Improving Loose Skin After Massive Weight Loss


There are so many benefits to losing a lot of weight.

Along with feeling more confident about your appearance, it can help with conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. Massive weight loss has also shown to improve cholesterol, blood glucose, and insulin levels, as well as relieve back pain.

Improving Loose Skin After Massive Weight Loss

The only real drawback is skin laxity. Improving loose skin after massive weight loss can feel like a never-ending challenge.

Why Does This Happen?

One of the biggest factors is collagen.

Made of densely packed fibers, collagen is a major building block of skin and helps provide it with structure. When those fibers in the skin get stretched, as is the case with carrying too much weight, they don’t bounce back once the weight is shed.

And then there’s elastin, which is a key protein in the skin. It’s what helps the skin to return to its original position when pinched or poked.

As we age, the body produces less collagen and elastin. So they can’t be relied upon to replenish the skin after massive weight loss.

“Problem Areas”

People who lose a lot of weight are often left with excess skin on the torso, upper back, arms, legs, face, and neck.

When there is excess skin on the torso, back, and limbs, many people try to diet and exercise but with little to no success. And since losing weight can lessen lymphedema, decreased swelling in the arms and legs can also add to the issue of excess skin.

Abdominal muscles that have been stretched due to diastasis – the separation of abdominal muscles that often happens during pregnancy – can also add to the issue of abdominal laxity and prominence.

And excess skin around the neck and face can create the appearance of significantly advanced aging – thereby negating some of the increased self-confidence that comes from losing weight in the first place.

Moreover, excess skin can cause intertrigo – a common rash that shows up between the folds of excess skin.

So what’s a person to do?

The Best Way for Improving Loose Skin After Massive Weight Loss

One of the most enjoyable aspects of losing a lot of weight is the ability to fit into smaller and more stylish clothes. However, when there is excess skin due to this weight loss, it can make certain clothes feel awkward or even uncomfortable.

It can also lead to problems with intimacy.

Furthermore, skin and stretching of the abdomen muscles in diastasis can cause difficulty with exercise and maintaining that healthy new weight. This can lead to loss of self-esteem, anxiety, and depression.


Surgery to remove the excess skin and tighten the muscles is usually the only solution.

Any number of body lift surgeries are the most common procedures used to improve skin laxity after massive weight loss. These include tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, as well as buttock, arm, and breast lifts, circumferential body lift, mastopexy, and upper body lift.

As for skin laxity in the face, a three-dimensional rejuvenation procedure is often recommended. Loose muscles are repositioned, then a board-certified plastic surgeon removes the excess skin and increases volume in the newly tightened skin through fat grafting.

The results are amazing.

Get the Full Benefits of Losing Weight!

Is improving loose skin after massive weight loss a priority for you? If so, contact us for a free consultation.

You’ve made great strides in your weight loss. So why not reap all of the rewards?



Difference Between Full and Mini Abdominoplasty

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You’ve more than likely heard the term “tummy tuck.” This is the layman’s term for an abdominoplasty.

But did you know that there is both a full and a mini version? Which, of course, may leave you wondering about the difference between full and mini abdominoplasty procedures.

Many people take advantage of these surgical procedures for a variety of reasons.

The Role of An Abdominoplasty Procedure

There’s no arguing that a tummy tuck removes excess skin and fat to give patients a smoother and flatter abdomen. For many people, this is motivation enough.

Yet the procedure also involves the reconstruction of the abdominal wall musculature to tighten weak or distended muscles. This is especially helpful for women post-pregnancy who experience diastasis recti – a condition where the abdominal muscles stretch and separate to accommodate the expanding uterus. The result is a distended abdomen that no amount of diet or exercise can alleviate.

Removing excess fat and skin while tightening and toning abdominal muscles improves posture and can also help those who struggle with chronic back pain.

And while an abdominoplasty procedure is not meant to be a weight loss plan, bariatric patients who undergo abdominoplasty to reduce the size of their stomach are more likely to keep the weight off. This is an important factor in managing diabetes and fending off insulin resistance.

So then when do you need a full abdominoplasty, and when will a mini be sufficient?

The Difference Between Full and Mini Abdominoplasty




Without getting too technical, a mini abdominoplasty procedure only addresses issues from the belly button down.

That means when the issue is diastasis, as mentioned above, or other upper abdomen laxity, this calls for a full abdominoplasty. This procedure lifts the flap up to the xiphoid process and costal margin (rib cage and sternum) to repair diastasis from top to bottom. Umbilical hernias can also be repaired during this procedure.

