Breast Lift

Breast Lift

Weight gain and loss, pregnancy, age, and even genetics play a role in the appearance of your chest. At Star Plastic Surgery, our board certified breast surgeons understand how sagging breasts can negatively impact your self-confidence. Through breast lift surgery, we can help you restore that confidence, expand clothing options, and achieve the look you desire to feel comfortable and appealing.

Breast Lift FAQs

Breast Procedures

Breast Procedures

Star Plastic Surgery - Breast Procedures

At Star Plastic Surgery, we want you to feel great about the way you look. If you feel self-conscious about your breasts, or if you need a boost in your self-confidence, our board-certified breast surgeons offer a full range of breast procedure options to help you look and feel your best. We understand that it’s not about how others see you; it’s about how you feel about yourself.

Our Breast Procedures

Breast Augmentation – By far the most popular breast procedure, breast augmentation surgery is a great way to tastefully enhance both the size and shape of your bust line. Whether you choose saline or silicone breast implants, breast augmentation surgery can help your body fit better into the type of clothes you want to wear. Our plastic surgeons will work with you to determine the best breast procedure for your body and your goals.

Breast Lift – If you want your bust line to reflect the youth and vitality you feel inside, breast lift surgery can reverse the effects of gravity, aging, and pregnancy. Don’t let your breasts affect your self-confidence or make you feel insecure about your age. Because your breasts also lose volume as you mature, you may even want to combine your breast lift surgery with breast augmentation.

Breast Reduction – Having overly large breasts can affect both your emotional and physical health. Large breasts can make you feel self-conscious, as well as causing pain and discomfort. Breast reduction surgery simply removes excess fat, tissue, and skin from your breasts to give you a bust that is attractive and proportional with the rest of your body. With breast reduction surgery, you can feel relief from the self-consciousness, pain, and discomfort of having overly large breasts. If your breasts are getting in the way of your active lifestyle, causing back and shoulder pain, or simply make you feel uncomfortable and self-conscious, talk to our board-certified plastic surgeons about breast reduction surgery.

Male Breast Reduction – The board-certified plastic surgeons of Star Plastic Surgery also provide male breast reduction surgery for men affected by gynecomastia.

Breast Implant Removal & Replacement – There are a variety of reasons for removing and replacing breast implants, including switching from saline to silicone implants for a more realistic feel, replacing a ruptured implant, re-sizing the implants, relocating implants, or changes in weight that make the implant unecessary.

To learn more about your breast procedure options, contact us today to discuss your needs with the experienced plastic surgeons at Star Plastic Surgery.

Are You Suffering with Breast Asymmetry?


Anxiety. Embarrassment. Depression. These are just some of the words that women who come see me use to describe how they feel about their breast asymmetry.

Size discrepancy between your breasts can be frustrating for many women. This is called breast asymmetry. Breast asymmetry is defined as a difference of form, position or volume of the breast, and it affects more than half of all women, so your daughter shouldn’t feel alone. In fact, one study of 100 women who wanted breast augmentation with implants found that 88% had natural asymmetries. You should know first and foremost that every woman’s breasts have a certain degree of asymmetry, but for some women the size difference between the breasts may be more severe.  In cases in which the size difference between the left and right breast is larger than what is acceptable, it can be quite a challenge to find a bra that fits well. In fact, it might be impossible to find a good fitting bra, bikini or bathing suit.

These pieces of clothing will either be too big or too small on one side.  It’s not only finding the right sized bra that can be difficult for women with breast asymmetry. It can also be a cause for anxiety on a daily basis. For some women this problem can make someone so self conscious. Women who have been living with breast asymmetry for years are ready for a solution.

Surgical correction for breast asymmetry allows for an easy correction to the asymmetry and a solution for the patient’s psychological distress. Our team of board certified plastic surgeons at Star Plastic Surgery in Novi, Michigan are all highly skilled at correcting breast asymmetry. This can be achieved by a single procedure or a combination of procedures at one time or over a period of time.

Breast Enlargement on one side or both sides using different size implants, different fills, and different styles (high, moderate plus or moderate profiles) help correct volume differences between the breasts as well as projection differences that are due either to the breast itself or due to chest wall asymmetries or a combination of factors.  Breast size asymmetries due to volume are the most common form of asymmetries of the breast.

