Yes, Stress Affects Your Skin

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We frequently hear about the negative impact of stress on the heart, brain, stomach, and other organs. But what about the biggest organ – your skin?

Given the negative repercussions of stress throughout the rest of the body, it makes perfect sense that stress affects your skin too.

It’s all the result of the brain-skin axis.

What Is the Brain-Skin Axis?

When we’re in a stressed state, the hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal glands produce pro-inflammatory hormones such as cortisol and catecholamines as a line of defense.

The brain-skin axis is the two-way freeway that translates psychological stress from the brain and connects it to the skin through pro-inflammatory skin cells called mast cells.

This response is helpful in fleeting fight or flight moments. But when you experience chronic stress, the steady influx of inflammatories can wreak havoc with your skin.

How Stress Affects Your Skin

Given its increased susceptibility to environmental stressors such as ultraviolet light and temperature, the skin is more frequently battered by stress hormones than other organs. And stress affects the skin in many ways.

In the bigger picture, stress impacts the immune system, causing it to be more reactive. This means an increase in rashes, hives, and redness. The resulting inflammation can also cause flare ups for those with skin conditions like eczema, rosacea, and psoriasis.

Meanwhile, increased cortisol can lead to overproduction of oil in the glands and cause acne breakouts. Steady exposure to cortisol also puts the kibosh on the production of hyaluronic acid and collagen which keep the skin smooth and youthful.

Furthermore, the stress from having a skin condition can lead people to isolate, leaving them even more stressed. They may skimp on their daily skin care routine – further exacerbating the problem.

No matter how you cut it, chronic stress has a negative impact on the skin. So what’s a person to do?

Reducing Stress Is Your First Goal

There is no doubt these are stressful times. The issues surrounding the pandemic, as well as the fierce political polarity in this country, have left many of us with varying degrees of chronic stress.

At the end of the day though, 90% of our stress does not come from the stressor itself, but rather from how we deal with it.

One of the most effective ways to manage stress is with mindful practices like meditation, yoga, and breath work. Exercise is also beneficial in that it increases antioxidants and lowers cortisol levels.

Your diet is also key in managing stress. Stick with foods high in vitamins A and C, polyphenols, lycopene, and astaxanthin to aid in preventing free radicals and combatting inflammation.

And if life has gotten too overwhelming and you just feel like you need to cry, then do it! Like exercise, crying helps decrease cortisol levels. It’s also a major stress release.

Finally, you can soothe and help heal the skin by looking for skincare products that contain barrier-boosting ingredients like glycolipids, fatty acids, and ceramides.

Feed it what it needs.

Give Your Skin The TLC It Deserves

Now that you understand how stress affects your skin, you can take measures to lessen the stressors in your life.

In the meantime, if your skin could use a little extra care and attention or if you’re struggling with acne scars that won’t go away, contact us.

Our skincare specialists are happy to discuss the many options available to you!

Plastic Surgery For Body Positivity

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Perhaps you’ve noticed that catalogs and magazines now have models that buck what was once conventional. As a society, we’re waking up to the fact that people come in all shapes and sizes.

The body positivity movement grew out of this understanding – focusing on the idea that all bodies are beautiful. But that doesn’t mean that everyone is suddenly happy with certain features of their bodies. It’s just not that easy.

This is where plastic surgery for body positivity makes sense.

What Is Body Positivity?

In 1996, a psychotherapist and an individual who had been through treatment for an eating disorder coined the term “body positive.” They created a website that offered resources designed to help people feel good about their bodies by pulling the focus away from losing weight through unhealthy dieting and exercise efforts.

The movement evolved from there and its current incarnation emerged in 2012 in response to unrealistic feminine beauty standards. Working from the “all bodies are beautiful” battle cry, the movement became increasingly popular. Marketing campaigns and advertisements shifted gears to reflect this.