On the other hand, if there is no laxity above the belly button and only skin excess and ptosis of the mons (extra weight/skin and bulging in the pubic area) below it, a mini can be performed. In the case of this procedure, the upper abdomen can also be suctioned, provided there is no laxity or diastasis.


How Are the Two Procedures Alike?

Both the full and mini abdominoplasty procedures are drainless. In the earlier days of tummy tucks, cumbersome drains were part of recovery. Patients had to contend with two or three drains and wires coming off their bodies. There was also concern around the possibility of bacteria entering through the portal entries created by these drains and hoses.

Fortunately, those days are gone.

In addition, each of the procedures utilizes a nerve block for post op pain. Long-lasting anesthetic drugs ease some of the pain during early recovery by blocking the nerves of the abdomen during the procedure. The patient wakes up with the area numbed, and continues to feel some level of pain relief for up to three days. While it doesn’t eliminate the pain, it greatly reduces reliance on narcotics.

The surgeries generally run 2.5 – 3.5 hours to complete and it’s not unusual for a skilled plastic surgeon to recommend the addition of liposuction of the flanks in both procedures.

Patients are able to shower the day after their abdominoplasty and those with desk jobs will only need to take one to two weeks off for recovery. They can engage in light cardio after two weeks, light resistance training after four weeks, and can return to exercises involving the core such as planks and squats in about six weeks time.

Are You Considering a Tummy Tuck?

Now that you know the difference between full and mini abdominoplasty procedures, you’re better educated on which one is right for you.

Ultimately though, you’ll need to consult with a surgeon to determine the most effective plan for your needs.

So contact us for a free consultation. We’ll guide you on the most effective route to a firmer, flatter belly that will restore your confidence.

Increase Muscle Mass With Emsculpt

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Are you a fitness buff but are finding that your workouts aren’t exactly working out? That no matter how many grimacing crunches or grunting dead lifts you perform, it doesn’t seem to make a difference?

You’ve hit the dreaded workout plateau.

It’s that unpleasant space of existence where your workouts seem for naught because NOTHING is changing. Fortunately, you can lose fat and increase muscle mass with Emsculpt.

And here’s the kicker – you need only lie back and relax.

Build Muscle Mass With No Effort?

At this point, you may be shaking your head and getting ready to occupy your mind with something else. And our asking you to suspend your disbelief for a moment may come across as downright audacious.

We get it.

But Emsculpt is the real deal. It’s not a magical cream or elixir. Rather, it’s technology that uses non-invasive, high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy to implode fat cells while simultaneously building muscle.

Furthermore, it’s cleared by the FDA for the purpose of improving tone and strengthening muscles. It’s a completely non-invasive procedure that triggers 20,000 supramaximal muscle contractions in the course of 30 minutes.

What this essentially means is that it’s able to affect the muscles in a way that would be impossible for you to do voluntarily. For example, it’s as if you could do 20,000 sit-ups in the course of 30 minutes.

Emsculpt Is Not Just for the Abs Though

Many who seek out Emsculpt procedures focus on improving their abs. And it’s extremely effective for this area. Plus, toning the abdominal muscles with have the natural outcome of increasing core strength and stability. This, in turn, can relieve back pain.

In addition, studies show a 10% narrowing of the gap of diastasis recti – the partial or complete separation of the rectus abdominis that creates a protruding belly pooch and is common following pregnancy.

Yet Emsculpt is also commonly used for the buttocks. There are even smaller paddles utilized to target the biceps, triceps, thighs, and calves.  For instance, golfers and tennis players use Emsculpt to improve the strength of their swings and explosive maneuvers.

And all with no needles, no incisions, and no anesthesia.

What to Expect From Emsculpt

Think of Emsculpt as an intense workout, except all the work is done for you with no sweating and no downtime. There is also no pre/post treatment preparation; although coming in hydrated is always beneficial for any body sculpting procedure.

Emsculpt treatments run 30 minutes per treatment and there will be a minimum of 4 sessions scheduled 2-3 days apart.

So here’s how it works:

You relax back onto a table while a small device is strapped over the area you’re targeting. Facilitators give you tips on ways to breathe and relax through the session.

Power from the device slowly increases and your muscles begin to contract, creating a very intense vibration that may feel strange at first. After a few contractions, the machine switches to a tapping action in order to break down the lactic acid your muscles produce during the contractions.

