The Ultimate Guide in Prepping for Plastic Surgery

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Picture it. Your body finally has the shapes, lines, and sleek contours that you’ve always desired. And all you had to do was “add water and stir.”

Okay. Obviously the second part is merely a dream.

Because getting the body you want may very well mean you’ll have to go under the knife. And prepping for plastic surgery requires more than just adding water and stirring.

Aesthetic and Hygienic Guidlines

First, take a shower both the night before and the morning of your surgery. Wash with an antibacterial cleanser and wash your hair. You’ll want to go in as clean as possible.

And as much as you might feel inclined to wax or shave during those showers, don’t. Though shaving seems logical enough, the recommendation is to wax or shave about four to seven days before surgery.

Sure, you won’t have that baby smooth skin. But shaving right before surgery can lead to microscopic cuts and abrasions which can disrupt the skin’s barrier defense against microbes colonizing the skin and hair follicles.

Also, your surgeon doesn’t care if you have a fierce tan while on the table. He or she is more concerned with reducing your risk for added inflammation and scarring. And tanning before your procedure increases that risk.

What to Wear…

Again, it’s surgery and not a fashion show. Throw on your most comfortable and loosest fitting clothing. If you’re having a procedure such as a tummy tuck or a Brazilian butt lift, you may be fitted with a compression garment afterwards. When you have big comfy clothes, they’ll slide easily over that garment.

Of course, as you go into surgery, you’ll be donning a hospital gown. Those comfy clothes and other personal items will be waiting for you when you come out.

As far as wearing a menstrual pad or tampon, these are totally fine.

The Do NOTs in Prepping for Plastic Surgery

Generally speaking, less is more on surgery day. So it really comes down more to what you shouldn’t have coming into surgery versus what you should.

  1. No Need to Be Bedazzled

You will need to take off all of your jewelry before your procedure. That means not just necklaces, rings, bracelets, and earrings, but every body piercing as well. Your surgeon will use an electrosurgical device to cut  tissue and control bleeding. A piercing – even a small one – can divert the electrical current and damage the tissue.

In addition, pressure on those piercings could result in the loss of tissue around them since you’ll be anesthetized and unable to recognize the pressure.

  1. Go Au Naturel

If you normally use hair products after you shower, leave them out this time. The key is to avoid contamination with open wounds – which we all have to agree takes precedence over whether your hair is frizzy or falling flat.

Makeup is also prohibited so that makeup particles don’t end up in your eyes. When you’re anesthetized, you won’t have the ability to blink to clear out those particles. In some cases, you may even have your eyes taped shut. So leave the make-up in its bag or curio drawer.

Another reason for ditching the makeup and hair products is that some of them have flammable ingredients. So it’s best to just avoid them.

  1. Skip the Manicure

Let your nails go naked.

It might sound weird, but nail polish is prohibited during your surgical procedure. Doctors and nurses will keep an eye on your circulation and need to be able to see your natural fingernail to do this. They’ll also need to regularly monitor your pulse and how well you’re breathing using a pulse oximeter clipped onto your finger. Nail polish can interfere with these readings.

For some time, there was the belief that acrylic nails affected the pulse oximeter as well. Recent studies show that unpolished acrylics do not impact this. But you may need to remove them anyhow.

  1. Leave Your Orthodontics At Home

Finally, if you really dislike wearable orthodontics like a retainer or elastic bands for your teeth, good news! You finally have a valid excuse to not wear them (for a little while, at least).Your surgeon will need you to remove them before your procedure.

Get the Body You’ve Dreamed Of

The extra measures you have to take in prepping for plastic surgery are well worth the outcome.

Isn’t it time you felt better about your body and appearance? If you’re ready to step into the plastic surgery arena, contact us today.

We’ll set you up for your free consultation where you’ll be able to ask your plastic surgeon the hard-hitting questions that’ll give you peace of mind before your procedure.


How Plastic Surgery Affects Self-Esteem

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There are multiple reasons people seek out plastic surgery procedures. As such, there are myriad different procedures available from butt lifts to rhinoplasty to breast augmentation.

While there are those who think plastic surgery is something only the most vain among us engage in, there is something to be said for how plastic surgery affects self-esteem.

