Bariatric Skin Removal for a Whole New You!

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If you recently had bariatric surgery or lost a lot of weight, you know how life-changing it is.

You look better. You feel better. Maybe you’ve bought all new clothes. Or perhaps you’re engaged in activities you previously couldn’t do. You feel lighter and more confident. Most importantly, you’re healthier.

Yep. For the most part, these changes are really positive. There is one drawback though.

Excess and loose hanging skin that remains after the weight loss can leave you uncomfortable, embarrassed and reminiscent of the days when you were overweight. Fortunately, bariatric skin removal procedures were developed with this in mind.

Areas Most Affected by Hanging Skin

The degree to which you experience excess skin depends on your skin’s elasticity, i.e. its ability to shrink back over the new foundation. Elasticity decreases with age, sun exposure, weight gain then loss, pregnancy, and genetic factors. Also, if you’re a smoker, your skin has less elasticity.

Obviously, your skin will be loosest in the areas where you lost the most weight.

The area people are most concerned with is the belly. There’s even a term for the overhanging apron of skin that folds over the abdomen. It’s called pannus and aside from being unsightly, it can also cause skin irritation and rash.

Because there are so many different areas that can be affected by weight loss, there are a number of procedures that fall under the umbrella of bariatric skin removal.

Procedures for Bariatric Skin Removal

An abdominoplasty (i.e. Tummy Tuck) is the most common procedure performed. And there are many different levels. It may be simply a matter of removing the pannus, also known as a panniculectomy.  But there might be the need for a more complete tummy tuck with contouring of the abdomen, tightening the abdominal muscles, and moving the belly button.

Thigh Lift/Arm Lift

Treatment of loose skin on the thighs and buttocks involves an array of procedures that are customized to a patient’s individual needs. For example, an Inner Thigh Lift is performed by creating a crescent-shaped incision that allows the surgeon to remove excess skin. For patients with extremely loose skin, the Extended Inner Thigh Lift procedure uses a different incision that allows for even more excess skin to be removed.

Similar to the Thigh Lift, the particulars of an Arm Lift (or Brachioplasty) depend on each patient’s individual needs.

Various Body Lift Procedures

Since weight gain and loss is unique to the individual, plastic surgeons have to get creative when it comes to removing rolls of skin on the back and sides. So they may employ various other body lift procedures.

In addition, while liposuction is not used as a sole procedure for patients who have lost a lot of weight, it may be used along with lifting procedures to get a better contour.

Breast Reshaping

A large amount of weight loss in the chest/breast can result in the presence of sagging, deflated breasts in both men and women. For men, a breast reduction may be required. For women, the surgeon may recommend a breast lift with or without implants.

Could Bariatric Skin Removal Be Right for You?

If it’s been 12-18 months since your major weight loss or bariatric surgery, your weight has been stable for 3 months, and you’re just plain ready to get rid of that excess skin, then contact us today for a free consultation.

Your surgeon will advise you on the best bariatric skin removal procedures to treat your specific trouble areas.

And right now through October 31st, 2020, you will receive $1500 off a Thigh Lift, Arm Lift, or Body Lift. So don’t wait!

The History of Plastic Surgery

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If you had to wager a guess as to when plastic surgery began, chances are you’d guess much later than reality.

In fact, the history of plastic surgery goes all the way back to 800 B.C. when physicians in ancient India were using skin grafts for reconstructive surgery.

It’s hard to imagine what that entailed exactly. It’s probably safe to say that the procedure would not have been considered hygienic by today’s standards.

Whatever the case, the practice of plastic surgery continued to grow from its roots in early Eastern medicine practices into what it is today.


The History of Plastic Surgery

The field hardly took off after those early days in India. Advances were admittedly slow in coming.

There were a number of Asian healers who used certain techniques that looked something like modern rhinoplasty to improve upon the shape of noses of royal family members. Over the next few centuries though, the techniques used in India and central Asia were introduced to European countries.


The Greco-Roman Period

The Greco-Roman Period was between 332BC -395 AD. It marked the end of Persian rule over Egypt. It also marked some of the biggest advancements in medicine.

Roman medical writer Aulus Cornelius Celsus wrote De Medicina which laid out surgical methods for reconstructing ears, lips, and noses. Another text entitled Synagogue Medicae, was a 70-volume work that contained numerous passages dedicated to reconstructive techniques to repair facial defects.