At the end of 30 minutes, you’re done. You’ll likely feel some muscle soreness the next day – just as you would after an intense workout. Visible improvements appear two to six weeks after the last session and continue to improve for several weeks following the sessions.

It’s important to note that this treatment is most optimal for patients who are in overall good health, physically active, have a BMI of 30 or under, and want to enhance where their regular exercise program has plateaued.

In other words, it’s not meant to replace regular exercise and good eating habits.

Ready to Lose Fat and Increase Muscle Mass with Emsculpt?

Hitting a workout plateau is discouraging.

So why not lose that problematic fat and increase muscle mass with Emsculpt? It will help you reach your next fitness level while feeling great and looking amazing!

Contact us today for a free consultation. We’ll put together a treatment plan tailored to your specific goals.

Keep Your Skin Healthy with SkinMedica, Obagi, and Alastin Products

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It’s impossible to deny the multiple benefits of plastic surgery to achieve younger looking skin.

Advanced technology and procedures have made it easier than ever to tighten sagging skin and lessen or eliminate age spots, blemishes, and scars.

But plastic surgeons also incorporate and recommend skin care products from lines such as SkinMedica, Ogabi, and Alastin to maintain stunning results.

We’ll take a look at these three lines of skincare products.

The Science of SkinMedica

The experts at SkinMedica studied the science of the skin’s own healing in formulating this impressive line of products.

They wanted to achieve the treatment of myriad skin issues in single formulations – unlike a number of other skin care brands that require multiple products to achieve the same results.

So whether you’re trying to tighten sagging skin around the neck, reduce circles under the eyes, or target pesky crow’s feet, SkinMedica has you covered with proven ingredients such as vitamins E & C, Retinol, tea tree oil, and salicylic acid.

Simply put, SkinMedica has the products you need to brighten and rejuvenate your skin.

Anti-Aging With Obagi

Similar to SkinMedica, the Obagi line incorporates powerful and effective ingredients to treat a variety of skin issues. They address the skin in its totality.

Obagi skin care systems seek to perfect specific skin conditions by transforming cellular functions. From serums to lotions to cleansers, each product is part of an anti aging system that aims to keep skin radiant and flawless.

At the end of the day, Obagi skin care systems deliver on their promise to achieve healthy and naturally hydrated skin that’s smooth, free of sensitivity, and functioning at its optimal level to fight the signs of aging.

Peptides and Allastin

If you’re not familiar with peptides, they are short chains of amino acids that serve as the building blocks of certain proteins needed by the skin. These include collagen and elastin, which both deteriorate as we age. And as they decrease, the skin’s ability to bounce back does as well.

Alastin utilizes a unique TriHex peptide to address this.

Using a serum or moisturizer that contains peptides leads to firmer and healthier skin. In the case of Alastin, it actually penetrates the skin and institutes biological changes in the extracellular matrix (space between the cells).

It all sounds very scientific, but it’s really quite simple. Alastin is a biologically active substance that targets this matrix to encourage the increased manufacture of collagen and elastin. And that equals younger, thicker, and healthier skin.

SkinMedica, Obagi, and Alastin During Healing

Because the properties of all of these products help facilitate the skin’s natural healing processes, they are frequently used in both preparation for and recovery from specific plastic surgery procedures.

For example, Alastin may be used to infuse peptides during recovery from  a neck lift. Or perhaps your surgeon will advise the use of a SkinMedica or Obagi product around the eyes after a face lift. There are even body lotions they can recommend for any areas where you want tighter skin, including your arms, thighs, belly, or buttocks.

So whether you’re healing from a procedure, or simply looking for radiant and more youthful skin, there will be products from any one (or all) of these lines that will give you just that.

Beautiful Skin is Healthy Skin

Having smooth, supple, and younger looking skin is always in style.

SkinMedica, Obagi, and Alastin skincare products can deliver on that and transform your skin.

So if you’re curious about the vast array of benefits these products can offer you, contact us today. You can set up a free consultation with one of our skincare experts who can answer your questions and guide you to the products that’ll be just right for you.


Bariatric Skin Removal for a Whole New You!

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If you recently had bariatric surgery or lost a lot of weight, you know how life-changing it is.

You look better. You feel better. Maybe you’ve bought all new clothes. Or perhaps you’re engaged in activities you previously couldn’t do. You feel lighter and more confident. Most importantly, you’re healthier.

Yep. For the most part, these changes are really positive. There is one drawback though.

Excess and loose hanging skin that remains after the weight loss can leave you uncomfortable, embarrassed and reminiscent of the days when you were overweight. Fortunately, bariatric skin removal procedures were developed with this in mind.