Patients who seek plastic surgery often feel self-conscious about certain aspects of their physical appearance that stand out and don’t fall in line with their personalities. If such features are very pronounced or draw negative attention, they can have deep emotional consequences.

Plastic Surgery Affects Self-Esteem

And for the better!

Studies show that the vast majority of patients are satisfied with the results of plastic surgery. However, it’s crucial that patients go in with realistic expectations. When approaching their procedure from this mindset, they not only notice improved self-esteem, but improved body image which adds to their quality of life.

And because they feel better about themselves, many report feeling less shy and more confident in how they deal with relationships at both work and at home.

Of course, not all surgeries are equal. Generally speaking, the more impactful the surgery, the bigger difference it’ll make. For example, patients who have rhinoplasty or breast augmentation procedures are likely to report a bigger boost in self-esteem than those who have more restorative procedures such as a facelift or Botox.

Even so, although such procedures have more subtle results, that doesn’t mean there is no noticeable difference in self-esteem. It’s just often commensurate with how much of a change occurs as a result of the procedure.

What the Studies Further Say

Studies have shown that people report increased satisfaction with body image after the procedure, with many reporting that plastic surgery boosts their quality of life and self-confidence in the long term.

In fact, when David Sarwer, PhD was an Associate Professor of Psychology at the Center for Human Appearance at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in 2005, he found that 87% of patients reported satisfaction with their overall body image (and especially with the body part that was altered) a year after receiving plastic surgery. They also noted feeling less negative about their body image in social situations. The study was supported by the Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation.

These days, Dr. Sarwer is Associate Dean for Research and Director of the Center for Obesity Research and Education at the College of Public Health at Temple University. He maintains an active program of research on the psychological aspects of physical appearance.

With the ever increasing popularity of plastic surgery procedures, his findings have prompted him to question whether more psychologists will begin to examine the link between improving appearance as a means to address psychiatric disorders such as eating disorders, social phobia and sexual functioning.

“Scientifically, we’re just starting to catch up to the popularity of [plastic surgery] in the population,” he says. Whatever the case, it seems clear that plastic surgery is so much more than plumping lips and shrinking bellies. With its positive impact on self-esteem, it could just have far-reaching psychological benefits as well.

And that’s saying a lot.

Could You Use a Boost in Self-Esteem?

If there’s some aspect of your physical appearance that leaves you feeling overly self-conscious and is zapping your confidence, why struggle with these emotional consequences?

It’s obvious that plastic surgery affects self-esteem in a really positive way. So contact us today for a free consultation to discuss the area(s) you’d like to target.

It could be the difference between simply living, and living your fullest and happiest life.

Make a Major Change with Lipo 360 During Our Summer Specials

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Time is running out to take advantage of the amazing Summer specials at Star Plastic Surgery.

So if you’re looking to make a dramatic change to your body, now is the time. In fact, you’ve only got until August 31st to have three areas treated with Lipo 360 for just $5500. That’s a savings of $2000!

The obvious question now, of course, is this:

What is Liposuction 360?

Liposuction 360, known more simply as Lipo 360, is a surgical procedure that’s conducted 360 degrees around the body in order to sculpt a new waistline or contour particular body areas.

Lipo 360 uses ultrasonic, laser, or power-assisted technology to selectively dislodge body fat so that it’s easier to remove. By dislodging the fat, surgeons can remove it more consistently – minimizing trauma and force.

Most commonly, Lipo 360 refers to decreasing the waistline in a 360-degree fashion and the procedure is performed in two stages around the body.

Beginning with the back, the surgeon removes excess fat in upper back rolls and the lower waist, as well as bra fat and lower back fat.

In the second stage, the patient is turned over for the abdomen and flank liposuction. Depending on the situation and the amount of loose skin remaining, the patient may require a tummy tuck as well.

Arms, as well as inner and outer thighs, may be contoured as well.

It should be added that 360 Lipo can be performed in conjunction with breast augmentation, breast lift, and Brazilian Butt Lift procedures as well.

The Lipo 360 Procedure

Wondering what to expect?

The first step is to meet with a surgeon who will sit down with you and listen to your specific wants and needs. Based on those, he or she will make specific recommendations as to the best ways to shape and define your body.

Lipo 360 requires general anesthesia and at Star Plastic Surgery, we used only board-certified anesthesiologists.