Even so, a lot of people are still confused about body positivity and essentially how to make it happen for themselves. As mentioned above, you don’t just wake up one day and decide everything is great after years or even a lifetime of struggle. And not being able to embrace body positivity can have the reverse effect of making people feel bad if they’re unable.

So yes, while body positivity embraces changes that happen naturally due to aging, pregnancy, or lifestyle choices, it doesn’t demand that someone should feel ashamed for taking action to improve some aspect of their body.

Plastic Surgery for Body Positivity

At its core, body positivity sets out to look at some of the ways that body image influences mental health and well-being. Having a healthy body image impacts the way people feel about their appearance and judge their self-worth. Meanwhile, negative body image is connected with an increased risk for conditions such as depression and eating disorders.

So how does plastic surgery help with body positivity? Quite successfully, actually. Plastic surgeons and their patients understand that aesthetic procedures aren’t meant to be quick fixes. They’re a means for making someone more comfortable in their skin.

As such, a growing number of patients are coming in to consult with plastic surgeons with modest requests that don’t involve them wanting to look like supermodels or turn back the hands of time. They eat well and exercise but just want a procedure that will help them feel better about the person they’re presenting to the world.

In addition, some procedures such as rhinoplasty and debulking liposuction (to name just two) have added health benefits. And people in good health are generally happier than those who are not.

At the end of the day, body positivity includes non-judgment for what an individual decides. And that includes plastic surgery.

Could You Use a Boost in Body Positivity?

Plastic surgery for body positivity is about embracing what makes each person unique and beautiful.

If you’ve tried to embrace and accept some aspect of your body that is causing you grief, there’s no need to endure that. Contact us today to discuss your options.

Our plastic surgeons are trained to utilize their skill set to direct ALL patients onto the path of body positivity.

Recovering From Rhinoplasty

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Ask the vast majority of patients who’ve had a rhinoplasty from a highly qualified surgeon, and they’ll tell you that it’s life-changing.

Even if you desire only a minor change, it can have huge impact on your appearance and confidence. It could even help you sleep better!

But it’s important to remember that it is a surgical procedure. So knowing what to expect when recovering from rhinoplasty can lead to a more satisfying outcome.

Upon Leaving the Procedure

First things first.

Rhinoplasty is a complicated surgery. There isn’t a standard order of steps that board-certified surgeons follow. Instead, they must tailor each operation for the patient. Even so, the vast majority of rhinoplasty procedures are out-patient and the patient can leave the hospital the same day.

It’s the first week after the procedure that’s the most intense. In most cases, the surgical site will be splinted or packed on the inside. The nose itself will be covered with bandages to protect it and allow for healing as it adapts to its new shape. This dressing needs to say in place for one week. Because of this, patients should plan to take that week off from work, school, or other obligations.

Pain and swelling during this time will be most pronounced – with some bruising and tenderness under the eyes and on the cheeks. You’ll need to follow your surgeon’s detailed post-operative instructions during this time. Proper post-op care will contribute to the surgery’s success.

The Down-Low On Recovering From Rhinoplasty Long-Term

Once the bandages come off, one of the first things patients want to know is how long before they’ll see results. Typically, initial results appear within the first few weeks to a month as the tissues begin to heal. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll have the final nose shape you desire at that point though.

For some patients, the swelling can take a considerable amount of time to subside. So even though you’ll see a marked difference within weeks, it could potentially take several months or up to year to achieve that final nose shape.

This is because the soft tissues of the nose are more prone to holding swelling than other parts of the body. But rest assured, the swelling does eventually subside.

And the initial swelling immediately post-op usually goes down enough so that patients are able to return to work and light activity in about two weeks. This will, or course, vary from patient to patient depending on how strenuous their job. But that’s a safe ballpark figure.

Ready To Talk With a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon?

Although recovering from rhinoplasty may sound challenging, it’s truly one of the most beneficial procedures.

So whether your reasons for seeking rhinoplasty are cosmetic or structural, contact us today to talk with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons.

He or she will be able to discuss with you in detail this amazing procedure and what you can reasonably expect as you head out to ‘face’ the world again!

