Can a Breast Lift Help You Exercise?

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If you have significant sagging in your breasts, you may find that even an industrial strength sports bra doesn’t provide the support you need. This can make exercise uncomfortable, irritating, and even embarrassing. It could even lead to blisters, chafing, and pain.

So can a breast lift help you exercise?

Well, it’s not going to drive you to the Pilates studio or enable you to bench press twice your weight. OBVIOUSLY. But it sure can make movement a much more enjoyable experience! So in that regard, yes it will help you exercise.


What Breast Lift Surgery Entails 

Whether you’re experiencing sagging as a result of pregnancy and breastfeeding, fluctuations in weight, genetics, or aging, a breast lift uplifts and improves the shape of the breast.

During a breast lift procedure (also known as mastopexy), your board-certified plastic surgeon removes excess skin and fat and raises the breast tissue. Separating the tissue from the skin beneath it allows for more comfort and mobility.

The chosen incision for the procedure depends on a number of factors. Depending on these, your surgeon may choose a circular incision around the areola, a line down the lower portion of the breast from the areola to the crease under the breast, or a line along that crease.

The excess skin and fat are removed from the incision. The surgeon then reshapes and lifts the breast, tightens the remaining skin, and closes the incisions.

While it’s a fairly straightforward procedure, recovery can be a bit more involved than with a traditional breast augmentation. So before you jump on the treadmill or dive into the pool, you’ll want to follow the detailed instructions provided by your surgeon for recovery.


Can a Breast Lift Help You Exercise?

It’s important to understand there will be an adjustment period after a breast lift. This is completely normal. The best thing you can do is be patient during this time. You may be eager to get back to exercise, but you don’t want to push too hard and jeopardize your lift results.

Most patients can begin with short walks around the house every few hours after the procedure. This not only keeps your heart pumping, but it improves circulation and prevents potential blood clots. Once you feel ready, you can begin to increase your activity. Take it slowly. Especially in those first few weeks after surgery.

Start with some slow walks around the neighborhood or cycling on a stationary bike. Then go from there.

You’ll be advised to not push or pull anything heavy. And because you shouldn’t exert your pectoral muscles, you’ll also not be permitted to lift anything that weighs over 10 pounds. That means you’ll need to steer clear of push-ups, pull-ups, and certain yoga poses. And no weight training or intense exercise until you get the go-ahead from your surgeon.


Jump Back Into Action With a Breast Lift

Can a breast lift help you exercise? If you’re struggling with sagging breasts that make exercise cumbersome and painful, then yes, it can.

With higher and firmer breasts, you’ll not only find more ease with exercise, but you’ll feel more confident and self-assured next time you hit the gym or the yoga mat.

So contact us today and make physical fitness a priority again. You’ll feel better in every way.

Surprising Benefits of Tummy Tuck

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Frustrated with your mid-section?

When diet and exercise don’t seem to touch those not so lovable handles, a tummy tuck could be the perfect solution. It’ll smooth out those bulges to give you a more stream-lined appearance.

But there are also surprising benefits of a tummy tuck that go beyond just a flatter belly. We’ve got three right here.


gift of tummy tuck


  1. Gets Rid of Excess Skin, Scars, and Tattoos

One of the biggest drawbacks of losing a significant amount of weight is the possibility of excess skin. This is also the case for some women after pregnancy.

Not only does it look unattractive, but it can create discomfort. Especially while exercising. Fortunately, a tummy tuck not only takes care of unsightly fat, but it eliminates that excess skin too. That means exercise becomes easier and you’re able to return to activities you may have given up.

In addition, if you have scars, stretch marks, or a regrettable tattoo born of some poor decision-making, they can potentially be removed along with the excess skin. In fact, many women are able to improve the appearance of (or lose altogether) c-section scars when they undergo a tummy tuck.

And as an added bonus, once the skin is pulled and tightened, you can even have your belly button shaped and contoured. If that’s your thing.