Breast Lift is used to reposition the breast when one breast is lower than the other and reduces the amount of skin surrounding the breasts.  Reducing skin either surgically or non-surgically corrects the differences between breasts that are due to breast position or skin.  Breast reduction reduces the volume and skin on one or both breasts to make another option for women when the amount of skin and volume plays a role in the asymmetry.  Non-surgical tightening of the skin using heat may also be an option for patients when they are seeking a non-surgical solution to skin issues. Liposuction to the breast is another method to reduce volume without scars.

If you suffer from breast asymmetry or “bottoming out” of your breasts, do not hesitate to schedule a free consultation with me or any of the other board certified plastic surgeons at Star Plastic Surgery in Novi, Michigan.

breast asymmetry

Do Teens Get Plastic Surgery?


The quick answer is yes. But the number of teens who opt for plastic surgery is not huge.

This leads to the bigger question – should teens get plastic surgery? Many surgeons won’t perform procedures on patients under the age of 21. And there are many reasons for this.

Then there are procedures that some surgeons will perform but only if they’re absolutely certain that it’s the best option for the teen.

Why Do Teens Get Plastic Surgery?

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), most teenagers seek out plastic surgery because they are desperate to fit in but feel their appearance is not acceptable to their friends and peers.

For example, young men who have embarrassing excess breast tissue (gynecomastia) that won’t resolve with proper diet and exercise may seek out a breast reduction. Or teenagers who are ashamed of birthmarks in obvious places may inquire about laser treatments to lessen their appearance.

Some teens struggle with severe acne that results in pocks and scars that leave them self-conscious and prone to isolation. A cosmetic procedure known as dermabrasion can help to smooth out or camouflage those scars. And for teenagers with birth anomalies such as ears that stick out, some surgeons will perform surgery to pin back ears known as otoplasty.

Important Considerations

As with any surgery, the option to perform plastic surgery on teens should be heavily weighed. In many cases, it’s simply not appropriate. There are many things to consider:

  1. Teenagers Are Still Growing

It’s normal for teenagers to criticize their appearance. But it’s important to remember that they are still changing and growing. So even if a teenager feels his nose is too big or her breasts are too small, there’s a good chance that they will become more proportionate as they grow into their adult bodies.

  1. Changes in Exercise and Diet Could Help

It’s often not easy to get teenagers on board with regular exercise and dietary restrictions. We get it. For teenagers struggling with weight issues, they may think that liposuction or even a gastric bypass is a better option and a nice, quick fix. They’re sure much easier than sticking with a diet and exercise regimen.

Any parent considering this needs to understand though that ethical doctors know the risks involved with these procedures and reserve them for extreme cases when other options have failed.

  1. Self-Consciousness Is Part of Teenage Years

Feeling dissatisfied with one’s appearance while having it feel like a monumentally big deal is part and parcel of the teenage years. And teens don’t realize that a lot of this will go away with time. Of course, even as adults most of us have some part that we’d like to change. But by the time we’re adults, we’re doing it for ourselves and not for someone else. This is an important distinction.

  1. There Could Be Mental Issues

This is a big one.

Teenagers see a distorted version of themselves. If this already inaccurate view is further exacerbated by depression or other emotional issues, teenagers are quick to believe that ‘looking better’ will solve their problems.

There is no plastic surgery procedure that can fix underlying mental issues.  Plastic surgeons are well aware of this and many won’t perform plastic surgery on any patient – teenage or otherwise – until such mental issues are addressed first with a therapist or other mental health expert.

It’s Up to the Surgeon

Ultimately, once a parent has conceded, the choice as to whether teens get plastic surgery comes down to the surgeon. Many feel that it’s best to wait until the body is fully formed.

But again, it depends on the person and the procedure.

So if you’re considering plastic surgery – whether for you or someone else – contact us today to speak with our ethical surgeons who will lead you in the right direction.

How Plastic Surgery Improves Quality of Life


When patients consider plastic surgery, it can be for any number of reasons – from physical to mental and emotional. They often overlap.