The ABCs of Gynecomastia Surgery

Many women seek out the counsel of a plastic surgeon because they’re embarrassed by breasts that aren’t as large or full as they’d like.

On the flip side of that, however, are men who have developed breasts and are equally embarrassed by this condition. For them, the focus is on reduction.

Fortunately, gynecomastia surgery was developed to treat this condition.

Gynecomastia in Novi, Michigan


What Is Gynecomastia?

In the simplest terms, gynecomastia is an imbalance between estrogen and androgen hormones. Just as most women produce small amounts of testosterone, men usually produce small amounts of estrogen. Estrogen is what controls breast growth.

In cases where a man’s body produces too much estrogen in tandem with lower testosterone levels, the result can be enlarged breasts.

Gynecomastia occurs in about half of male infants due to the effects of their mother’s estrogen. The condition usually corrects within 2-3 weeks. Then estrogen often spikes again during puberty when the hormones get thrown out of balance. This typically resolves within six months to two years.

The prevalence of gynecomastia among men ages 50 to 80, however, is between 24% and 65%. Many men experience no symptoms of this imbalance. But for those with chronic swollen breasts, gynecomastia surgery is often the best solution.

The Causes of Gynecomastia

Bodies are complex, to say the least. And there are myriad things that trigger a hormone imbalance. Aside from the changes that occur during puberty and aging, there are other factors that can cause gynecomastia. Among them are thyroid, liver, or kidney disease, adrenal tumors, and alcoholism.

In addition, certain medications used to treat infections, high blood pressure, heartburn, anxiety/depression, enlarged prostate, and male infertility can also result in gynecomastia. Amphetamines, opioids, steroids, and even marijuana can lead to breast swelling.

Treating Gynecomastia with Liposuction

There are cases where enlarged breasts are a result of obesity. This condition is known as pseudogynecomastia and it’s typically treated with liposuction.

The patient is given either local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia. The plastic surgeon then makes a small incision on each side of the chest. These may be located within the armpit or around the areola. Excess fat is removed through the incisions and the surgeon sculpts a new chest contour before closing the incisions.

Gynecomastia Surgery

In cases that are not the result of obesity, gynecomastia may require surgical tissue excision. This procedure enables the plastic surgeon to remove more glandular tissue and skin that can’t be removed through liposuction. Thus, it’s also recommended for patients who have stretched and sagging skin around the breasts.

Using either general or local anesthesia with sedation, the surgeon will typically make incisions around the areola or within the natural creases of the chest. He or she will choose the areas of incision based on what will be most inconspicuous in terms of scarring. As with the liposuction procedure, excess tissue is removed and the area sculpted before the incisions are closed.

In most cases, patients feel ready to return to work within 1 week of surgery. Within a couple of weeks, they are able to gradually return to exercise.

And without the embarrassment.

Are You Troubled by Enlarged Breasts?

If your attempts to eliminate enlarged breasts have proven unsuccessful and you’re tired of trying to hide them, then contact us today for a free consultation.

Find out how easy it is to restore a more masculine appearance to your upper body through gynecomastia surgery.

Do You Need Ear Lobe Repair Surgery?

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It may come as something of surprise that earlobe repair surgery has become one of the most requested procedures. Then again, it may not. Especially if you’re someone who’s spent years of adorning those lobes with heavy jewelry.

You may well be a candidate for ear lobe repair.

Even if you’ve removed your gauges or stopped wearing heavy earrings, you’ve probably noticed the soft tissue has shrunken a bit but that there is still a significant hole. That’s when surgery comes into play.


Of course, heavy earrings and gauges causing the lobe to become stretched over time are the biggest culprits. But even regular earrings can get snagged in clothing, yanked out by a child, or pulled accidentally in some other way. This results in a torn ear lobe known as a Pac-Man deformity.