Areas Most Affected by Hanging Skin

The degree to which you experience excess skin depends on your skin’s elasticity, i.e. its ability to shrink back over the new foundation. Elasticity decreases with age, sun exposure, weight gain then loss, pregnancy, and genetic factors. Also, if you’re a smoker, your skin has less elasticity.

Obviously, your skin will be loosest in the areas where you lost the most weight.

The area people are most concerned with is the belly. There’s even a term for the overhanging apron of skin that folds over the abdomen. It’s called pannus and aside from being unsightly, it can also cause skin irritation and rash.

Because there are so many different areas that can be affected by weight loss, there are a number of procedures that fall under the umbrella of bariatric skin removal.

Procedures for Bariatric Skin Removal

An abdominoplasty (i.e. Tummy Tuck) is the most common procedure performed. And there are many different levels. It may be simply a matter of removing the pannus, also known as a panniculectomy.  But there might be the need for a more complete tummy tuck with contouring of the abdomen, tightening the abdominal muscles, and moving the belly button.

Thigh Lift/Arm Lift

Treatment of loose skin on the thighs and buttocks involves an array of procedures that are customized to a patient’s individual needs. For example, an Inner Thigh Lift is performed by creating a crescent-shaped incision that allows the surgeon to remove excess skin. For patients with extremely loose skin, the Extended Inner Thigh Lift procedure uses a different incision that allows for even more excess skin to be removed.

Similar to the Thigh Lift, the particulars of an Arm Lift (or Brachioplasty) depend on each patient’s individual needs.

Various Body Lift Procedures

Since weight gain and loss is unique to the individual, plastic surgeons have to get creative when it comes to removing rolls of skin on the back and sides. So they may employ various other body lift procedures.

In addition, while liposuction is not used as a sole procedure for patients who have lost a lot of weight, it may be used along with lifting procedures to get a better contour.

Breast Reshaping

A large amount of weight loss in the chest/breast can result in the presence of sagging, deflated breasts in both men and women. For men, a breast reduction may be required. For women, the surgeon may recommend a breast lift with or without implants.

Could Bariatric Skin Removal Be Right for You?

If it’s been 12-18 months since your major weight loss or bariatric surgery, your weight has been stable for 3 months, and you’re just plain ready to get rid of that excess skin, then contact us today for a free consultation.

Your surgeon will advise you on the best bariatric skin removal procedures to treat your specific trouble areas.

And right now through October 31st, 2020, you will receive $1500 off a Thigh Lift, Arm Lift, or Body Lift. So don’t wait!

Usher in the Warmth with Star’s Spring Specials

Are you ready for spring?

Warmer weather means shedding the heavy sweaters and coats and showing the world what you’ve got.

If what you’ve got isn’t exactly leaving you feeling confident, then you may want to consider taking advantage of Star’s spring specials.


Star’s Spring Specials for 2020

If you’re feeling apprehensive about donning spring clothing that reveals more of your body, you’re not alone.

We understand.

That’s precisely why we’re offering a wide array of both surgical and non-surgical procedures as part of Star’s spring specials. Take a look at our latest offerings.


Surgical Procedures for the Abdomen

Has winter left you with a little extra weight around the middle? Then you’re the perfect candidate for abdominoplasty – the doctorly term for a tummy tuck.

This procedure reduces excessive fat and skin around the abdomen and reconstructs the abdominal wall musculature.

Come in for a tummy tuck and receive one area of liposuction free (a $1500 value).


Surgical Procedures for the Breasts

If pregnancy, injury, illness or aging have left you dissatisfied with the appearance of your breasts, then it could be time for breast augmenta-tion.

Envision yourself in your spring wardrobe with fuller and younger looking breasts.

With our spring specials, breast augmentation is just $4850 with saline implants. Silicone implants are just $1000 more.

Mastopexy, or a breast lift, can be performed along with breast augmen-tation.

With this procedure, a board-certified plastic surgeon manipulates exist-ing breast tissue in order to lift and tighten your breast to reduce exces-sive sagging, drooping, and minor asymmetries.

Opt for mastopexy with augmentation and receive free implants (a $1600 value).


Surgical Procedures for Body Contouring

Having a baby is a miraculous event. But it definitely takes a toll on your body. A mommy makeover could be just what you need.

This combination of body contouring procedures is custom-tailored to fit your specific needs.

Right now, save $2000 on a mommy makeover.