The Middle Ages

With the fall of the Roman Empire and the spread of Christianity throughout Europe during the Middle Ages (476– 1453AD), science gave way to mysticism and religion. At one point, Pope Innocent III declared that all surgery was expressly prohibited by Church law.

Later in the Middle Ages, plastic surgery fell further out of favor as it was considered the work of witchcraft.

Despite these limitations and the overall lack of standards for hygiene and cleanliness, minor advancements were still made during this time. A procedure to repair a cleft lip was, in fact, developed in the tenth century.


The Renaissance

The Renaissance occurred from 1300 – 1600AD and saw significant advances in science and technology. During this time, safer and more effective surgical techniques were developed.

An Islamic text from the 15th century, Imperial Surgery, included 191 procedures that included both maxillofacial and eyelid surgery. It also included a protocol for the treatment of gynecomastia and is thus believed to be the foundation for the modern method of surgical breast reduction.

During the 16th century, University of Bologna professor of surgery and anatomy Gaspare Tagliacozzi – whose often referred to as the “father of plastic surgery” – first started nose grafting using skin flaps from the upper arm. He used these techniques primarily to correct saddle nose deformity.

During the seventeenth century, plastic surgery would again decline. But by the late eighteenth and early 19th century, the pendulum would start to swing back in the other direction.


The 1800s

In 1818, German Doctor Karl Ferdinand von Gräefe published Rhinoplastik, being the first to coin the term “plastic” surgery. Originating from the the Greek word, plastikos, and the Latin word, plasticus, it meant “able to be molded.” Since these doctors molded body tissues during their procedures, it was called plastic surgery.

The first cleft palate operation was in 1827 in the United States. It was performed by Dr. John Peter Mettauer using surgical instruments of his own design.

Many women during this time used corsets and brassieres to enhance the look of their breasts. Cosmetic surgeons gradually learned new ways to augment the breast shape and size in women and in the 19th century, surgeons performed the first breast augmentation by using artificial implants made from rubber, paraffin, ivory, and glass.

Finally, the first reconstructive breast surgery was done by Vincenz Czerny in 1895. He performed a successful mammary reconstruction on an actress who had undergone a cancerous surgery and removal of a breast tumor.


The 1900s

At the beginning of the 1900s, the need for plastic surgery was becoming clearer. Its necessity would become ever more apparent with the arrival of World War I.

The casualties of war made reconstructive surgery a necessity for many soldiers. Military physicians were required to treat extensive facial and head injuries caused by modern weaponry – both in the United States and Europe.

Around this time, surgeons began to fully realize the potential influence that one’s personal appearance has on success in life. As such, aesthetic surgery became a more respected aspect of plastic surgery. In 1923, after WWI, the first modern rhinoplasty was performed in the United States.

This progress also brought with it advanced methods of anesthesia and infection prevention so that surgeons could perform increasingly complex procedures.

This fostered the establishment of medical boards and associations to provide continuity of care and research along with a network for medical providers working in the field of plastic and cosmetic surgery.

With board certification in place, plastic surgery became fully integrated into the medical establishment by 1950. And by 1969, plastic surgeons were moving to the forefront of the medical establishment, including Dr. Hal B. Jennings who was appointed Surgeon General that year.

In the 1980s, plastic surgeons and plastic surgery advocates pushed to expand public awareness and improve public perception and growth continued through the 1990s.

Growth continued through the 1990s, and today, plastic surgery is a popular option – whether for reconstructive purposes, health reasons, or to boost one’s appearance and confidence. With so many safe and proven options, it’s no big surprise.


Is Plastic Surgery Right for You?

The long history of plastic surgery demonstrates what a truly viable medical option it is.

So if you’re ready to address a body part that leaves you feeling less than attractive or even makes your life more difficult, contact us today to talk to one of our surgeons.

You’re fortunate to live in a time where you can make such choices.

The Link between Plastic Surgery and Healthier Lifestyles

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In our last several blog posts, we illustrated the many health benefits that are the result of plastic surgery.

For example, fat removal from liposuction can help to lower blood pressure and decrease the risk of diabetes.

Meanwhile, rhinoplasty improves breathing while a breast reduction can decrease and relieve back, neck, and shoulder pain.