Whether the hole is over stretched or non-existent from a tear, wearing earrings can become problematic or impossible. Fortunately, ear lobe repair surgery is a reconstructive plastic surgery that was developed to restore the appearance of earlobes.

The Procedure

As plastic surgery procedures go, earlobe repair surgery is one of the simplest procedures. Depending on the number of piercings to repair and the extent of trauma to the lobe, the whole procedure takes between 15 and 30 minutes.

First, the plastic surgeon will inject the stretched or torn earlobe with a local anesthetic to numb the area. From there, the surgeon determines which specific technique will best serve to repair and reconstruct the earlobe. This will depend on the extent and complexity of the damage.

In the majority of cases, scar tissue is removed from the split or stretched piercing so that the repaired earlobe can heal smoothly. Once that tissue is extricated, the surgeon utilizes fine stitches to close the tear or the hole.

Recovery from Ear Lobe Repair Surgery

Recovery is fairly straightforward. On the day of the procedure, the patient is sent home with a small piece of gauze to cover the affected area. After that first day, the gauze can be removed but the area must be kept clean with daily antibiotic ointment.

Sutures are removed after about a week. In that time, the surgeon will recommend not sleeping on the ears or placing any kind of pressure on the area. In addition, the ear must not be submerged in water during that time. That means no baths or swimming –  though showering is permitted 24 hours after the procedure.

Beyond that, patients can expect to otherwise get back to their regular work and exercise routines the very next day. And should the patient wish to have his or her ears re-pierced, the surgeon can do this in just 4-6 weeks after an earlobe repair procedure.

It’s a chance to start anew! (And maybe skip the gauges this time…)

Interested in Finding out More?

If you’re curious about ear lobe repair surgery and whether it might be right for you, contact us today for a free consultation.

Our surgeons will sit down with you to discuss the best next steps.

Repairing A Deviated Septum

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Repairing A Deviated Septum

As exotic a condition as it sounds, a deviated septum is fairly common. In fact, it’s estimated that up to 80% of people have a deviated septum.

In many cases, the symptoms are so mild that a person may be unaware he or she has the condition. That’s the best-case scenario.

But for others, a deviated septum could be interfering with their quality of life. Fortunately, there’s an effective procedure for repairing a deviated septum.

What Is a Deviated Septum?

The bone and cartilage that divide the nasal cavity in half are collectively known as the nasal septum. In an ideal world, the septum would run a straight line so each of the breathing passages leading to the nostrils would be equal.

But how many of us are living in an ideal world? (Hint: Nobody.)

The reality is, most of us have a septum that’s at least a little crooked or off-center. In other words, deviated. You may have been born with this condition or it developed over time. Perhaps the imbalance could be the result of an injury to the nose from playing sports, falling, or getting hit in an accident or a fight. (So much for that ideal world.)

Fortunately, many of us aren’t aware of a deviated septum because it’s not visibly noticeable or doesn’t cause any difficulty in breathing. For a handful of folks, however, a deviated septum could be causing significant issues.

Symptoms Of A Deviated Septum

We all experience nasal congestion from time to time. Sinus discomfort isn’t completely foreign to most of us either. For those with a seriously deviated septum, however, difficulty breathing through one side of the nose and recurrent sinus infections are the norm. They may also experience frequent headaches, facial pain, nosebleeds, and postnasal drip.

Then there’s the issue of slumber. A deviated septum can disrupt sleep by causing the sufferer to breathe loudly or to snore. This can further lead to apnea – a dangerous condition wherein the person stops breathing altogether during sleep.

While there are medications that may alleviate some of the less serious symptoms, surgery is often the chosen option for those who repeatedly suffer with deviated septum symptoms.

Repairing A Deviated Septum

The surgical procedure for repairing a deviated septum is called septoplasty and it’s fairly straightforward.

During septoplasty, the patient is given either general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. Which one is administered will depend on the surgeon’s recommendations.

For a septoplasty that’s performed without other procedures, the incisions are typically within the naval cavity. In situations where the septoplasty is performed with a rhinoplasty, the surgeon may make a small incision across the narrow strip of tissue that separates the nostrils (also known as the columella).