Each board-certified surgeon is highly trained in using special techniques to accentuate your curves resulting in dramatic new contours that look completely natural.

The Recovery

You can more than likely expect to return to normal activities within just a few days after a Lipo 360 treatment – particularly if you follow post-op instructions provided by the surgeon.

These specific recommendations are given by your surgeon to ensure quicker healing and optimal results, so you should plan to avoid very strenuous activities or exercises following the procedure. This will encourage healing.

Are You a Good Candidate for Lipo 360?

If you are within your ideal body weight and want to remove fat from troublesome areas that haven’t been affected by exercise, Lipo 360 is a great solution.

It targets both small and large areas of the body to give you the shape and curves you’ve always wanted. So don’t let our Summer specials pass you by.

Contact us today to set up your free consultation and to save $2000!

Get Bikini Ready for Summer With Star Plastic Surgery


Many of our patients have told us, they plan to spend more time at the beach during the summer months. That may be traveling up north, to any of the great lakes, south to Florida or even just sitting around the pool.  Get bikini ready for vacation with Star Plastic Surgery.

bikini ready

Some general tips to help are proper diet, nutrition and water intake. Eating nutrient-dense foods and getting plenty of protein can help tone and shape your body. Healthy foods may increase your metabolism, decrease the stress and inflammation that’s causing weight gain and bloating too. Filling up with healthy fats, lean proteins, and fiber helps. Shape Magazine has a great list of healthy foods you can get at your grocery store.

You also need to drink plenty of water. Most people have heard they need eight 8-ounce glasses of water  daily. How much water we need though is really based on our weight. For healthy, clear skin and to avoid dehydration, drink a half ounce to an ounce for each pound we weigh.

Getting the right amount of diet and exercise alone will not always get us the desired results. There are few women who have the naturally perfect body either. Childbirth, age and genetics affect how we look.  Sometimes cosmetic surgery procedures are the best option. Star Plastic Surgery is able to help you get the body that you want and the body that you will love.

Biking Ready Plastic Surgery Procedures

Star Plastic Surgery will help you determine the right procedure for the perfect bikini-ready body. So don’t head out on vacation without first scheduling your safe procedure. One of our talented and dedicated board-certified plastic surgeons will be able to discuss your options. Call us today at 248-735-3800 for your free consultation.

Make Me A Princess: The Rise of Meghan Markle Plastic Surgery

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Last month, actress Meghan Markle broke the Internet with news of her engagement to Prince Harry. Some recognized Markle from her role as Rachel Zane on the USA Network show “Suits.” Once it was announced that she will marry into the British Royal Family, interest in Meghan and her radiant “Markle Sparkle” skyrocketed.

Cosmetic surgeons worldwide have been flooded with requests from patients to look like Meghan Markle. Many women want the future Dutchess of Sussex’s nose, which has been described as including “a pointed tip, narrow middle vault, and slight dorsal hump” that is visible from Markle’s profile, but not from straight on.

Meghan Markle Cosmetic Surgery

This isn’t the first time we’ve seen celebrities inspire cosmetic surgeries. This was the case with Kim Kardashian and her siblings, as well as Kate Middleton’s sister Pippa.The “Pippa Butt Lift” was a popular request in 2011. Every time there is a royal wedding, interest in the family spikes and so do cosmetic surgery procedures.

Meghan Markle is a beautiful woman with a unique girl-next-door quality. It’s important to remember, however, that a celebrity’s features won’t be the right fit for every face or body. At Star Plastic Surgery, we pride ourselves on individualized plans and procedures for each one of our patients. Schedule a free consultation with us today to meet with one of our board certified cosmetic plastic surgeons in Novi, Michigan. You’ll look like a princess and you’ll be treated like royalty.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

There are many things to think about when contemplating plastic surgery. To assist you in understanding plastic surgery better, we have put together answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.

Procedure FAQs

Plastic Surgery FAQs

What Will My Surgery Cost?

How do I choose a plastic surgeon?

Are all Plastic Surgeons board certified?

Why don’t all plastic surgeons use hospitals?

What is the difference in education for plastic surgeons?

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What will my surgery cost?

Each patient fee is based upon you, individually. No two patients are alike, not even twins. The same rule applies to cosmetic surgery. Specific costs and financing options will be discussed, in detail, during your free confidential initial consultation. -Read More-

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How do I choose a plastic surgeon?