But did you know that there’s a link between plastic surgery and healthier lifestyles too?

The Link between Plastic Surgery and Healthier Lifestyles

It makes sense if you think about it.

When people feel bogged down by their bodies – be it from excess weight, pain, or difficulty breathing – they are less inclined to engage in physical activity. Once they are relieved of those problems, they feel better about their bodies and can move about more freely.

And that’s a big plus because one of the most effective ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle is through exercise.

The Link between Plastic Surgery and Healthier Lifestyles

The Importance of Exercise

Exercise can, of course, help to maintain weight loss while preventing weight gain. That’s certainly motivation enough for some people to adopt a regular exercise regimen.

But the benefits go beyond that.


  1. Encourages Healthier Eating

Once patients have completed their surgery and are ready to partake in exercise, many are surprised to find the connection between physical activity and eating well.

Or, more accurately, wanting to eat well.

If they’d previously been consuming unhealthy food on a regular basis, they’d come to accept lethargy and low-energy as the norm. Once they arrive at the gym or fitness center with new-found confidence and self-esteem, it becomes clear that that old diet does nothing to foster their new exercise routine.

It doesn’t take long before they adopt a diet rich in whole grains, fruits and veggies, lean meats, and low-fat dairy to maintain their new appearance and help boost their energy for their workouts.

  1. Combats Health Conditions and Diseases

Exercise keeps the blood flowing, lowers blood pressure, and decreases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It also brings down triglyceride levels.

In fact, regular exercise can help to manage or even prevent a range of health problems including:

  • High blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Many types of cancer
  • Arthritis

It can also assist in improved cognitive function and can lower the risk of death from all causes.

  1. Boosts Mood


When plastic surgery patients feel better about their appearance, it increases their confidence and self-esteem. They want to continue to “do right” by their bodies.

Engaging in physical activity adds to this by stimulating the production of endorphins – the brain chemicals that boost a sense of happiness and well-being. It also decreases stress and improves cognitive function.

Another big plus? The mental health benefits that come as a result of social connection. Many plastic surgery patients forge new friendships and relationships at gyms, fitness centers, yoga studios, running clubs, or whatever group exercise experience speaks to them.

  1. Increases Energy

One of the most rewarding aspects of regular physical exercise is the ability to see the progress. As patients build their strength and increase their endurance, the natural by-product is a boost in energy. But they’ll also notice positive changes in their bodies that motivate them to continue.

In addition, exercise helps deliver oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and enables the cardiovascular system to work more efficiently. This also increases energy levels.

Finally, because regular physical activity contributes to longer and deeper sleep, the result is improved energy and more wakefulness throughout the day.

It’s hard to put a price on the value of that.

Are You Ready to Both Look and FEEL Better?

There’s a clear connection between plastic surgery and healthier lifestyles.

Increased confidence and self worth from plastic surgery boosts the motivation to exercise and eat well. It also leads to less depression and anxiety about one’s appearance in private and public spaces, better relationships with partners, and even improved production in the work place.

So if you’re ready to get on board with a healthier lifestyle, contact us today for a free consultation. We’ll sit down with you and determine the best treatment options to get you started on your path.


Can You Have Plastic Surgery to Reduce Back Pain?

The short answer is yes.

In our last post, we discussed how a tummy tuck procedure can help correct poor posture and ease back pain by strengthening and supporting the spine.

But an abdominoplasty isn’t the only plastic surgery to reduce back pain.

In fact, one of the most obvious ways to decrease pain in the back is by reducing the load on the front. Hence, the breast reduction.


The Drawbacks of Large Breasts


Preference in breast size is very personal. Some women are quite comfortable with an A-cup, while others feel more at home with something larger. That’s part of the reason breast augmentation exists.

But when breasts that are too ample wreak havoc on a woman’s quality of life, she may seek out a plastic surgeon to find relief for her chronic back pain and other large-breast-related health issues.

In some cases, patients are young women who developed large breasts during puberty. This is not an ideal time for this to occur because not only are the bones in the spine and neck not yet developed enough to support that kind of weight – but neither are the muscles in the shoulders and the back.

Other times, patients are older women whose breasts didn’t return to their original size after having children. Instead, they may be heavy and pendulous, causing discomfort.

Whatever the case, women with large breasts often have to deal with many negative repercussions. They have difficulty buying clothes that fit well and may even avoid certain social situations. They also avoid exercising because larger breasts can impede what others regard as regular movements in an exercise regimen.