Non-Surgical Procedures for the Face

The HydraFacial is an extremely effective way to clean and clear out your pores while hydrating the skin.

During our spring specials, you can get six HydraFacials for just $600.

Static wrinkles and folds around the nose and mouth can easily add years to your appearance. JUVÉDERM® works to fill those lines and firm up those folds.

JUVÉDERM® treatments are now only $450 per syringe.


Non-Surgical Procedures for the Abdomen and Buttocks

If you haven’t tried Emsculpt yet for toning your abs and glutes, now is the time.

This technology uses non-invasive high-intensity focused electromag-netic (HIFEM) energy to implode fat cells while simultaneously building muscle. It’s like doing 20,000 sit-ups in just 30 minutes.

Right now with our spring specials, buy two Emsculpt treatments and get two free (a $1500 value).


Non-Surgical Procedures for Hair Removal

Whatever your winter hair removal ritual entailed, spring will demand even smoother skin. Forever Bare is a broadband light treatment that targets the hair follicles to stop further hair growth without harming the skin.

Forever Bare can be used just about anywhere on the body including the legs, arms, face, underarms, bikini area, back, and shoulders.

Forever Bare is now 20% off per area per treatment.


Get Ready to Strut Your Stuff this Spring

Feel better about your appearance this spring while saving a few bucks with Star’s spring specials.

It’s important to note that these specials cannot be combined with other offers and they expire 4/30/20.

So contact us today to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who can discuss the best options for you.

What Emsculpt Can Do For You

Do you find it difficult to keep your abs toned and firmed?

Welcome to the club. For many of us, this a problem area.

And no matter how many sit-ups and crunches you do, it just doesn’t seem to help. Sure, if you could do 20,000 sit-ups it would probably make a difference. But who has the time or energy for that?

It turns out, you do. Because that’s exactly what 30 minutes of Emsculpt can do for you.

You’ll just need to simply lay back and relax.


emsculpt at star plastic surgery michigan


What Is Emsculpt?

It sounds too good to be true, right?

And you may be thinking, if this Emsculpt is really a thing, then I would have heard about it.

Well, unless you’re really in the know, you may not be aware of it because it’s the newest modality to enter the world of nonsurgical procedures for fat-reduction. That means no needles, no incisions and no anesthesia.

So how does it work?

Emsculpt uses non-invasive high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy to implode fat cells while simultaneously building muscle. It may sound like the stuff of infomercials, but this technology has been cleared by the FDA for the purpose of improving abdominal tone and strengthening the abdominal muscles.

It does so by triggering 20,000 supramaximal muscle contractions in the course of 30 minutes. What this essentially means is that it’s able to affect the muscle in a way that would be impossible for you to do voluntarily.

The main reason those countless crunches and squats at the gym aren’t working is that you’re only activating about 50% of the muscle group you’re working every three to five seconds. But with Emsculpt, you activate 100% of the muscle 20,000 times in 30 minutes.

And all while you’re lying still.

While those coming in for Emsculpt procedures are often focusing on their abs, the device is also commonly used for the buttocks. There are even smaller attachments utilized to target the arms, thighs and calves.

It depends on your “trouble” area.


What to Expect from Emsculpt

Before we go on, it should be noted that Emsculpt is intended to be a supplement to a healthy and active lifestyle. Emsculpt is not meant to replace regular exercise and good eating habits.

In other words, it won’t eliminate a major gut that’s the result of poor lifestyle choices.

That being said, if you decide to try Emsculpt, here is what you can expect from a typical session:

  • You will relax back onto the table while a small device is strapped over your abdomen (or whatever other area you’re targeting).
  • You’ll be given tips on ways to breathe and relax through the session.
  • A trained practitioner will then deliver power to the device – starting at a low level and then working up.
  • Your muscles will begin to contract, creating a very intense vibration may feel strange at first. Your feet may also lift off the table with each contraction. (Don’t worry! This is normal.)
  • After a few contractions, the machine will switch to a tapping action in order to break down the lactic acid your muscles produce during the contractions.
  • At the end of 30 minutes, you’ll be done. And the muscles you worked will likely feel sore the next day – much like they would after an intense workout.

If you work out a lot, you will probably not need as much intensity in the session because the motor neurons in your muscles are already active and don’t require as much power to contract. But you will still see the same results.

Because the target cells in Emsculpt are muscle cells, there is an increase in muscle mass by 16% over four treatments. This creates the desirable side effect of permanent fat cell reduction by 19%.

After your initial session, it’s recommended you complete three more over a two-week period for the best results.