After all, some patients who want to improve physical features that cause embarrassment find increased self-confidence and enhanced body image post-op. So yes, plastic surgery improves quality of life.

And with surgeons worldwide using the latest technology, many of these transformations can happen in a matter of hours.

Physical Improvements

It’s fair to say that the majority of people seeking plastic surgery are looking for physical improvements. Perhaps they want to emphasize a certain part of their body – as they may with a Brazilian butt lift. For others, they want to draw the focus away from a body part such as a large nose or drooping eyebrows.

Yet, there’s another group of patients that may be looking to address an acute or chronic medical condition. Rhinoplasty or fixing a deviated septum, for instance, can greatly improve breathing for many patients. And patients who have survived breast cancer and had to have a mastectomy can benefit from reconstructive surgery.

In addition, other procedures can even address alignment issues in the body. In the cases of a tummy tuck or breast reduction, for example, patients report decreased back pain as a result of the front of the body no longer being pulled forward or the core muscles being out of balance.

Emotional/Psychological Benefits

In the vast majority of the above “physical” cases, the natural by-product of looking or feeling better is going to be higher self-esteem and a general sense of well-being that may have been missing previously.

The emotional outcomes will certainly vary from person to person. And much of this is based on their expectations. So a handful of patients may come in to have scarring or blemishes they want addressed. These procedures are usually straightforward and patients report a high rate of satisfaction.

For more complicated procedures, however, it’s crucial that patients understand what they can realistically expect. This is why each patient must spend time consulting with his or her board-certified surgeon.

Communication Is Key

Obviously, patients are made aware of the potential risks of their procedure. But if a patient is banking on plastic surgery to completely change his or her life for the better, their end result may end up being one of frustration, embarrassment, shame, or even anger.

That’s why there must be clear and concise preoperative communication between the patient and surgeon so that realistic outcome goals are established.

Plastic Surgery Improves Quality of Life

It’s pretty clear that, if done correctly and working from realistic expectations, plastic surgery improves quality of life. It can allow patients to feel empowered and confident.

What’s more, it may even allow patients to reclaim their body that was taken from them due to injury, illness, or pregnancy.

So if you’re considering plastic surgery, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll take the necessary time to discuss your personal goals and expectations to ensure the best experience possible.

Which Plastic Surgery Procedures Require More PTO?

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Any time you have surgery, some (if not a lot) of your body’s tissue is manipulated. This means there is always going to be at least a small amount of time for your natural tissue vitality to be restored.

Patients considering a procedure who have a full-time job often inquire as to which plastic surgery procedures require more PTO.


It’s an important question because planning ahead is going to give you the best odds for faster healing. Especially for procedures that have a longer recovery time.

Some Plastic Surgery Procedures Require More PTO Than Others

In a previous post, we looked at procedures with the shortest average recovery times. We say ‘average’ because no two patients will ever have the same experience. Depending on a number of factors, some of the so-called ‘shorter’ recovery time procedures end up being longer than anticipated.

Nevertheless, we’ll look at some of the more complicated procedures here and what you can expect in terms of arranging for that paid time off.

  1. SMAS Facelift

A SMAS facelift is not to be confused with the simpler in-office or ‘lunchtime’ lift (also known as MACS). The SMAS facelift is considered by many surgeons to be the only true facelift, as it is more than just a skin-supported facelift.

With a SMAS facelift, muscle and connective tissue are manipulated. As such, the recovery time is much longer. Nurse care may even be required for the first night or two.

Generally speaking, it takes about two weeks before the bruising dissipates enough that makeup becomes effective. So if you’re choosing this procedure, start saving up those days now.

  1. Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

The tummy tuck is the next biggest contender for most PTO required after a procedure. Similar to the SMAS facelift, nurse care may be required for the first night or two.

Because of the complexity of this procedure, it is crucial to do sit-ups for at least six weeks. That doesn’t mean you’ll need to take six weeks off though! Most people do well by planning to take a week and a half to two weeks off.

You may find you’re ready to go back after five days or so. But whatever the case, you’ll still need to wear a compression garment and avoid heavy lifting for four to six weeks.