In addition, they’re subject to uncomfortable rashes between and under their breasts.

Furthermore, the weight of their breasts pulling on bra straps can cause the skin to breakdown in their shoulders and create scabs, scars, and ridges there. But it’s usually back, neck, and shoulder pain that brings them to the plastic surgeon’s office.


How Is Back Pain Experienced?

The type of back pain and degree to which women experience it can vary. For some, the pain is dull, achy, and chronic, and remains mostly in the lower back.

For others, it’s more of a stinging or burning pain that moves from the low back to the backs of the thighs. From there it may travel to the lower legs or feet. The pain is often increased after prolonged sitting or standing.

In some cases, there may be muscle spasms or tightness in the back, pelvis, and hips. And some women report tingling or numbness in the hands or along the sciatic nerve.

The pain can start suddenly, or slowly develop over time. Sometimes it will come and go, but seems to get worse over time. But at the end of the day, women who seek plastic surgery for back pain have reached a point where they can no longer enjoy certain things because of it.

Breast reduction surgery is the ideal option for them.


What to Expect from Breast Reduction Surgery

When you make the decision to get a breast reduction, you’ll consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who will ensure that you fully understand the surgery, follow-up care, and the expected outcome. This will garner the most positive experience.

During the procedure, the surgeon will remove extra skin and excess breast tissue to make the breast more proportionately sized. He or she will then reposition the breast and the nipple and perform a breast lift to give your breast a fuller and more contoured appearance.

In addition, a long-acting pain medication is inserted between the pectoral muscles in the chest to ease you into recovery.


The procedure is outpatient, so you go home the same day. You’ll be prescribed a combination of pain relievers, anti-inflammatories, and muscle relaxers which will help shorten the recovery time.

For the first six weeks, you’ll need to wear a support bra both day and night. But you’ll be able to return to work and your regular activities in two to three weeks. And in just three months, you’ll be able to shop for your favorite bra in your new cup size!


Is Plastic Surgery to Reduce Back Pain an Option for You?

If you find that excess fatty tissue around the abdomen or in your breasts is putting too much strain on your back, then plastic surgery to reduce back pain might be right for you.

Contact us today to talk with one of our highly skilled plastic surgeons. We’ll discuss your options so that you can find relief and get back to your life with new confidence and vigor.

What Is a Mommy Makeover?



You love your children and can’t imagine your life without them.

What you probably can imagine though is how great it would be to get back to your pre-pregnancy body.

For a few women, getting back to that body just requires focusing on healthy eating and exercise.

But for MANY other women, there is no amount of dieting or exercising that can beckon the return of that pre-pregnancy body.

If you’re one of the many women who have encountered this, don’t despair!

The mommy makeover was developed just for you.


Mommy Makeover


The Ravages of Pregnancy

As beautiful and miraculous as pregnancy and childbirth are, they can take a serious toll on a woman’s body.

Pregnancy and nursing render many women feeling less confident about the appearance of their bodies after childbirth.

There are a number of reasons for this. Pregnancy and nursing can result in any (or all) of the following:

  • Loss of breast volume
  • Separated abdominal muscles
  • Loose skin with stretch marks
  • Weight gain
  • Lifestyle changes


Women suddenly find themselves in bodies they don’t even recognize. This can be physically, mentally, and emotionally trying.


How a Mommy Makeover Helps

Although it might sound like you’ll be spending the afternoon at the makeup counter at the mall, a mommy makeover is really an umbrella term that refers to a combination of body contouring procedures.

And no two mommy makeovers are the same. Each procedure is custom-tailored to fit the patient’s specific needs.

You will consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who will, in turn, develop an individualized plan to address your goals.

Then the chosen procedures will be completed together to improve those confidence-draining changes that have lingered after your pregnancy.

There are several procedures which the surgeon may recommend:


  1. Tummy Tuck

One tell-tale sign that a woman has experienced pregnancy are stretch marks on the skin. Deeper below the skin though, the abdominal muscles have often separated – leaving the belly to hang down and sag.

Also known as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that reduces excessive fat and skin around the abdomen and reconstructs that abdominal wall musculature.

This helps to flatten the belly again and minimize the appearance of those stretch marks.