And that’s it. It really is THAT easy.


What Emsculpt Can Do for You

What Emsculpt can do for you will depend on a few factors. That’s why it’s important that you speak with a plastic surgeon trained in Emsculpt.

So contact us today to schedule your free consultation and find out how Emsculpt could work for you.

Then get ready to finally say goodbye to those “problem” areas.

The Ultimate Guide To A Mommy Makeover

Most of the women today want their body to be as fit as the celebrities and influencers they see on social. This attitude is not only due to social intimidation but also because they want to feel better in their self, and it works as a confidence booster for them. Most of the people nowadays believe that “when you feel good inside, it reflects your outer self,” and this seems to be so true. No woman wants her appearance to be an obstacle in achieving her ambitions and anybody to look down on them. This is one of many reasons they want to restore their body postpartum.

Many women have gone on fad diets and have been busting their butt in the gym. Nothing has worked to get their pre-baby body back; of course, it varies from individual to individual. Some can recover just great, and some just cannot. And there comes Mommy Makeover.


A mommy makeover consists of a list of procedures to restore or enhance the shape and appearance of a woman’s body after childbearing. Many areas of a woman’s body undergo a drastic change post-pregnancy. Most commonly, these areas are the breasts, abdomen, waist, and buttocks.

The procedures involved are performed considering the best option for the patient, According to their body conditions and what kind of procedure they want.


Possible procedures 

  • Breast Augmentation
  • Breast Lift
  • Liposuction
  • Tummy Tuck


Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure used to increase the size, fullness, and shape of a woman’s breast.

So, if you want to increase the size of your breasts, this can be an excellent option for you.

The procedure

This surgical procedure is performed under general anesthesia. A small incision is made under the natural breast fold (about 4 cm). The implant of the patient’s choice is then inserted above or just below the muscle and incision is sutured with dissolvable sutures. 

Size and material of Implant

Size of the Implant usually depends on the patient’s goals for breast size and her natural anatomy.

Generally, implants made of silicone are used, but fat or tissue can also serve the purpose of implants.


The majority of patients do not face any difficulties. But in rare cases, these complications can arise:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Implant complications
  • Nipple numbness 
  • Swelling



The incision is of generally as small as 4 cm, and as it is made under the natural fold, it is highly conspicuous and fades away with time.

Post-operation Recovery

Along with the medication given to you by your surgeon, much more is needed to be done to ensure a smooth recovery.

  • A surgical bra is advised to the patient for some weeks.
  • The patient can shower two days after surgery.
  • The patient is asked to keep their arms by their sides, which means no excessive stretching as it can cause swelling.
  • The patient shouldn’t drive or lift any heavy object for about 1-2 weeks.
  • Light walking is recommended for six weeks, and the patient can continue their regular regimen after that.
  • Avoid scar treatment of any kind (lotions, solutions, or herbal preps) until consulting your surgeon.
  • Implants usually sit high and take some time to adjust. The time frame can be anywhere from 6 weeks to 6 months.

Breast Lift/ Mastopexy

Breast lift is a surgical procedure, which primarily focuses on raising sagging or drooping breasts and gives them a firmer and round look.

There are three types of breast lift procedures:

1.  Periareolar incision: this approach follows the natural areolar shape of the patient and is typically best for someone who has large areolas and minimal sagging or drooping that needs correction.

2.  Vertical breast reduction Incision: This approach goes the same as the Periareolar incision but also extends down from the areola, thus providing a more significant lift for moderate drooping.

3.  Inverted T-Shape Incision: this approach follows the same way as both of the above-mentioned incisions with an additional incision within the breast fold.


The Procedure

It involves four steps:

1. Restoring nipple-areolar complex in its areolar complex

2. Adjust the breast according to the desired size

3. Giving it the desired shape

4. Removal of extra skin

This surgery is performed using general anesthesia, and an incision will be made according to the approaches mentioned above as desired by the patient. The surgeon will lift and reshape breasts. After removing the extra skin for a firmer appearance, the incisions are sutured with skin adhesives, sutures or surgical tape.


Just like breast augmentation, it has very rare chances of complications. Some of the complications are:

  • Bleeding 
  • Infection
  • Blood clots
  • Uneven breasts
  • Blood or fluid collection in the breasts
  • Blood clots
  • Scarring

Scarring may be a drawback of any surgery. However, scarring doesn’t persist for a long time as it fades away with time and becomes inconspicuous with the use of “doctor approved” scar creams/gels.