  1. Decreases Back Pain and Improves Posture

If you carry around extra weight in the abdominal region (not so affectionately known as a “muffin top”) you may find yourself frequently complaining of back pain. This is not surprising.

Weak abdominal muscles and excess abdominal fat and skin affects your posture while both sitting and standing. It causes your body to pull forward, forcing your back muscles to strain and overcompensate. The result? Back pain.

Because the tummy tuck procedure tightens and repositions the abdominal muscles, they’re able to work more effectively. That means you will increase your overall core strength. And where there’s a strong core, there are fewer back problems.

  1. Lessens Postpartum Urinary Incontinence

During pregnancy, the abdominal muscles have to stretch in order to accommodate the new arrival. Unfortunately, for some women, the muscles remain lax after they give birth and become loose. This condition is known as diastasis recti. And no amount of dieting or exercise can tighten them again.

But a tummy tuck can.

To address the issues of diastasis recti, most plastic surgeons perform a tummy tuck combined with a rectus repair. A rectus repair utilizes sutures to tighten the abdominal muscles. One of the best results to come from this surgery is the reduction in postpartum urinary incontinence.

In fact, an Australian study monitored over two hundred patients who had the combination tummy tuck and rectus repair after giving birth. Most of the women reported an improvement in urinary incontinence. (And just in time to safely laugh at the adorable antics of their newborns!)

Want to Experience the Surprising Benefits of a Tummy Tuck?

If you’re having trouble getting rid of that spare tire why not take advantage of the surprising benefits of a tummy tuck?

Contact us today to find out how this amazing procedure could help you.

It will not only leave you with a smoother and flatter belly, but it will boost your confidence and self-esteem in ways you never imagined.


The Difference Between Closed and Open Rhinoplasty



If you’re shopping around for a nose job – more elegantly known as a rhinoplasty – you may not be aware that there are closed and open rhinoplasty procedures.

And you may not even care. That’s okay. We get it. For example, if you have a deviated septum, you may just want to breathe normally and not care how it happens.

But in case you ARE interested – and are wondering which one is right for you – we’ll lay out the differences between the two here.

How Closed and Open Rhinoplasty Differ

Whether you’re getting closed or open rhinoplasty, the surgeon will lift the skin of the nose, alter the bone and cartilage, then lay the skin back down. That’s the basics of rhinoplasty 101. Of course, it’s much more complicated than that. And the ways the surgeon customizes each rhinoplasty is its own art form.

The only thing you really need to know is that with a rhinoplasty, there are just two ways for the surgeon to access the structure of the nose. There is the closed version and the open version.

With closed rhinoplasty, the surgeon makes two incisions inside the nose and makes the alterations through these incisions.

An open rhinoplasty utilizes the same two incisions. But then there’s a third incision that connects them. It goes across the columella (the skin between the two nostrils) and is known as a trans-columellar incision. It is this third incision that opens up and unveils what’s happening in the nose.

Which procedure is utilized will depend on what the surgeon is attempting.

Rhinoplasty in Novi, Michigan - nose job at Star Plastic Surgery


When a Closed Rhinoplasty Is Preferred

Of the two approaches, the closed rhinoplasty is less complicated. And because the incisions are made inside the nose, there is no chance of a visible scar.

Plus, because a closed rhinoplasty is not as intensive, there tends to be less swelling during recovery. But less intensive also means that it may not be an option for those seeking a more complicated fix.

As such, the closed rhinoplasty is typically restricted to patients who need minimal work on their noses with reasonable symmetry. Sculpting of the dorsum and narrowing of the tip and bones may be performed in a closed rhinoplasty. Even so, it’s a viable option in those situations where the plastic surgeon deems it so.

Choosing an Open Rhinoplasty

During an open rhinoplasty, the surgeon is able to see the anatomy underneath. This is a plus in that it allows the surgeon to measure and more deeply analyze the anatomy of the nose to see any asymmetries or abnormalities. With a clear understanding of the anatomy of the patient’s nose, he or she can perform more detailed work.

