because of the size of her breasts may opt for a breast augmentation. Another woman may wish to reclaim her body after a tough pregnancy.

It’s important to remember that mental health is just as important as physical health. There’s a great deal to be said about boosting one’s confidence to bolster positive mental health outcomes. Because when people feel good about their physical appearance, they are more likely to present themselves to the world in a positive way.

3. Increased Safety and Affordability

Plastic surgery has made great technological strides in the past decade. The presence of lasers, pulsating light, and advanced skin treatment options are now within reach of most plastic surgeons. Plus, such strides have made these procedures safer.

These advances have also made plastic surgery more in reach for everyone. It’s no longer the domain of the wealthy Beverly Hills diva who has a few weeks free to get her face done.

Nowadays, plastic surgeons are seeing far more working professionals who are seeking a procedure for any of the above reasons. And with medical credit cards, payment plans, personal loans, and other financing options available, they can make these procedures a reality.

4. More Time on Screens

In the past ten years, everyone is seeing more of their faces everywhere. Selfies, cell phones, and social media platforms were to thank for this. Then came 2020 and COVID. Within a month, many of us were staring at our reflections day after day on Zoom. And some of us were less than satisfied.

Let’s face it. (Pun intended.) This trend isn’t going anywhere too quickly. And as a result, an increasing number of people are seeking out plastic surgery to manage this self-scrutiny with more ease. And why not? Haven’t we been through enough?

What Are Your Reasons For Getting Plastic Surgery?

There are clearly a lot of great reasons for getting plastic surgery. So if you’ve been considering it, now is the time to take that step!

Contact us today to schedule your free consultation. We’ll sit down to discuss the options available to you to get you started.


Do You Need Revision Surgery?

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Plastic surgery can be life-changing in so many positive ways. There are occasions though, rare as they may be, where the results of the surgery aren’t… ideal.

In the vast majority of plastic surgery procedures, when you do the research and choose a board-certified plastic surgeon to perform it, the results are exactly what you’d hoped for and anticipated.

But in unusual cases where the surgery results in unaddressed issues or more problems rather than fewer, you will need to look into revision surgery.

There Are Multiple Forms of Revision Surgery

Revision surgery is any procedure that is performed to correct negative issues that resulted from a previous surgery. And to be clear, it is not unique to plastic surgery. It’s performed across the spectrum of surgical specialities.

That’s why it’s essential to vet any surgeon that will be operating on you. Just because a plastic surgeon has a degree doesn’t mean he or she is uniquely qualified to perform the procedure you require. And if you end up with a botched up job, you could end up struggling with excessive scarring, aesthetic problems, or even functional issues.

While there are any number of revision surgeries, the following are among the most common in plastic surgery:

  1. Facial Procedures

Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, requires precision to deliver exact results. If the nostrils end up too narrow or wide or the tip of the nose is droopy after surgery, it’s impossible to hide. So this is among the most common revision procedures for plastic surgery.

In addition, rhinoplasty may be performed for functional issues such as improving breathing and reducing snoring. If the initial surgery fails to address these, a revision surgery would be a definite consideration.

It would also be suggested for patients who are dissatisfied with continued jowls or changes to appearance after a facelift; or for those who are uncomfortable with the look, feel, or size of facial implants.


  1. Breast Procedures

When patients come in for either a breast lift, breast augmentation, or breast reduction, they are seeking breasts that are symmetrical and have a natural look and feel. This is also true for patients who have undergone reconstructive surgery after a mastectomy. If a surgeon is unable to deliver these results, a revision surgery is needed.

In addition, revision surgery is required if there is capsular contracture, or the breast implant has deflated, eroded, or is simply malpositioned.

  1. Tummy Tuck

Surgical revision after a tummy tuck, a.k.a. abdominoplasty, is not as common. And in many cases, it’s not technically revision surgery if the patient’s dissatisfaction is the result of gaining or losing weight or getting pregnant after the surgery.

