How Plastic Surgery Affects Self-Esteem

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There are multiple reasons people seek out plastic surgery procedures. As such, there are myriad different procedures available from butt lifts to rhinoplasty to breast augmentation.

While there are those who think plastic surgery is something only the most vain among us engage in, there is something to be said for how plastic surgery affects self-esteem.

Patients who seek plastic surgery often feel self-conscious about certain aspects of their physical appearance that stand out and don’t fall in line with their personalities. If such features are very pronounced or draw negative attention, they can have deep emotional consequences.

Plastic Surgery Affects Self-Esteem

And for the better!

Studies show that the vast majority of patients are satisfied with the results of plastic surgery. However, it’s crucial that patients go in with realistic expectations. When approaching their procedure from this mindset, they not only notice improved self-esteem, but improved body image which adds to their quality of life.

And because they feel better about themselves, many report feeling less shy and more confident in how they deal with relationships at both work and at home.

Of course, not all surgeries are equal. Generally speaking, the more impactful the surgery, the bigger difference it’ll make. For example, patients who have rhinoplasty or breast augmentation procedures are likely to report a bigger boost in self-esteem than those who have more restorative procedures such as a facelift or Botox.

Even so, although such procedures have more subtle results, that doesn’t mean there is no noticeable difference in self-esteem. It’s just often commensurate with how much of a change occurs as a result of the procedure.

What the Studies Further Say

Studies have shown that people report increased satisfaction with body image after the procedure, with many reporting that plastic surgery boosts their quality of life and self-confidence in the long term.

In fact, when David Sarwer, PhD was an Associate Professor of Psychology at the Center for Human Appearance at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in 2005, he found that 87% of patients reported satisfaction with their overall body image (and especially with the body part that was altered) a year after receiving plastic surgery. They also noted feeling less negative about their body image in social situations. The study was supported by the Aesthetic Surgery Education and Research Foundation.

These days, Dr. Sarwer is Associate Dean for Research and Director of the Center for Obesity Research and Education at the College of Public Health at Temple University. He maintains an active program of research on the psychological aspects of physical appearance.

With the ever increasing popularity of plastic surgery procedures, his findings have prompted him to question whether more psychologists will begin to examine the link between improving appearance as a means to address psychiatric disorders such as eating disorders, social phobia and sexual functioning.

“Scientifically, we’re just starting to catch up to the popularity of [plastic surgery] in the population,” he says. Whatever the case, it seems clear that plastic surgery is so much more than plumping lips and shrinking bellies. With its positive impact on self-esteem, it could just have far-reaching psychological benefits as well.

And that’s saying a lot.

Could You Use a Boost in Self-Esteem?

If there’s some aspect of your physical appearance that leaves you feeling overly self-conscious and is zapping your confidence, why struggle with these emotional consequences?

It’s obvious that plastic surgery affects self-esteem in a really positive way. So contact us today for a free consultation to discuss the area(s) you’d like to target.

It could be the difference between simply living, and living your fullest and happiest life.

What Is the Permanence of Plastic Surgery?

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If you’re pondering getting some “work” done, you may be wondering… what is the permanence of plastic surgery?

We could go all philosophical and tell you that nothing is permanent. Just as you may get work done on your house – such as a new roof – you know that over time, you will need another.

Even so, there are some plastic surgery procedures that have far more staying power than others. And there are even a few that, under the right conditions and with proper maintenance, could be permanent.

At least for the span of a person’s life. (Which, let’s face it, is also impermanent.)

The Permanence of Plastic Surgery Based on Procedures

We’ll take a look at some of the most common procedures and what you might experience in terms of how long it will last.


Most people get liposuction to eliminate fat in undesirable areas. Yet, while the research is inconclusive, the generally held belief is that while you can permanently remove fat from one area, it may find its way back to another area with weight gain. So why bother with liposuction?

Well, here’s why.

When done correctly by a qualified board-certified plastic surgeon, even if there is a return of fat, liposuction can result in a more shapely figure.