In a nutshell, an open rhinoplasty allows for more correction of asymmetries and is ideal for noses that require cartilage grafting to add more structure to an otherwise amorphic nose. Since the nose is such a prominent feature on the face – as well as one of the more delicate anatomical structures of the body – precision is a desirable attribute (to say the least!).

In addition, for cases that require advanced cartilage grafting techniques, an open rhinoplasty enables the surgeon to more accurately place those grafts. And although an open rhinoplasty requires a visible incision, with advancements in surgical procedures, scarring is extremely minimal to non-existent.

For these many reasons, the open rhinoplasty is often the preferred method.

Which Rhinoplasty Is Your Best Bet?

If you’re ready to explore your rhinoplasty options, contact us today.

We’ll sit down with you during your free consultation and discuss the benefits of closed and open rhinoplasty procedures for your specific situation.

Rest assured, you’ll get the one that’s right for you.

Is Tingling After Liposuction Normal?

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Liposuction is quickly gaining ground as one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures. In 2020 alone, there were over 210,000 liposuction procedures performed in the United States by plastic surgeons.

Patients feel a boost in their confidence and love the relative simplicity and ease of the liposuction procedure. Still, it’s important to take the time to know what to expect during recovery.

For patients who don’t take this step, they’re not usually too surprised when they encounter some swelling or pain. But it can be alarming to experience numbness or tingling after liposuction.

Is Tingling After Liposuction Normal?

The discomfort, bruising, and swelling that come with liposuction typically last about two weeks. If even that long. But any tingling or numbness experienced after liposuction can go on for longer.

Don’t worry though!

Numbness and tingling at the incision site after liposuction is completely normal. If fact, it’s not an uncommon outcome for all surgical procedures. Any time there is cutting through body tissues, it can impact the nerves that provide feeling in that area. It simply takes time for those nerves to heal.

This doesn’t mean that everyone will experience numbness or tingling. But if you do, there’s no need to worry. You’ll typically notice the tingling subsides with time and by properly following proper post-op protocol.

Speaking of which…

Make the Most of Your Recovery

Sure, it would be great if you could just bypass the whole recovery process altogether. Obviously, that isn’t going to happen. But you’ll also want to resist the urge to rush your recovery.

Be sure to get plenty of rest and sleep in the weeks following your surgery to help your body heal. This will expedite the process. In addition, follow these three important steps:

  1. Embrace Help

The truth is, you’re going to need help when it comes to errands, lifting things, taking care of the kids, cleaning the house, etc. after liposuction surgery.

So let go of your pride and reach out to a friend or family member who can help you with certain activities. This falls in line with resting and giving your body a break. Pushing yourself too hard is only going to slow your healing.

  1. Stay Hydrated and Eat Well

If there were ever a time to stress the importance of drinking fluids, it’s after surgery. Staying hydrated is essential to your recovery. So drink plenty of water, herbal tea, and broth and avoid sugary juices and sodas that can increase inflammation.

In addition to staying hydrated, you’ll need proper nutrition for healing. Fruits and veggies that are high in water content (such as watermelon and cucumbers) will boost your hydration efforts. You may want to prep healthy meals with lots of fruits, veggies, and lean protein ahead of your surgery. That way, you won’t need to cook. And just as important as eating healthy is eating regularly. Post-surgery is not the time to skip meals.

  1. Engage in Light Movement

Finally, you’ll need to avoid regular exercise for a while. But when your physician gives you the go-ahead, you can get out and start taking short walks. Light movement can help to also speed up your body’s recovery. Just be sure to take it easy. Save the speed walking for later.

Boost Your Self-Esteem with Liposuction

Now that you understand there will be some short-lived discomfort, swelling, and possibly tingling after liposuction, you may be ready to explore your options.

Contact us today for a free consultation with our plastic surgeons.

A sleek and more contoured appearance with be well worth your recovery efforts.




Is There Body Contouring for Men?

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Given all the pressure on women to have certain “contours,” the overriding notion of body contouring procedures has been as something almost solely performed on women.