There are rare incidents though where a raised scar, abnormal belly button, or continued excess skin are cause for revision surgery.

No matter what the cause for potential revision surgery, it is not a decision to be made without weighing all your options.

Revision Surgery Is Not a Quick Go-To

Keep in mind that recovery from any surgery takes time. You don’t want to be too quick to assume that something terrible is happening during the healing process. You’ll need to be patient. Swelling subsides, scars fade, and the body eventually adjusts to its new situation. Depending on a wide array of factors, could take up to a year.

In addition, you’ll be faced with the additional cost of the surgery, as well as the recovery time required after the procedure. In other words, it’s not a quick solution. So unless you’re deeply dissatisfied or the surgeon has made an egregious error, it should only be considered after a great deal of thought.

Are You Dissatisfied With a Plastic Surgical Procedure?

If you’re not happy with the outcome of a plastic surgery procedure and would like to explore the option of revision surgery, contact us today for a free consultation.

You’ll be able to sit down with our doctors and discuss all of your options.

Then it’s determined that revision is right for you, you can rest easy in knowing that our board-certified plastic surgeons skilled in the revision process will give you the results you desired – and deserved – the first time around.

Getting Your Pre-Pregnancy Body Back


Ah, the miracle of life.

What’s even more miraculous though is that a woman’s body can survive the particular assault that is pregnancy. If you have children, you understand.

And if you’re feeling less confident about your appearance these days, you may be wondering if there are ways of getting your pre-pregnancy body back. You’re in luck. There are!

Getting Your Pre-Pregnancy Body Back With Diet and Exercise?

Many women immediately go-to diet and exercise in an attempt to return to their pre-pregnancy bodies. And these are helpful ways to enrich the mind and the body.

Yet, while nobody should be discouraged from living a healthier lifestyle, for most women, diet and exercise alone simply aren’t enough to remedy the ravages of pregnancy and nursing.

That’s because diet and exercise can’t eliminate the excess skin and loss of volume in the breasts that come post-pregnancy and particularly post-nursing. They also can’t address the stretch marks that are the result of skin being overstretched very quickly and unable to snap back.

Furthermore, no matter how many crunches you do, they can’t repair diastasis recti – that pregnancy-like pouch in the belly that refuses to disappear even after the baby has made its exit. Even premature facial aging can occur postpartum. And there’s no diet for that.

Fortunately, there IS plastic surgery. And there are a number of procedures (collectively known as a “Mommy Makeover”) that a board-certified plastic surgeon can perform to help you instill that pre-pregnancy confidence.

  1. Liposuction

For some women, their only post-pregnancy complaint is the ability to lose fat in troublesome spots such as in the stomach, waist, hips, and thighs. In this case, the surgeon will recommend liposuction.

With liposuction, small incisions are made in the treatment area and then a thin hollow tube, called a cannula, is inserted through the incisions to loosen excess fat cells. A surgical vacuum is then used to suction the fat out of those areas to create a slimmer body contour.

  1. Breast Lift/Augmentation

It’s rare that a woman will need only liposuction after pregnancy. Especially if there are multiple children. The demands placed upon the breasts during pregnancy and nursing are intense. As such, the breasts are prone to sagging.

In order to restore the breasts to their original and more youthful pre-pregnancy position, a plastic surgeon might recommend a breast lift, breast augmentation, or breast lift with either silicone or saline implants.

There are three types of breast lift procedures:

The first utilizes a periareolar incision and is typically best for someone who has large areolas and minimal sagging or drooping that need correction. A vertical breast reduction does the same as the periareolar incision, but it also extends down from the areola to deliver a more significant lift for moderate drooping. Finally, the inverted t-shape incision adds an additional incision within the breast fold for increased lift where necessary.

In cases where the breasts become too large after pregnancy and are no longer proportionate to the body, the surgeon would likely recommend a breast reduction.