  1. Nose Job (Rhinoplasty)

The good news is, rhinoplasty doesn’t require aftercare nursing. And the pain will likely be mild for only a couple of days.

Unfortunately, the under-eye bruising is significant for a solid week – regardless of any efforts to conceal it. So if you’re in the public eye, the recommended time off for rhinoplasty is one week.

  1. Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

The general recommendation for time off after a BBL is three to seven days. It all depends on your ability to tolerate pain.

There is going to be swelling after a BBL procedure so you’ll be required to wear a compression garment for eight weeks. This also means that you shouldn’t sit or sleep directly on your buttocks for one to two weeks. You can sit on a donut cushion though and sleep on your side.

  1. Breast Reduction/Lift/Implants

Much like the BBL, the recommendation for time off after a breast reduction/lift/implant is in the three to seven-day range.

A breast reduction removes excess tissue and fat and raises the breasts without manipulation of the pectoralis major muscle. This fact means there will only be some discomfort – though you can expect swelling and bruising.

Additionally, in the case of a breast lift that does NOT require manipulating the pectoralis major muscle, the discomfort may also not last too long. The bruising and swelling could stick around for seven to ten days though.

Meanwhile, in an augmentation procedure where the implant is placed under the pectoralis major, there is going to be more discomfort for an average of four to seven days.

At the end of the day, the amount of time you opt to take off for any of these breast procedures will depend largely on your ability to deal with pain.

Be Realistic When Considering the Time Off You’ll Need

While the above plastic surgery procedures require more PTO than many others, it’s important to remain realistic about what you need during recovery.

There will be times post-op when you feel more discomfort than other times. You’ll want to prepare for those.

So if you’re considering a procedure, be sure to contact us to get the low-down on what you might expect from your own recovery based on how you specifically heal. Then you can more comfortably go from there.

Is Getting Plastic Surgery Across the Border Wise?

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In early March of 2023, a North Carolina resident and three friends decided to make the long journey to Mexico to save money on a tummy tuck. She was just one of many Americans crossing the border to get cheaper medical procedures.

This phenomenon is known as medical tourism. And it might leave you wondering if getting plastic surgery across the border is a good idea.

Some sources say yes. But others speak to the contrary. And for a number of reasons.

Every Situation Is Unique

For the North Carolina woman who wanted a tummy tuck, the trip ended in tragedy. She and her friends were kidnapped. Two of her friends were murdered, while she and the other surviving friend were sent back to North Carolina to get medical care.

Of course, you’re likely to talk to many people who’ve received plastic surgery in Mexico and everything went alright. But as the numbers of Americans who travel to Mexico for procedures increases, the higher the risk they’ll run into volatile situations.

In addition, there are the real dangers to consider when it comes to the actual procedures. Since you’re entrusting your medical care to someone you’ve never met and in a place with which you’re not familiar, you could be taking some big chances.

Complications from Plastic Surgery

It’s vital that you ALWAYS choose a board-certified plastic surgeon. While there are board-certified surgeons in Mexico, it’s not always easy to verify whether the surgeon you’re considering has these credentials. Or you could be led by misinformation.

By contrast, when you choose a surgical center that’s a manageable distance from your home, you’re able visit the location and consult with your surgeon face-to-face to increase peace of mind.

It’s true that all surgery comes with complications – no matter where it’s performed. But if you believe you’re getting big savings by crossing the border into Mexico, you may want to pause to consider the actual cost that might come along with it.

Here are just some of the possible outcomes:

  1. Tummy Tuck

Though it sounds like a simple procedure, a tummy tuck involves removing fat and tissue from the abdomen area. If the procedure isn’t performed correctly, it can lead to bleeding or severe infection that would require  going back in, cleaning the wound, and then closing it again.

  1. Facelift

The facelift is in high demand in Mexico. But this is not a procedure to be taken lightly. If you’re not certain that you’re working with only a skilled and experienced surgeon, you could end up with infection, nerve damage, or even necrosis in your face.

  1. Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

BBL requires the removal of fat from one part of the body to be grafted to the buttocks. Again, there is a specific technique involved with the grafting and if it’s not performed correctly, it could result in thrombosis or even a stroke.