There are a variety of things to consider when choosing a plastic surgeon, including procedures offered, board certification status,hospital credentials, and more. -Read More-

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Are all Plastic Surgeons board certified?

The surgeons at Star Plastic Surgery have completed their training in general surgery and an additional residency and/or fellowship plastic/reconstructive surgery. They are board certified or board eligible in plastic and reconstructive surgery.

Star Plastic Surgery is considered one of the preeminent plastic surgical practices in the United States and our patients come to us from around the world. Plastic surgery is all we do.

Star Plastic Surgery’s surgeons have been nominated for and have received the highest professional accolades and awards for their outstanding results and compassionate patient care. -Read More-

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Why don’t all plastic surgeons use hospitals?

Virtually all of Star Plastic Surgery’s procedures are performed in the area’s leading hospitals or accredited surgical center to assure your safety and comfort. Our doctors have surgical privileges at the area’s finest hospitals and have successfully performed all of the procedures that you may select.

Many physicians who perform cosmetic surgery are, in fact, NOT plastic surgeons. They are family physicians, gynecologists, dermatologists, pediatricians, radiologists, dentists and doctors from other specialties. They do not have privileges in accredited hospitals or out-patient surgical facilities to perform plastic surgery procedures. -Read More-

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What is the difference in education for plastic surgeons?

Star Plastic Surgery’s surgeons have all completed their training in general surgery and an additional 3-5 year residency or fellowship in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

Our surgeons have all earned Board Certification in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. -Read More-

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If you don’t see the answers you’re looking for in the FAQs, or have additional questions, please feel free to contact us for more information.

Surgical Procedures

Surgical Procedures

At Star Plastic Surgery, we offer a full range of cosmetic plastic surgery procedures. Men and women in the Detroit, Michigan area, as well as from around the world, have trusted our board certified plastic surgeons for both surgical and non-surgical procedures. We work closely with all of our patients to ensure that their cosmetic plastic surgery procedures are customized to meet their unique individual needs. Our doctors are dedicated entirely to your satisfaction, and will help you determine which cosmetic plastic surgery procedures will best help you reach your goals.

We offer a wide range of body contouring procedures for every shape and size body, breast enhancements, as well as a facial procedures. Our doctors have extensive experience in providing our clients with superior cosmetic plastic surgery procedures including:

Contact Us Today

Along with your satisfaction, your safety is our primary concern. We take the time necessary both before and after your surgery to ensure that your breast augmentation provides you with pleasing results for years to come.
Our surgeons have performed thousands of breast augmentation surgeries during their careers, but still view each patient as a unique individual deserving of the highest quality service and care. If you are considering breast augmentation contact us to schedule your free consultation today.

Trending Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

trending cosmetic surgery procedures
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) released its annual report which states the most popular cosmetic procedures as of late. Butt lifts have increased astronomically in the past 15 years with an increase of 252 percent. This could be related to the celebrity involvement of stars such as Nicki Minaj and Kim Kardashian, who have been known for their exteriors. “The ASPS calls 2015 a “year of the rear”; on average, there’s a buttock augmentation procedure performed every 30 minutes of every day,” (Wolfson, 2016).
From Kylie Jenner’s enlarged lips to Ariel Winters breast reduction, celebrities have been making plastic surgery news as of late. This has increased the level of interest in plastic surgery amongst young women. Along with these popular procedures, breast lifts have increased 89 percent in the past 15 years, which still makes it one of the most popular procedures in the United States.
            When you choose Star Plastic Surgery for your Michigan cosmetic plastic surgery needs, you are choosing respected, dedicated surgeons with proven results. Call 248-735-3800 or contact us on our website today to see how we can provide you with the stunning results you deserve.