  1. Tummy Tuck

As if the stretch marks along the belly aren’t enough of a tell-tale sign of a previous pregnancy, there is the above-mentioned belly pouch that is a result of diastasis recti.

Tummy tuck to the rescue. Also known as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that reduces excess fat and skin around the abdomen and reconstructs the abdominal wall musculature.

The result is a flatter belly and minimal stretch marks.


  1. Facial Rejuvenation

The stress of pregnancy, as well as raising young children, can easily show up in the form of premature aging in the face. So even though facial rejuvenation isn’t a standard part of the Mommy Makeover, your surgeon may recommend a facelift or Botox injections to build upon the youthful appearance gained by the other procedures.

Postpartum Body Confidence Is a Reality

Getting your pre-pregnancy body back isn’t just a pipe dream.

So if you’re feeling less than satisfied with your post-pregnancy body, contact us today for a free consultation about how a Mommy Makeover could work for you.

Once the procedures are completed, you’ll walk away with restored confidence and ready to face the challenges of motherhood with vigor.


Are There Plastic Surgery Health Benefits?

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The answer is yes. Despite the common misconception that plastic surgery is only performed for aesthetic purposes, there are definitely plastic surgery health benefits.

These perks tend, more often than not, to go unmentioned. Glossy magazines and reality television highlight the showier aspects of plastic surgery.

Yet, there are functional benefits that go far beyond cosmetic improvement.

Plastic Surgery Health Benefits You Haven’t Considered

There are countless procedures that can improve one’s health and quality of life. For example, a blepharoplasty, or eye lid surgery, not only improves one’s appearance, but can improve vision as well.

And though not surgery, cosmetic wrinkle injections can have the added benefit of treating a condition such as hyperhidrosis – or excessive sweating.

But rather than getting too deep into the weeds, we’re going to instead look at four general ways that plastic surgery can actually benefit your health:

  1. Better Mental Health

While it’s not necessarily more important to look good than to feel good, they definitely have an impact on one another. Plastic surgery that is seemingly done for purely cosmetic purposes can go along way toward boosting confidence and self-esteem.

This is especially true for patients whose negative body image plagues them enough to physically isolate themselves. Such isolation and poor self-image can lead to depression and the health risks involved with it. So in this way, the simple act of improving or eliminating a cosmetic flaw can be the ultimate act of caring for oneself.

In addition, for women (and even men) who have had a single or double mastectomy, a reconstructive surgery to create breasts can give them a boost after a particularly traumatic operation.

  1. Relieving Pain

Another benefit of plastic surgery is its ability to alleviate muscle and joint pain. Women who seek out plastic surgeons for breast reduction often do so because they suffer with back and shoulder pain from poor posture and strain.

In fact, any procedure that aims to reduce overall bodyweight will not only increase confidence, but also decrease strain on the body that can cause pain and discomfort. Even non surgical treatments can have little-known medical benefits, such as reducing headaches.

  1. Lowering Risk of Disease

At this point, it’s widely understood the importance of sleep. Not getting enough of it has shown to increase the risk for getting many different diseases, including Alzheimer’s. So along with relieving pain that can rob one of his or her sleep, a plastic surgery procedure such as a rhinoplasty (a.k.a. nose job) improves breathing and lessens snoring for a better night’s sleep.

Then there’s the issue of obesity.

Obesity-related diseases such as heart disease and diabetes not only impact the quality of life, but they can be fatal. In fact, heart disease is at the top of the list for killers in America.

Plastic surgery procedures that include liposuction reduce body mass and lower fat percentages to contribute to healthier organs, including the pancreas. The removal of extra weight enables the heart to pump more effectively and reduces the risk of developing heart disease.

  1. The Drive to Live a Healthier Life

Finally, undergoing a procedure frequently gives patients the push they need to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Because they’ve invested in surgery to get this new lease on life, they are less likely to return to the old habits that brought them to the surgeon in the first place.