For example, getting liposuction to remove belly fat could result in curvier hips if new fat finds its way there. While this may not be the exact scenario, if fat does return, you can be assured it’s going to be more evenly distributed across the body and not to the problem area.

Breast Augmentation

Given the right set of circumstances, breast augmentation can last up to 25 years. Even so, some patients get updates before that time.

The main reason? Most have second thoughts about the size once they’ve had their implants for a while. They may want them larger, smaller, or removed altogether.

Which brings us to our next procedure…

Breast Reduction

This is one of the few procedures that typically garners permanent results. There are two factors that determine this though. First, the procedure must be done after puberty. And second, patients cannot experience any major weight fluctuations after the surgery if they want permanent results.

Tummy Tuck

Like a breast reduction, a tummy tuck can be permanent. But also like a breast reduction, there are factors involved.

First, and most importantly, any major weight gain (anything over 20% of the patient’s weight) will render the tummy tuck ineffective. So what a patient does post-surgery makes a huge difference in terms of how long a tummy tuck will last.

Furthermore, for a woman, it’s important that she is done having children.

And a second tummy tuck is not an option, since there isn’t enough loose skin to perform the procedure (unless, of course, the patient loses a VERY significant amount of weight).


While a facelift can leave you looking 10, 15, or even 20 years younger, it cannot stop you from continuing to age. In most cases, a complete facelift will need to be updated in ten years; with mini face lifts coming in at more around two to five years.

There are occasions though where patients find that the initial face lift surgery sets up their face to age in a such a way that they find much more satisfying. This is particularly true for those with good genes and healthy skin. For them, no updates are required.

Brow Lift

As you age, the brows can begin to droop and result in a heavy appearance around the eyes. This can also lend to deep creases in the forehead.

Much like with a full facelift, a brow lift surgery will not stop the aging process. The natural breakdown of skin and tissues will continue even after the procedure. So the brow lift will also need updating in around ten years.


As long as a “nose job” is successful, the bone structure in the nose is unlikely to change over time. Thus, rhinoplasty is generally considered a permanent procedure.

It’s important to note though that natural changes due to aging will still occur. Once folks hit their 60s, their noses get bigger. So it’s possible a rhinoplasty procedure done very early in life may need a revision in later years.

Get the Most From Your Plastic Surgery Procedure

If you’re still curious about the permanence of plastic surgery and are on the fence about having a procedure performed, we invite you to contact us.

During your free consultation, we’ll talk with you about what you can expect, how long your results will last, and what your role will be after your surgery.

From there, you can make a truly informed decision.

Get Dramatic Results With Facial Implants

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When you stare at your reflection in the mirror, what do you see?

Of course, most of us will manage to find something that doesn’t exactly satisfy. But if you’re troubled by a disproportionate face, it can feel more than just unsatisfying. It can have a serious impact on your self image.

A recessed chin, under-defined jawline, or flat or sunken cheeks can dramatically detract from your overall appearance.

Fortunately, facial implants can create defined and youthful features to restore symmetry and balance to the face and give you the confidence and self-assurance you deserve.

Although they can be removed if needed, they tend to last a lifetime. And implants create a more pronounced result than fillers.

Ideal Candidates for Facial Implants

Age has a way of changing our facial proportions. As we mentioned above, this can result in sunken or flat cheeks, an undefined jawline, or a recessed chin. Patients who are longing to correct facial proportions that have changed with age are ideal candidates for facial implants.

In addition, if you’ve suffered an injury or have a congenital condition that has left you with facial asymmetries or deformities, then implants are a viable solution to finding symmetry and balance.

Though the cheeks, chin, and jaw are the most common sites, truly any area of your face can be augmented with implants. So there are plenty of options.

How Facial Implants Work

The process if fairly simple.

Facial implants are nothing more than specially formed solid materials that are compatible with human tissues. They are FDA-approved silicone  molds inserted into a pocket within the facial tissue and placed on top of the bones. Such implants are expressly designed to enhance or augment the physical structure of your face.