  1. Liposuction

As simple as liposuction may seem, the technique is also very specific to ensure that no fat globules travel through the bloodstream and into the lungs causing pulmonary thromboembolism. Even if that doesn’t happen, there’s still the risk of bruising and infections.

  1. Breast Reduction

While there currently are not many patients flocking to Mexico for a breast reduction, this is a procedure that should be done closer to home. The recovery process can result in keloids, or excessive scar tissue growth. Necrosis in the areola and nipple can also be a result. These would require corrective surgery.

Unexpected Outcomes

Then there are patient accounts that speak to the lack of experience an unsuspecting American may find in a Mexican operating or recovery room.

In one Tijuana clinic alone, three different women scheduled a tummy tuck with one doctor on a single day. The first woman knew something was askew when they didn’t hook her up to any machines or perform bloodwork. She was sent to a hotel to recover. But she was lucky.

The second woman, her friend, did not fare as well. And that’s putting it mildly. Without adequate oxygen and blood supply during the surgery, she died from secondary hypoxic encephalopathy.

The third woman was rushed across the border to an ER in California a few days after the procedure when her body went into septic shock.

In another case, two women found themselves at a facility in a strip mall that didn’t look at all like the images on the website. After their procedures, one was left with skin protruding from her breast augmentation incisions, while the other was left disfigured and was told by a doctor that the surgery had put her life in jeopardy.

Finally (but certainly not the last on a lengthy list), a woman who travelled to Mexico from Washington state to get a mommy makeover was left with severe burns on her fingers after heated saline bags were placed there during surgery. Her hands will be scarred for life and she’ll likely need to have an amputation on her dominant thumb.

Still Wondering About Getting Plastic Surgery Across the Border?

Clearly, getting plastic surgery across the border in Mexico is risky business. Like the old adage says, you get what you pay for.

Plastic surgery is an investment that gives you great returns such as increased confidence, improved self-esteem, and a boost in your overall well-being. It’s hard to put a price on that.

So if you’re considering plastic surgery in your future and want the assurance that comes from working with only highly qualified board-certified plastic surgeons, contact us today. And invest in yourself.


Is Cosmetic Plastic Surgery for Men Too?

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It may not seem like cosmetic plastic surgery for men is much of a ‘thing.’ After all, men only account for 8% of cosmetic surgery procedures.

But according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), male cosmetic procedures rose 29% between 2000 and 2018. And post-pandemic numbers are expected to keep rising.

It seems that struggling with insecurities about appearance isn’t gender specific. Yet, it’s overwhelmingly women who are open to talking about the fact that they’ve had work done.

Most Popular Procedures for Men

The majority of men motivated to get cosmetic surgery want to lose that last bit of stubborn fat. This isn’t to say, though, they don’t also have concerns about wrinkles or other imperfections.

So despite the differences between the sexes, men seeking cosmetic plastic surgery are often looking for the same solutions that women are. The following four procedures are the most common:

1. Skin Reduction/Tummy Tuck

It’s not unusual for men to hit their 30s or even 40s and realize that it’s time to take their health seriously. They may start dieting and exercising to get their bodies in better shape. The problem is, once the beer-and-Cheetos belly disappears, the skin that enveloped it has nowhere to go.

Many men are embarrassed by the resulting hanging skin around the mid-section. Especially when they’ve worked so hard to get buff and toned. Skin reduction surgery helps eliminate this unsightly problem.

Then for those who also have fat that’s resistant to diet and exercise, there’s the option of a tummy tuck to further contour the mid-section and show off that six-pack.

2. Brow Lift, Eyes, Face

Historically speaking, women have generally spent more time in front of the mirror. But when the pandemic hit in 2020, men were suddenly staring at themselves on computer screens and noticing every little imperfection they hadn’t before. This ‘Zoom effect’ was a serious motivator for men to seek out cosmetic procedures.

To date, the most popular procedures for the face include brow lifts, upper eye lifts, and liposuction around the jawline and neck. Men are also opting for non-surgical procedures like Botox injections to combat wrinkles.