In situations where people feel more confident and self-assured, aren’t struggling with pain, and aren’t carrying extra weight, they’re more inspired to work out, eat well, drink plenty of water, and seek out relationships and activities that nurture them rather than tear them down.

In this regard, plastic surgery is truly empowering.

Is Your Health At Risk?

If you’re carrying a lot of extra weight or are struggling with the mental insecurities about your appearance, you may just want to throw in the towel.

Instead, consider all of the plastic surgery health benefits that could be available to you. Whatever your situation, contact us today for a free consultation to find out if plastic surgery could help.

You may be surprised by how just how close you are to better health!

How Plastic Surgery Extends Life Expectancy

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You’d be hard pressed to find anyone that doesn’t know that the benefits of plastic surgery include increased confidence and a more youthful appearance.

But it turns out that in some cases, plastic surgery extends life expectancy too. Because there are many occasions when plastic surgery also leads to to a healthier body and lifestyle.

And improved health along with making better choices can mean a longer and more fulfilling life.

How Plastic Surgery Extends Life Expectancy

Decades ago, plastic surgery was often considered a luxury that only the rich could afford. The image was of wealthy people discussing who’d had “work” done and then attempting to one-up each other.

This is no longer the case.

For example, patients who seek out plastic surgery due to excess skin and fat often complain of back pain. This is the result of a weaker core and poor posture that come with the extra weight. In addition, carrying extra weight requires the heart to work harder and increases the risk of diabetes.

Plus, being overweight makes it harder to engage in exercise.

But liposuction, a tummy tuck or a breast reduction, for example, can help patients strengthen the core, improve posture, and decrease back and even neck pain. And lowering weight can be the difference between being able to exercise and engage in more mindful eating and getting diagnosed with diabetes or heart problems that could cut life short.

Better Seeing and Breathing Through Plastic Surgery

It’s not just about extra weight though.

Eyelid surgery is usually recommended for those who find that their eyelids have drooped with age. Such drooping can interfere with vision and make people more prone to accidents or falling.

Meanwhile, patients with a deviated septum frequently have difficulty with breathing. They may experience trouble with drainage and experience snoring – all of which can lead to serious health risks. Plastic surgery restores breathing and thereby improves health.

Even a Facelift Can Make a Difference

It might seem unlikely that even a facelift can increase life expectancy. But ask yourself this – how old do you feel?

Most of us feel younger than we look. And the older we get, the larger that chasm between how we feel and how we look grows. Repeatedly glancing into the mirror each day to find an older face staring back can zap us of our confidence and leave us feeling unsatisfied. But a facelift can restore self-esteem.

And it’s now widely accepted that improving appearance through plastic surgery can make a sizable difference in one’s life that goes beyond vanity.

In fact, a research study published in Clinical Psychological Science found that people who undergo plastic surgery are actually happier. In feeling better about their bodies and their appearance, they experienced increased confidence, improved self esteem, and a greater sense of satisfaction. All of this equals a higher quality of life.

And a happier person is a healthier person.

Improve Your Health with Plastic Surgery

It’s surprising to know that among its many benefits, plastic surgery extends life expectancy. But it also makes perfect sense.

After all, there’s a proven mind and body connection. So when we look better, we feel better. And when we feel better, we’re likely to live a healthier, happier, and more productive life.

To find out how plastic surgery could boost your confidence and ultimately help you to live a longer life, contact us today. And get ready to be amazed.

What Is the Permanence of Plastic Surgery?

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If you’re pondering getting some “work” done, you may be wondering… what is the permanence of plastic surgery?

We could go all philosophical and tell you that nothing is permanent. Just as you may get work done on your house – such as a new roof – you know that over time, you will need another.

Even so, there are some plastic surgery procedures that have far more staying power than others. And there are even a few that, under the right conditions and with proper maintenance, could be permanent.

At least for the span of a person’s life. (Which, let’s face it, is also impermanent.)

The Permanence of Plastic Surgery Based on Procedures

We’ll take a look at some of the most common procedures and what you might experience in terms of how long it will last.