For example, in a cheek implant, incisions are made inside the mouth, hidden behind the upper lip. Implants are then placed to project the cheekbones and provide a defined, higher cheek profile. Furthermore, they add volume to areas that are flat or even recessed.

In the case of a chin implant, incisions are made in the mouth, lower lip, or under the chin. The implant creates a more pronounced chin that will bring shape and definition to your chin while accentuating the entire lower half of your face. So rather than the chin disappearing into your neck, it becomes a distinct facial feature with a full and contoured appearance.

And if your jaw is less than defined and has begun to slope from the ear to the chin, you can bring your jaw into ideal proportion with the rest of your face with implants inserted along your jawline. In this case, incisions are made inside the mouth along your gum line.

It’s not unusual for patients to combine facial implants with other procedures such as rhinoplasty to address the shape and size of their entire face. Likewise, liposuction to the neck along with a chin implant can be a very powerful combination.

Facial Implant Recovery

There is usually some bruising and swelling for up to two days following facial implant surgery. Pain medication in tandem with cold compresses will reduce discomfort and decrease swelling. Oral antibiotic mouth rinses are used after meals while healing.

It’s recommended that patients maintain a face-up position for at least one week when in a reclined position.

Vigorous physical activity is typically resumed after 2-4 weeks.

Smile At Your Reflection

If you’re dissatisfied with the appearance of your face, then it’s time to consider facial implants.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for a free consultation. A board-certified plastic surgeon will evaluate your goals to determine the exact type and size of facial implants best suited for you.

And soon enough, when you see your reflection in the mirror, you’ll be smiling back.

When Are Steroids Used in Plastic Surgery?

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When you think of plastic surgery, the first thing that pops to mind is probably not steroids.

But the steroids used in plastic surgery aren’t meant to make you buff or accentuate your newly revitalized appearance.

They are used as part of the healing process. And they aren’t used in every procedure.

When Are Steroids Used in Plastic Surgery?

Steroids have multiple applications in the expansive field of plastic surgery. We’ll take a look at four of the biggest areas.

  1. Post Op Swelling

Every type of plastic surgery procedure is going to require some amount of downtime. In some cases it might be days. In others, it could be more like months once all is said and done.

For those who undergo plastic surgery, returning to work and activities of daily living as soon as possible is key. Steroids can reduce swelling and even improve bruising following surgeries. This is especially important for facial surgeries.

Studies have shown that a single dose early steroid administration right after rhinoplasty surgery does reduce bruising and swelling around the nose and eyes. However, this is not a long term fix. Three days post surgery, they don’t seem to have much benefit.

Therefore, a short course of steroids around the time of surgery is considered most beneficial in improving healing.

  1. Healing Scars/Keloids

If you have a noticeable, poorly healed scar in a highly visible place such as on your face or hands, it can negatively impact how you feel about your appearance. A non-invasive procedure involving steroids can help.

That’s because steroids break the bonds between collagen fibers, thereby reducing the amount of scar tissue beneath the skin.

What’s more, steroids can also prevent a surgical wound from becoming a hypertrophic scar or keloid. So if you’re thinking about having plastic surgery, but have a history of hypertrophic scars or keloids, your plastic surgeon may inject steroids into the area before surgery begins.

These injections can either prevent a scar or keloid from forming, or reduce the scar’s size. Surgeons may also administer an additional steroid injection during surgery.

In the event that a scar or keloid develops post surgery, steroid injections every four to six weeks – for a total of five injections – are recommended.

  1. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

Patients with CTS have compression of the median nerve in the wrist. This can create numbness, pain, and even disability. Before succumbing to surgery, doctors recommend a steroid injection of the wrist.

In fact, according to a study published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the official medical journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, about one-third of patients treated with steroid injections for carpal tunnel syndrome didn’t need any further treatment over the course of several years follow up.

This seems to indicate that corticosteroid injections in the treatment of CTS are therapeutic. Further studies are needed, however, to determine which groups of patients are more likely to gain lasting benefit from steroid injections.