That’s just not the case though. Especially these days. Plastic surgery procedures that provide body contouring for men have been steadily on the rise.

It helps that many of these cosmetic procedures are relatively simple and don’t require much in the way of down time.

Body Contouring for Men

It turns out that men are just as prone to a hit in self-confidence when they feel unattractive. Especially if they’ve been dealing with rolls or pockets of fat that refuse to disappear no matter how much they diet or how hard they exercise. This lack of self-confidence bleeds into a man’s professional, social, and intimate life.

Fortunately, men have discovered that contouring procedures can slim, shape, and define those problem areas – improving muscle definition and giving a more chiseled appearance.

While body contouring for men spans a range of procedures, there are several situations that plastic surgeons see the most often.

  1. Not Loving the Love Handles

Many men seek out plastic surgery when they get older and start putting on extra weight around the belly. This can be perplexing to men who haven’t changed their diet or exercise regimen, but suddenly have a spare tire.

Sometimes this extra weight is the result of hormonal changes that cause the area to become dense. And no amount of diet or exercise will melt it away. This is when liposuction is a miracle worker.

With this fairly simple procedure, the plastic surgeon makes a small incision through which he or she guides a cannula tube into the targeted area. The fat is then suctioned out and the surgeon shapes and contours the designated area.

In the vast majority of cases, liposuction is outpatient surgery that’s performed under general anesthesia. Men can get back to work in 3-5 days, and return to the gym in a few weeks. As such, liposuction rates as the number one plastic surgery procedure for men.

  1. Men Get Boob Jobs Too

Ah, the dreaded gynecomastia.

You may know this condition better as “man boobs.” And it can be an embarrassing predicament for many men. Especially for those who are going to the gym to flatten their chest but can’t get the jiggle to go away.

Gynecomastia isn’t just the bane of older men either. In fact, it’s estimated that 40-60% of men struggle with gynecomastia. So it’s no wonder that men are showing up for male breast reduction surgery.

If the issue is extra glandular tissue, the plastic surgeon will work through an incision under the arm or around the nipple to remove the tissue with a scalpel. In cases of extra fatty tissue, liposuction once again comes to the rescue. It’s not uncommon for there to be both excess glandular and fatty tissue. And in more extreme cases, there may be need to remove excess skin as well.

Initial recovery time for male breast reduction surgery is 1-2 weeks on average and involves wearing a compression vest. After this time, most normal activities can resume.

  1. Lost the Weight but Not the Skin

As men are increasingly more aware of the benefits of diet and exercise, it’s not unusual for guys who were carrying a lot of extra weight to finally lose it. The problem is, they’re often left with excess skin in those areas and liposuction doesn’t do the trick here.

In these cases, there may be need for one or more excision skin surgery lifts. These can include a tummy tuck, as well as lifts to the arm, inner thigh, circumferential body (belt line), buttock, or breast. There may also be a need for a panniculectomy which is surgery that removes excess skin and fatty tissue that hangs down over the thighs and/or genitals.

The recovery time for lift surgeries is wholly dependent on the specific procedure. In most cases, men can expect to return to work in 1-2 weeks, and back to normal activity in 4-6 weeks.

Get the Contours You Desire

Don’t get stuck in the trap of thinking that plastic surgery only helps women to achieve the contours they want. With body contouring for men, you can increase your self-worth and boost confidence.

And all with minimal downtime.

So start feeling good about yourself. Contact us today to discuss the many options available to you.


Best Practices to Reduce Post Surgery Swelling

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Recovering from a surgical procedure involves some degree of patience. But that doesn’t mean your best bet is to sit in front of the TV, binge watching your favorite series while snacking all day long.

Especially if you want to reduce post surgery swelling and expedite healing.

There are certain things you can do that will help you more effectively move through recovery.

  1. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

We all know by now that drinking plenty of water each day is essential to good health. It’s also essential to keeping post-surgical swelling at bay.

But you don’t necessarily have to get all of your hydration from water. Herbal teas and decaf coffee with minimal or no sweeteners also count. And if plain water doesn’t do it for you, you can drink water with natural fruit essences or even add a small amount of juice to your water.