Most people get liposuction to eliminate fat in undesirable areas. Yet, while the research is inconclusive, the generally held belief is that while you can permanently remove fat from one area, it may find its way back to another area with weight gain. So why bother with liposuction?

Well, here’s why.

When done correctly by a qualified board-certified plastic surgeon, even if there is a return of fat, liposuction can result in a more shapely figure.

For example, getting liposuction to remove belly fat could result in curvier hips if new fat finds its way there. While this may not be the exact scenario, if fat does return, you can be assured it’s going to be more evenly distributed across the body and not to the problem area.

Breast Augmentation

Given the right set of circumstances, breast augmentation can last up to 25 years. Even so, some patients get updates before that time.

The main reason? Most have second thoughts about the size once they’ve had their implants for a while. They may want them larger, smaller, or removed altogether.

Which brings us to our next procedure…

Breast Reduction

This is one of the few procedures that typically garners permanent results. There are two factors that determine this though. First, the procedure must be done after puberty. And second, patients cannot experience any major weight fluctuations after the surgery if they want permanent results.

Tummy Tuck

Like a breast reduction, a tummy tuck can be permanent. But also like a breast reduction, there are factors involved.

First, and most importantly, any major weight gain (anything over 20% of the patient’s weight) will render the tummy tuck ineffective. So what a patient does post-surgery makes a huge difference in terms of how long a tummy tuck will last.

Furthermore, for a woman, it’s important that she is done having children.

And a second tummy tuck is not an option, since there isn’t enough loose skin to perform the procedure (unless, of course, the patient loses a VERY significant amount of weight).


While a facelift can leave you looking 10, 15, or even 20 years younger, it cannot stop you from continuing to age. In most cases, a complete facelift will need to be updated in ten years; with mini face lifts coming in at more around two to five years.

There are occasions though where patients find that the initial face lift surgery sets up their face to age in a such a way that they find much more satisfying. This is particularly true for those with good genes and healthy skin. For them, no updates are required.

Brow Lift

As you age, the brows can begin to droop and result in a heavy appearance around the eyes. This can also lend to deep creases in the forehead.

Much like with a full facelift, a brow lift surgery will not stop the aging process. The natural breakdown of skin and tissues will continue even after the procedure. So the brow lift will also need updating in around ten years.


As long as a “nose job” is successful, the bone structure in the nose is unlikely to change over time. Thus, rhinoplasty is generally considered a permanent procedure.

It’s important to note though that natural changes due to aging will still occur. Once folks hit their 60s, their noses get bigger. So it’s possible a rhinoplasty procedure done very early in life may need a revision in later years.

Get the Most From Your Plastic Surgery Procedure

If you’re still curious about the permanence of plastic surgery and are on the fence about having a procedure performed, we invite you to contact us.

During your free consultation, we’ll talk with you about what you can expect, how long your results will last, and what your role will be after your surgery.

From there, you can make a truly informed decision.

Am I Too Old for Plastic Surgery?

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It’s often been said that age is just a number. There are times when this philosophy is more applicable than others.

For example, if you’re currently an AARP member, your age is certainly going to limit your ability to partake in, let’s say, parkour.

On the other hand, if you’re wondering whether you’re too old for plastic surgery, this is one of those cases where age really is just a number. In fact, plastic surgery is remarkably beneficial for the older population.

Here’s why.

Plastic Surgery Increases Quality of Life

While this is true for every age group, plastic surgery can positively impact the 60+ crowd in unique ways.

Depression and anxiety become increasingly problematic as we age. Some of this is due to a lack of self-esteem and confidence as we deal with an ever changing (and drooping) appearance.

Cosmetic plastic surgery has the unique ability to boost self-esteem. After a facelift and/or neck lift, patients report a renewed interest in life. They feel younger and more confident. It’s no wonder then that the majority of facelifts and neck lifts are actually performed on the older population.