3. Neck Contouring

Of course, once the face was looking good, the attention started drifting to the neck. Every woman is all too aware of how the skin on the neck loses elasticity and stretches during aging. But once again, the time in front of video calls made men more aware of this.

While women have the option to cover their necks with a stylish scarf, we can all admit that the ascot is hardly a fashion trend for men. And if a beard isn’t an option, a neck lift or other neck contouring procedure can address the loose skin and sagging jawline to deliver a more chiseled look.

4. Male Breast Reduction

If you think any sort of plastic surgery for the breast is purely women’s domain, think again.

Breast reduction surgery is gaining in popularity among men who are troubled to find that their breasts are becoming fattier as they age. And no amount of diet or exercise remedies it. For them, male breast reduction, or gynecomastia, reduces the swelling in the breast area to give the pectorals more definition.

Curious About Cosmetic Plastic Surgery for Men?

While cosmetic plastic surgery for men may still be in its infancy, as more men open up about having these surgical procedures, the less stigma there will be.

If you’re a man struggling with insecurities about your appearance, contact us today. During your free consultation, we’ll advise you on the next best steps to get that more youthful look. We’ll also ensure that you feel comfortable with being (something of) a trail blazer!

What Makes Mommy Makeovers So Popular?

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Some time in the past few decades, the notion that the child always comes first took hold and left mothers feeling like they no longer deserved to care for themselves. And if they did, they experienced guilt.

But much like pulling down the oxygen for yourself first so that you can help others, mothers are now recognizing that ceasing to exercise, eat well, or practice self-care in the name of “love” hurts both them and their child.

This realization is part of what makes Mommy Makeovers so popular these days.

What Else Makes Mommy Makeovers So Popular?

Having children is a beautiful life-changing experience. But it’s also exhausting and even overwhelming. Especially at first.

And as women adjust to their new postpartum bodies, it’s all too easy for them to lose sight of their own healthy self-image. Dragging around exhausted and drained can zap morale and leave any mother feeling unmotivated. They start covering up their dissatisfaction with larger jeans and baggy shirts.

Over the past few years though, plastic surgeons are seeing a dramatic increase in the number of women seeking Mommy Makeovers. Media has been a big player in this. But so too has the increased acceptance of women having surgical procedures in order to look better so they can also FEEL better.

The Mommy Makeover procedure allows tired and discouraged moms to reclaim some of their pre-pregnancy body while celebrating motherhood.

What Does a Mommy Makeover Entail?

No two women have the same experience with pregnancy and childbirth. As such, Mommy Makeovers are customized to each individual. Each patient can choose from a wide variety of surgical options that will address issues related to pregnancy and childbirth, as well as pre-existing issues.

The whole process kicks off with a free consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon who creates an individualized plan to address each patient’s unique goals.

There are several procedures which the surgeon may recommend:


  1. Breast Lift/Augmentation

Breasts are prone to sagging after the demands placed upon the body during pregnancy and nursing. Surgery is performed to restore the breasts to their original and more youthful pre-pregnancy position.

Depending on your situation, the plastic surgeon might recommend a breast lift, breast augmentation, or breast lift with either silicone or saline implants.

In some cases, the breasts may become too large after pregnancy and are no longer proportionate to the body. In this case, there would be a breast reduction.

  1. Tummy Tuck

One tell-tale sign that a woman has experienced pregnancy are stretch marks on the skin. Deeper below the skin though, the abdominal muscles have often separated – leaving the belly to hang down and sag.

Also known as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that reduces excessive fat and skin around the abdomen and reconstructs that abdominal wall musculature.

This helps to flatten the belly again and minimize the appearance of those stretch marks.


  1. Liposuction

For those troublesome post-pregnancy spots – typically the stomach, waist, hips, and thighs – where you just can’t seem to lose the fat, the surgeon may recommend liposuction.

With liposuction, small incisions are made in the treatment area and then a thin hollow tube, called a cannula, is inserted through the incisions to loosen excess fat cells. A surgical vacuum is then used to suction the fat out of those areas to create a slimmer body contour.

A Few Considerations…

If you’re considering getting a Mommy Makeover, it’s crucial that you consider all of your options to get the best results. It’s a big decision.