You can also get hydration from produce. There are plenty of high water content fruits and vegetables such as watermelon, grapefruit, strawberries, zucchini, and celery. Speaking of eating…

  1. Eat With Recovery In Mind

Enemy number one when trying to reduce swelling is salt. So while you’re hydrating, stay away from Gatorade or other sports drinks that contain sodium. And keep the salty snacks at a bare minimum.

Another thing you want to decrease is your sugar intake. Too much sugar can suppress your immune system and throw off your body’s ability to heal.

One thing you can increase though is protein. It is essential for muscle and skin regrowth as well as wound healing. And adding a quality probiotic to your diet will go the distance in countering the effects of any antibiotics or other prescription drugs you’ve been prescribed.

  1. Dress Responsibly

Whatever notions you have of high fashion during surgical recovery, you’ll likely need to ditch them.

If you need to wear a compression garment during recovery, you may want to purchase some basic tank tops to wear underneath to reduce itching. You can cut them to size. And don’t even think about getting rid of the compression garment until your doctor gives you the go-ahead. (Some patients continue to wear them though for comfort and support.)


Plus, if you had any sort of liposuction to the midsection, you’ll need to steer clear of anything with tight waistbands.

  1. Keep on Moving to Increase Circulation

When you first come out of surgery, you’ll need to rest for the first 24 hours. But after that, you can start to get back to your normal daily activities – slowly.

Your physician may request that you don’t elevate your heart rate right after surgery. Slow walking is one of the best ways to keep the body in motion without raising the heart rate. Then once you get the okay, you can increase the pace of your walking.

Stretching is also a great way to add gentle motion while breaking up adhesions after lipo procedures. Depending on your surgery, you may find it helpful to lay on your side, back, and/or stomach on an exercise ball.

  1. Trust Your Body When It Wants to Rest

Finally, although we’re recommending all of these actions, it’s equally important to honor your body when it needs a break. As eager as you are to reduce swelling and get back to life, your body is healing from trauma.  So in those six weeks following surgery, really pay attention to what your body is telling you and heed it.

You Have the Tools to Reduce Post Surgery Swelling

Now that you know the best ways to reduce post surgery swelling and understand the ins and outs of healing from surgery, you may be ready to try plastic surgery for yourself.

Contact us today. During your free and comprehensive consultation, you’ll be able to share your vision with a board-certified plastic surgeon who will advise you of next steps.

They could just be life-changing.


What Are the Best Plastic Surgery Combinations?

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Plastic surgery combinations, i.e. getting two procedures done at once, might seem like a lot to take on. But actually, they’re more common than you may realize.

It’s not a matter of you picking and choosing procedures from a menu. The combination procedures are chosen carefully by your surgeon based on your objectives, goals, and health.

And there is a definite upside to having multiple surgeries performed simultaneously.

Benefits of Multiple Surgeries

Patients save time and money by only being put under anesthesia once. As with all surgery, there is some risk with anesthesia. By having two procedures accomplished during one round of anesthesia, patients reduce the number of times they have to be anesthetized. Furthermore, they save money.

In addition, the recovery times for each procedure are done under one umbrella. That means that patients only have to take off one period of time for work and activities rather than two.

Finally, in having two surgeries done at once, patients usually experience more dramatic results in a shorter amount of time.

The Best Plastic Surgery Combinations

There are occasions when procedures must be combined. One such occasion is when a patient opts for breast augmentation with fat transfer. In this case, the patient has to undergo liposuction in order to harvest the fat which will then be applied during the augmentation surgery.

For the most part though, combining plastic surgeries is more a matter of getting the best and most complete results with minimum invasiveness.


  1. The Mommy Makeover

The mommy makeover is the ultimate in combining plastic surgery procedures. There’s no one-size-fits-all though. Depending on what each patient wants or needs, there are many variations.