The tissue covering the septum – the nasal mucosal lining – is then elevated to make the deviated septum visible. While maintaining the shape of the nose, the skilled surgeon either removes or reshapes the crooked or deviated section of the bone and cartilage.

Once it is straightened, the mucosal lining is repositioned around it and the incision is sutured back together. Splints may or may not be placed inside the nose to keep the septum in place and reduce scar tissue formation during healing.

That’s all there is to it!

Think You May Benefit From Septoplasty?

If any of the above-mentioned symptoms are altering your quality of life, repairing a deviated septum may be the solution.

So contact us today.

During your free consultation, we’ll determine whether you’re a good candidate for septoplasty surgery. And within three to six months, you could be breathing a whole lot easier.

Are There Ways to Eliminate Cellulite?

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Cellulite is a pesky condition that can affect anyone; leaving those impacted feeling self-conscious about the puckered skin on their arms, legs, buttocks, and/or torso.

Unfortunately, cellulite is not a rare condition. In fact, it occurs in up to 85% of adult women. It doesn’t change through diet and exercise and happily strikes bodies of all shapes and sizes.

So are there ways to eliminate cellulite? The short and simple answer is yes. But first, let’s address the following question:

What Is Cellulite?

Cellulite is not the same as ‘normal’ fat. The latter is stored in parts of the body where it’s burned when the body requires fuel. Cellulite, however, cannot be used as fuel. That’s because it’s effectively trapped in the dermal layer of the skin.

When fibrous bands tighten for any number or reasons, they pull down on the skin and push that layer of trapped fat upward – giving it the puckered appearance of cottage cheese.

As with so many other conditions that are part and parcel of getting older, the presence of cellulite is more visible as we age. Especially as the skin loses elasticity. However, young people experience visible cellulite as well.

There are a number of factors that determine whether you will have visible cellulite and to what degree. Along with age, these include pregnancy, inactivity, genetics, hormones, toxin build-up, weight gain, and body fat percentage.

So what’s an embarrassed bearer of cellulite to do?

Treatments That Help Eliminate Cellulite

Yes, there are over-the-counter remedies that promise to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Some work better than others. But none are highly effective or have much in the way of staying power.

To really address the issue requires medical intervention. While there are treatments that will eliminate cellulite, it’s important to remember that none of them will remove it permanently. As of now, there are several cellulite treatments that have proven effective:

  1. Laser Treatments

With a laser treatment, a tiny laser probe is placed under the dimpled skin though a small incision. The probe heats the area to stimulate collagen production that improves elasticity in the skin. The laser also lessens the thickness of the fat layer and releases the tightness of the fibrous bands.

An additional bonus with laser treatments is their ability to reduce regular fat as well.

Patients can expect at least two days of downtime after laser treatments. But the results typically last at least a year.

  1. Energy Treatments

Similar to laser treatments that stimulate the production of collagen, there are various energy treatments utilized in the fight against cellulite. These treatments include radio pulse therapy, pulsed electromagnetic field, infrared light, and radio frequency.

There is little to no downtime with these treatments. However, the results are temporary so the chosen procedure may need to be regularly performed every few months.

  1. Injectable Treatments

For patients with cellulite in the buttocks, there’s an FDA-approved injectable treatment that’s proven to be safe and effective. The noninvasive injection contains enzymes that can break down the collagen bands and stimulate the production of more flexible fibrous bands.

It’s also capable of redistributing fat cells underneath the skin to lessen build-up.

This is not a one and done procedure though. Each injectable treatment is typically three weeks apart. After the second treatment, the patient can expect to see results. Outside of a little possible bruising, there is no downtime with injectable treatments.

Are You Embarrassed By the Appearance of Cellulite?

Fortunately, there are ways to eliminate cellulite for awhile and spare you the embarrassment.