In addition, you’ll also need to plan for proper healing and recovery time. This means you’ll have to arrange to have someone around to “mother” you during the whole process. You won’t be able to do chores or pick up toddlers. Scheduling a spouse, partner, or family friend to be by your side during this time is essential.

Restore Your Confidence

While the physical benefits are part of what makes Mommy Makeovers so popular, these surgeries can go the distance in boosting a woman’s body image and self-esteem too.

So if you’re tired of feeling down about your post-pregnancy body, contact us today. A Mommy Makeover could be just what you need to more fully celebrate the joy of motherhood.

Mommy Makeover

Is There Body Contouring for Men?

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Given all the pressure on women to have certain “contours,” the overriding notion of body contouring procedures has been as something almost solely performed on women.

That’s just not the case though. Especially these days. Plastic surgery procedures that provide body contouring for men have been steadily on the rise.

It helps that many of these cosmetic procedures are relatively simple and don’t require much in the way of down time.

Body Contouring for Men

It turns out that men are just as prone to a hit in self-confidence when they feel unattractive. Especially if they’ve been dealing with rolls or pockets of fat that refuse to disappear no matter how much they diet or how hard they exercise. This lack of self-confidence bleeds into a man’s professional, social, and intimate life.

Fortunately, men have discovered that contouring procedures can slim, shape, and define those problem areas – improving muscle definition and giving a more chiseled appearance.

While body contouring for men spans a range of procedures, there are several situations that plastic surgeons see the most often.

  1. Not Loving the Love Handles

Many men seek out plastic surgery when they get older and start putting on extra weight around the belly. This can be perplexing to men who haven’t changed their diet or exercise regimen, but suddenly have a spare tire.

Sometimes this extra weight is the result of hormonal changes that cause the area to become dense. And no amount of diet or exercise will melt it away. This is when liposuction is a miracle worker.

With this fairly simple procedure, the plastic surgeon makes a small incision through which he or she guides a cannula tube into the targeted area. The fat is then suctioned out and the surgeon shapes and contours the designated area.

In the vast majority of cases, liposuction is outpatient surgery that’s performed under general anesthesia. Men can get back to work in 3-5 days, and return to the gym in a few weeks. As such, liposuction rates as the number one plastic surgery procedure for men.

  1. Men Get Boob Jobs Too

Ah, the dreaded gynecomastia.

You may know this condition better as “man boobs.” And it can be an embarrassing predicament for many men. Especially for those who are going to the gym to flatten their chest but can’t get the jiggle to go away.

Gynecomastia isn’t just the bane of older men either. In fact, it’s estimated that 40-60% of men struggle with gynecomastia. So it’s no wonder that men are showing up for male breast reduction surgery.

If the issue is extra glandular tissue, the plastic surgeon will work through an incision under the arm or around the nipple to remove the tissue with a scalpel. In cases of extra fatty tissue, liposuction once again comes to the rescue. It’s not uncommon for there to be both excess glandular and fatty tissue. And in more extreme cases, there may be need to remove excess skin as well.

Initial recovery time for male breast reduction surgery is 1-2 weeks on average and involves wearing a compression vest. After this time, most normal activities can resume.

  1. Lost the Weight but Not the Skin

As men are increasingly more aware of the benefits of diet and exercise, it’s not unusual for guys who were carrying a lot of extra weight to finally lose it. The problem is, they’re often left with excess skin in those areas and liposuction doesn’t do the trick here.

In these cases, there may be need for one or more excision skin surgery lifts. These can include a tummy tuck, as well as lifts to the arm, inner thigh, circumferential body (belt line), buttock, or breast. There may also be a need for a panniculectomy which is surgery that removes excess skin and fatty tissue that hangs down over the thighs and/or genitals.

The recovery time for lift surgeries is wholly dependent on the specific procedure. In most cases, men can expect to return to work in 1-2 weeks, and back to normal activity in 4-6 weeks.

Get the Contours You Desire

Don’t get stuck in the trap of thinking that plastic surgery only helps women to achieve the contours they want. With body contouring for men, you can increase your self-worth and boost confidence.

And all with minimal downtime.

So start feeling good about yourself. Contact us today to discuss the many options available to you.