Americas Surge in Plastic Surgery

star plastic surgery surge america
America has a continuous obsession with beauty. In the past 15 years the amount of cosmetic procedures performed in this country have increased by 115%. The types of procedures that are being performed are constantly changing. These changes are brought on by celebrity trends, cultural evolutions, and peoples constant demand for improvement.
cosmetic surgery proceduresBreast Augmentations still remain one of the most popular procedures on the market, as it has been for many years. Buttock implants have been on the rise lately with every woman trying to look like J. Lo or Kim Kardashian. Plastic surgery isn’t just about facelifts and Botox anymore. It has grown to the more common breast lifts, butt lifts, upper arm and lower body lifts have become Americas most popular surgeries.
Plastic surgery has always been popular amongst women, but now men are getting into the trend more than ever. Breast reduction surgeries and liposuction are very common for men looking to enhance their bodies. Whether men are concerned about looking younger, looking better in their clothing, or just an increase in self-confidence.
cosmetic surgery united statesMen and women in the Metro-Detroit, Michigan area, as well as from around the world, have trusted our board-certified plastic surgeons for both surgical and nonsurgical procedures. We work closely with all of our patients to ensure that their cosmetic plastic surgery procedures are customized to meet their unique individual needs. Ready to make a positive change that will increase your self-confidence? Schedule your free consultation today to discuss your goals, needs, and expectations with our board certified plastic surgeons. Please call 248-735-3800 or visit our website and fill out a contact form.

Do You Have Bloating or Diastasis Recti?

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Does your belly protrude in a way that makes you appear pregnant?

There are several possibilities for this. However, the two most common conditions are the standard everyday bloating that many of us experience, or a more complicated issue known as diastasis recti.

So how do you know if your protrusion is a result of bloating or diastasis recti? Let’s take a look.

Determining Whether It’s Bloating or Diastasis Recti

Most of us have experienced bloating. It’s that too-full feeling in the belly that can make your clothes feel too tight, cause cramps, or even limit your activities. The majority of the time, bloating is temporary.

Fortunately, there are dietary and lifestyle changes you can make to minimize or even eliminate bloating.

Ways to Manage Bloating

One of the biggest culprits for bloating is eating too quickly. Doing so can lead to indigestion, as well as cause you to overeat.

What you’re eating is equally important. A fiber-rich diet full of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds, nuts, beans, or other legumes will result in less bloating. Eating more fiber also regulates bowel movements, supports your gut microbiome, and even normalizes blood sugar levels.

Consider eating more probiotics too. These beneficial live bacteria can reduce bloating and are naturally present in many foods including unsweetened yogurt, kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, miso, tempeh, and kimchi. You can also use probiotic supplements.

And don’t forget to hydrate. Water breaks down food so your body can absorb it more effectively.

Meanwhile, limit (or eliminate) your alcohol consumption. Alcohol is notorious for causing bloat because it can trigger gut inflammation which causes your body to produce more gas than usual.

Finally, after eating, get your body moving to keep your digestion system moving. You can try a brisk walk or some gentle yoga poses.

Diastasis Recti

Diastasis recti looks like bloating but is something quite different. Caused usually by weight gain or pregnancy, it’s a condition wherein the abdominal muscles separate vertically down the middle.

When the uterus expands outward, it can cause the abdominal muscles to stretch so as to accommodate the baby. When the connective tissue is overstretched, the abdominal muscles actually separate.

While for some women the gap closes postpartum, for others, this is not the case. With diastasis recti, the belly extends because those separated abdominal muscles are unable to hold the organs in their normal position near the spine. As a result, the belly bulges.

Assessing and Treating Diastasis Recti

If you’re able to suck your belly all the way in until it’s flat from a side view, that shows how much diastasis you have. If you can’t suck it in, then there may be visceral fat or bloating with or without diastasis recti. There’s a simple self-test to determine diastasis recti.

Start by lying on your back and bending your knees. Place your fingers on each side of your belly button. Point them downward into your stomach and then lift your head. You’ll feel your abdominal muscles contract.

If you have diastasis recti, you will feel a gap between the two sides of the abdomen. You will, of course, want to get this verified by a medical expert. And if the gap exceeds 1.5 cm, it can only be corrected with abdominoplasty.

Also known as a tummy tuck, abdominoplasty repairs abdominal muscle separation and provides you with a smoother and more contoured midsection.

What’s Causing Your Protruded Belly?

One of the simplest ways to determine whether you’re struggling with bloating or diastasis recti is to try the lifestyle changes we’ve suggested above. If they work, you’ve ruled out bloating.

On the other hand, if they don’t, you could be dealing with diastasis recti.

If that’s the case, then don’t hesitate to contact us today. During your free consultation with our board-certified surgeon, you’ll get an understanding of your specific issue so that you can get started on a journey to a flatter and more streamlined tummy.