So if you’re ready to smooth out the puckering and put your best skin forward, contact us today. Depending on the degree of cellulite you have and its location, our plastic surgeons will determine the best plan for you.


How Do Dermal Fillers Differ From BOTOX®?

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Given that both BOTOX® and dermal fillers are minimally invasive and given through injections, it might seem they’re very similar. They’re actually quite different.

Dermal fillers differ from BOTOX® in a number of ways. For starters, BOTOX® aims to soften and smooth wrinkles. And while dermal fillers can also remove wrinkles, they’re utilized for plumping lips and enhancing shallow contours as well.

As such, dermal fillers aren’t one-size-fits-all. There is a wide variety of different types that tackle specific aesthetic goals.

The Myriad Types of Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers not only differ in chemical makeup and longevity, but they also have varying degrees of softness. So, for instance, a patient who wants to enhance cheekbones will need a sturdier filler than one who wishes to plump his or her lips.

We’ll do a little exploration here of four of the most common types of dermal fillers and their purpose.

  1. Hyaluronic Acid (HA)

You’ve likely heard about the many wonders of hyaluronic acid. It appears in many OTC products that promise to decrease wrinkles and leave you with younger looking skin. It also naturally occurs in the body.

The primary role of HA in the body is to attract water to keep fat, muscles, bones, and skin hydrated. But it also plays a part in collagen production in the skin. Thus, injecting HA into the face not only plumps the face and reduces smile lines, wrinkles, and sagging, but it also triggers the production of collagen to add even more fullness.

As such, it’s become one of the most popular injectable fillers on the market. An injectable HA such as Juvederm might therefore be the choice for improving deep smile lines, smoker’s lines around the mouth, marionette lines, deep tear troughs, and cheekbone and jawline enhancement. But it’s also effective for treating cheek depressions, scars from acne, burns, or wounds, and redefining lip border.

  1. Calcium Hydroxylapatite

Similar to HA, calcium hydroxylapatite is found in the human body. It occurs naturally in human bones. Injectable dermal fillers that contain this mineral-like compound are biosynthetically produced. That means they use no animal products and no skin testing is required.

Calcium hydroxylapatite has a long safety record and is often used to address moderate to severe creases, nasolabial folds, and marionette lines around the mouth. It’s also used to enhance fullness of the cheeks and other facial contours.

  1. Polyalkylimide

Polyalkylimide is not found in the human body. Rather, it’s a semi-permanent dermal filler plastic surgeons may choose to treat deeper wrinkles or depressed scars. It’s also effective for plumping thin lips, replacing volume lost due to age, and enhancing the jawline and cheekbones.

Once polyalkylimide gel is injected, collagen slowly forms around it for about a month. Eventually, the gel capsule is completely surrounded by collagen that the body produced. While the injection remains stable, but can be removed if necessary.

Although polyalkylimide doesn’t come from the body, it’s highly biocompatible so no allergy test is required.

  1. Polylactic Acid

A completely synthetic dermal filler, polylactic acid triggers the body to produce collagen and is known as a stimulator. As such, results from polylactic acid appear gradually and over a period of a few months rather than quickly. It usually requires three treatments and with each one, there is re-stimulation of collagen production.

Polylactic acid is non-toxic and biodegradable. It’s been used for 40 years as material for sutures. This type of filler is often chosen for filling laugh lines, as well as plumping thin lips and treating deep nasolabial folds around the nose and mouth.

So Then How Do Dermal Fillers Differ From BOTOX®?

Without getting too deep into the weeds, BOTOX® is a purified form of the botulinum toxin that’s derived from bacteria. Though that may sound a little scary, when used in small amounts, it can effectively help to correct wrinkles such as crow’s feet, horizontal lines on the forehead, and glabella wrinkles

One of the major ways BOTOX® differs from dermal fillers is that it works by blocking nerve signals in the muscles – leaving the injected muscles temporarily paralyzed. The lack of movement allows for wrinkles to be reduced and softened`.