Post-operation Recovery

Full recovery times varies from individual to individual according to their body’s wound healing properties.

All the instructions given are just the same as that of breast augmentation procedure.

As there are long incisions, scar fading can take some extra amount of time, but the rest of the instructions are the same.


A breast lift and Breast Augmentation can be done together to achieve more appealing results.




Liposuction is a surgical procedure in which localized fatty tissue is removed from the abdomen. It is a very suitable procedure for people wishing to remove localized or stubborn fat deposits around the abdomen.

The procedure

Liposuction is a surgical procedure performed under local anesthesia. In this process, small incisions are made close to the fat deposits, and a cannula is inserted into the incisions to break up the fatty tissue and remove the dislodged fat by a medical vacuum. The incision is closed using dissolvable sutures.

Possible Complications

  • Temporary loss of sensation in the surgical area
  • Persistent swelling
  • Seroma (temporary fluid pouches)
  • The fat that has been removed may leave some irregularities,
  • Infection, or damage to nerve tissue
  • Fat embolism (trapped fat in blood circulation)


Scarring rule goes the same as mentioned above. Although the time frame varies from person to person, it eventually fades away and becomes unobtrusive.

Post-Operative Recovery

  • Generally, this procedure has a quick recovery.
  • Medicines and other preventive infection measures are prescribed. 
  • The patient is suggested to have a family member or friend by their side as the patient needs support while getting out of the bed or walking for the first two days.
  • Driving is forbidden because medication involves Tylenol, which may make you sleepy.
  • Compression garments are advised to support the new contours of the body and let them adjust according to the body’s natural anatomy.
  • The patient is discouraged from doing any heavy lifting/ exercises up to 4 weeks and can continue their regimen after being cleared by their doctor. 
  • Incision site should be cleaned with a specific solution provided by your doctor to avoid the risk of infections.
  • Keep track of your healthy diet.
  • Some medicines can also result in constipation. Add more fruits in your diet with laxative properties, or you can also seek help from a pharmacy product.

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure, in which loose skin is excised to give a flatter abdominal wall by tightening the abdominal wall. This procedure is best for mommies who have lost weight and are left with droopy skin or loose postpartum skin in the abdomen area.

The Procedure

The patient receives general anesthesia, and a horizontal incision is marked between the hips along the bikini line. The surgeon then tucks the abdominal wall by excising the loose skin and sewing the rest to itself from the sternum down to the pubic area, tightening the abdominal muscles. The navel is repositioned. Then the incision is closed with dissolvable sutures.


  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Changes in skin sensation
  • Seroma
  • Poor wound healing
  • Fat necrosis
  • Asymmetry 


Scarring with tummy tucks will be permanent but should fade away with time. As the incision is made below the bikini line, it is easily concealed under the underwear. So, it is just unnoticeable.


Post-operation Recovery

  • Following the operation, the patient is asked to put compression garments to reduce the swelling and support the new contours while it heals and adjusts according to the body. The patient is asked to wear these according to the progression of their recovery. 
  • Bruising, tightness, swelling, and moderate pain are expected after the surgery.
  • The patient is prescribed antibiotics as the risk of infections increases and can cause severe and long term damage to your body.
  •  A solution is prescribed to be applied to the incision area to protect it from any infection at least two times a day for two to three weeks.
  • Avoid heavy exercise, work, alcohol intake, and smoking are prohibited.
  • The patient is advised to rest and one to take two weeks off from work to better aid the healing process.
  • Last but the most powerful, must follow your surgeon’s advice no matter what.
  • Scar treatment can be used after talking to your doctor.
  • Pineapple enzyme is helpful in case of inflammation and reduces bruising.
  • Wear comfortable clothes to avoid burns.

Some pre-operation Instructions 

  • Wash with the solution recommended by your doctor twice daily, and one week before surgery.
  • It is advised to use an anti-bacterial soap like Dial anti-bacterial, starting two weeks prior to surgery.
  • Remove all the hairs in the surgical area.
  • Eat light food for two days before the surgery to avoid constipation due to the medication.
  • Wear loose and comfortable clothing.
  • Tell your surgeon about any illness or medication you are currently taking
  • Avoid smoking two months before your surgery as it affects the lungs and causes complications in operation and post-operation as it increases the risks of Pneumonia.
  • No Nicotine products: Avoid intake of any nicotine products for at least two months before the surgery. NIcotine may interfere with the blood flow and slow down the process of healing and recovery.
  • Stop using Aspirin, naproxen, ibuprofen or other NSAIDs, alcohol, vitamins, and all herbal products because they can cause potential bleeding in your surgery.
  • Avoid sun exposure because higher melanin content can slow down your healing process.
  • Do not drink anything (including water) after midnight, the day before surgery.
  • Avoid creams and lotions on your skin during surgery.