  1. Topical Treatment of Postinflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH)

Although new technology is making strides in treating skin conditions for dark-skinned individuals, postinflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) has been the most common adverse effect of laser treatment in this population.

Therefore, a recent study set out to investigate the effect of short-term application of topical corticosteroids on the incidence of PIH. After ablative fractional resurfacing surgery, a topical corticosteroid cream was applied to one side of the face for the first 2 days, followed by an application of petrolatum jelly for the rest of the week. The other side was treated with petrolatum alone.

The side of the face treated with petrolatum alone had a higher incidence of PIH (75%) than the side of the face treated with the topical corticosteroids and petrolatum (40%). Plus, the PIH occurring on the petrolatum-treated sides was significantly higher in intensity and covered a larger area when compared with the corticosteroid- and petrolatum-treated sides.

The Healing Power of Steroids

It’s clear that the steroids used in plastic surgery are not long term. Yet in the short term, they can have some pretty powerful healing effects.

So if you’re considering a plastic surgery procedure and have further questions about how steroids may be a part of your healing, contact us today for a free consultation.

A board-certified surgeon will be happy to go into full detail about their use to put your mind at ease.


The History of Plastic Surgery

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If you had to wager a guess as to when plastic surgery began, chances are you’d guess much later than reality.

In fact, the history of plastic surgery goes all the way back to 800 B.C. when physicians in ancient India were using skin grafts for reconstructive surgery.

It’s hard to imagine what that entailed exactly. It’s probably safe to say that the procedure would not have been considered hygienic by today’s standards.

Whatever the case, the practice of plastic surgery continued to grow from its roots in early Eastern medicine practices into what it is today.


The History of Plastic Surgery

The field hardly took off after those early days in India. Advances were admittedly slow in coming.

There were a number of Asian healers who used certain techniques that looked something like modern rhinoplasty to improve upon the shape of noses of royal family members. Over the next few centuries though, the techniques used in India and central Asia were introduced to European countries.


The Greco-Roman Period

The Greco-Roman Period was between 332BC -395 AD. It marked the end of Persian rule over Egypt. It also marked some of the biggest advancements in medicine.

Roman medical writer Aulus Cornelius Celsus wrote De Medicina which laid out surgical methods for reconstructing ears, lips, and noses. Another text entitled Synagogue Medicae, was a 70-volume work that contained numerous passages dedicated to reconstructive techniques to repair facial defects.


The Middle Ages

With the fall of the Roman Empire and the spread of Christianity throughout Europe during the Middle Ages (476– 1453AD), science gave way to mysticism and religion. At one point, Pope Innocent III declared that all surgery was expressly prohibited by Church law.

Later in the Middle Ages, plastic surgery fell further out of favor as it was considered the work of witchcraft.

Despite these limitations and the overall lack of standards for hygiene and cleanliness, minor advancements were still made during this time. A procedure to repair a cleft lip was, in fact, developed in the tenth century.


The Renaissance

The Renaissance occurred from 1300 – 1600AD and saw significant advances in science and technology. During this time, safer and more effective surgical techniques were developed.

An Islamic text from the 15th century, Imperial Surgery, included 191 procedures that included both maxillofacial and eyelid surgery. It also included a protocol for the treatment of gynecomastia and is thus believed to be the foundation for the modern method of surgical breast reduction.

During the 16th century, University of Bologna professor of surgery and anatomy Gaspare Tagliacozzi – whose often referred to as the “father of plastic surgery” – first started nose grafting using skin flaps from the upper arm. He used these techniques primarily to correct saddle nose deformity.

During the seventeenth century, plastic surgery would again decline. But by the late eighteenth and early 19th century, the pendulum would start to swing back in the other direction.


The 1800s

In 1818, German Doctor Karl Ferdinand von Gräefe published Rhinoplastik, being the first to coin the term “plastic” surgery. Originating from the the Greek word, plastikos, and the Latin word, plasticus, it meant “able to be molded.” Since these doctors molded body tissues during their procedures, it was called plastic surgery.