This sense of revitalization can also lead to more intimacy in relationships, as well as increased socialization. Beyond improving quality of life, there are many situations where plastic surgery is a health benefit too.  

You Can Improve Health With Plastic Surgery

Given all of the focus on Hollywood stars and plastic surgery, you may not realize the ways plastic surgery can also improve health. This is especially important for the aging population.

For instance, older patients who struggle with sagging eyelids or eyebrows are working with a compromised field of vision. Because it happens slowly and over time, they may not even realize it. Once they receive eyelid surgery or a brow lift, they find their field of vision is much improved.

Furthermore, there are the increased health risks that come from carrying extra weight. This is of particular concern for those with diabetes – a condition that occurs far more frequently among senior citizens.

Reducing abdominal girth with abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) can help not only to improve blood sugar levels, but it can lead to lower blood pressure as well. This means it’s possible to reduce need for anti-hypertensive meds, insulin requirements, pain medication, muscle relaxants, and anxiolytics.

In addition, shedding extra weight through a breast reduction can help to decrease back pain and increase exercise tolerance so that the patient can sustain good health through movement. Also, breast reduction has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of breast cancer – especially in those over 50.

Finally, most people in an older age group tend to be optimized from a health standpoint because they get regular check ups with their primary care physician.

So the availability of plastic surgery has nothing to do with age. Really the biggest factor when considering plastic surgery for the older crowd has to do with comorbidities.

Comorbidities Are Always Addressed

When there is the presence of one or more conditions often occurring with a primary condition, these are known as comorbidities. In a recent blog post, we posed the question about the viability of performing plastic surgery with comorbidities.

Comorbidities can be physiological or psychological and include diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure (hypertension), psychiatric disorders, and substance abuse – to name a few.

In these cases, pre-op screening and primary care, internal medicine, and cardiac clearance are often performed to ensure safety. Once that clearance is achieved, the surgeon can safely proceed.

That’s all there is to it.

There’s No Such Thing As Too Old for Plastic Surgery

If you’ve been thinking a change would do you good but felt you were too old for plastic surgery, now you know the truth.

So if you’re ready to start exploring your options, contact us today for a free consultation.

Not only will you have a renewed outlook on life, but you may walk away a healthier person!

How Your BMI Affects Surgery

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Do you struggle with your weight?

Removing excess weight through a surgical procedure such as a tummy tuck or a breast reduction can really help.

But if you’ve been told that your body mass index (BMI) measurement is on the higher end, you might be wondering how your BMI affects surgery. Will it make things more complicated?

The short answer is, not nearly as much as you might think!

What Is BMI?

Every person has a BMI measurement. It’s calculated from your height and weight to determine if you’re at a healthy weight.

In the U.S., the formula for determining BMI is your weight in lbs x 703/ your weight in in2. In other words, you multiply your weight by 703. Then you take that number and divide it by your height in inches, squared (in2).

Of course, the easiest way to determine yours is with a BMI calculator.

The “ideal” BMI for most adults is in the 18.5 to 24.9 range.

Below 18.5 is considered underweight, while the 25 to 29.9 range is considered overweight.

Once someone scores between 30 to 39.9, they are in the obese range. Anything over 40 is considered morbidly obese.

At the end of the day though, BMI is really just a number. For many people, the number isn’t a true reflection on their actual health. As an example – since muscle is more dense than fat, it’s possible that a perfectly healthy weightlifter could be considered obese.

How BMI Affects Surgery

The truth is, surgeons treat elevated BMI patients all the time. With advancements in medical technology, some of the previous challenges that obese patients faced can now be mitigated.

For example, those who are overweight or obese are more likely to have sleep apnea – meaning they temporarily stop breathing while sleeping. This can make administering general anesthesia seem dicey. But it’s not.  Sleep apnea can be easily treated in the recovery room with CPAP devices.

Furthermore, issues such as high blood pressure (which is common in obese patients) can be closely monitored and controlled by board-certified anesthesiologists. An electrocardiogram (EKG) can also be administered pre-op to determine if there are other cardiac issues.