Because it works to correct wrinkles that result from movement (i.e. dynamic wrinkles), BOTOX® doesn’t repair fine lines or wrinkles caused by sagging or loss of plumpness in the face. Such “static wrinkles” show up as lines in the cheeks, neck, and jowl areas.

Which One Is Right For You?

Now that you know how dermal fillers differ from BOTOX®, you have a better understanding of how each works.

So if you’re interested in achieving a more youthful appearance through one or the other, contact us today for a free consultation. If you’re opting for a dermal filler, the surgeon will sit down with you to determine the best type and volume needed based on your aesthetic goals.

Maintaining Healthy Skin During Winter

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Ah, winter. It’s a wonderful time to get cozy, bundle up, snuggle into the blankets, and sip a warm beverage. But the cold and dry air is not so wonderful for your skin. Especially if you have dry skin.

And since much of your body is undercover in the colder months, it’s easy to forget about maintaining healthy skin during winter. But not doing so can result in some uncomfortable and even unsightly repercussions.

So what sorts of changes should you make?

How to Keep Healthy Skin During Winter

You don’t want to wait until your skin starts itching, chapping, or getting blotchy before you take care of it this season. So if you want to keep your skin supple and healthy during these sometimes brutal months, pay attention to the following eight tips:

  1. Cleanse and Exfoliate

Whatever you were using to clean your skin over the summer could have been very drying. Especially if it contains Alpha or Beta Hydroxy Acids. Now that winter is here, it’s time to swap out those cleansers with high quality hydrating cleansers that have moisturizing ingredients. Cream-based cleansers are usually your best bet.

Also, scale down your use of toners and astringents since they contain alcohol and can zap moisture from your skin.

Finally, don’t forget gentle exfoliating this time of year. This is a surefire way to assist with cellular turnover and slough off dead winter skin without drying it out. Plus, exfoliated skin will better absorb moisturizers. Speaking of which…

  1. Moisturize

The above mentioned high quality cleansers will be more effective if paired with top-of-the-line serums and moisturizers. Serums with vitamin C and resveratrol help to brighten skin that’s grown dull during winter. And adding hyaluronic acid (HA) to your moisturizer will give a serious boost in hydration. HA is able to grab moisture and hold onto it so the skin can absorb it.

Finally, don’t forget that moisturizing is also an inside job. Be sure you’re drinking plenty of water throughout the winter to help hydrate your skin.

  1. Then Moisturize Some More…

It’s also helpful to add moisture to your home environment. If you don’t have one already, invest in a humidifier. Some integrate right into your existing heat system, but you can also purchase portable and even table top models. The skin absorbs moisture that’s pumped into the air.

Additionally, to maintain moisture in the air, keep your thermostat between 68°F and 72°F. Any higher than that and the heat counteracts the moisture and has a drying effect.

  1. Ditch Long, Hot Showers and Baths

There may be close to nothing that sounds so luxurious and satisfying as a long hot bath or shower when the snow is flying sideways outside the window. Unfortunately, there’s almost nothing that will dry your skin faster than these.

Hot water sucks moisture from your skin. So stick with a five or ten minute lukewarm shower to keep your skin healthy during winter. Then dry yourself quickly, moisturize, and find a cozy blanket to warm yourself.

  1. Use Oils Sparingly

Just as a hot shower might sound perfect, it may seem logical to slather your dry skin with oil. But some dermatologists feel that using oils on your skin everyday can damage your lipid barrier and exacerbate certain skin conditions.

This isn’t to say that you should never use oil. Instead, on those days when you’re feeling especially dry, incorporate a little jojoba or avocado oil into your regular moisturizer or night cream.

  1. Add Omegas to Your Diet

When making that extra effort to drink more water, consider swallowing down a supplement with omega 3, 6, and 9 once per day. Omegas go a long way toward maintaining healthy cell membranes. This, in turn, enables cells to hold water and support more supple and radiant skin.