The first cleft palate operation was in 1827 in the United States. It was performed by Dr. John Peter Mettauer using surgical instruments of his own design.

Many women during this time used corsets and brassieres to enhance the look of their breasts. Cosmetic surgeons gradually learned new ways to augment the breast shape and size in women and in the 19th century, surgeons performed the first breast augmentation by using artificial implants made from rubber, paraffin, ivory, and glass.

Finally, the first reconstructive breast surgery was done by Vincenz Czerny in 1895. He performed a successful mammary reconstruction on an actress who had undergone a cancerous surgery and removal of a breast tumor.


The 1900s

At the beginning of the 1900s, the need for plastic surgery was becoming clearer. Its necessity would become ever more apparent with the arrival of World War I.

The casualties of war made reconstructive surgery a necessity for many soldiers. Military physicians were required to treat extensive facial and head injuries caused by modern weaponry – both in the United States and Europe.

Around this time, surgeons began to fully realize the potential influence that one’s personal appearance has on success in life. As such, aesthetic surgery became a more respected aspect of plastic surgery. In 1923, after WWI, the first modern rhinoplasty was performed in the United States.

This progress also brought with it advanced methods of anesthesia and infection prevention so that surgeons could perform increasingly complex procedures.

This fostered the establishment of medical boards and associations to provide continuity of care and research along with a network for medical providers working in the field of plastic and cosmetic surgery.

With board certification in place, plastic surgery became fully integrated into the medical establishment by 1950. And by 1969, plastic surgeons were moving to the forefront of the medical establishment, including Dr. Hal B. Jennings who was appointed Surgeon General that year.

In the 1980s, plastic surgeons and plastic surgery advocates pushed to expand public awareness and improve public perception and growth continued through the 1990s.

Growth continued through the 1990s, and today, plastic surgery is a popular option – whether for reconstructive purposes, health reasons, or to boost one’s appearance and confidence. With so many safe and proven options, it’s no big surprise.


Is Plastic Surgery Right for You?

The long history of plastic surgery demonstrates what a truly viable medical option it is.

So if you’re ready to address a body part that leaves you feeling less than attractive or even makes your life more difficult, contact us today to talk to one of our surgeons.

You’re fortunate to live in a time where you can make such choices.

The Link between Plastic Surgery and Healthier Lifestyles

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In our last several blog posts, we illustrated the many health benefits that are the result of plastic surgery.

For example, fat removal from liposuction can help to lower blood pressure and decrease the risk of diabetes.

Meanwhile, rhinoplasty improves breathing while a breast reduction can decrease and relieve back, neck, and shoulder pain.

But did you know that there’s a link between plastic surgery and healthier lifestyles too?

The Link between Plastic Surgery and Healthier Lifestyles

It makes sense if you think about it.

When people feel bogged down by their bodies – be it from excess weight, pain, or difficulty breathing – they are less inclined to engage in physical activity. Once they are relieved of those problems, they feel better about their bodies and can move about more freely.

And that’s a big plus because one of the most effective ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle is through exercise.

The Link between Plastic Surgery and Healthier Lifestyles

The Importance of Exercise

Exercise can, of course, help to maintain weight loss while preventing weight gain. That’s certainly motivation enough for some people to adopt a regular exercise regimen.

But the benefits go beyond that.


  1. Encourages Healthier Eating

Once patients have completed their surgery and are ready to partake in exercise, many are surprised to find the connection between physical activity and eating well.

Or, more accurately, wanting to eat well.

If they’d previously been consuming unhealthy food on a regular basis, they’d come to accept lethargy and low-energy as the norm. Once they arrive at the gym or fitness center with new-found confidence and self-esteem, it becomes clear that that old diet does nothing to foster their new exercise routine.

It doesn’t take long before they adopt a diet rich in whole grains, fruits and veggies, lean meats, and low-fat dairy to maintain their new appearance and help boost their energy for their workouts.