Generally speaking though, a mommy makeover typically includes breast augmentation for women who lost breast volume during childbirth, with a possible lift if they find their breasts sag a bit after breastfeeding. These multiple surgeries for the breast are also common among older women, regardless of their motherhood status.

In addition, if there is post-pregnancy abdominal flab that won’t go away with diet and exercise, the surgeon may also recommend a tummy tuck. On occasion, there may even be need for some vaginal rejuvenation work. Again, it depends on each individual.

  1. Surgeries for Contouring

In many cases, diet- and exercise-resistant fat forms in the body as we age. Especially in the abdomen. So in this case, a plastic surgeon will often combine a tummy tuck with liposuction.

The tummy tuck helps to give the waistline a sleeker and more contoured appearance, while the liposuction serves to vacuum out some of that resistant fat. When done in tandem, these two procedures deliver a smooth and attractive waistline.

  1. Firming up the Face

When patients are obsessed with an imperfection on the face, they typically have one specific procedure in mind. But facial surgery is complicated.

For example, someone who is troubled by a crooked nose may insist the only thing they need is rhinoplasty (i.e. nose job). But there are many occasions where once the shape of the nose changes, it brings the rest of the face out of harmony. So in these cases, the surgeon may need to add a chin augmentation or other procedure to keep the face in proportion.

This is just one example. In the realm of facial surgery, there are countless combinations such as facelift/eye lift, facelift/fat transfers, face lift/neck lift, brow lift/facelift, and eye lift with dermal fillers. It takes the work of a skilled surgeon to maintain proper facial proportion.

Curious About Combining Procedures?

When we refer to the best plastic surgery combinations, we’re really looking at the most common ones. In reality, the possibilities for combinations are nearly endless.

So if you’re curious about the benefits of multiple surgeries, contact us today. During your free consultation, your surgeon will determine whether you’re a good candidate and which procedures will serve you best.

Then get ready to put your best self forward.

The Ultimate Breast Implants Checklist


Summer’s almost here. It’s that time of year when you start showing more skin and seeing just how your body has changed over the winter. And with the pandemic, you might be noticing the impact of a couple of winters.

If you’re feeling self-conscious about filling out your bathing suit or other summer wear, this may be the year for breast augmentation surgery.

Breast implants could boost your confidence this summer. But what will be expected of you before and after the surgery? To address that, we’ve got the most complete breast implants checklist here for you.

BEFORE Pre-Surgery

Once you finally make an appointment to talk with a plastic surgeon, he or she will provide you with literature on the procedure. This can be a lot of information to absorb. There will also be an FDA-approved patient-decision checklist. The purpose of this list is to present the benefits and risks of getting implants.

The checklist covers topics such as what makes a successful breast implant candidate; situations when implants shouldn’t be used, the risks of undergoing the surgery; the importance of proper training and experience; and other options (where appropriate).

The patient-decision checklist is reviewed together by you and your surgeon.

Breast Implant Checklists

Once everything is agreed upon and you’ve decided to go ahead with the surgery, you’ll be given an opportunity to sign and initial throughout the patient-decision checklist. The checklist is then signed by your board-certified surgeon.

At that point, you’ll need to start tackling the next checklist – which is things you’ll need to do before the procedure.



If you love a good smoke first thing in the morning or after a meal, you’ll need to get used to not having this. It’s crucial that you quit smoking a minimum of four weeks pre-op.

Also, get your work and other life affairs in order. You’ll need at least one week off from your job. Stock up on essential items and foods that are simple to make. (Soup comes to mind.) And be sure to get all of your prescriptions filled so you’ll have them after the surgery.

On the actual day of the surgery, you’ll need to wear loose clothing with a top that zips or buttons in the front. Don’t eat anything or take vitamins/medications unless instructed by the doctor. Refrain from wearing creams, lotions, or fragrances, or using hairspray on surgery day.

Finally, arrange to have a family member or friend drive you home after the surgery.


Once you arrive home, it’ll be important that you get plenty of rest to help the body heal. Keep your head and neck elevated using firm but comfortable pillows.