  1. Breast Lift/Augmentation

Breasts are prone to sagging after the demands placed upon the body during pregnancy and nursing. Surgery is performed to restore the breasts to their original and more youthful pre-pregnancy position.

Depending on your situation, the plastic surgeon might recommend a breast lift, breast augmentation, or breast lift with either silicone or saline implants.

In some cases, the breasts may become too large after pregnancy and are no longer proportionate to the body. In this case, there would be a breast reduction.


  1. Liposuction

For those troublesome post-pregnancy spots – typically the stomach, waist, hips, and thighs – where you just can’t seem to lose the fat, the surgeon may recommend liposuction.

With liposuction, small incisions are made in the treatment area and then a thin hollow tube, called a cannula, is inserted through the incisions to loosen excess fat cells. A surgical vacuum is then used to suction the fat out of those areas to create a slimmer body contour.


  1. Facial Rejuvenation

While this fourth procedure isn’t a mommy makeover “standard,” it is a terrific way to build upon the more youthful appearance that comes from the other procedures.

If the stresses of pregnancy and raising little ones is showing on your face, you’ll want to ask your surgeon about the possibility of adding a facelift or BOTOX.


Recovery from a Mommy Makeover

It’s important to remember that a mommy makeover is surgery.

That means that you’ll be put under anesthesia and need to allow for adequate recovery time.

When you return home, expect that you’ll have to wear compression garments to reduce swelling. This is going to ensure the most optimal results.

Also, prescription pain medication will be prescribed to help manage any discomfort.

It’s difficult to say exactly how long your recovery will take. Given that each surgery is customized to meet the individual needs of the patient, actual recovery times vary.

Most mothers are able to get back to their normal activities within two weeks of the surgery. However, strenuous activities will likely have a longer restriction time.

The final results of your mommy makeover will slowly become apparent in the weeks and months following the surgery. Swelling will subside and you’ll notice a renewed firmness and youthful appearance.

It’s important to note, however, that you’ll need to stay at a steady weight following your mommy makeover to maintain those results.


Are You a Good Candidate?

The answer to this question depends on a number of factors. You may be a good candidate for a mommy makeover if you:

  • are healthy and able to stabilize your weight
  • feel dissatisfaction with the changes to your body post-pregnancy
  • have realistic expectations and goals

On the other hand, if you are planning on future pregnancies, then you will need to postpone this procedure until after that final pregnancy.

Reclaim Your Figure!

Contact us today to set up a free consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons.


A mommy makeover will give you renewed confidence in your appearance so you can focus on what really matters – spending time with your family.





Mommy Makeover

The Ultimate Guide To A Mommy Makeover

Most of the women today want their body to be as fit as the celebrities and influencers they see on social. This attitude is not only due to social intimidation but also because they want to feel better in their self, and it works as a confidence booster for them. Most of the people nowadays believe that “when you feel good inside, it reflects your outer self,” and this seems to be so true. No woman wants her appearance to be an obstacle in achieving her ambitions and anybody to look down on them. This is one of many reasons they want to restore their body postpartum.

Many women have gone on fad diets and have been busting their butt in the gym. Nothing has worked to get their pre-baby body back; of course, it varies from individual to individual. Some can recover just great, and some just cannot. And there comes Mommy Makeover.


A mommy makeover consists of a list of procedures to restore or enhance the shape and appearance of a woman’s body after childbearing. Many areas of a woman’s body undergo a drastic change post-pregnancy. Most commonly, these areas are the breasts, abdomen, waist, and buttocks.

The procedures involved are performed considering the best option for the patient, According to their body conditions and what kind of procedure they want.


Possible procedures 

  • Breast Augmentation
  • Breast Lift
  • Liposuction
  • Tummy Tuck


Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure used to increase the size, fullness, and shape of a woman’s breast.

So, if you want to increase the size of your breasts, this can be an excellent option for you.

The procedure

This surgical procedure is performed under general anesthesia. A small incision is made under the natural breast fold (about 4 cm). The implant of the patient’s choice is then inserted above or just below the muscle and incision is sutured with dissolvable sutures. 

Size and material of Implant

Size of the Implant usually depends on the patient’s goals for breast size and her natural anatomy.

Generally, implants made of silicone are used, but fat or tissue can also serve the purpose of implants.