  1. Stay Active

It’s so tempting to go into hibernation mode during the winter. Who wants to go out in the cold when a warm blanket awaits? Still, an important part of maintaining healthy skin is boosting circulation. And if you’re spending copious amounts of time on the couch binge-watching your favorite series, your skin (among other body parts) is going to pay.

You don’t need to sign up for a winter sports league or anything. Even just a 30-minute walk three times per week can do wonders for the skin. And it might give you a new appreciation for winter.

  1. Keep Using SPF

If you recently pushed your SPF lotion to the back of the cupboard or cabinet, you’ll need to put it back front and center. Remember that oftentimes your face, neck, and hands are still exposed to the sun. And during the winter months when the sun reflects off snow, it can be especially damaging to the skin.

So slap on the sunscreen all winter. And retain more of that youthful glow.

Life Is Tough on the Skin

Focusing on keeping healthy skin during winter is an effective way to slow down premature aging. So commit to using high-quality skincare products all year long.

And if time has already taken a toll on your skin, don’t hesitate to contact us about the options available to you. There are so many and we’d love to discuss them with your during your free consultation.

In the meantime, stay warm!

Brighten Your Face With a Brow Lift

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Over the years, you may have noticed wrinkling across the forehead or heaviness around the brow. Then again, it may be happening so gradually that you don’t even notice it. But others might.

Whatever the case, that heavy brow can leave you looking much older than you truly are. It may even give you an appearance of being sad, tired, or angry! Nobody wants that.

So why not brighten your face with a brow lift? Also known as a forehead lift, this procedure will lift your eyebrows to give you a lighter, happier, and fully refreshed appearance.

Reasons to Brighten Your Face With a Brow Lift

Obviously, if you’re not truly unhappy or angry, there’s no need to look like you are. Furthermore, wouldn’t you love to have a return to the natural shape of your eyes?

A brow lift will give you just that. Not only will it open and restore that natural shape, but it will smooth forehead wrinkles and bring balance to the upper and lower face for a brighter appearance.

So how is this done? All it takes is the removal of excess skin bunching and a possible repositioning of the skin and muscles around the brow.

Different Types of Brow Lifts

A brow lift is personalized to your specifications. In addition to your own aesthetic goals, your plastic surgeon will consider your hairline position, hair type, degree of lift needed, and your individual facial characteristics to determine which type is right for you.

  1. Endoscopic

If you’ve noticed the heaviness in your brow before it’s gotten too serious, the surgeon will likely recommend an endoscopic brow lift. With this minimally invasive technique, a series of small incisions are performed and endoscopic cameras are utilized to provide detailed visualization. With this procedure, tissue is suspended rather than removed.

  1. Coronal

If you have more serious sagging and a low hairline, a coronal brow lift is ideal. In this procedure, the incision extends from above the ear over to the opposite ear and is hidden by the hair. It delivers long lasting results with a natural appearance.

  1. Pretrichial

For patients with high hairlines, a pretrichial brow lift will, contrary to its name, actually lower the hairline while providing a fuller look to the hair. The carefully designed incision is inconspicuous as it follows the hairline on its natural course.

In all cases, a brow lift tightens loose skin of the forehead, reduces wrinkling, and raises drooping brows. In some cases, part of the muscle that’s responsible for frown lines between the brows is removed or trimmed.

What To Expect After Surgery

Pain after surgery is minimal and typically requires only OTC pain relievers. In some cases, mild pain medication may be required and will be carefully prescribed and monitored by the doctor.

Most patients return to work in four to seven days following a brow lift. A return to exercise is usually advised within two to four weeks. Your results will vary and you can discuss your recovery plan with your doctor.

Seeking a More Youthful Expression?

If so, then it might be time to rejuvenate and brighten your face with a brow lift.

Contact us today to get a free consultation with our team of professionals. They’ll determine the ideal brow lift for your situation. They may even recommend additional procedures such as an eyelid lift or BOTOX® treatments to maximize the results of your brow lift.

Get ready to glow again!