  1. Combats Health Conditions and Diseases

Exercise keeps the blood flowing, lowers blood pressure, and decreases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It also brings down triglyceride levels.

In fact, regular exercise can help to manage or even prevent a range of health problems including:

  • High blood pressure
  • Stroke
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Many types of cancer
  • Arthritis

It can also assist in improved cognitive function and can lower the risk of death from all causes.

  1. Boosts Mood


When plastic surgery patients feel better about their appearance, it increases their confidence and self-esteem. They want to continue to “do right” by their bodies.

Engaging in physical activity adds to this by stimulating the production of endorphins – the brain chemicals that boost a sense of happiness and well-being. It also decreases stress and improves cognitive function.

Another big plus? The mental health benefits that come as a result of social connection. Many plastic surgery patients forge new friendships and relationships at gyms, fitness centers, yoga studios, running clubs, or whatever group exercise experience speaks to them.

  1. Increases Energy

One of the most rewarding aspects of regular physical exercise is the ability to see the progress. As patients build their strength and increase their endurance, the natural by-product is a boost in energy. But they’ll also notice positive changes in their bodies that motivate them to continue.

In addition, exercise helps deliver oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and enables the cardiovascular system to work more efficiently. This also increases energy levels.

Finally, because regular physical activity contributes to longer and deeper sleep, the result is improved energy and more wakefulness throughout the day.

It’s hard to put a price on the value of that.

Are You Ready to Both Look and FEEL Better?

There’s a clear connection between plastic surgery and healthier lifestyles.

Increased confidence and self worth from plastic surgery boosts the motivation to exercise and eat well. It also leads to less depression and anxiety about one’s appearance in private and public spaces, better relationships with partners, and even improved production in the work place.

So if you’re ready to get on board with a healthier lifestyle, contact us today for a free consultation. We’ll sit down with you and determine the best treatment options to get you started on your path.


Better Breathing through Plastic Surgery

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It’s hard to argue that the nose is the most prominent feature on the face. And let’s face it – not everyone is crazy about theirs.

Perhaps you’re not comfortable with the appearance of your nose. Maybe you feel it’s too prominent in that it’s very large or it has a strange shape. Whatever your reason for feeling dissatisfaction with its appearance, plastic surgery can remedy that.

But did you know that you can also achieve better breathing through plastic surgery?

Rhinoplasty in Novi, Michigan


The Dual Function of Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty, known as nose reshaping or, more colloquially, as a “nose job,” ranked among the leading cosmetic surgical procedures in the U.S. in 2018.

In fact, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, more than 213,000 people elected to have a rhinoplasty procedure – coming in third behind only breast augmentation and liposuction.

And it’s no wonder. Not only can rhinoplasty improve the appearance of the nose, but it can also improve its function thereby providing relief for those who suffer from breathing problems. And it’s an outpatient procedure that generally takes 1.5 to 3 hours to complete.

When rhinoplasties are performed for correcting documented breathing, this is known as functional rhinoplasty. Also, when performing a cosmetic rhinoplasty, function is still a priority to maintain or improve.


Functional Rhinoplasty

With functional rhinoplasty, the main intention of the procedure does not focus on changing the appearance of the nose but rather aims to improve breathing. Even so, the best plastic surgeons are aware that the form and function of the nose are intimately linked.

In other words, improved breathing doesn’t come at a cost of decreased appearance. So it’s important to carefully select a highly-trained and board-certified plastic surgeon to achieve the best results.

Some of the medical conditions that could potentially be corrected with rhinoplasty include the following:


  1. Swollen or Enlarged Turbinates 

You’ve probably never heard of turbinates. Made primarily of nasal mucosa, think of them as the humidifiers of the nose.

The turbinates periodically swell in response to the environment. For example, during allergy season or when you lie on one side of your body and it becomes difficult to breathe through the nostril closest to the pillow.

For some, however, chronic enlargement of the turbinates results in nasal obstruction that may require surgery.