The majority of patients do not face any difficulties. But in rare cases, these complications can arise:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Implant complications
  • Nipple numbness 
  • Swelling



The incision is of generally as small as 4 cm, and as it is made under the natural fold, it is highly conspicuous and fades away with time.

Post-operation Recovery

Along with the medication given to you by your surgeon, much more is needed to be done to ensure a smooth recovery.

  • A surgical bra is advised to the patient for some weeks.
  • The patient can shower two days after surgery.
  • The patient is asked to keep their arms by their sides, which means no excessive stretching as it can cause swelling.
  • The patient shouldn’t drive or lift any heavy object for about 1-2 weeks.
  • Light walking is recommended for six weeks, and the patient can continue their regular regimen after that.
  • Avoid scar treatment of any kind (lotions, solutions, or herbal preps) until consulting your surgeon.
  • Implants usually sit high and take some time to adjust. The time frame can be anywhere from 6 weeks to 6 months.

Breast Lift/ Mastopexy

Breast lift is a surgical procedure, which primarily focuses on raising sagging or drooping breasts and gives them a firmer and round look.

There are three types of breast lift procedures:

1.  Periareolar incision: this approach follows the natural areolar shape of the patient and is typically best for someone who has large areolas and minimal sagging or drooping that needs correction.

2.  Vertical breast reduction Incision: This approach goes the same as the Periareolar incision but also extends down from the areola, thus providing a more significant lift for moderate drooping.

3.  Inverted T-Shape Incision: this approach follows the same way as both of the above-mentioned incisions with an additional incision within the breast fold.


The Procedure

It involves four steps:

1. Restoring nipple-areolar complex in its areolar complex

2. Adjust the breast according to the desired size

3. Giving it the desired shape

4. Removal of extra skin

This surgery is performed using general anesthesia, and an incision will be made according to the approaches mentioned above as desired by the patient. The surgeon will lift and reshape breasts. After removing the extra skin for a firmer appearance, the incisions are sutured with skin adhesives, sutures or surgical tape.


Just like breast augmentation, it has very rare chances of complications. Some of the complications are:

  • Bleeding 
  • Infection
  • Blood clots
  • Uneven breasts
  • Blood or fluid collection in the breasts
  • Blood clots
  • Scarring

Scarring may be a drawback of any surgery. However, scarring doesn’t persist for a long time as it fades away with time and becomes inconspicuous with the use of “doctor approved” scar creams/gels.

Post-operation Recovery

Full recovery times varies from individual to individual according to their body’s wound healing properties.

All the instructions given are just the same as that of breast augmentation procedure.

As there are long incisions, scar fading can take some extra amount of time, but the rest of the instructions are the same.


A breast lift and Breast Augmentation can be done together to achieve more appealing results.




Liposuction is a surgical procedure in which localized fatty tissue is removed from the abdomen. It is a very suitable procedure for people wishing to remove localized or stubborn fat deposits around the abdomen.

The procedure

Liposuction is a surgical procedure performed under local anesthesia. In this process, small incisions are made close to the fat deposits, and a cannula is inserted into the incisions to break up the fatty tissue and remove the dislodged fat by a medical vacuum. The incision is closed using dissolvable sutures.

Possible Complications

  • Temporary loss of sensation in the surgical area
  • Persistent swelling
  • Seroma (temporary fluid pouches)
  • The fat that has been removed may leave some irregularities,
  • Infection, or damage to nerve tissue
  • Fat embolism (trapped fat in blood circulation)


Scarring rule goes the same as mentioned above. Although the time frame varies from person to person, it eventually fades away and becomes unobtrusive.

Post-Operative Recovery

  • Generally, this procedure has a quick recovery.
  • Medicines and other preventive infection measures are prescribed. 
  • The patient is suggested to have a family member or friend by their side as the patient needs support while getting out of the bed or walking for the first two days.
  • Driving is forbidden because medication involves Tylenol, which may make you sleepy.
  • Compression garments are advised to support the new contours of the body and let them adjust according to the body’s natural anatomy.
  • The patient is discouraged from doing any heavy lifting/ exercises up to 4 weeks and can continue their regimen after being cleared by their doctor. 
  • Incision site should be cleaned with a specific solution provided by your doctor to avoid the risk of infections.
  • Keep track of your healthy diet.
  • Some medicines can also result in constipation. Add more fruits in your diet with laxative properties, or you can also seek help from a pharmacy product.