If you’re interested in more information about Mommy Makeovers, please contact our office at 248-735-3800. 

Receive $2,000 off your Mommy Makeover now through October 2019!

Build Muscle And Blast Away Fat With EMSCULPT!

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If your anything like me then you are always busy, and sometimes that could mean neglecting things such as working out. Let’s face it, you work so hard all day and when you get home you just want to eat dinner and binge Netflix.   Going to the gym that is at least 1 hour and 30 minutes. What if you could do 20,000 crunches on your 30-minute lunch break? With the launch of EMSCULPT that is now possible.


So what is EMSCULPT?


Emsculpt is a revolutionary body contouring treatment that simultaneously burns fat and builds muscle. It’s the only non-invasive, FDA-approved treatment that offers this duality.

As a result, Emsculpt can strengthen, tone, and firm the abdomen and buttocks in a way that’s not possible with exercise or other procedures.

EMSCUPLT is a NON INVASIVE procedure meaning there is no downtime at all!

What is an EMSCULPT treatment like?

Four treatments sessions are scheduled 2-3 days apart and last 30 minutes each. Through a paddle-shaped applicator, Emsculpt delivers electromagnetic energy to abdominal and gluteal muscles. In doing so, the treatment produces extremely powerful muscle contractions.

Some people say the procedure feels like an intense workout as you relax while lying down. During treatments, you will experience 20,000 contractions over 30 minutes. These contractions are involuntary, we cannot achieve these on our own (this is like doing 20,000 crunches in 30 minutes). Results are seen 2-4 weeks after the last session with optimal results improving several weeks following the last session. The ideal candidate is close to an ideal weight and is physically active, but wants more defined abs or a higher and rounder butt.

According to the website, 87% of those that had EMSCULPT treatments say it’s “WORTH IT.”

Results from clinical studies show:

  • a 19% fat reduction
  • 16% increase in muscle mass,
  • an average of 1.5-inch loss in waistline circumference
  • 80% of patients reported a visible lift of buttocks
  • an overall 96% patient satisfaction.


This treatment is most optimal for patients who are in overall good health, physically active, are 30 BMI or under, and want to enhance where their regular exercise program plateaus.

If you’re wanting stronger and longer endurance during workouts, added core strength, better posture and experience released endorphins EMSCULPT is the procedure for you.


Call today to see if you’re a candidate for EMSCULPT! 248-735-3800

Body Contouring

Body Contouring

Surgical body contouring following major weight loss removes excess fat and skin while improving the shape of the body. The result is a more normal appearance with smoother contours. Body contouring procedures may include:

  • Facelift: Helps with sagging of the mid-face, jowls, and neck
  • Liposuction: Removes excess fat, including the chin and neck, hips, abdomen, inner and outer thighs, knees and ankles and buttocks.
    • Improves body contour and proportion
    • Trims fat that won’t go away with weight loss or exercise
  • Arm Lift: Removes excess skin from the underarm and reshapes the under portion of the upper arm – from the armpit area to the elbow.
    • Improves sagging upper arms resulting from weight loss, aging or heredity
    • Addresses excess skin, weakened tissues and localized fat deposits
  • Breast lift: Helps with sagging, flattened breasts
  • Tummy tuck: Removes excess abdominal fat and skin; typically, also reestablishes weakened or separated muscles.
    • Creates a smoother, firmer abdominal profile
  • Lower body lifts: Removes excess sagging fat and skin to treat conditions caused, in part, by poor tissue elasticity.
    • Treats excess skin, cellulite and sagging fatty tissue
    • Can treat the buttocks, abdomen, waist, hips and thighs in one procedure
  • Medial thigh lift: Reshapes the thighs by reducing excess skin, and in some cases fat.
    • Offers smoother leg contours
    • Different types of thigh lifts target certain areas

Why Consider Body Contouring?

Dramatic weight loss has many benefits. After weight reduction surgery, or dramatic weight loss, skin and tissue often lacks elasticity to conform to the new body size. Body contouring may assist in patients having the desired body shape and size. Doing so builds self-confidence, allows clothes to fit more comfortably, and improves self-esteem.

To find out if body contouring is right for you, contact us to schedule a free consultation.