To reduce the risk of blood clots in patients with a higher BMI reading, subcutaneous heparin is given before the operation to effectively lower this

The Increasing Popularity of Plastic Surgery

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While many businesses are sadly suffering the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, plastic surgeons have seen an uptick in patients.

Some of this is a result of the Zoom boom – the surge in bookings for surgical and non-surgical treatments in an attempt to smooth out what is now known as lockdown face.

It makes sense given the fact that so many people are in Zoom meetings all day and suddenly faced with every glaring imperfection and flaw they were able to previously ignore.

There are many other reasons behind the increasing popularity of plastic surgery though.

Technological Advances

Because plastic surgery has no specific regional anatomic focus, it has always been a discipline driven by technique and technology. An increased understanding of anatomy over the past 25 years has allowed for a notable evolution in techniques.

For instance, a more comprehensive understanding of blood supply to the skin, fascia, muscle, and bone has enabled innovative and ingenious improvements of many traditional reconstructive procedures.

Implants have come a long way since the 1940s when advances in material science allowed for their development. It’s now understood that such materials need to match the biomechanical characteristics of the tissue being replaced. There continue to be impressive strides in the development of such biomaterials.

There have also been huge advances in medical computer-assisted imaging technology. These have been transformative in plastic surgery, and particularly for craniofacial surgery where surgeons fix skeletal deformities by repositioning and reassembling the numerous elements of the cranium and facial bones.

Finally, it’s now understood that wound healing is a process involving a dynamic sequence of coordinated cellular processes involving multiple growth factors. As such, therapeutic interventions in just the last 12 years have made more than a dozen growth factors available to promote such healing.

Of course, the increasing popularity goes beyond science.

Popularity of Plastic Surgery Includes Better Health

Carrying a lot of extra weight is tough on the body. Not only does the heart have to work harder and there is an increased risk of diabetes, but excess skin and fat results in weaker core, poor posture, and even back pain.

Both a tummy tuck and breast reduction can help patients strengthen the core, improve posture, and decrease back and even neck pain.

Plastic surgery can also improve vision. As we age, muscles around the eyes weaken and can cause the upper lid to droop so much it interferes with vision. Plastic surgery can remedy this.

Furthermore, many people struggle with a deviated septum. Whether it’s a genetic condition or the result of trauma to the nose, a deviated septum often results in problems with drainage, snoring, and breathing – all of which pose health risks. Plastic surgery corrects this to restore breathing and improve health.

Increased Confidence and Social Acceptance

Decades ago, there wasn’t the same understanding of plastic surgery’s health benefits. In fact, it was often considered a luxury afforded only by the rich. And even at that, people would still whisper about those who had “nose jobs” or snicker disapprovingly about women who got their “boobs done.”

Those days are long gone.

It is now a widely accepted that improving your appearance through plastic surgery can make a huge difference in your life. And it’s far from just vanity.

A research study published in Clinical Psychological Science found that people who chose to undergo plastic surgery were actually happier. When they felt better about their bodies and their appearance, they experienced increased confidence, improved self esteem, a greater sense of satisfaction, and more overall joy in life.

Most patients also adopt healthier lifestyles. Without being bogged down by excess weight, pain, or difficulty breathing, they are able to engage in physical activity. This leads to more mindful eating.

At the end of the day, it all trickles down to improved job performance, better social interactions, and an increased sense of well-being.

Find More Joy in Your Life With Plastic Surgery

Given all of the above, it’s no wonder the popularity of plastic surgery has surged. Plus, it’s more affordable than ever. Of course, the cost of the procedure is not nearly as crucial as finding a surgeon whose primary focus is your safety.

So if you’ve been living with a condition that can be remedied by plastic surgery but still have worries, don’t hesitate to contact us for a free consultation. Our highly qualified board-certified physicians will put your mind at ease.