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure, in which loose skin is excised to give a flatter abdominal wall by tightening the abdominal wall. This procedure is best for mommies who have lost weight and are left with droopy skin or loose postpartum skin in the abdomen area.

The Procedure

The patient receives general anesthesia, and a horizontal incision is marked between the hips along the bikini line. The surgeon then tucks the abdominal wall by excising the loose skin and sewing the rest to itself from the sternum down to the pubic area, tightening the abdominal muscles. The navel is repositioned. Then the incision is closed with dissolvable sutures.


  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Changes in skin sensation
  • Seroma
  • Poor wound healing
  • Fat necrosis
  • Asymmetry 


Scarring with tummy tucks will be permanent but should fade away with time. As the incision is made below the bikini line, it is easily concealed under the underwear. So, it is just unnoticeable.


Post-operation Recovery

  • Following the operation, the patient is asked to put compression garments to reduce the swelling and support the new contours while it heals and adjusts according to the body. The patient is asked to wear these according to the progression of their recovery. 
  • Bruising, tightness, swelling, and moderate pain are expected after the surgery.
  • The patient is prescribed antibiotics as the risk of infections increases and can cause severe and long term damage to your body.
  •  A solution is prescribed to be applied to the incision area to protect it from any infection at least two times a day for two to three weeks.
  • Avoid heavy exercise, work, alcohol intake, and smoking are prohibited.
  • The patient is advised to rest and one to take two weeks off from work to better aid the healing process.
  • Last but the most powerful, must follow your surgeon’s advice no matter what.
  • Scar treatment can be used after talking to your doctor.
  • Pineapple enzyme is helpful in case of inflammation and reduces bruising.
  • Wear comfortable clothes to avoid burns.

Some pre-operation Instructions 

  • Wash with the solution recommended by your doctor twice daily, and one week before surgery.
  • It is advised to use an anti-bacterial soap like Dial anti-bacterial, starting two weeks prior to surgery.
  • Remove all the hairs in the surgical area.
  • Eat light food for two days before the surgery to avoid constipation due to the medication.
  • Wear loose and comfortable clothing.
  • Tell your surgeon about any illness or medication you are currently taking
  • Avoid smoking two months before your surgery as it affects the lungs and causes complications in operation and post-operation as it increases the risks of Pneumonia.
  • No Nicotine products: Avoid intake of any nicotine products for at least two months before the surgery. NIcotine may interfere with the blood flow and slow down the process of healing and recovery.
  • Stop using Aspirin, naproxen, ibuprofen or other NSAIDs, alcohol, vitamins, and all herbal products because they can cause potential bleeding in your surgery.
  • Avoid sun exposure because higher melanin content can slow down your healing process.
  • Do not drink anything (including water) after midnight, the day before surgery.
  • Avoid creams and lotions on your skin during surgery.


If you’re interested in more information about Mommy Makeovers, please contact our office at 248-735-3800. 

Receive $2,000 off your Mommy Makeover now through October 2019!

The Mommy Makeover: What It Is & Procedures Involved

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A woman’s body image is directly related to self-esteem, and how they view themselves. There is an old saying “When Mama’s Not Happy – Nobody Is Happy!” When a woman feels good, her family reaps the rewards. With today’s celebrities looking young, beautiful and youthful weeks after giving birth, it’s no wonder there is now a demand for “mommy makeover” procedures.

“I was 105 lbs before I had my kids and I gained 70 lbs with the first child… With my second daughter I gained 40 lbs… I didn’t feel confident and didn’t want to show my body. I didn’t want to see in the mirror… After surgery, I was so happy. I fell in love with my body again… I show everybody my results…” Valeska G., Beverly Hills

What is a Mommy Makeover

So what is a mommy makeover? Simply put, a mommy makeover addresses a woman’s post-pregnancy body in a single-session or multi-stage surgeries. Mommy makeovers typically combine several procedures including a tummy tuck, breast enhancement (a breast lift or augmentation) and possibly liposuction.

A mommy makeover is not meant to be done soon after giving birth however. Pregnancy and childbirth puts stress the body. Surgery soon after would be dangerous. So what’s involved in a mommy makeover?