  1. Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea may be the result of palate abnormalities, obesity, or nasal obstruction. Those with this condition are unable to get normal airflow and actually stop breathing for short periods of time.

Not only does this cause snoring, but the sufferer is subject to dangerous oxygen deprivation while they sleep. Functional rhinoplasty aims to remedy this situation by reshaping the external and internal valves to allow for normal airflow.


  1. Narrowing or Collapse of Middle Vault 

If you’re familiar with the Breathe Right nasal strip, then you know its purpose is to hold nasal passages open to allow for fuller breathing. It was developed because some people suffer from weakness of the middle vault or side walls of the nose. When they deeply inhale, the side walls “collapse” inward.

Functional rhinoplasty repairs the internal nasal valves to prevent the nasal side walls from collapsing upon inhalation.


  1. Deviated Septum

The bone and cartilage that divide the space between your nostrils is known as the septum. A “deviation” is a bend of the septum.

To be honest, the septum is rarely perfectly straight for anyone. But when it bends significantly to one side or the other, it can block the air passage on one or both sides, making it difficult to breathe. This condition can also increase the risk for sinus infections due to poor drainage. Deviated septum also contributes to an asymmetric or crooked nose.

In the case of a deviated septum, a rhinoplasty along with a septoplasty is typically performed to straighten that bone and cartilage. The septum is repositioned to the middle of the nose. Portions of the septum may be used to augment the nose or narrow the tip.

To do this, the surgeon may need to cut and remove parts of the nasal septum before reinserting them in the proper position. But once a septoplasty is healed, the patient usually finds that it’s easier to breathe.


  1. Birth Defects

Some people are born with congenital malformations of the nose. These can include nasal masses, bony obstructions, tumors or cysts. Functional rhinoplasty can correct these conditions. In severe cases, such as when babies are born without a nasal septum, septoplasty is incorporated as well.


Overall Health Benefits of Better Breathing

Aside from the peaceful feeling that comes from taking deep breaths, the ability to fully respirate has many health benefits you may not have considered.

For example, not struggling to breathe results in lower blood pressure. It also improves exercise tolerance.

And, of course, better breathing leads to improved sleep. With improved sleep comes a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, less lethargy, and more energy. Poor sleep also activates the fight response which decreases metabolism.

So it turns out that improving one’s sleep through clearer breathing can even help to reduce the production of stress hormones and help with weight loss and lowering blood pressure!


Could You Achieve Better Breathing through Plastic Surgery?

If the source of your breathing issues is a malformation of or obstruction in your nose, you could just achieve better breathing through plastic surgery.

Functional rhinoplasty and/or septoplasty can open those airways while also providing any desired aesthetic change to the shape of your nose. It really is a win-win.

So contact us today for a free consultation with one of our highly skilled plastic surgeons. You’ll breathe easy knowing you’re getting the best possible care.

Improve Your Appearance with a Facial Implant or Fat Transfer

When you glance in the mirror at your face, does it look like a stranger is glancing back at you?

If insufficient bone structure over time has left you with flat cheeks, a recessed chin or an under-defined jawline, it can be really disheartening. And it only seems to get worse over time.

Perhaps your issue is more with facial creases, laugh lines, smile lines, and/or hollowing of the temples. These also get deeper and more defined as the years pass.

You can virtually turn back the hands of time with a facial implant or fat transfer to the face though.

So Is a Facial Implant or Fat Transfer Better?

Well, that depends on your situation.

If you’re affected by problems such as a small chin, weak jaws, or imperfect contours, facial implants are recommended to give your face a symmetrical and balanced appearance.

Fat transfer, on the other hand, is a very versatile technique where fat is taken from areas of your body with excess fat and injected into your face to restore youthful volume. It can also help with jaw definition as well as a wide range of other conditions.

A highly-skilled plastic surgeon is able to use fat transfer to expertly sculpt your face for a beautiful, natural enhancement.

We’ll take a look at each procedure in more detail.