If you live alone, plan to have someone around who can help for at LEAST that first day back. You’ll have to avoid lifting, bending, or any sort of vigorous movement until the surgeon says it’s clear to do so.

Got hydration? If you don’t like water, now is the time to start embracing its benefits because you’ll need to drink at least eight ounces of water every two hours that first day back. Also, take your pain meds as prescribed, wear the recommended compression garments, and have ice packs ready to help with any swelling.

And be sure you have quick access to your surgeon’s contact info in case you experience any complications or just have questions.

Boost Your Confidence with Breast Implants

Now that you’ve gone over the ultimate breast implants checklist, you know exactly what to expect. So why not contact us today?

And get ready for an amazing and form-fitting summer!

Smoking and Plastic Surgery Don’t Mix

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If you’re a smoker and have had surgery in the past without complications, consider yourself lucky.

Tobacco smokers are at a much higher risk than non-smokers for complications that include impaired heart and lung functions, infections, and delayed wound healing.

And if you think that you don’t need to worry about that for plastic surgery, think again. Smoking and plastic surgery are a terrible pair.

How Smoking Impacts the Body

Cigarettes are chock full of chemicals. Over 4,000 of them. And these chemicals present a significantly higher risk for surgical complications in smokers.

The two biggest culprits are nicotine and carbon monoxide. Both of these decrease oxygen levels in the body and boost the risk of heart-related complications. In addition, the actual act of smoking damages the lungs and makes proper air flow through them difficult.

Furthermore, smoking negatively impacts the immune system. So when the body is attempting to heal from surgery, it’s going to take longer. This increases the risk of infection at the wound site.

And you don’t have to be a chain smoker for this to be the case. Smoking a single cigarette is enough to decrease the body’s ability to deliver nutrients for healing after any type of surgery.

Specific Complications for Smoking and Plastic Surgery

One of the worst effects of smoking is vasoconstriction. This is the narrowing of the blood vessels. When the vessels are narrowed, flow of blood and oxygen are compromised. This deters proper healing of the skin cells and increases the likelihood of skin cell death, or necrosis, on the wound.

But wait. There’s more.

When nicotine is present in the body, plastic surgery can result in loss of cheek skin, nipples, or belly skin after a facelift, breast lift, breast reduction, or tummy tuck surgery. It may also cause a loss of breast implants.

And because healing is delayed, scars are thicker and wider. Slower healing means more pain and also the possibility of infection or even blood clots – which can be fatal. Pair all of these with the other dangerous complications such as heart attack and stroke, and it’s clear that smoking and plastic surgery do not mix.

What About Marijuana or Other Alternatives?

When your doctor tells you not to smoke before surgery, this includes smoking tobacco in pipes, cigars, hookahs, as well as smoking marijuana. Carbon monoxide is created any time you smoke and this can lead to tissue death after surgery. Marijuana edibles or tinctures may be approved, however. You’ll need to discuss with your surgeon that option.

Meanwhile, vapes and e-cigs are not acceptable switch-outs for smoking either because even though there’s no carbon monoxide, they still contain nicotine. Even nicotine gums and patches should be avoided.

The general rule of thumb is that ANY type of smoking or nicotine use is going to be bad for your surgical outcome. Period.

Your Best Bet

If you are a smoker, evidence shows that quitting at least four weeks before surgery will not only lower your risk of complications, but you’ll notice better results six months after the plastic surgery procedure. You are also less likely to experience complications with anesthesia.

To heal properly, sustain results, and improve your overall health, ceasing the use of nicotine products altogether is really the only game in town. So if you’re considering a plastic surgery procedure and know you’ll need to quit for at least four weeks prior, now might be the time to consider quitting forever.

Change Your Appearance, Change Your Life

Are you a smoker who’s looking for a fresh new look with a facelift, tummy tuck, breast augmentation, or other plastic surgery procedure?

Contact us today.

Because now that you understand how smoking and plastic surgery don’t play well together, you may be inspired to quit for good. And your new look may just come with a new lease on life.