For many celebrities, they work with personal trainers, personal cooks and nutritionists during and after pregnancy. While we suggest being at your best health for a mommy makeover, many women do not live the ideal life of a celebrity. We suggest patients:

  • Eat healthy
  • Have optimal water intake
  • Participate in healthy exercise

Even with doing this however, pregnancy often leads to loose skin and damaged muscles in the abdomen. That is where Star Plastic Surgery can help.

The Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck is one way to address the abdominal area, especially the muscles. Exercise will not always get a woman back to her pre-baby shape. Instead, patients may needs a surgeon to stitch together the torn tissue between sections of her abdominal muscles. An added benefit is that loose skin and stretch marks after pregnancy will be removed during a tummy tuck.

Breast Enhancement

Mommy makeovers may also address problems that occur in the breasts after giving birth. Most women, especially in their 30-40s, need to have a breast lift after giving birth. This is because breasts tissue expands and contracts dramatically during milk production. It’s not uncommon for a woman to go up and down several cup sizes after giving birth which may require a breast augmentation, breast reduction or a combination breast augmentation and breast lift.


Liposuction in a mommy makeover will help to reduce or eliminate cellulite and excess fat a women experiences after birth. If, after pregnancy, extra fat on the hips, thighs, waist or abdomen, can be removed with liposuction.

Mommy makeovers may even take into consideration a facelift, mini facelift, filler or injectables. Whatever a new mom desires to help her feel her best, most youthful self.

Mommy Makeover

Would you like to find younger, firmer, skin and a profile similar to their more youthful, pre-baby self? Have you been considering a mommy makeover but aren’t sure if you can or should do it? We encourage you to view our patient photo gallery, or call and schedule your free consultation.

Your mommy makeover options will be personalized during your consultation to reflect your needs. Not all women need to have the same procedures and the only way to determine your needs is to schedule a consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeons. Call us today at (248) 735-3800.

Mommy Makeover

Look & Feel Red Carpet Ready This Year

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The Academy Awards, AMA’s and many other awards shows are coming up. Anticipation is building as pundits want to know who will win Best Actor, Best Musical Act and the coveted Best Picture. What movie will take home the Oscar? Do you want to see a good comedic monologue to start or a bang-up musical performance in the opening sequence? Will Margot Robbie beat out Meryl Streep? Who will  win Best Actor? Are you red carpet ready?

Red Carpet Ready Star Plastic Surgery

In recent years, the red carpet arrivals of these A-list actors and actresses have become just as gossip-worthy as the awards themselves. Who are they wearing? Who are they with? Have they had any plastic surgery done?

The answer to that last question in many cases is simply, “Yes.” As cosmetic surgery procedures become more advanced and less invasive, more women and men are having it done. From nose surgery to liposuction.

Jennifer Anniston has talked about having plastic surgery for deviated septum repair. Kaley Cuoco, from The Big Bang Theory, has had breast augmentation and recently had facial fillers. Rapper Cardi B had a mommy makeover, Ariel Winter from Modern Family had a breast reduction, going from a 32F to a 34D. She says she finally feels right.

Cosmetic surgery isn’t just about looking your best; it’s also about feeling your best. Star Plastic Surgery offers liposuction, our Mommy Makeover, body contouring, face lifts and so much more. Whether you’re an A-list celebrity or just a hard-working Mom trying to make ends meet, Star Plastic Surgery will get you looking AND feeling red carpet ready!

5 Star Plastic Surgery

Christina previously had a breast reduction that left her with scarring. After her surgery at Star she was very happy with the outcome.

Best Plastic Surgeons

Dr Elan Reisin - Star Plastic Surgery, Novi, MichiganElan Reisin MD, FACS, the Medical Director of Star Plastic Surgery in Novi, Michigan, was voted “TOP DOC OF THE YEAR.” This award, was in the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery category of Hour Detroit Magazine’s Top Docs special edition beginning in 2015 up to the current year. As one of the best plastic surgeons, Reisin received the most peer votes in the plastic surgery category.

All of Star’s surgeons have completed thousands of procedures including breast augmentation, breast lifts, tummy tucks, mommy makeovers, rhinoplasty, eyelid surgery, facelifts, breast reduction surgery, and more. Star Plastic Surgery’s mission is to provide the highest degree of patient satisfaction by achieving the most successful surgical results.

Star Plastic Surgery invites you to schedule your free consultation.