Facial Implants

Along with restoring facial proportions that have changed with age, facial implants can also correct facial deformities as a result of injury or congenital conditions.

Facial implants are placed on top of the bones in targeted problem areas. They provide optimal contour and shape to three primary areas on the face:

1. Cheeks

If you suffer from uneven or unattractive cheeks and are seeking a more defined and higher cheekbone profile, this implant option can greatly improve the overall appearance of your face.

2. Chin

In the case of a recessed or small chin, these implants accentuate the entire lower half of your face by bringing shape and definition to your chin for a more contoured appearance.

3. Jaw

To enhance the definition of your profile, jaw implants are inserted along your jawline to bring your jaw into ideal proportion with the rest of your face.

If you’re looking for a profound and dramatic change to the shape and size of your face, your plastic surgeon may also recommend you combine facial implants with other procedures such as rhinoplasty.

Fat Transfer

Fat transfer is a good option for patients who have lost facial fat over the years. It’s also ideal for those who’ve had a facelift and wish to increase lost volume in the face.

This procedure delivers natural-looking results with quick results and no scarring.

There are three main steps in the fat transfer procedure:

• harvesting
• purification
• transfer

First, the area selected for fat removal is injected with a local anesthetic. A small incision is created and liposuction is used to remove the excess fat.

Once the needed amount of fat is extracted, it’s processed and prepared to be transferred. It is also purified and then transferred into small syringes.

Finally, the area to be treated will then be prepared, and the harvested fat is injected to create the desired facial appearance.

Within three to five days, most patients can return to their daily lives with a fuller, softer, and rejuvenated facial appearance. It’s that easy.

Could Your Face Use a Pick-Me-up?

A consultation with one of our board-certified surgeons can help you determine if a facial implant or fat transfer is the best solution for you.

And with the quality patient care you’ll receive as part of the Star Plastic Surgery Advantage, you can rest assured that we’ll help you determine which procedure will provide you with the most appealing results.

So don’t hesitate. Contact us today.


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Nose jobs, also referred to as a Rhinoplasty, is a surgery done to change the shape of the nose. Nose jobs can improve breathing as much as it improves facial appearance. A nose job is either carried out by changing the size of the nose or by altering the shape. Although this surgery is the most common cosmetic procedure all over the world, it should be carried out by a board-certified surgeon, who is experienced in the art Rhinoplasty (nose job). Your surgeon may perform any of the following procedures on your nose:

  • Nose reduction; this is commonly done by removing some of the bones and cartilages.
  • Nose augmentation; this procedure is done by altering the shape of the
  • Nose reshaping is done to change the shape of the nose. The nasal bones are broken, and the cartilages are rearranged.
  • Sometimes, they modify the angle between the nose and the top lip.


the best nose job in Michigan


When planning to undertake a nose job, other facial features are considered alongside. Your surgeon will consider a customized plan to modify your nose in a way that it appropriately suits your face. This surgery has proven to be life-changing to some individuals. The following are the benefits of a nose job

  • It improves your confidence and makes you feel better about yourself.
  • It helps to improve breathing in individuals with congenital breathing problems.
  • A nose job is needed to correct a birth defect.


A nose job is all about looking in the mirror and no longer feeling self-conscious. Schedule your FREE consultation today and let us help you start your new journey.


Chin Surgery – Mentoplasty

Chin Surgery

Chin surgery, also known as mentoplasty, is a surgical procedure performed to reshape the chin either by enhancement with an implant or reduction surgery on the bone.

Often, plastic surgeons may recommend chin surgery to a patient having rhinoplasty (nose job), in order to achieve the facial proportion the patient desires. The size of the chin may be magnified or minimized based on the perceived size of the nose.

Why consider Chin Surgery?

Chin surgery helps provide patients with a harmonious balance to their facial features so that they feel better about the way they look.

At Star Plastic Surgery, we like to meet with each patient individually to evaluate and determine the best corrective procedure or type of chin surgery. Contact us today to learn more about chin surgery and to schedule a consultation to see if it is the right procedure for your needs.